Chapter wise English Grammar in Hindi with definition, example, and exercises with answers. The step by step lesson for English learning is usefully Hindi Medium students preparing for competitive exams. The English Learning is also important for self personality development for a better future.
Chapter wise English Grammar in Hindi
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Adjectives is one of the important concepts of English Grammar and Spoken English. Here we have presented our content in Hindi and English, which provides all the needed learning.
इन वाक्यों को देखें –
It is a good pen. He is brave. That is a fast train. They are bad persons. Milk is sweet. Sohan is not lazy. She is beautiful. A black cow was grazing.
इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द good, fast, bad, beautiful, brave, sweet, lazy औऱ black विचार करें | ये शब्द वाक्यों में Noun/Pronoun की विशेषता बताते हैं | ऐसे शब्दों को Grammar की भाषा में Adjectives कहते हैं |
Definition : Adjective वह शव्द है, जो किसी Noun या Pronoun की विशेषता बताता है |
* An adjective qualifies a noun or a pronoun. * An adjectives is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun of a pronoun.
ऊपर दी गई परिभाषा से यह स्पष्ट है कि Adjective एक describing word है | यह Noun और Pronoun की विशेषता बताता है |
Note : some, food, all thing, much, water, several questions, six boys, any boys, this book, which boy, her sister, each man, what work, इत्यादि expressions में some, all, much, several, six, any, this, which, her, each और what Adjectives के रूप में प्रयुक्त की विशेषता बताते है | ऐसे Adjectives को आसानी इनके स्थानों से पहचाना जा सकता है | जैसे, इन वाक्यों पर विचार करें –
I have red pens. I have a lot of pens. I have six pens. I have several pens.
यहाँ red तो Adjective है ही; a lot of, six और several भी Adjectives है, क्योंकि ये किसी भी सामान्य Adjective की भाँति Noun के ठीक पहले प्रयुक्त हुए हैं |
Kinds of the Adjectives: Adjective के निम्नलिखित प्रमुख भेद हैं 1. Adjectives of Quality (गुणवाचक विशेषण) 2. Adjectives of Quantity (परिमाणवाचक विशेषण) 3. Adjectives of Number (संख्यावाचक विशेषण) 4. Demonstrative Adjectives (संकेतवाचक विशेषण) 5. Possessive Adjectives (सबंधवाचक विशेषण) 6. Distributive Adjectives (व्यष्टिवाचक विशेषण) 7. Interrogative Adjectives (प्रश्नवाचक विशेषण) 8. Proper Adjectives (व्यक्तिवाचक विशेषण) 9. Emphasizing Adjectives 10. Exclamatory Adjectives
1. Adjectives of Quality
Adjectives of Quality से किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के गुण का बोध होता है |
* Adjectives of quality show the quality of a person or thing.
इन शब्दों में से कुछ का प्रयोग इन वाक्यों में देखें –
Ram is a good boy. The table is long. It is very cold. She is beautiful. The pen is red. He was a kind man.
2. Adjectives of Quantity
Adjectives of Quantity से मात्रा या परिणाम का बोध होता है | * Adjectives of Quantity show how much of a thing is meant.
इन वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त some (कुछ), much (अधिक), little (नहीं के बराबर), whole (पुरा), all (सब), enough (पर्याप्त), और a lot of (बहुत) Adjectives of Quantity हैंं –
He had some/little/no/enough/a lot of rice. The whole money was distributed. He did not eat any rice.
Note : ऐसे और भी कई Adjectives of Quantity हैं यहाँ एक बात विशेष रूप से रखनी है कि Adjectives of Quantity से मात्रा या परीणाम का बोध होता है, संख्या का नहीं इनमें से all, no, some, इत्यादि कुछ ऐसे शब्द है | जिनका प्रयोग संख्या का बोध कराने में भी होता है | वैसी स्थिति में Adjectives के रूप में जब इनका प्रयोग होता है, तब इन्हें Adjectives of Number कहा जाता है जैसे, इन वाक्यों में some, all और no Adjectives of Number हैं –
Some boys are absent today. All men are mortal. There are no pictures in this book.
3. Adjectives of Number
Adjectives of Number से व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं की संख्या या क्रम का बोध होता है
* Adjectives of number show how many persons or things are meant, or in what order a person stands.
इन वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त few, no, many, some, enough, several, all, one, two, first और second Adjectives of Number हैं –
He had few/no/many/some/several/enough/two horses. All men must die. The cat has one tail ant two eyes. He was the first/second man.
ऐसे ही अनेक Adjective of Number है | इनमें से कुछ का प्रयोग मात्रा या परिणाम का बोध कराने में भी होता है ऐसी स्थिति में जब ये Adjective के रूप में प्रयुक्त होते है, तब इन्हें Adjectives of Quantity कहा जाता हैं |
Note1. Adjectives of Number के अंतर्गत आनेवाले शब्द one, two, three, four etc को Cardinals तथा first, second, third, fourth, fifth, six, etc. को ordinals कहते हैं |
Note 2. Adjectives of Quantity और Adjectives of Number में कुछ शब्द ऐसे हैं जिनका प्रयोग Pronoun के रूप में भी होता है, पंरतु इस स्थिति में इनके साथ कोई Noun प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता जैसे –
Some are born great. Many of them were killed. Any of them could do. Few escaped unhurt. All is/are mortal. One should do one’s duty.
Note 3.
I have some milk. (some-adjective of quantity) I have some mangoes. (some – adjective of number) Some of them are absent. (some -Indefinite pronoun)
Direction: Tell which adjectives in the following sentences are adjectives of quality/adjectives of quantity /adjectives of number –
(a) He was an old man. (old-Adjective of Quality)
(b) Some boys are coming today. (some-Adjective of Number)
(c) Some water might be there. (some -Adjective of Quantity)
(d) Some are born great. (some-Pronoun great- Adjectives of Quality)
1. All men must die.
2. some boys are playing.
3. I have some milk.
4. Some are ill.
5. There are six boys in the class.
6. He asked me several questions.
7. He was third man.
8. The poor man had no money.
9. There were no horses there.
10. Many persons have not much money.
11. I did not take any tea.
12. I have enough books, but not enough time.
13. He has little knowledge.
14. Many of them were foolish.
15. One must not praise oneself.
16. Each of us has one month and two ears.
17. All is mortal.
18. The rich man had a lot horses.
19. He had a lot of gold.
20. Few cats like cold water.
Answers: 1. All men must die. → All – Adjective of Number
2. Some boys are playing. → Some – Adjective of Number
3. I have some milk. → Some – Adjective of Quantity
4. Some are ill. → Some – Pronoun
5. There are six boys in the class. → Six – Adjective of Number
6. He asked me several questions. → Several – Adjective of Number
7. He was the third man. → Third – Adjective of Number
8. The poor man had no money. → Poor – Adjective of Quality
9. There were no horses there. → No – Adjective of Number
10. Many persons have not much money. → Many – Adjective of Number, Much – Adjective of Quantity
11. I did not take any tea. → Any – Adjective of Quantity
12. I have enough books, but not enough time. → Enough – Adjective of Number (for books), Adjective of Quantity (for time)
13. He has little knowledge. → Little – Adjective of Quantity
14. Many of them were foolish. → Many – Adjective of Number
15. One must not praise oneself. → One – Adjective of Number
16. Each of us has one mouth and two ears. → Each – Adjective of Number, One – Adjective of Number, Two – Adjective of Number
17. All is mortal. → All – Pronoun
18. The rich man had a lot of horses. → Rich – Adjective of Quality
19. He had a lot of gold. → A lot of – Adjective of Quantity
20. Few cats like cold water. → Few – Adjective of Number
Explanation: Adjectives of Number tell us how many or the order of something (e.g., six, many, third). Adjectives of Quality describe the kind or quality of a noun (e.g., old, poor). Adjectives of Quantity describe how much of something is meant (e.g., some, little).
4. Demonstrative Adjectives
जिस Adjective का प्रयोग व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं को सुचित, इंगित या निर्देशित करने के लिए किया जाता है, उसे Demonstrative Adjective कहा जाता है |
* The Adjective used to point out some persons or thing is called a demonstrative adjective.
This, That These Those और Such मुख्य Demonstrative Adjectives हैं आगे दिए गए वाक्यों में इनके प्रयोग को देखें –
This man will guide you. I did not like that woman. These/Those pens are mine. I hate such things.
Note: जब This, That, These. Those और Such के साथ कोई प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता, तब ये Demonstrative Pronouns कहलाते हैं | जैसे, इन वाक्यों में This, That, These, Those और Such Demonstrative Pronouns हैं –
This/That is Ram. These/Those are cats. Such was his reply.
5. Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives से अधिकार या सबंध का भाव व्यक्त होता है * Possessive adjectives show possession or relation.
my, our, your, his, her, its और their Possessive Adjectives हैं इन वाक्यों में इनके प्रयोग को देखें –
This is my/your/our/his/her/their school. Its colour is black. My mother is ill.
Note: his का प्रयोग Pronoun के रूप में भी होता है, किंतु इस स्थिति में इसके साथ कोई Noun प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता जैसे – This is his. This book is his.
6. Distributive Adjectives
जब each, every, either और neither के ठीक बाद कोई Noun प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब इन्हें Distributive Adjectives कहा जाता है |
* Each, every, either and neither are called distributive adjectives when they are followed by a noun.
इन वाक्यों में each, every, either और neither का प्रयोग Distributive Adjective के रूप में हुआ है –
Each boy had a pen. Every man has his own duty. Either pen will do. Neither way was safe.
Note: जब each, either और neither के साथ कोई Noun प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता, तब इन्हेंं Distributive Pronouns कहा जाता है | जैसे – इन वाक्यों में each, either और neither Distributive Pronoun के रूप में प्रयुक्त हुए हैं –
Each of the boys got a prize. Each took it in turn. Either of you can do. Neither of them won the match.
7. Interrogative Adjectives
जब what, which और whose किसी संज्ञा के साथ प्रयुक्त होकर प्रश्न किए जाने के काम आते हैं, तब इन्हें Interrogative Adjectives कहा जाता है |
* What, which and whose are called interrogative adjectives when they are used with nouns to ask questions.
इन वाक्यों में what, which और whose Interrogative Adjective के रूप में प्रयुक्त हुए हैं –
What question did the teacher ask? Which box is yours? Whose book is this?
Note: जैसा कि आप पहले देख चुके हैं, what, which और whose का प्रयोग Relative Pronoun और Interrogative Pronoun के रूप में भी होता है परंतु इस स्थिति में इनके साथ कोई Noun प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता |
8. Proper Adjectives
Proper Nouns से बने Adjectives को Proper Adjectives कहते हैं | * Adjectives made from proper nouns are called proper adjectives.
इन वाक्यों को देखें –
HE is an Indian student. Indian farmers are honest. American English is different from British English. Do you like the European culture?
