Conjunctions is one of the most important concepts of English Grammar and Spoken English. Here we have presented Conjunctions concept in Hindi and English both. Enjoy the contents.
इन वाक्यों को ध्यान से देखें –
(a) Ram and Shyam are brothers.
(b) Early to bed early to rise is a good habit.
(c) You will pass if you work hard.
(d) Rita is simple but Geeta is clever.
इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द and, if और but पर विचार करें | ये दो words/phrases/clauses/sentences को जोड़ने का काम कर रहे हैं | पुन: यहाँ ध्यान देनेवाली बात यह है कि ये सिर्फ जोड़ने का काम कर रहे है, जोड़ने के अलावा और कुछ नहीं कर रहे हैं| ऐसे connecting words को Grammar की भाषा में Conjunctions कहते हैं |
Definition: Conjunction वह शब्द है, जो शब्दों, शब्द-समूहों, वाक्याशों, उपवाक्यों या वाक्यों को जोड़ता है |
* A conjunction is a word used to join words, phrases, clauses or sentence together.
Examples: and, but, or, because, therefore, although, though, yet, still, as well as, otherwise, when, if , after, since, before, as, unless, while, as if, whether, where, so, that, until, till, either…… or, neither … nor, not only … but also, both… and, etc.
Note: Relative Pronouns, Relative Adverbs तथा Prepositions भी connecting words हैं | ऐसे अनेक connecting words हैं जिनका प्रयोग विभिन्न वाक्यों में Relative Pronoun, Relative Adverbs या Preposition के रूप में होता है, साथ ही Pure Conjunction के रूप में भी होता है इस परिस्थिति में आपको यह जानना है कि अभीष्ट शब्द Conjunction है या नहीं | इस संदर्भ में आप इतना ध्यान रखें कि Conjunction जोड़ने का काम करता है, इसके अलावा अन्य कोई काम नहीं करता है, जबकि Relative Pronoun दो clauses को जोड़ने के साथ-साथ अपने पूर्व आए Noun/Pronoun का संबंध अपने बाद आनेवाले clauses के verbs को modify करता है तथा Preposition जिस Noun/Noun Equivalent के पहले प्रयुक्त रहता है, उसका संबंध वाक्य के किसी दुसरे शब्द या शब्दों से कराता है |
इस प्रकार यह स्पष्ट है कि सिर्फ जोड़ने का काम करता है जबकि अन्य कार्य भी करतें हैें इन्हें ध्यान से देखें और समझें –
1. This is the book that I bought yesterday. (that-relative pronoun)
2. I know that he was innocent. (that-conjunction)
3. This is the house where he lived. (where – relative adverb)
4. He found the watch where he had left it. (where conjunction)
5. I have been busy since Monday. (since-preposition)
6. We shall go since you desire it. (since-conjunction)
Note: एक ही शब्द किसी वाक्य में Conjunction के रुप में प्रयुक्त हो सकता है तो दुसरे वाक्य में अन्य Part of speech के रुप में, जैसे –
1. The train had started before we reached the station. (before-conjunction)
2. He stood before the gate. (before -preposition)
3. I have not seen this before. (before-adverb)
4. I will not let you go except you give me some money. (except-conjunction)
5. If we except Hari all are to be blamed (except-verb)
Conjunction मुख्यत: दो प्रकार के होता हैं –
(a) Co-ordinating conjunction
(b) Subordinating Conjunction
(a) Co-ordinating Conjunction: एक ही स्तर के दो items को जोड़नेवाला Conjunction, Co-ordinating Conjunction कहलाता है |
* The conjunction which joins two items of equal rank is called a co-ordinating conjunction.
Examples: and, but, or, also, yet, still, too, as well as, otherwise, either …. or, neither … nor, not only … but also, both … and …
इन वाक्यों में मोटे अक्षरों में छपे हुए शब्द Co-ordinating Conjunctions हैं –
Ram and Shyam are friends.
