Class 8 Supplement to Elementary English Grammar and Composition : 11 to 15 Answers

Class 8 Supplement to Elementary English Grammar and Composition : 11 to 15 Answers from the book N.K Aggarwala for CBSE and ICSE students.

11 Adverbs

11.B Read the following sentences. If the highlighted word is an adjective write ADJ, and if it is an adverbs, write ADV.

1. The cheese on this cracker testes strange. ______________________________
2. I go to the gym regularly. _________________________
3. She gazed at me with empty eyes. _______________________
4. Have you eaten an apple lately? ______________________________
5. The dog howled wildly in its cage. ______________________
6. I think that both sides are even now. _____________________________
7. The instructor arrived promptly at eight. ____________________________
8. Our regular office hours are Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. _________________________
9. The teams were matched evenly. ________________________
10. The homemade food was quite tasty. _______________________________

1. The cheese on this cracker tastes strange. ADJ
2. I go to the gym regularly. ADV
3. She gazed at me with empty eyes. ADJ
4. Have you eaten an apple lately? ADV
5. The dog howled wildly in its cage. ADV
6. I think that both sides are even now. ADJ
7. The instructor arrived promptly at eight. ADV
8. Our regular office hours are Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. ADJ
9. The teams were matched evenly. ADV
10. The homemade food was quite tasty. ADJ

13 Prepositions

13.B Work in pairs and perform the activity. Ask your partner the following things in the table and complete it.

Find someone who……Name More information
… usually wakes up early in the morning
… has a birthday in November
… Often goes out on Saturday evening.
…goes on holiday in the summer.
… gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning.
…plays a sport at the weekend.
…usually gets home at 5 o’clock
…drinks coffee in the afternoon.
… works or studies on Saturady.


Find someone who…NameMore information
usually wakes up early in the morning
has a birthday in November
often goes out on Saturday evening
goes on holiday in the summer
gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning
plays a sport at the weekend
usually gets home at 5 o’clock
drinks coffee in the afternoon
works or studies on Saturday

You and your partner can fill in the table with names and more information as you ask these questions.

14 Phrasal Verbs

14.A Perform this activity in pairs. One student will read out the phrasal verb and its meaning, while the other student will write different sentences using the same phrasal verb in their notebook.

Put on
Put something on the stove.
I’ll put the kettle on for tea.
Take down
Remove ( a picture or object) from the wall.
She made us take down all the pictures.
Hang up
Put your clothes on a hanger to hang in the closet.
We hang our clothes up in closet.
Put away
Put items into proper place.
Please put away your clothes.
Turn off
Cause the power of (an electronic device) to stop
It’s too noisy. Turn off the Tv please!!
Clean up
Remove the dirt, stanis and unwanted materials.
We spent Saturday morning cleaning up.
Put up
Attach object to the wall to hang.
I will put up this picture to the wall.
Turn on
Give power to an electronic device to start.
Do you want me to turn the lamp on?

Put on:

  • She will put on her coat before leaving the house.
  • I forgot to put on my shoes this morning.

Take down:

  • Please take down the decorations after the party.
  • I had to take down the shelf to repaint the wall.

Hang up:

  • Can you hang up the new curtains in the living room?
  • I always hang up my jacket when I get home.

Put away:

  • After you finish eating, please put away the dishes.
  • He put away all his toys before bedtime.

Turn off:

  • Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave.
  • Turn off the computer before you go to bed.

Clean up:

  • After the party, we had to clean up the mess.
  • She cleaned up the kitchen after cooking dinner.

Put up:

  • We need to put up the holiday decorations this weekend.
  • She put up a new notice on the bulletin board.

Turn on:
Please turn on the heater, it’s getting cold.
Can you turn on the air conditioner? It’s really hot in here.