इन वक्यों में आए शब्द India, America, British, और European Proper Adjectives हैं, ये Proper Nouns India, America, Britain और Europe से बने हैं |
9. Emphasizing Adjectives
Own, very, same, very same, इत्यादि ऐसे Adjectives हैं जो किसी Noun के पहले होकर उस Noun पर बल (emphasis) देते हैं | ऐसे Adjectives Emphasizing Adjectives कहलाते हैं |
* Own, very, same, very same, etc are such adjectives as are used to convey emphasis on the nouns that follow them. Such adjectives are called emphasizing adjectives.
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में इनके प्रयोग को देखें –
I saw them with my own eyes. (अपनी आँखो से ) This is the very book I wanted. (वही किताब ) This is the same book I wanted. (बिल्कुल वही किताब) HE lived in the very same house for ten years. (उसी घर में)
10. Exclamatory Adjectives
जब what का प्रयोग Adjectives की तरह किसी Exclamatory Sentence में होता है , तब इसे Exclamatory Adjective कहा जाता है |
* ‘What’ is called an exclamatory adjectives when it is used as an adjectives in an exclamatory sentence.
इन वाक्यों में What का प्रयोग Exclamatory Adjectives के रूप में किया गया है –
What folly! What an idea! What a piece of work is man!
Direction: Pick out all the adjectives in the following sentences, and say to which class each of them belongs-
This book is yours. (This-Demonstrative Adjective)
Which way shall we go? (Which-Interrogative Adjective)
1. Those books are hers.
2. Those are her books.
3. What is this?
4. Each boy has a pen.
5. Each of them got a prize.
6. Either of you can do this work.
7. We should love every man and woman.
8. What colour do you like?
9. Whose books are those?
10. Which is your pen?
11. He is an Indian.
12. He is an Indian farmer.
13. Mind your own business.
14. This is the very pen I wanted.
15. I have been using the same pen for two months.
16. What a men!
17. What folly!
18. I don’t like its colour.
19. What is good to me?
20. I have found the book which I had lost.
Answers: 1. Those (Demonstrative Adjective)
2. Those (Demonstrative Adjective), her (Possessive Adjective)
3. This (Demonstrative Adjective)
4. Each (Distributive Adjective)
5. Each (Distributive Adjective)
6. Either (Distributive Adjective)
7. Every (Distributive Adjective)
8. What (Interrogative Adjective)
9. Whose (Interrogative Adjective), those (Demonstrative Adjective)
10. Which (Interrogative Adjective), your (Possessive Adjective)
11. Indian (Proper Adjective)
12. Indian (Proper Adjective)
13. Your (Possessive Adjective), own (Emphasizing Adjective)
14. This (Demonstrative Adjective), very (Emphasizing Adjective)
15. Same (Demonstrative Adjective)
16. What (Exclamatory Adjective)
17. What (Exclamatory Adjective)
18. Its (Possessive Adjective)
19. Good (Descriptive Adjective)
20. The (Definite Article), which (Relative Adjective)
Direction: Encircle all the adjectives used in these sentences-
Adverb is one of the important part of English Grammar and Spoken English. So, It is necessary to give information about Adverb. Its knowledge is necessary for all English speakers and here it is presented in Hindi and English.
इन वाक्यों को देखें –
The child runs slowly.
She writes beautifully.
They fought bravely.
He is too old.
Ram is very kind.
She walked very slowly.
इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द slowly, beautifully, bravely, too और very पर विचार करें | ये क्रमश: runs (verb), writes (verb), fought (verb), old (adj.) तथा kind (adj.) & slowly (adv.) की विशेषता बता रहे है| ये अभीष्ट Verb/Adjective/Adverb के अर्थ को और अधिक स्पष्ट कर रहे हैं | ऐसे शब्दों को हम Grammar की भाषा में Adverbs कहते हैं |
Definition: Adverb वह शब्द है, जो किसी Verb, Adjective या दुसरे Adverb की विशेषता बताता है |
* An adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective or another adverb.
*An adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb an adjective or another adverb.
(a) He came yesterday. Came when (कब आया )? – yesterday
(b) He will come soon. will come when (कब आएगा)? – soon
स्पष्टत: yesterday और soon Adverbs of Time हैं |
2. Adverbs of Frequency: Adverbs of Frequency से बोध होता है कि किसी कार्य का संपादन ‘कितनी बार’ हुआ, होता है या होगा |
* Adverbs of frequency tell how often or how frequency an action is done.
Examples: never, always, once, twice, daily, regularly, again, seldom (बिरले ही ) occasionally (यदा-कदा, समय-समय पर), etc.
Note: क्रिया के साथ how often (कितनी बार) लगाकर प्रश्न करने पर जो शब्द उत्तर के रूप में आता है, वह Adverbs of Frequency कहलाता है | जैसे –
(a) He came here often twice. Came how often (कितनी बार आया) ? – twice
(b) I have always helped you. Helped how often (कितनी बार मदद की है)? – always
स्पष्टत: twice और always Adverbs of Frequency हैं |
3. Adverbs of Manner: Adverbs of Manner से यह बोध होता है कि क्रिया का संपादन किस ढंग से या कैसे होता है | * Adverbs of manner tell how or in what manner an action is done.
Examples: slowly, carefully, beautifully, sadly, bravely, loudly, quickly, fast (तेजी से ), hard (कड़ाई से), well (अच्छी तरह से ), etc.
Note: Verb के साथ how (कैसे) लगाकर प्रश्न करने पर जो शब्द उत्तर के रूप में आता है, वह adverb of Manner कहलाता है जैसे –
(a) She writes beautifully. Writes how (कैसे लिखती है) ?- beautifully (b) He runs fast. Runs how (कैसे दोड़ता है ) ?- fast
स्पष्टत: beautifully और fast adverbs of Manner हैं |
4. Adverbs of place : Adverbs of Place से कार्य के संपादन के स्थान का बोध होता है |
* Adverbs of place tell where or at what place an action is done.
Note: Verb के साथ (कहाँ) लगाकर प्रश्न करने पर जो शब्द उत्तर के रूप में आता हैं वह कहलाता है जैसे –
(a) Go there. Go there (कहाँ जाओ ) ? – outside
स्पष्टत : there और outside Adverbs of Place हैं |
5. Adverbs of Degree: Adverbs of Degree से यह बोध होता है कि किसी Action, Adjective या Adverb की तीव्रता किस हद तक या कितनी है |
* Adverbs of degree indicate the degree of intensity of an action or an adjectives or an adverb.
Examples: very, much, enough, too, quite (बिलकुल, नितांत), hardly (मुश्किल से), exactly (ठीक – ठीक), nearly (लगभग, करीब – करीब), almost (लगभग, करीब – करीब), etc.
Note: Verb के साथ how much/to what degree/to what extant (कितना/ कितनी) लगाकर प्रश्न करने पर जो शब्द उत्तर के रुप में आता है, वह Adverb of Degree कहलाता है जैसे –
(a) Sita is very happy. Happy how much (कितना खुश) ? – very (बहुत)
(b) She hardly knows me. knows to what extent (कितनी जानती है) ? – hardly (मुश्किल से, नहीं के बराबर)
स्पष्टत : very और hardly Adverbs of Degree हैं |
6. Interrogative Adverbs: when, where, how, why, how, long, how much, how many, how often, इत्यादि का प्रयोग जब प्रश्न करने मेंं किया जाता है, तब इन्हें Interrogative Adverbs कहते हैं |
* when, where, how, why, how, long, how much often, how many, etc are called interrogative adverbs when they are used in asking questions.
इन वाक्यों में Interrogative Adverbs के प्रयोग को देखें –
Where is Mukul? When will you go? How did he fight? How often do you drink?
7. Adverbs of Negation And Affirmation: किसी प्रश्न के स्वीकारात्मक जवाब के लिए yes, surely, certainly (निश्चित रुप से ) इत्यादि का प्रयोग करते है| इन्हें Adverbs of Affirmation कहते हैं | पुन: नकारात्मक जनाब के लिए no, not, never इत्यादि का प्रयोग करते हैं| इन्हें Adverbs of Negation कहता हैं |
8 Adverbs of Reason: Adverbs of reason tell the reason of the action.
Examples: therefore, hence, thus, do , etc. He, therefore, left, school. thus, she became angry.
9. Relative Adverbs: Relative Adverbs अपने बाद आनेवाले Verbs को modify करतें हैं और साथ ही दो वाक्यों को एक साथ जोड़ते हैं |
* Relative adverbs modify the verbs following them and at the same time join two sentences together.
Note: Relative adverbs और Interrogative Adverbs दोनों के एक ही रुप हैं, लेकिन जहाँ का प्रयोग प्रश्न किए जाने में किया जाता हैं, वहीं का प्रयोग दो वाक्यों को जोड़ने में किया जाता है |
Examples of Relative Adverbs: where, how, when, why, how, long how much, how many, etc. This is the house where he lived. Let me know when you will come. I don’t know the reason why he left the place. Do you know how he will act. I don’t know how much he has.
Verbs provides the one of the most important concept on English Grammar and Spoken English. It is necessary to understand the content provided in the post. Here we have provided the English Language knowledge content in Hindi and English.
इन वाक्यों कों देखें –
Ram is weeping.
He had a car.
The boys laugh.
She has two sons.
He was beaten.
Mohan is ill.
इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द is weeping, laugh, was beaten, had, has और is पर विचार करें | इनमें से प्रथम तीन से कार्य-व्यापार का बोध होता है | had/has से अधिकार/ संबध तथा is से अवस्था का बोध होता है | ऐसे शब्दों को हम Grammar की भाषा में Verbs कहते है | वाक्य-निर्माण में इनका विशेष महत्व है |
Definition: Verbs वह शब्द है, जिससे किसी के कार्य-व्यापार, अधिकार, संबध या अवस्था का बोध होता है |
* A verb is word which used to tell or assert something about some person or thing.
कुछ और Sentences लें और उनमें के प्रयोग को देखें –
Children play. (play-verb)
The man was walking. (was walking-verb)
The clock strikes. (strikes-verb)
I was taught. (was taught-verb)
He will come. (will come-verb)
I have a car. (have-verb)
The cow has two eyes. (has-verb)
A king had three queens. (had-verb)
The poor man has no money. (has-verb)
State of Being:
Sita is tall. (is-verb)
They are happy. (are-verb)
He was a poor man. (was-verb)
वाक्यों में मोटे अक्षरों पर Verbs को दो वर्गो में बाँटा गया है –
1. Main Verb (प्रधान क्रिया ) 2. Helping Verb (सहायक क्रिया )
1. Main Verb: जो क्रिया किसी वाक्य में अकेले या सहायक क्रिया के साथ आती है, वह Main Verb कहलाती है |
* The verbs used alone or together with helping verbs are called main verbs.
इन वाक्यों में मोटे अक्षरों में छपे शब्द Main Verbs है –
(a) I am a boy.
(b) I am reading.
(c) I love her.
(d) He will do it.
2. Helping Verb: जो क्रिया tense, voice, mood इत्यादि के निर्माण में प्रधान क्रिया की सहायता करती है, वह Helping Verb कहलाती है |
* A helping verb is one which helps the main verb to form a tense, voice, mood, etc.