Give me a pen or a pencil.
Ram is poor but honest.
Either Ram or Geeta is to blamed.
Geeta is dancing and Reeta is singing.
[ Explanation: उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में और एक ही स्तर (Noun & Noun) के दो शब्द हैं | अत: इन्हे जोड़ने वाला ‘and’ Co-ordinating conjunction कहलाएगा | पुन: आगे के चार वाक्यों मेें भी जिन दो items को अलग-अलग जोड़ा गया है वे क्रमश: Noun & Noun Adjective & Adjective, Noun & Noun हैं | सबसे अंत में ‘and’ दो sentences को जोड़ता है | जो एक ही स्तर के है | अत: उपर्युक्त सभी conjunctions Co-ordinating conjunction है ]
(b) Subordinating Conjunction: जो Conjunctions Subordinate Clause को Principal Clause से जोड़ता है, Subordinating Conjunction कहलाता है |
* The conjunction which joins a subordinate clause to a principal clause is called a subordinating conjunction.
Examples: when, if, that, whether, after, before, because, unless, until, till, so, since, while, where, etc.
इन वाक्यों में bold words Subordinating Conjunctions हैं –
He said that he was absent.
You will pass if you work hard.
I like him because he is honest.
[Explanation: subordinate Clause को Dependent Clause भी कहते हैं | इसका अर्थ होता है – आश्रित उपवाक्य | ऐसा Clause जो अपना अर्थ पूरा करने के लिए वाक्य के दूसरे भाग पर निर्भर हो, वह Subordinate Clause कहलाता है तथा अभीष्ट दूसरा भाग Principal Clause कहलाता है | ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में that, if और because से जो Clauses शुरु हुए हैं, वे Subordinate Clause हैं | अत: that, if और because Subordinating Conjunctions कहलाएँगे |]
Direction: Pick out the conjunctions in these sentences and say what kind of conjunction they are-
(a) Two and two makes four. (and __ co-ordinating conjunction)
(b) Mohan is a boy and Sita is a girl. (and__ co-ordinating conjunction)
(c) Do or die. (or__ co-ordinating conjunction)
(d) Either he is mad or he is foolish. (either… or __ co-ordinating conjunction )
(e) I shall help him if he comes to me. (if___ subordinating conjunction)
(f) He stood before the gate. (no conjunction)
(g) This is the place where he lives. (no conjunction)
1. Both Ram and Shyam are poor.
2. Give me a pen or a pencil.
3. She was playing and dancing.
4. My friend is poor but honest.
5. Give me either tea or coffee.
6. I like neither him nor her.
7. Ram is here but Geeta is there.
8. Ram as well as his sons is laborious.
9. Don’t go before I come.
10. If you work hard you will not come.
11. He is poor because he has no money.
12. I know that he will not come.
13. He has been sleeping since morning.
14. We shall go since you desire it.
15. Stay till Monday.
16. We shall stay here till he returns.
17. This is the place where he was killed.
18. I know where he was killed.
19. This is the book that I bought yesterday.
20. He said that he could do.
1. Both…and – Co-ordinating conjunction
2. Or – Co-ordinating conjunction
3. And – Co-ordinating conjunction
4. But – Co-ordinating conjunction
5. Either…or – Co-ordinating conjunction
6. Neither…nor – Co-ordinating conjunction
7. But – Co-ordinating conjunction
8. As well as – Co-ordinating conjunction
9. Before – Subordinating conjunction
10. If – Subordinating conjunction
11. Because – Subordinating conjunction
12. That – Subordinating conjunction
13. Since – Subordinating conjunction
14. Since – Subordinating conjunction
15. Till – Subordinating conjunction
16. Till – Subordinating conjunction
17. Where – Subordinating conjunction
18. Where – Subordinating conjunction
19. That – Subordinating conjunction
20. That – Subordinating conjunction