15. Structure of Sentences

15. A In each of the following sentences, underline the subjects once and the predicate twice.

1. Fables such as “Little Red Riding Hood” have given wolves a bad reputation.
2. Ranchers in areas with wolves dislike the animals for attacking their livestock.
3. In the city lived many poor people.
4. Out of the woods came a bear.
5. Just around the corner was the parade.
6. in the fall, the leaves cover the ground.
7. Their sudden appearance quickly aroused the townspeople’s curiosity.
8. With keen interest, the townspeople observed the prospector’s movements.
9. Nobody in the town knew anything about the strangers.
10. The children’s books and backpacks were stolen while they were at lunch.
11. The Zoo and the ice cream store are my favourite destinations.
12. The teacher and her assistant told the student and his parents that there would be a quiz in the next week.

1. Fables such as “Little Red Riding Hood” have given wolves a bad reputation.
Subject: Fables such as “Little Red Riding Hood”
Predicate: have given wolves a bad reputation.
2. Ranchers in areas with wolves dislike the animals for attacking their livestock.
Subject: Ranchers in areas with wolves
Predicate: dislike the animals for attacking their livestock.
3. In the city lived many poor people.
Subject: In the city
Predicate: lived many poor people.
4. Out of the woods came a bear.
Subject: Out of the woods
Predicate: came a bear.
5. Just around the corner was the parade.
Subject: Just around the corner
Predicate: was the parade.
6. In the fall, the leaves cover the ground.
Subject: the leaves
Predicate: cover the ground.
7. Their sudden appearance quickly aroused the townspeople’s curiosity.
Subject: Their sudden appearance
Predicate: quickly aroused the townspeople’s curiosity.
8. With keen interest, the townspeople observed the prospector’s movements.
Subject: the townspeople
Predicate: observed the prospector’s movements.
9. Nobody in the town knew anything about the strangers.
Subject: Nobody in the town
Predicate: knew anything about the strangers.
10. The children’s books and backpacks were stolen while they were at lunch.
Subject: The children’s books and backpacks
Predicate: were stolen while they were at lunch.
11. The Zoo and the ice cream store are my favourite destinations.
Subject: The Zoo and the ice cream store
Predicate: are my favourite destinations.
12. The teacher and her assistant told the student and his parents that there would be a quiz in the next week.
Subject: The teacher and her assistant
Predicate: told the student and his parents that there would be a quiz in the next week.

15.B Work in pairs. One student will rewrite the following sentences by changing the position of direct and indirect objects. Then his/her partner will replace the indirect objects with personal pronouns.

1. Grandma will cook my friends a delicious meal.
2. Did Ravi bring Rahul the new book?
3. Mom left Sunita with two oranges.
4. The teacher told the students funny stories.
5. Who will lend my brother some money?
6. Gagan gave Tarun a ride a ride to the station.
7. The teacher gave the class a new project.
8. My mom bought my brother a new dress.
9. They bought my parents some CDs.
10. Tanuj showed Ms Sharma his project.

1. Direct and Indirect Objects Switched:
Grandma will cook a delicious meal for my friends.
With Pronouns: Grandma will cook a delicious meal for them.
2. Direct and Indirect Objects Switched:
Did Ravi bring the new book to Rahul?
With Pronouns: Did Ravi bring the new book to him?
3. Direct and Indirect Objects Switched:
Mom left two oranges with Sunita.
With Pronouns: Mom left two oranges with her.
4. Direct and Indirect Objects Switched:
The teacher told funny stories to the students.
With Pronouns: The teacher told funny stories to them.
5. Direct and Indirect Objects Switched:
Who will lend some money to my brother?
With Pronouns: Who will lend some money to him?
6. Direct and Indirect Objects Switched:
Gagan gave a ride to Tarun to the station.
With Pronouns: Gagan gave a ride to him to the station.
7. Direct and Indirect Objects Switched:
The teacher gave a new project to the class.
With Pronouns: The teacher gave a new project to them.
8. Direct and Indirect Objects Switched:
My mom bought a new dress for my brother.
With Pronouns: My mom bought a new dress for him.
9. Direct and Indirect Objects Switched:
They bought some CDs for my parents.
With Pronouns: They bought some CDs for them.
10. Direct and Indirect Objects Switched:
Tanuj showed his project to Ms. Sharma.
With Pronouns: Tanuj showed his project to her.