इन वाक्यों में मोटे अक्षरों में छुपे शब्द Helping verbs के रुप में होता हैं-
(a) I am reading.
(b) My brother has come.
(c) He will go.
(d) You should do this.
निम्नलिखित Auxiliary हैं इनका प्रयोग Helping verb के रुप में होता है –
am, is, are, was, were, do, does, did, have, has, had, shall, will, can, could, may, must, ought, should, would, need, dare, used to.
इन Auxiliary Verbs में सें am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, do, does, did, need और dare ऐसे Verbs हैं जो कभी Main Verb की तरह प्रयुक्त होते हैं तो कभी Helping Verb की तरह, जैसे –
(a) He is ready. (is-main verb)
(b) He is going. (is-helping verb)
(c) Did he come? (did-helping verb)
(d) He did this. (did-main verb)
Note 1. यदि किसी वाक्य में एक ही क्रिया हो, तो वह क्रिया Main Verb कहलाएगी जैसे – (a) I have a dog. (have-main verb) (b) He is a boy. (is-main verb)
Note 2. यदि किसी वाक्य में दो या दो से अधिक एक साथ प्रयुक्त हों, तो सबसे अंत में आनेवाला कहलाएगा और अन्य कहलाएँगे | जैसे –
(a) I have been reading. (have-helping verb, been-helping verb, reading-main verb) (b) I have been a teacher. (have-helping verb, been-main verb)
Direction: Pick out the verbs in these sentences and say whether they are main or verbs or helping verbs-
(a) I am a boy. (am-main verb)
(b) I am reading. (am-helping verb, reading-main verb)
(c) Did he go? (did-helping verb, go-main verb)
(d) Who did it? (did-main verb)
(e) We shall have been working for ten days. (shall-helping verb, have -helping verb, working-main verb)
1. He reads.
2. He is reading.
3. He is a student.
4. Are you a doctor?
5. Are you coming today?
6. He can do.
7. You should help me.
8. What could be done?
9. May I come in?
10. He does not know.
11. She had been sleeping.
12. She had been a dancer.
13. She had no money.
14. They must be working there.
15. They must be thieves.
16. I shall have been playing.
17. I shall have been a teacher.
18. I shall have no work.
19. We shall be leaders.
20. They do not do any work.
1. He reads. reads – main verb
2. He is reading. is – helping verb reading – main verb
3. He is a student. is – main verb
4. Are you a doctor? are – main verb
5. Are you coming today? are – helping verb coming – main verb
6. He can do. can – helping verb do – main verb
7. You should help me. should – helping verb help – main verb
8. What could be done? could – helping verb be done – main verb (passive voice)
9. May I come in? may – helping verb come – main verb
10. He does not know. does – helping verb know – main verb
11. She had been sleeping. had – helping verb been – helping verb sleeping – main verb
12. She had been a dancer. had – helping verb been – main verb
13. She had no money. had – main verb
14. They must be working there. must – helping verb be – helping verb working – main verb
15. They must be thieves. must – helping verb be – main verb
16. I shall have been playing. shall – helping verb have – helping verb been – helping verb playing – main verb
17. I shall have been a teacher. shall – helping verb have – helping verb been – main verb
18. I shall have no work. shall – helping verb have – main verb
19. We shall be leaders. shall – helping verb be – main verb
20. They do not do any work. do – helping verb (first “do”) do – main verb (second “do”)
कर्ता के अतिरिक्त क्रिया का फल जिस शब्द -समूह पर पड़ता है, उसे हम क्रिया का Object कहते हैं | Object प्राय: क्रिया के तुरंत बाद आता है और यह कोई Noun/Pronoun/Noun Phrase/Noun Clause होता है | Verb के साथ What/Whom लगाकर प्रश्न करने पर जो उत्तर मिलता है वही उस Verb का Object होता है | अगर कोई उत्तर नहीं मिले तो समझें कि अभीष्ट Verb का कोई Object नहीं है | अब इन वाक्यों को ध्यान से देखें –
(a) Ram eats rice. eats what?- rice. क्या खाता है? – चावल (rice) (अत: वाक्य में क्रिया eats का object rice है |)
(b) I like these beautiful flowers. like what – these beautiful flowers. क्या पसंद करता हुँ? – ये सुंदर फुल (अत: इस वाक्य में किया like का object these beautiful flower है |)
(c) My father loved me very much. loved whom? – me किसे प्यार करते थे? – मुझे (me) अत: इस वाक्य में क्रिया loved का object me है |
(d) He is playing in the field. playing what? No reply क्या खेल रहा है ? कोई जवाब नहीं किसे खेल रहा है? कोई जवाब नहीं अत: इस वाक्य में क्रिया is playing का कोई Object नहीं है |
Note: एक ही Verb के दो विभिन्न Objects हो सकते हैं, जैसे –
He gave me money. gave what? – money (क्या दिया? – money_ gave whom? -me (किसको दिया ? – me) स्पष्टत: यहाँ me और money दो Objects हैं |
Direction: Pick out the objects of the verbs in these sentences –
(a) He is reading a book. (Ans. – a book)
(b) The teacher taught English. (Ans. – English)
(c) I love my father and mother. (Ans.-my father and mother)
(d) Why did he beat you? (Ans. – you )
(e) He was singing a song in the room. (Ans. – a song)
(f) Birds sing in the trees. (Ans. – no object)
(g) The teacher taught us English. (Ans. – us, English)
1. My mother loves me.
2. I love my mother.
3. Do you know English?
4. I shall solve the problem.
5. My father bought me a pen.
6. He did the work.
7. Kindly give me the pen.
8. He gave Ram a book.
9. The dog can run fast.
10. Birds fly in the sky.
11. He reads in this school.
12. The children are flying kites.
13. He reads English and Hindi.
14. They play cricket in the field.
15. The boy cut his hand with a knife.
16. I don’t like that naughty boy.
17. I love the students of this school.
18. Bring a glass of water.
19. They are cutting the old trees.
20. They make these types of furniture.
1. My mother loves me. me (object)
2. I love my mother. my mother (object)
3. Do you know English? English (object)
4. I shall solve the problem. the problem (object)
5. My father bought me a pen. me, a pen (objects)
6. He did the work. the work (object)
7. Kindly give me the pen. me, the pen (objects)
8. He gave Ram a book. Ram, a book (objects)
9. The dog can run fast. no object
10. Birds fly in the sky. no object
11. He reads in this school. no object
12. The children are flying kites. kites (object)
13. He reads English and Hindi. English and Hindi (objects)
14. They play cricket in the field. cricket (object)
15. The boy cut his hand with a knife. his hand (object)
16. I don’t like that naughty boy. that naughty boy (object)
17. I love the students of this school. the students of this school (object)
18. Bring a glass of water. a glass of water (object)
19. They are cutting the old trees. the old trees (object)
20. They make these types of furniture. these types of furniture (object)
Main Verb को दो भागों में बाँटा गया है – 1. Transitive Verb (सकर्मक क्रिया ) 2. Intransitive Verb (अकर्मक क्रिया )
1. Transitive Verb : जिस क्रिया के बाद कर्म (object) का प्रयोग हुआ हो, उस क्रिया को Transitive Verb कहेगें |
* The verb used with an object is called a transitive verb.
इन वााक्यों को देखें –
1. Ram eats rice.
2. I love you.
3. He has helped my brother.
4. I know this.
5. My brother has read the book.
6. I like these beautiful flowers.
इन वाक्यों में rice, you, my, brother, this, the, the book और these beautiful flowers Objects (कर्म) हैं | अत: इनके पहले प्रयुक्त Verbs eats, love, helped, know, read और like Transitive Verbs कहलाएँगे |
2. Intransitive Verbs: जिस क्रिया के बाद कर्म (object) का प्रयोग नहीं हुआ हो, उस क्रिया को Intransitive Verbs कहेगें |
* The verb used without an object is called an intransitive verb.
इन वाक्यों को देखें –
1. I eat.
2. I go to school.
3. Ram walks in the fields.
4. I sleep.
5. He gets up at five o’clock.
6. He run fast.
इन वाक्यों में कोई (object) नहीं है अत: प्रयुक्त Verbs eat, go, walks, sleep, gets up और ran Intransitive Verbs कहलाएँगे |
1. कुछ ऐसे Verbs हैं जिनके बाद Objects कभी नहीं आते और वे हमेशा Intransitive Verb के रूप में प्रयुक्त होते हैं जैसे – go, come, sit, sleep, die, etc.
2. अधिकांश Verbs प्रयोग दोंनो ही प्रकार से हो सकता है | जब इनके बाद Object रहता है, तब ये Transitive Verbs कहलाते हैं और जब इनके बाद Object नहीं रहता, तब ये Intransitive Verbs कहलाते हैं | बहुत – से लोग यह समझते हैं कि eat, beat, read, इत्यादि क्रियाओं का प्रयोग हमेशा Transitive Verb की तरह होता हैं | परंतु बात ऐसी नहीं है | जब तक क्रिया के बाद कर्म का प्रयोग नहीं होगा, तब तक उस क्रिया को हम Transitive Verb नहीं कहेंगे | इन वाक्यों को ध्यान से पढे़ं और समझे –
Intransitive Verb
I eat.
she reads.
The bell rang loudly.
Birds fly in the sky.
The glass broke
Transitive Verbs
I eat a mango.
She reads a book.
The peon rang the bell.
He is flying a kite.
I speak the truth.
I sang a song.
My son broke the glass.
Direction: Pick out the main verbs in these sentences and say whether they are transitive or Intransitive –
(a) He eats. (eats-intransitive) (b) He eats slowly. (eats-intransitive) (c) He eats rice. (eats-transitive)
Direct Speech: जब किसी वक्ता के कथन को उसी के शब्दों में व्यक्त किया जाता है, तब वह Direct Speech कहलाता है। में प्रायः किसी का कथन inverted commas के बीच में रहता है।
Indirect Speech: जब किसी वक्ता के कथन को उसी के शब्दों में न कहकर उसके आशय या सारांश को अपने शब्दों में व्यक्त किया जाता है, तब Indirect Speech वह कहलाता है। Indirect Speech को Inverted commas के भीतर नहीं रखा जाता है।
Direct Speech
He said, “I am ill”.
Ram said, “I am ready”.
Mohan said, “I saw her”.
He said to me, “Do you know?”
Indirect Speech
He said that he was ill. Ram said that he was ready. Mohan said that he had seen her. He sked me if I knew.
