Writing a Acknowledgement for Assignment Format and Samples

Here we have provided how to write acknowledgement for college assignment single , group assignments and school assignments. Format and Samples are provided here.

1. Write a letter Acknowledgment for college assignment individual Assignments.

I, Danish Choudhary, a student of B.Sc. Computer Science, Roll Number: 12345, at ABC College of Technology, would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and acknowledgment for the successful completion of my individual assignment on “Data Structures and Algorithms.”

I would like to extend my special thanks to my professor, Dr. Ramesh Verma, for providing valuable guidance and support throughout the process. His insights and suggestions have been instrumental in helping me understand the topic in depth.

Additionally, I would like to thank my peers for their constant encouragement and feedback during the preparation of the assignment.

I am also grateful to the college library and the online database “IEEE Xplore” for making the necessary resources available to complete this assignment effectively.

This assignment has allowed me to deepen my understanding of data structures, algorithm design, and their practical applications, and I am thankful for the opportunity to work on it.

Yours sincerely,
Danish Choudhary
B.Sc. Computer Science
Roll Number: 12345
ABC College of Technology

2. Write a letter Acknowledgment Sample for assignment – Group assignment.


We, the undersigned, students of B.A. (Hons) Economics, Section B, at S.D Group of College, would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude and acknowledgment for the successful completion of our group assignment on “The Impact of Globalization on Emerging Economies.”

We would like to extend our special thanks to our professor, Dr. Neha Sharma, for her valuable guidance, constructive feedback, and constant support throughout the course of this assignment. Her expert advice was essential in helping us shape our research and analysis.

We also wish to express our gratitude to the college library staff for their assistance in accessing relevant research materials and to our peers and mentors for their encouragement and feedback during group discussions.

Lastly, we are grateful to each member of the group for their commitment and hard work, contributing to the timely completion of this project. The collaborative effort of all members—Ankit Dhiman, Riya Singh, Rahul Verma, and Aditi Mehta—helped make this project a success.

This assignment provided us with an opportunity to deepen our understanding of globalization and its effects on emerging markets, and we are thankful for the opportunity to work as a team on this research.

Group Members:
Ankit Dhiman (Roll No. 101)
Riya Singh (Roll No. 102)
Rahul Verma (Roll No. 103)
Aditi Mehta (Roll No. 104)
B.A. (Hons) Economics, Section B
S.D Groups of College

3. Write a letter Acknowledgment for Assignment Example Individual School Assignment.


I, Ankit Dhiman, a student of Class 10, at St. Mary’s Convent School, would like to acknowledge and express my gratitude for the successful completion of my individual assignment on “The Role of Renewable Energy in Sustainable Development.”

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my subject teacher, Mr. Suresh Kumar, for his valuable guidance and support throughout the preparation of this assignment. His suggestions and constant encouragement greatly helped in shaping my understanding of the topic.

I also wish to thank the school library and online resources for providing the necessary materials, without which this assignment would not have been completed effectively.

Lastly, I am thankful to my parents for their continuous support and motivation during this assignment process.

This assignment has greatly enhanced my knowledge of renewable energy and its role in sustainable development, and I am grateful for the opportunity to explore this important topic.

Yours sincerely,
Ankit Dhiman
Class 10
Roll No: 23
St. Mary’s Convent School


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