How to write an application requesting study certificate from college and school. Here we have provided their format and sample.
1. Write a Sample application for college study certificate.
Rajesh Kumar
456, Green Park,
Delhi – 110001
Phone: 9876543210
Date: January 23, 2025
The Principal,
Silverbrook College of Engineering
123 Innovation Lane,
Subject: Application for College Study Certificate
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am Rajesh Kumar, a former student of your college, having completed my Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science in 2023 from the Department of Computer Science. I am writing to kindly request the issuance of a College Study Certificate for my academic records.
The certificate is required for my higher studies application at a university abroad, and I would be grateful if you could process this request at the earliest. I have attached a copy of my enrollment ID (No. 12345) and my academic transcripts for your reference.
I kindly request you to issue the certificate and let me know if there are any formalities I need to complete.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your kind assistance in this matter.
Rajesh Kumar
Enrollment Number: 12345
2. Write a Sample letter for study certificate to the headmaster of School.
Priya Sharma
45, Sunrise Road,
Lucknow – 226010
Phone: 9876543210
Date: January 20, 2025
The Headmaster,
Springdale School
12, Sector 5,
Lucknow – 226010
Subject: Application for Study Certificate
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am Priya Sharma, a former student of your school, having completed my Class 12 in 2023 from the Science stream. I am writing to kindly request the issuance of a Study Certificate for my academic records.
The certificate is required for my college admission process, and I would be grateful if you could process this request at the earliest. I have attached a copy of my school ID card and my mark sheet for your reference.
I kindly request you to issue the study certificate and inform me of any formalities or fees involved.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your kind assistance in this matter.
Priya Sharma
Roll Number: 12345
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