कुछ पारिभाषिक शब्दों की व्याख्या
Direct Speech को Indirect Speech में परिर्वतन किया जा सकता है। इसके कुछ नियम हैं, जिन्हें समझने के पहले कुछ पारिभाषिक शब्दों को समझ लें।
1. Reporting Verb: Inverted Commas के बाहर एक वाक्य रहता है, जिसके Verb को Reporting Verb कहते हैं। He said, “I am ready.” यहाँ ‘said’ Reporting Verb हैं।
2. Reported Speech: Inverted Commas के भीतर जो वाक्य रहता है, उसे Reporting Speech कहते हैं । He said, “I am ready,” यहाँ ‘I am ready’ Reporting Speech Verb है।
3. Verb of the Reported Speech: Inverted Commas के भीतर जो वाक्य रहता है, उसे Reported Speech कहते हैं और उसमें प्रयुक्त Verb को Verb of the Reported speech कहते हैं। He said, “I am ready”. यहाँ ‘am’ Verb of the Reported Speech है।
Changing into Indirect Speech
Direct Speech को Indirect Speech में बदलने के लिए कुछ General Rules हैं और कुछ Special Rules. General Rules उन नियमों को कहते हैं जो प्रत्येक प्रकार के वाक्य के साथ लागू होते हैं, वही Special Rules विभिन्न प्रकार के वाक्यों के लिए भिन्न-भिन्न होते हैं। General Rules को हम तीन भागों में इस प्रकार बाँट सकते हैं –
1. Change of Person 2. Change of Tense 3. Change of other Parts of Speech
1. Change of Person
Direct Speech को Indirect Speech में बदलने के लिए Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त Pronouns को इस प्रकार परिवर्तित करते हैं-
1. First Person को Reporting Verb के Subject के अनुसार 2. Second Person को Reporting Verb के Object के अनुसार 3. Third Person को No change.
इसके लिए इस सूत्र को याद रखें –
1 2 3
1 का अर्थ है First Person (S का अर्थ है Subject )
2 का अर्थ है Second Person (O का अर्थ है Object )
3 का अर्थ है Third Person (N का अर्थ है No change )
अर्थात् First Person Object के अनुसार Second Person Object के अनुसार Third Person No change
Note: 1. जब Reporting Verb Present या Future Tense मे रहता है, तब Indirect Speech में कही भी Tense में कोई भी में कोई परिर्वतन नहीं होता है। हम यहाँ Reporting Verb को Present/Future Tense में रखेगें ताकि tense परिर्वतन की समस्या उत्पन्न न हो और Change of Person की प्रक्रिया सही ढ़ग से स्पष्ट हो सके।
2. जब Inverted Commas के भीतर Assertive Sentence रहता है, तब Indirect Speech में Inverted Commas के बदले that का प्रयोग होता है।
3. जब Reporting Verb say/says/said रहे और उसके बाद object रहे तो आप यहाँ इसे Indirect Speech में tell/tells/told में बदल दें। अगर Object न रहे तो Reporting Verb में परिर्वतन नहीं करें।
4. Person बदलते समय Number तथा Case पर विशेष ध्यान दें, क्योकि ये नहीं बदलते हैं। आपकी सुविधा के लिए Personal Pronouns के सभी Forms को आगे तालिका में दिया जा रहा है, जिन्हें हमेशा ध्यान में रखें।
5. इस Chapter में बहुत सारे solved examples दिए गए हैं। उन्हें आप अच्छी तरह पढ़ें और समझें। जब आप उन्हें अच्छी तरह समझ जाएँगे, तब आपको exercises बनाने में कठिनाई नहीं होगी। इसलिए इस chapter में दिए गए सभी solved examples को कम से कम दो बार अवश्य पढ़ें और लिखें।
Nominative Case
Possessive Case
Objective Case
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronoun
1st Person
I We
My Our
Mine Ours
Me us
2nd Person
3rd Person
He she it they
His Her Its Their
His Hers Theirs
Him Her It Them
Solved Examples:
1. He says to me, “I am your friend.” (Subject) (object) (First Person) (Second Person) He tells me that he is my friend.
2. He Says to me, ” You are my friend.” (Subject) (object) (Second Person) (First Person) He tells me that I am his Friend.
3. She says to me, ” I love you.” (Subject) (object) (First Person) (Second Person) She tells me that she loves me.
4. I say to her. “I love you.” (Subject) (object) (First Person) (Second Person)
5. She says to me, “I am his sister.” (Subject) (object) (First Person) (Second Person) She tells me that she is his sister.
6. Ram says to me. “I am your friends.” Ram tells me that he is my fiend.
7. Sita says to me, “I am your friend.” Sita tells me that she is my friend.
8. Ram says to Sita, “I am your friend.” Ram tell sita that he is her friend.
9. Sita says to Ram, “I am your friend.” Sita tells Ram that she is his friend.
10. They say to me, “We help you.” They tell me that they help me.
11. I say to them, “I help you.” I tell them that I help them.
12. You always say to me, “I shall help you,” you always tell me that you will help me.
13. The boys say to the teacher, “We need your help.” The boys tell the teacher that they need your help.
14. We say to him, “We are your helpers.” We tell him that we are his helpers.
15. The teacher says to the students, “I am ready to help you.” The teacher tells the students he is ready to help them.
16. He says to Sita, “I love you and your do.” He tells Sita that he loves her and her dog.
17. Geeta says to Ravi, “If you help me I shall help you.” Geeta tells Ravi that if he helps her she will help him.
18. He says to her, “Yours is black but mine is white.” He tells her that hers is black but his is white.
19. The boys say to the teacher, “We can’t do without your help.” The boys tell the teacher that they can’t do without his help.
20. He says, “I should help myself.” He says that he should hep himself.
21. Ram will say, “I am ready to do my duty.” Ram will say that he should help himself.
22. Sita will say to me, “I am ready to do my duty.” Sita will tell me that he is ready to do his duty.
23. The boys say to me, “We must help you and your father.” The boys tell me that they must help me and she loves me.
24. I will say to her, “I love you and love me.” I will tell her that I love her and she loves me.
25. He says to me, “I did not cheat you, so you should believe me.” He tells me that he did not cheat me, so I should believe him.
Direction: Change the following into indirect speech-
1. He says, “I am reading my book.”
2. She says, “I am reading my book.”
3. You say, “I reading my book.”
4. We say, “We are reading our books.”
5. I say, “We are reading our books.”
6. I say, “I am reading my book.”
7. Ram says to me, “I am your friend.”
8. Sita says to me, “I am your friend.”
9. He says to Sita, “I am your friend.”
10. Sita says to him, “I am your friend.”
11. I say to Ram, “I know you.”
12. I say to the boys, “I know you.”
13. The boy says to me, “I know you.”
14. The boys says to me, “We know you.”
15. They say to me, “We shall help you.”
16. I say to her, “I can teach you.”
17. The child says to his mother, “I love you.”
18. He says to me, “I am ready to help you.”
19. I say to Mohan, “You are my best friend.”
20. Mohan will say to Reeta, “I don’t need your help.”
21. She will say to me, “Your brother helps me.”
22. I say to your brother, “I am your friend.”
23. Monu says to Leela, “You should help me.”
24. Leela says to Monu, “I shall hep you.”
25. He says to me, “I love you and your dog.”
1. He says, “I am reading my book.” He says that he is reading his book.
2. She says, “I am reading my book.” She says that she is reading her book.
3. You say, “I am reading my book.” You say that you are reading your book.
4. We say, “We are reading our books.” We say that we are reading our books.
5. I say, “We are reading our books.” I say that we are reading our books.
6. I say, “I am reading my book.” I say that I am reading my book.
7. Ram says to me, “I am your friend.” Ram tells me that he is my friend.
8. Sita says to me, “I am your friend.” Sita tells me that she is my friend.
9. He says to Sita, “I am your friend.” He tells Sita that he is her friend.
10. Sita says to him, “I am your friend.” Sita tells him that she is his friend.
11. I say to Ram, “I know you.” I tell Ram that I know him.
12. I say to the boys, “I know you.” I tell the boys that I know them.
13. The boy says to me, “I know you.” The boy tells me that he knows me.
14. The boys say to me, “We know you.” The boys tell me that they know me.
15. They say to me, “We shall help you.” They tell me that they will help me.
16. I say to her, “I can teach you.” I tell her that I can teach her.
17. The child says to his mother, “I love you.” The child tells his mother that he loves her.
18. He says to me, “I am ready to help you.” He tells me that he is ready to help me.
19. I say to Mohan, “You are my best friend.” I tell Mohan that he is my best friend.
20. Mohan will say to Reeta, “I don’t need your help.” Mohan will tell Reeta that he doesn’t need her help.
21. She will say to me, “Your brother helps me.” She will tell me that my brother helps her.
22. I say to your brother, “I am your friend.” I tell your brother that I am his friend.
23. Monu says to Leela, “You should help me.” Monu tells Leela that she should help him.
24. Leela says to Monu, “I shall help you.” Leela tells Monu that she will help him.
25. He says to me, “I love you and your dog.” He tells me that he loves me and my dog.
Direction: Change the following into indirect speech-
1. Amar says to Ratan, “I am your friend and you are my friend.”
2. She says to Ram, “If you help me I shall help you.”
3. They say to me, “We help you because you help us.”
4. She says to me, “I know you but you don’t know me,”
5. The students say to the teacher “We can’t do without your help.”
6. He says to my mother, “You should help me because I am your son’s friend.”
7. She will say to us, “I shall help you help me.”
8. She says to Ram, “I know you and your brother because you are my neighbours.
9. Ram says to her, ” I know you and your friends because you are they are my neighbours.
10. She says to me, ” I have given you my life, but you have given me only tears, and so I am not believe you,”
11. He says to me, “I was reading while you were playing with your friends.”
12. We will say to him, “Wee wanted to help you but we could not help you because we were absent.”
13. The farmers say to me, “We never quarrel with them.”
14. She says to me, “This is mine and that is yours.”
15. I say to you, “You can do me no harm because I am stronger that you.”
16. You say to me, “You can do me no harm because I am stronger than you.”
17. Sita says to Ravi, “You can do me no harm because I am stronger than you.”
18. Ravi says to Radha, “I have been helping you.”
19. Mohan says to Geeta, “You have been very kind to me, so I shall help you when you need my help.”
20. Geeta says to Mohan, “You have been very kind to me, so I shall help you when you need my help.”
1. Amar says to Ratan, “I am your friend and you are my friend.”
Amar tells Ratan that he is his friend and that Ratan is his friend.
2. She says to Ram, “If you help me I shall help you.”
She tells Ram that if he helps her, she will help him.
3. They say to me, “We help you because you help us.”
They tell me that they help me because I help them.
4. She says to me, “I know you but you don’t know me.”
She tells me that she knows me, but I don’t know her.
5. The students say to the teacher, “We can’t do without your help.”
The students tell the teacher that they can’t do without his help.
6. He says to my mother, “You should help me because I am your son’s friend.”
He tells my mother that she should help him because he is her son’s friend.
7. She will say to us, “I shall help you if you help me.”
She will tell us that she will help us if we help her.
8. She says to Ram, “I know you and your brother because you are my neighbours.”
She tells Ram that she knows him and his brother because they are her neighbours.
9. Ram says to her, “I know you and your friends because they are my neighbours.”
Ram tells her that he knows her and her friends because they are his neighbours.
10. She says to me, “I have given you my life, but you have given me only tears, so I do not believe you.”
She tells me that she has given me her life, but I have given her only tears, so she does not believe me.
