Interjection Definition and Examples in Hindi

Concept related to Interjections are necessary to learn for English Grammar and spoken English. Here we have provided the concepts in Hindi and English language both. Understand them and boost your learning.

इन वाक्यों को ध्यान से देखें –

Alas! The cat is dead.

Oh! I have burnt my finger.

Ah! Have they gone?

Hurrah! We have won the match.

Hello! What are you doing here?

Bravo! Go On.

ऊपर आए शब्द Alas, Oh, Ah, Hurrah, Hello और Bravo पर विचार करें | Alas और Oh से अत्याधिक दुख, Ah से तीव्र निराशा तथा Hurrah/Hello/Bravo से अत्याधिक उल्लास का बोध होता है | स्पष्टत ये शब्द मन के भीतर उठ रहे भावों की तीव्र अभिव्यक्ति के सुचक हैं, जो अचानक हमारे मुख से निकल पड़ते हैं ऐसे शब्दों को Grammar की भाषा में Interjections कहते हैं |

Definition: Interjections वह शब्द है, जिससे आकस्मिक प्रसन्नता, दुख, आश्चर्य या मन का कोई अन्य भाव व्यक्त होता है |

* An interjections is a word which express some sudden feeling or emotion .

Examples: Alas, Oh, Ah, Hurrah, Hello, Bravo, Hush, etc.


Direction: What part of speech is each of the words in these sentences?

N. = Noun
Adj. = Adjective
Conj. = Conjunction
Pro. = Pronoun
Adv. = Adverb
V. = Verb
Prep. = Preposition
Arti. = Articles

(a) Ram ( N.) is (V.) a (Art.) very (Adv.) good ( Adj. ) boy ( N. )

(b) Sita (N. ) and (Conj.) Geeta (N. ) are ( V. ) going ( V.) to (Pre.) Delhi. (N.)

(c) Oh! ( Inter.) I (Pro. ) have (V.) cut (V. ) my (Adj.) finger (N. )

1. He is my father.

2. Ram has a cat.

3. These are beautifully.

4. Who are you?

5. Each boy had a pen.

6. The poor girl had no money.

7. This book is mine.

8. She writes beautifully.

9. He will come today.

10. Where is Mala?

11. I am going to school?

12. Ram and Shayam know this.

13. Do or die.

14. May I come in?

15. Alas! My dog is dead.

16. Hurrah! I have won the match.

17. I know that she can’t help me.

18. Ram is poor but honest.

19. You will pass if you work hard. .

20. Stay till Sunday.

1.He is my father.
Pro. V. Pro. N.

2. Ram has a cat.
N. V. Art. N.

3. These are beautifully.
Pro. V. Adv.

4. Who are you?
Pro. V. Pro.

5. Each boy had a pen.
Adj. N. V. Art. N.

6. The poor girl had no money.
Art. Adj. N. V. Adj. N.

7. This book is mine.
Pro. N. V. Pro.

8. She writes beautifully.
Pro. V. Adv.

9. He will come today.
Pro. V. V. Adv.

10. Where is Mala?
Adv. V. N.

11. I am going to school.
Pro. V. V. Prep. N.

12. Ram and Shayam know this.
N. Conj. N. V. Pro.

13. Do or die.
V. Conj. V.

14. May I come in?
V. Pro. V. Prep.

15. Alas! My dog is dead.
Interj. Pro. N. V. Adj.

16. Hurrah! I have won the match.
Interj. Pro. V. V. Art. N..

17. I know that she can’t help me.
Pro. V. Conj. Pro. V. V. Pro.

18. Ram is poor but honest.
N. V. Adj. Conj. Adj.

19. You will pass if you work hard.
Pro. V. V. Conj. Pro. V. Adv.

20. Stay till Sunday.
V. Prep. N.