11. He says to me, “I was reading while you were playing with your friends.”
He tells me that he was reading while I was playing with my friends.
12. We will say to him, “We wanted to help you but we could not help you because we were absent.”
We will tell him that we wanted to help him, but we could not help him because we were absent.
13. The farmers say to me, “We never quarrel with them.”
The farmers tell me that they never quarrel with them.
14. She says to me, “This is mine and that is yours.”
She tells me that this is hers and that is mine.
15. I say to you, “You can do me no harm because I am stronger than you.”
I tell you that you can do me no harm because I am stronger than you.
16. You say to me, “You can do me no harm because I am stronger than you.”
You tell me that I can do you no harm because you are stronger than me.
17. a says to Ravi, “You can do me no harm because I am stronger than you.”
Sita tells Ravi that he can do her no harm because she is stronger than him.
18. Ravi says to Radha, “I have been helping you.”
Ravi tells Radha that he has been helping her.
19. Mohan says to Geeta, “You have been very kind to me, so I shall help you when you need my help.”
Mohan tells Geeta that she has been very kind to him, so he will help her when she needs his help.
20. Geeta says to Mohan, “You have been very kind to me, so I shall help you when you need my help.”
Geeta tells Mohan that he has been very kind to her, so she will help him when he needs her help.
2. Change of Tense
1. जब Reporting Verb Present/Future Tense में रहता है, तब Indirect Speech में कही भी Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नही होता है। अभी तक दिए गए उदाहरणों से यह पुर्णतः स्पष्ट है।
2. जब Reporting Verb Past Tense मे रहता है, तब Inverted Commas के भीतर प्रयुक्त Tense में परिवर्तन होता है। यह परिवर्तन इस प्रकार होता है-
Simple Present
Simple Past
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Past
Past Perfect
Past Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect
no change of tense
Past Perfect Continuous
no change of tense
had been
had to + V1
had had to + V1
generally no change
Solved Examples:
1. He said to me, “I am your friend.” He told me that he was my friend.
2. She said to me, “I am to help you,” She told me that she was help me.
3. Sita said to me, “I love you.” Sita told me that She loved me.
4. My son said to me, “I am doing my lesson.” My son told me that he was doing his lesson.
5. Geeta said to Ram, “I have always helped you.” Geeta told Ram that She had always helped him.
6. Ram said to Sita, “I have been waiting for you.” Ram told Sita that he had been waiting for her.
7. My father said to me, “I wanted to give me a bicycle.” My father told me that he had wanted to give me a bicycle.
8. He said to the boys, “I was playing with you.” He told the boys that he had been playing with them.
9. Radha said to Ram, “I had seen him.” Radha told Ram that she had seen him.
10. He said, “I had been playing.” He said that he had been playing.
11. He said to me, “I shall help you.” He told me that he would help me.
12. He said to me, “I can help you.” He told me that he would help me.
13. He said to me, “He may help me.” He told me that he might help him.
14. He said, “I could kill the bird.” He said that he could kill the bird.
15. He said, “I was absent.” He said that he had been absent.
16. He said to her, “I was busy, so I did not help you.” He told her that he had been busy, so he hadn’t helped her.
Direction: Change the following into indirect speech-
1. He said to me, “I am your friend.”
2. She said to me, “I am to help you.”
3. They said to her, “We want to help you.”
4. She said to her sister, “I have sympathy for you.”
5. The boy said to mother, “I am going to my friend.”
6. He said to the girl, “I have always helped you.”
7. You said to the girl, “I have not beaten your dog.”
8. He said to me, “I have been waiting for you for two hours.”
9. He said to them, “I can help you.”
10. She said to me, “I should not vex you.”
11. Mohan said to Reeta, “I love you.”
12. I said to them, “I have love for you.”
13. He said to her, “I help you because you are a good girl.”
14. He said to me, “I can help you if you don’t harm me.”
15. He said, “I have everything that I need.”
16. She said to him, “I shall be your guide.”
17. I said to her, “If you help me I shall help you.”
18. He said to me, “Your brother playing with my brother.”
19. Ram said to his sister, “I have come to help you, so you should not be afraid of anything.”
20. He said to the farmer, “I have been serving you for years but you have never cared for me.”
1. He said to me, “I am your friend.” He told me that he was my friend.
2. She said to me, “I am to help you.” She told me that she was to help me.
3. They said to her, “We want to help you.” They told her that they wanted to help her.
4. She said to her sister, “I have sympathy for you.” She told her sister that she had sympathy for her.
5. The boy said to mother, “I am going to my friend.” The boy told his mother that he was going to his friend.
6. He said to the girl, “I have always helped you.” He told the girl that he had always helped her.
7. You said to the girl, “I have not beaten your dog.” You told the girl that you had not beaten her dog.
8. He said to me, “I have been waiting for you for two hours.” He told me that he had been waiting for me for two hours.
9. He said to them, “I can help you.” He told them that he could help them.
10. She said to me, “I should not vex you.” She told me that she should not vex me.
11. Mohan said to Reeta, “I love you.” Mohan told Reeta that he loved her.
12. I said to them, “I have love for you.” I told them that I had love for them.
13. He said to her, “I help you because you are a good girl.” He told her that he helped her because she was a good girl.
14. He said to me, “I can help you if you don’t harm me.” He told me that he could help me if I didn’t harm him.
15. He said, “I have everything that I need.” He said that he had everything that he needed.
16. She said to him, “I shall be your guide.” She told him that she would be his guide.
17. I said to her, “If you help me I shall help you.” I told her that if she helped me, I would help her.
18. He said to me, “Your brother is playing with my brother.” He told me that my brother was playing with his brother.
19. Ram said to his sister, “I have come to help you, so you should not be afraid of anything.” Ram told his sister that he had come to help her, so she should not be afraid of anything.
20. He said to the farmer, “I have been serving you for years but you have never cared for me.” He told the farmer that he had been serving him for years, but the farmer had never cared for him.
Direction: Change the following into indirect speech-
1. He said, “I ate two mangoes.”
2. She said to me, “You helped me.”
3. He said to her, “I wanted to help you.”
4. He said, “I was absent.”
5. Ram said to, “I was your friend.”
6. The boy said, “I was playing in the field.”
7. Gopal said to her, “I was going to you.”
8. The child said to her mother, “I was playing with my friends.”
9. They said to me, “We were your friends.”
10. He said, “I had finished the work.”
11. Ram said to me, ” I had informed you.”
12. He said to me, “I had been waiting for you.”
13. They said, “We had been doing for years.”
14. They said to the girls, “You danced well.”
15. My mother said to my brothers, “I was making tea for you.”
16. He said to me, “I was busy, so I did not help you,”
17. He said, “I could pass examination.”
18. She said, “It might be dangerous.
19. The boys said to me, “we did not understand the lesson.”
20. He said to me, “You should help me but I know that you will not help me because I never helped you.”
1. He said that he had eaten two mangoes. 2. She told me that I had helped her. 3. He told her that he had wanted to help her. 4. He said that he had been absent. 5. Ram told me that he had been my friend. 6. The boy said that he had been playing in the field. 7. Gopal told her that he was going to her. 8. The child told her mother that he had been playing with his friends. 9. They told me that they had been my friends. 10. He said that he had finished the work. 11. Ram told me that he had informed me. 12. He told me that he had been waiting for me. 13. They said that they had been doing that for years. 14. They told the girls that they had danced well. 15. My mother told my brothers that she had been making tea for them. 16. He told me that he had been busy, so he had not helped me. 18. He said that he could pass the examination. 19. She said that it might be dangerous. 20. The boys told me that they had not understood the lesson.
यदि Inverted Commas के भीतर कोई कथन हो जिससे चिरंतन सत्य या सिध्दांत (Universal Truth) का बोध हो, तो Reporting Verb के Past Tense में रहने पर भी Reported Speech के Tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होगा। जैसे –
1. He said, “The earth is round.” He said that the earth is round. 2. My father said to me, “Honesty is the best policy.” My father told me that that honesty is best policy. 3. He said, “Work is worship.” He said that work is worship. 4. The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.” The teacher said that The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 5. He remarked, “A bad carpenter quarrels with his tools.” He remarked that a bad carpenter quarrels with his tools. 6. He says, Two and two is four.” He says that two and two is four.
Direction: Change the following into indirect speech-
1. He said, “The earth moves round the sun.”
2. The priest said, “Man is mortal.”
3. He said, “I had won the prize.”
4. She said to me, “I had been playing with you.”
5. He said, “I get up early in the morning.”
6. My son said to me, “I have done my lesson, so I am playing.”
7. He said to me, “I did not love you at all.”
8. The teacher said, “Labour never goes in vain.”
9. The mother said, “My child is my love.”
10. He said, “sympathy is greater than gold.
11. My father said, “Work is worship.”
12. He says to me, “You never helped me, so I will not help you.”
13. He said to me, “Time and tide wait for no man.
14. She will say to me, “You have cheated me,”
15. She will say, “I could find her.”
16. He said to me, “I know what you did.”
17. I said, “Iron is more useful that gold.
18. They said, “We can’t live without water,”
19. He said to me, “I was teaching your son.”
20. He said to her, “I had been teaching your son.”
1. He said that the earth moves round the sun.
2. The priest said that man is mortal.
3. He said that he had won the prize.
4. She said to me that she had been playing with me.
5. He said that he gets up early in the morning.
6. My son said to me that he had done his lesson, so he was playing.
7. He said to me that he had not loved me at all.
8. The teacher said that labour never goes in vain.
9. The mother said that her child is her love.
10. He said that sympathy is greater than gold.
11. My father said that work is worship.
12. He says to me that I never helped him, so he will not help me.
13. He said to me that time and tide wait for no man.
14. She will say to me that I have cheated her.
15. She will say that she could not find her.
16. He said to me that he knew what I did.
17. I said that iron is more useful than gold.
18. They said that they cannot live without water.
19. He said to me that he was teaching my son.
20. He said to her that he had been teaching her son.
Change of Other Parts of Speech
जब Reporting Verb Past Tense में रहता है, तब Reported Speech में जितने भी निकटता-सूचक शब्द रहतें है, वे सब-के -सब Indirect Speech में दूरी सूचक शब्दों में बदल जाते हैं। ऐसे आवश्यक परिवर्तन के लिए इस Chart को ध्यान में रखें –
that day
that day
the day before yesterday
the day before/the previous day
the next day/the following day
the day after tomorrow
in two day’s time
next week/year, etc
the the following week/year, etc
last week/year, etc
the previous week/year, etc
a year ago
a year before/the previous year
Solved Examples:
1. He said, “I am busy that day.” He said that he was busy that day. 2. She said, “I shall do it tomorrow.” She said that she would do it the next day. 3. He said, “I don’t like this boy.” He said he did not like that boy. 4. He said, “I am now speaking to this boy.” He said that he was then speaking to this boy.” 5. They said, “We are starting the day after tomorrow.” They said that they were starting in two day’s time. 6. He said, “She died a year ago.” He said that she had died a year before.
Note: चुँकि घटना past time से संबंधित रहती है, इसलिए निकटता-सूचक शब्दों को दूरी-सूचक शब्दों में बदलना पड़ता है। यदि Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त वस्तु परिस्थिति वक्ता के साथ अभी भी मौजूद हो, तो उस हालात में निकटता-सूचक शब्दों को दूरी -सूचक शब्दों में नही बदला जाएगा। जैसे –
1. He said, “This is my table.” अगर टेबुल Reporter के सामने बोलने के समय भी मोजूद हो, तो Indirect Speech में this को that में नहीं बदला जाएगा। जैसे- He said that this was his table.
2. This morning Ram said to me, “I shall give you money today.” This morning Ram told me that he would give me money today. यहाँ this morning से यह स्पष्ट है कि दिन नहीं बदला है। अतः today का that day नही होगा।
Direction: Change the following into indirect speech-
1. He said, “I am going to Patna today.”
2. She said to me, “I shall stay here with you.”
3. He said, “I shall do it tomorrow.”
4. She said, “My father came yesterday.”
5. They said to, “We shall see you tomorrow.
6. He said, “The sky is cloudy now.”
7. He said, “I did not break these plates.
8. My boss said to me, “You can take this away with you.”
9. He said, “I saw a book here.”
10. She said, “I am now opening this book,”
11. She said, “I will dance tomorrow.”
12. He said, “She arrived yesterday and will go tomorrow.”
13. She said, “I shall join the office next week.”
14. She said, “My husband died a year ago.”
15. He said, “I will come here again tomorrow.”
1. He said that he was going to Patna that day.
2. She told me that she would stay there with me.
3. He said that he would do it the next day.
4. She said that her father had come the previous day.
5. They told me that they would see me the next day.
6. He said that the sky was cloudy then.
7. He said that he had not broken those plates.
8. My boss told me that I could take that away with me.
9. He said that he had seen a book there.
10. She said that she was opening that book then.
11. She said that she would dance the next day.
12. He said that she had arrived the previous day and would go the next day.
13. She said that she would join the office the following week.
14. She said that her husband had died a year ago.
15. He said that he would come there again the next day.
ध्यान देने योग्य कुछ आवश्यक बातें
1. कभी -कभी Reporting Verb के बाद Object नही रहता है और Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त Second Person के pronoun/adjectives को बदलने की आवश्यकता पड़ती है। वैसी परिस्थिति में आप अपने मन सो कोई भी उपयुक्त object के चुन लें और उसे Reporting Verb के बाद दे दें।
(a) He said, “I am waiting for you.” He told me that he was waiting for me. or, He told her that he was waiting for her.
(b) He said, “I do not wish to see any of you. He told us that he did not wish to see any of us. or He told them that he did not wish to see any of them.
इस प्रकार Object का चयन आपकी इच्छा पर निर्भर करता है। अगर किसी Passage को Indirect Speech में बदलना हो, तो पुरे Passage के भाव को समझते हुए उपयुक्त Object का चयन करें।
2. यदि Inverted Commas के भीतर संबोधन के रुप में कोई नाम आए, तो उस नाम को Reporting Verb का Object बना दें।
(a) He said, “Ram, I want to help you.” He told Ram that he wanted to help him.
(b) Sita said, “I love you very much, Mohan.” Sita told Mohan that she loved him very much.
3. यदि Inverted Commas के भीतर O, Well, Okay इत्यादि हों, तो Indirect Speech में इनका लोप कर दें। जैसे –
He said, “Well, Ram, you can take it.” He told Ram that he could take it.
4. Reported Speech के वाक्य के शुरु में भी रह सकता है या Reporting Verb के बाद में या Reporting Verb की दोनों तरफ, परंतु Indirect Speech में वह पद पहले आएगा जो Inverted Commas के बाहर है जैसा कि आप करते आ रहे हैं। जैसे –
(a) “I have completed my job, “he said. He said that he had completed his job. (b) “I am always ready to help you, “she said to me, “because I was her neighbour.
Direction: Change the following into indirect speech-
1. He says, “I am your friend and are my friend.”
2. She said, “I was waiting for you.”
3. The boys said, “We can’t do without your help.”
4. You said, “I will not given this pen to you.”
5. “You should help me, “said she.
6. “Okay, I will come tomorrow,” he said.
7. He said, “Rekha, I love you.”
8. She said, “You should help me, Mohan.”
9. “You can sit here, “Mohan, “the teacher said.
10. The boss said, “Well, you can take it now.”
11. “I wrote three letters yesterday,” said she.
12. He said, “Radha, You are my life.”
13. “Everything I have is yours,” she said.
14. “I had completed my job,” he said.
15. He said, “Well, I shall punish you today.”
16. “I shall help you,” she said to me, “If you help you.”
17. “Two and two is four,” said the teacher.
18. “I love you,” the man said to her, “because you have been kind to me,”
19. “You are a good boy,” said the teacher,” so I shall help you.”
20. “You can go now,” the master said to the servant, “because I don’t need you.”
1. He says that he is my friend and I am his friend.
2. She said that she had been waiting for me.
3. The boys said that they couldn’t do without my help.
4. You said that you would not give that pen to me.
5. She said that I should help her.
6. He said that he would come the next day.
7. He said that Rekha was his love.
8. She said that I should help her, Mohan.
9. The teacher told Mohan that he could sit there.
10. The boss said that I could take it then.
11. She said that she had written three letters the previous day.
12. He said that Radha was his life.
13. She said that everything she had was mine.
14. He said that he had completed his job.
15. He said that he would punish me that day.
16. She said to me that she would help me if I helped her.
17. The teacher said that two and two is four.
18. The man said to her that he loved her because she had been kind to him.
19. The teacher said that I was a good boy and that he would help me.
20. The master told the servant that he could go because he didn’t need him.
General Rules जहाँ सभी प्रकार के वाक्यों के साथ लागू होते हैं, वहीं Special Rules विभिन्न प्रकार के लिए भिन्न-भिन्न होते हैं।
Inverted Commas के अंदर प्रयुक्त Assertive Sentences को Indirect Speech में परिवर्तित करने के लिए जो भी नियम हैं उनसे आप परिचित हो चुके हैं, क्योंकि अभी तक आपने जिन वाक्यों को Indirect Speech में परिवर्तित किया जाता है वे सभी Assertive Sentences हैं।
यदि Inverted Commas के भीतर Interrogative Sentences हो, तो उसे Indirect Speech में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित तरीके अपनाएँ-
(a) Reporting Verb को ask में बदल दें। (b) Inverted Commas के बदले that का प्रयोग नहीं करें। अगर Sentence Question Word (When, what, why, where, who, how, which, how many, how much, etc) से शुरु हो, तो that का जगह पर प्रयुक्त Question words ही दें। (c) यदि Interrogative Sentence किसी Anomalous Finite (am, is, are, was, were, have, has, do, does, did, can, could, shall, will, etc) से शुरू हो, तो Inverted Commas के बदले if/whether का प्रयोग करें। (d) प्रयुक्त Interrogative Verb form को Assertive Verb Form में बदल दें और Indirect Speech के जो सामान्य नियम हैं, उन्हें apply कर पुरे वाक्य को Indirect Speech में बदल दें।
Note: Interrogative Verb Form को Assertive Verb Form में इस प्रकार बदलें-
1. Do you eat?
2. Do you not eat?
3. Does he know?
4. Does he not know?
5. Did they go?
6. Did he not go?
7. Are you ready?
8. Shall we be going?
9. Must he come?
10. Where do you live?
11. How does he live?
12. Why did he come?
13. Where are they going?
14. Who are you?
15. What is your name?
16. Who killed the tiger?
17. Who will come?
18. How much do you eat?
19. Who knows?
1. You eat.
2. You do not eat.
3. He knows.
4. He does not know. .
5. They went.
6. He did not go.
7. You are ready.
8. We shall be going.
9. He must come.
10. Where you live.
11. How he lives.
12. Why he came.
13. Where they are going.
14. Who you are.
15. What your name is.
16. Who killed the tiger.
17. Who will come.
18. How much you eat.
19. Who knows.
Solved Example:
1. He says to me, “Are you ill?” He asks me if I am ill.
2. He said to me, “Are you ill?” He asked me if I was ill.
3. She said to me, “Will you help her?” She asked me if I would help her.
4. They said, “Were you present there?” They asked me if I had been present there.
5. He said to Sita, “Do you love me?” He asked Sita if she loved him.
6. He says to Geeta, “:Does your brother help you?” He asks Geeta if her brother helps her.
7. We said to her, “Did you know us?” We asked her if she had known us.
8. He said to Sita, “Did you not vex me.” He asked Sita if she had not vexed him.
9. She said to me, “Were you going to me?” She asked me id I had been going to her.
Direction: Change the following into indirect speech-
1. He says to me, “Are you ready?”
2. He said to me, “Are you ready?”
3. She says to Ram, “Have you time for me?”
4. She said to Ram, “Have you time for me?”
5. Ram says to Leela, “Is your sister coming today?”
6. Ram said to Leela, “IS your sister coming today?”
7. She says to him, “Am I dear to you?”
8. She says to him, “Am I dear to you?”
9. He says to me, “Have you stolen my pen?”
10. He said to me, “Have you stolen my pen?”
11. Mohan says to Sheela, “Were you not my friend?”
12. Mohan said to Sheela, “Were you not my friend?”
13. She says to me, “Was your brother going to market?”
14. She said to me, “Was your brother going to market?”
15. She says to her sister, “Had you done it?”
16. She said to her sister, “Had you done it?”
17. I said to him, “Will you help me?”
18. You said to Reeta, “Can you help me?”
19. She says to me, “Should you cheat me?”
20. He said to me, “Will you not help her?”
1. He asks me if I am ready.
2. He asked me if I was ready.
3. She asks Ram if he has time for her.
4. She asked Ram if he had time for her.
5. Ram asks Leela if her sister is coming today.
6. Ram asked Leela if her sister was coming that day.
7. She asks him if she is dear to him.
8. She asked him if she was dear to him.
9. He asks me if I have stolen his pen.
10. He asked me if I had stolen his pen.
11. Mohan asks Sheela if she was not his friend.
12. Mohan asked Sheela if she had not been his friend.
13. She asks me if my brother was going to the market.
14. She asked me if my brother had been going to the market.
15. She asks her sister if she had done it.
16. She asked her sister if she had done it.
17. I asked him if he would help me.
18. You asked Reeta if she could help you.
19. She asks me if I should cheat her.
20. He asked me if I would not help her.
1. He says to me, “Do you love me?”
2. He said to me, “Do you love me?”
3. She says to him, “Do you know me?”
4. She said to him, “Do you know him?”
5. She says to him, “Does he not help you?”
6. She said to him, “Does he not help you?”
7. She says to me, “Did you teach my sister?”
8. She said to me, “Did you teach my sister?”
9. He says to Leela, “Did you not love me?”
10. He said to me, “Did you not love me?”
11. He says to her, “Do you not like my sister?”
12. He said to her, “Do you know my father?”
13. He said to her, “Did you not like my father?”
14. He said to her, “Do you think it may rain today?”
15. She asked me, “Are you sorry for what you did?”
16. He said me, “Does your mother love me?”
17. He says to her, “Did you not give me your pen?”
18. He said to her, “Did you not give me your pen?”
19. He says to Sita, “Do you think I do not cheat you?”
20. He said to Sita, “Do you think I did not cheat you?”
1. He asks me if I love him.
2. He asked me if I loved him.
3. She asks him if he knows her.
4. She asked him if he knew him.
5. She asks him if he does not help him.
6. She asked him if he did not help him.
7. She asks me if I taught her sister.
8. She asked me if I had taught her sister.
9. He asks Leela if she did not love him.
10. He asked me if I had not loved him.
11. He asks her if she does not like his sister.
12. He asked her if she knew his father.
13. He asked her if she had not liked his father.
14. He asked her if she thought it might rain that day.
15. She asked me if I was sorry for what I had done.
16. He asked me if my mother loved him.
17. He asks her if she did not give him her pen.
18. He asked her if she had not given him her pen.
19. He asks Sita if she thinks he does not cheat her.
20. He asked Sita if she thought he had not cheated her.
Solved Examples:
1. He says to me, “Where do you live?” He asks me where I live.
2. He said to me, “Where do you live?” He asked me where I lived.
3. He said to me, “Why did you abuse me?” He asked me why I had abuse him.
4. He said to Sita, “Why have you done this?” He asked Sita why she had done that.
5. She says to me, “Who are you?” She asks me who I am.
6. She said to me, “Who are you?” She asked me Who I as.
7. He said to me, “Who went to you?” He asked me who had gone to me.
8. He said to me, “What is your name?” He asked me what my name was.
9. He said, “What was falling?” He asked what had been falling.
10. He said to me, What will you do for me?” He asked me what I would do for him.
Direction: Put the following into indirect speech-
1. He says to me, “What do you eat?”
2. He said to me, “What do you eat?”
3. She says to Ram, “Why you do not help me?”
4. She said to Ram, “Why do not help me?”
5. He says to Gita, “When did you help me?”
6. He said to Gita, “When did you help me?”
7. Mohan says to beggar, “Why are you sad?’
8. Mohan said to beggar, “Why are you sad?”
9. My mother says to me, “When will you go?”
10. My mother said to me, “When will you go?”
11. The son said to his father, “When will you buy me a bicycle?”
12. He said to me, “Why were you absent?”
13. She said to me, “Where have you been working?”
14. He said to, “Why are you disturbing me?”
15. She said to the king, “What can I do for you?”
16. He said to the boy, “Why have you caught my hen?”
17. Ramu said to his mistress, “Why were you beating me for nothing?”
18. He said to me, “Why had he not completed the job?”
19. She said to the teacher, “How shall I repay you?”
20. I said to the queen, “What have you for me?”
1. He says to me, “What is your name?”
2. She said to me, “What is your name?”
3. He says, “Who can do this?”
4. He said, “Who can do this?”
5. She said, “How much do you eat?”
6. She said, “Who will help me?”
7. He said to me, “Who has beaten you?”
8. He said to me, “Who wanted to kill you?”
9. She said, “What is this?”
10. He asked, “which team won the match?”
11. He said, “What happened?”
12. I said to my father, “Who was with you?”
13. He said to me, “Who can defeat me?”
14. She said to me, “What should I do for you?”
15. Ramu said, “Who was calling me?”
16. The farmer said, “How long will it rain?”
17. She said to me, “How many pens have you?”
18. They said to me, “Who is helping you?”
19. She said to him, “What is the problem with you?”
20. The man said to the little girl, “Who are you and what do you want?”
1. “Where are the students? asked the teacher.
2. “Do you want to go without me?” the father said to his son?”
3. “Who killed your dog?” the man said to me.
4. They said, “Who will save us?”
5. The man said, “Have you written the letter?”
6. The servant said, “The lawyer has come to see you?”
7. He said to me, “Where is your bicycle?”
8. I said to my father, “When did you give me money?”
9. “Why was he going to you?” I said to him.
10. He said, “God is everyone.”
11. I said, “Mohan what are you doing today?”
12. He said, “I shall go as soon as it is possible?”
13. “What is this?” said Oberon to Puck?”
14. She said to her husband, “What is it that makes you so sad?”
15. He said, “Ravi, when is the nest train?”
16. I said to her, “He likes you but I don’t like you?”
17. My father said to me, “I shall buy you a bicycle if you do your homework in time?”
18. He said to her, “Do you know who was teaching me and my brothers?”
19. They said to me, “Where were our books?”
20. He said, “God is kind to all of us.”
1. He asks me what I eat.
2. He asked me what I ate.
3. She asks Ram why he does not help her.
4. She asked Ram why he did not help her.
5. He asks Gita when she helped him.
6. He asked Gita when she had helped him.
7. Mohan asks the beggar why he is sad.
8. Mohan asked the beggar why he was sad.
9. My mother asks me when I will go.
10. My mother asked me when I would go.
11. The son asked his father when he would buy him a bicycle.
12. He asked me why I was absent.
13. She asked me where I had been working.
14. He asked me why I was disturbing him.
15. She asked the king what she could do for him.
16. He asked the boy why he had caught his hen.
17. Ramu asked his mistress why she had been beating him for nothing.
18. He asked me why he had not completed the job.
19. She asked the teacher how she should repay him.
20. I asked the queen what she had for me.
1. He asks me what my name is.
2. She asked me what my name was.
3. He asks who can do this.
4. He asked who could do this.
5. She asked how much I eat.
6. She asked who would help her.
7. He asked me who had beaten me.
8. He asked me who had wanted to kill me.
9. She asked what that was.
10. He asked which team had won the match.
11. He asked what had happened.
12. I asked my father who had been with him.
13. He asked me who could defeat him.
14. She asked me what she should do for me.
15. Ramu asked who had been calling him.
16. The farmer asked how long it would rain.
17. She asked me how many pens I had.
18. They asked me who was helping me.
19. She asked him what the problem with him was.
20. The man asked the little girl who she was and what she wanted.
1. The teacher asked where the students were.
2. The father asked his son if he wanted to go without him.
3. The man asked me who had killed my dog.
4. They asked who would save them.
5. The man asked if I had written the letter.
6. The servant said that the lawyer had come to see me.
7. He asked me where my bicycle was.
8. I asked my father when he had given me money.
9. I asked him why he had been going to me.
10. He said that God is everyone.
11. I asked Mohan what he was doing that day.
12. He said that he would go as soon as it was possible.
13. Oberon asked Puck what that was.
14. She asked her husband what it was that made him so sad.
15. He asked Ravi when the next train was.
16. I told her that he liked her but I didn’t like her.
17. My father told me that he would buy me a bicycle if I did my homework on time.
18. He asked her if she knew who had been teaching him and his brothers.
19. They asked me where their books were.
20. He said that God is kind to all of us.
Imperative Sentence से प्रायः order, command, advice या का बोध होता है। इसे में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखितकी सहायता लें –
(a) Reporting Verb को अर्थ के अनुसार tell/ask/order/command/request/suggest/advise में बदल दें।
(b) Direct Speech में Reporting Verb के बाद Object रहे या न रहे, Indirect Speech में Reporting Verb के बाद Object अवश्य दें।
(c) Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त Please, Kindly आदि शब्दों का लोप कर दें।
(d) Inverted Commas को to/not to में बदल दें और उसके बाद अभीष्ट Verb का V1 दें। फिर अन्य पदों को General Rules of Narration के अनुसार दें। अब आप संपूर्ण प्रक्रिया को नीचे दिए गए उदाहरणों से समझें।
1. He said to me, “Bring a glass water.” He ordered me to bring a glass of water. 2. The doctor said to me, “Walk in the morning,” The doctor advised me to walk in morning. 3. My son said to me, “Please buy me a coat.” My son requested me to buy him a coat. 4. He said, “Run” He ordered to me run. 5. She said, “”Ram, do as I say.” She told/asked/ordered Ram to do as she said 6. The teacher said, “Show me that work that you have done.” The teacher told/asked/ordered the student to show him the work that he (the student) had done.
Direction: Put the following into indirect speech-
1. She said to me, “Bring a glass of water.”
2. She said to me, “Bring me a glass of water.”
3. He said to me, “Go there.”
4. The old man said to his servant,” Close the door.”
5. He said, “Stand up on the bench.”
6. My mother said to me, ” Switch off the T.V.”
7. My son said to me, “Please give me some money.”
8. He said to his wife, “Prepare a cup of tea.”
9. The doctor said to me, “Take the medicine in time.”
10. Mother said to me, “Go to market.”
11. The beggar said to me, “Kindly give me some food.”
12. The teacher said, “Get up early.”
13. The doctor said to me, “Take care of your health.”
14. She said to me, “Have a cup of tea.”
15. The saint said to me, “Believe in God.”
16. He said to her, “Wait for me till I God.”
17. He said to her, “Please remember what I told you.”
18. Mohan said to his brother, “Depend on what I say.”
19. The teacher said, “Work hard if you want to get success.”
20. She said to us, “Do whatever you like.”
1. She told me to bring a glass of water.
2. She told me to bring her a glass of water.
3. He told me to go there.
4. The old man told his servant to close the door.
5. He told me to stand up on the bench.
6. My mother told me to switch off the T.V.
7. My son requested me to give him some money.
8. He told his wife to prepare a cup of tea.
9. The doctor told me to take the medicine in time.
10. Mother told me to go to the market.
11. The beggar requested me to give him some food.
12. The teacher told me to get up early.
13. The doctor told me to take care of my health.
14. She told me to have a cup of tea.
15. The saint told me to believe in God.
16. He told her to wait for him till he came.
17. He told her to remember what he had told her.
18. Mohan told his brother to depend on what he said.
19. The teacher told me to work hard if I wanted to get success.
20. She told us to do whatever we liked.
यदि Imperatives Sentence Don’t से शुरु हो, तो Indirect Speech में to के बदले ‘not to’ दें या Reporting Verb को forbid में बदलें, जैसा कि इन उदाहरणों से स्पष्ट है-
1. He told me, “Don’t shout in the class.” He asked me not to shout in the class. or, He forbade me to shout in the class.
2. He said, “Don’t make too much noise, children.” He asked the children not to make too much noise. or He forbade the children to make too muchnoise.
3. “Don’t drive too fast, “she said She told me not to drive too fast. She forbade me to drive too fast.
Note: ध्यान दें कि forbade के बाद not to का प्रयोग नहीं होकर सिर्फ ‘to’ का प्रयोग हुआ है।
Direction: Put the following into indirect speech-
1. My father said to me, “Don’t walk in the sun.” 2. Ram said to his servant, “Do not do this.” 3. He said, “My son, don’t kill the bird.” 4. He said, “Don’t sleep late.” 5. The teacher told us, “don’t talk in the class.” 6. The doctor said to her, “Don’t drink.” 7. He said, “Don’t ask many questions.” 8. The beggar said, “Don’t bear me,” 9. The thief said to the judge, “Don’t send me to jail.” 10. He said, “Don’t touch this wire, John” 11. “Don’t stay here,” she said. 12. The student said to the teacher, “Please do not order me to go out of the class.” 13. Ranjan said to his friend, “Do not spoil your health.” 14. She said to me, “Don’t go today.” 15. I said, “Don’t be misguided.” 16. The doctor said to me, “Don’t smoke if you want to improve your health.” 17. The teacher, “Don’t make a noise when I am in the class. 18. I said, “Don’t drive fast when the road is busy.” 19. She said o him, “Do not go there if you want to stay here.” 20. I said to my friend, “Don’t be afraid when you are with me.”
Answers: +
1. My father told me not to walk in the sun.
2. Ram told his servant not to do that.
3. He advised his son not to kill the bird.
4. He advised not to sleep late.
5. The teacher told us not to talk in the class.
6. The doctor advised her not to drink.
7. He advised not to ask many questions.
8. The beggar pleaded not to beat him.
9. The thief begged the judge not to send him to jail.
10. He warned John not to touch that wire.
11. She advised not to stay there.
12. The student requested the teacher not to order him to go out of the class.
13. Ranjan advised his friend not to spoil his health.
14. She advised me not to go that day.
15. I advised not to be misguided.
16. The doctor advised me not to smoke if I wanted to improve my health.
17. The teacher instructed not to make noise when he/she was in the class.
18. I advised not to drive fast when the road was busy.
19. She advised him not to go there if he wanted to stay here.
20. I told my friend not to be afraid when he was with me.
Direction: Put the following into indirect speech –
1. “Don’t believe everything you hear, “he warned me. 2. “Look before you leap,” he said to her. 3. He said, “Follow her if she leaves the house.” 4. “Who put salt in my coffee?” she said. 5. He said, I had to help you.” 6. He said to me, “I can’t tell you how grateful I am.” 7. She said, “Do you know who is coming?” 8. Amit said to me, “Where did you go yesterday?” 9. She said to her servant, “Do as I tell you.” 10. She said, “The sun never rises in the west.” 11. “What makes you cry?” asked his sister. 12. She said to the maid, “Go and send off this letter.” 13. My mother said, “Do not go against your father.” 14. “Don’t be afraid, my children,” said the host. 15. The gentleman said, “I am free to do what I like with my walking stick.” 16. He said, “Oil and water do not mix,” 17. He asked, “Where is the doctor and what is he doing?” 18. He said, “God is everywhere.” 19. She said, “Work is worship.” 20. He said to me, “Please give me your bicycle for a day.”
1. He warned me not to believe everything I heard.
2. He advised her to look before she leaped.
3. He told me to follow her if she left the house.
4. She asked who had put salt in her coffee.
5. He said that he had to help me.
6. He told me that he couldn’t express how grateful he was.
7. She asked if I knew who was coming.
8. Amit asked me where I had gone the previous day.
9. She instructed her servant to do as she told.
10. She stated that the sun never rises in the west.
11. His sister asked what made him cry.
12. She instructed the maid to go and send off that letter.
13. My mother advised me not to go against my father.
14. The host told his children not to be afraid.
15. The gentleman said that he was free to do what he liked with his walking stick.
16. He stated that oil and water do not mix.
17. He asked where the doctor was and what he was doing.
18. He said that God is everywhere.
19. She said that work is worship.
20. He requested me to give him my bicycle for a day.
Optative Sentence के अभिशाप, आशीर्वाद, प्रार्थना या इच्छा का बोध होता है। इसे Indirect Speech बदला जा सकता है।इसके लिए पुर्व बताए गए General Rules के अलावा निम्नलिखित Special Rules का सहायता लें-
(a) Reporting Verb को वाक्य के अनुसार curse/bless/pray/wish में बदल दें।
(b) Inverted Commas के बदले that दें।
(c) Optative Sentence को Assertive Sentence में बदल दें। अर्थात् Subject के बाद Verb दें। फिर तथा अन्य पद का परिवर्तन सामान्य नियम के अनुसार करें।
(d) अंत में full stop दें।
अब आप सम्पुर्ण प्रक्रिया को नीचे दिए गए उदाहरणों से समझें –
1. He said to me, “May you live long!” He blessed me that I might live long.
2. My father said to me, “May you get success!” My father wished me that I might get success!”
3. They said, “May God save the king!” They wished/prayed that God might save the king.
4. He said to her, “May you die!” He cursed her that she might die.
Note: (a) ऐसे वाक्यों में wish/pray के बाद object म दें।
(b) यदि Optative Sentence में May का प्रयोग नहीं हो, तो उसे वाक्य में जोड़ दें और तब वाक्य को Indirect Speech में बदलें।
5. They said, “Long live our friendship!” They wished that their friendship might live long.
6. The saint said, “God bless you!” The saint prayed that God might bless me.
Direction: Turn the following into indirect speech-
1. He said to me, “May you get success!”
2. The mother said to her son, “May God bless you!”
3. The woman said, “May you die of cholera!”
4. The priest said to me, “May you be happy!”
5. He said, “May God pardon this sinner!”
6. She said, “May you die!”
7. My father said to me, “May God help you!”
8. The hermit said, “May you be blessed with a son!”
9. We said, “May the soul Gandhiji get peace in the Heaven!”
10. He said, “May the Prime Minister live long!”
11. He said to me, “May you live long!”
12. He said, “God save the king!”
13. They said, “Long live our friendship!”
14. The people said, “Long live the king!”
15. The woman said to me, “May you die soon!”
16. My friend said, “May you succeed in the your examination!”
17. He said, “God save the President!”
18. The workers said, “Long live our unity!”
19. “May God bless the good boy!” said the old lady.
20. The Principal said, “May you get a first class!”
1. He wished me success.
2. The mother prayed that God would bless her son.
3. The woman cursed that I might die of cholera.
4. The priest wished me happiness.
5. He prayed that God would pardon the sinner.
6. She cursed that I might die.
7. My father prayed that God would help me.
8. The hermit blessed me that I might be blessed with a son.
9. We prayed that Gandhiji’s soul might get peace in Heaven.
10. He prayed that the Prime Minister might live long.
11. He wished that I might live long.
12. He prayed that God might save the king.
13. They prayed for the long life of their friendship.
14. The people prayed that the king might live long.
15. The woman cursed that I might die soon.
16. My friend wished that I might succeed in my examination.
17. He prayed that God might save the President.
18. The workers prayed for the long life of their unity.
19. The old lady prayed that God might bless the good boy.
20. The Principal wished that I might get a first class.
Exclamatory Sentences से प्रायः हर्ष, विषाद, क्रोध, घृणा, आश्चर्य या प्रशंषा का भाव व्यक्त होता है। इन्हें Indirect Speech में बदला जा सकता है। इसके लिए पुर्व बताए गए General Rules के अलावा निम्नलिखित Special Rules का सहायता लें –
(a) Reporting Verb exclaim with joy/sorrow/surprise/anger/contempt/regret/applause में बदल दें।
हर्ष / खुशी / उल्लास के लिए (exclaim with joy)
दुख / शोक के लिए (exclaim with sorrow )
आश्चर्य / विस्मय के लिए (exclaim with surprise)
क्रोध के लिए (exclaim with anger)
तिस्कार / घृणा के लिए exclaim with contempt
प्रशंसा के लिए (exclaim with applause)
पश्चाताप / अफसोस के लिए (exclaim with regret )
(b) Inverted Commas के बदले that दें।
(c) Ah! Oh! Alas! इत्यादि शब्दों का लोप कर दें।
(d) Exclamatory Sentences को Assertive में बदल दें। अगर Inverted Commas के भीतर अधुरे वाक्य हों, तो उनमें Verb तथा अन्य पद अपनी ओर से जोड़ दें ताकि उनमें निहित भाव सहजता से प्रकट हो सके।
Note: पहले आप Exclamatory Sentences को Assertive Sentences में बदलना सीखें। इसके लिए कुछ common examples दिए जा रहे हैं, जिन्हें समझें-
1. What a beautiful girl she is! She is a very beautiful girl.
2. What a place it is! It is a very fine place.
3. What a fool I was! I was big fool.
4. How fast the baby runs! The baby runs very fast.
5. What a place! / What a place is it. It is a very fine/strange/lonely place.
6. What a fool! /What a fool he is! He is a great fool.
7. What a fall! It is a big fall.
8. How dark the night is! The night is very dark.
9. Nonsense! It is nonsense.
10. Oh! Enough! It is enough.
Some Solved Examples:
1. He said, “Alas! I am ruined.” He exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined.
2. The boy said, “Alas! My cat is dead.” The boy exclaimed with sorrow that his cat was dead.
3. The boys said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.” The boys exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
4. The Headmaster said, “Alas! Mrs Indira Gandhi is no more!” The Headmaster exclaimed with sorrow that Mrs Indira Gandhi is no more!”
5. He said, “What a Beautiful girl she is!” He exclaimed with joy that she was a very beautiful girl.
6. She said, “How fast my baby runs! She exclaimed with joy that her baby ran very fast.
7. He said, “What a fool I am!” He exclaimed with sorrow/regret that he was a big fool.
8. He said, “What a place!” He exclaimed with joy that it was a very fine place. or, He exclaimed with surprise that it was a very strange place.
9. He said, “What a fall!” He exclaimed with sorrow that it was a big fall!”
10. Ram said, “What an idea!” Ram exclaimed with joy that it was an extraordinary idea.
11. I said, “Oh! Enough!” I exclaimed with disgust that it was enough.
Direction: Put the following into indirect speech-
1. She said, “Alas! I am ruined.”
2. The girl said, “Alas! My dog is dead.”
3. He said, “Oh! I have cut my finger.”
4. The players said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”
5. She said, “Bravo! You have done well.”
6. He said. “Hurrah! I have got a prize.”
7. He said, “Ah! I am happy now.”
.8. He said, “What a beautiful girl she is.”
9. They said, “What a place it is!”
10. She said, “How fast my baby runs!”
11. He said, “What a fool I am!”
12. They said, “Ah! Our friend has come from America.”
13. They said, “How kind the king is!”
14. He said, “How dark the night is!”
15. She said, “How sweetly she sings!”
16. Sonu said, “What a beautiful sight it is!”
17. He said, “How foolish I was!”
18. They said, “What a fall!”
19. He said, “Oh! Enough!”
20. She said, “What a beautiful flower!”
21. She said, “Nonsense!”
22. The girl said, “What a fine morning!”
23. He said, “How clever I am!”
24. She said, “What a nice film it is!”
25. They said, “How cruel the king is!”
1. She exclaimed with sorrow that she was ruined.
2. The girl exclaimed with sorrow that her dog was dead.
3. He exclaimed with pain that he had cut his finger.
4. The players exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
5. She applauded him, saying that he had done well.
6. He exclaimed with joy that he had got a prize.
7. He exclaimed with happiness that he was happy now.
8. He exclaimed with admiration that she was a very beautiful girl.
9. They exclaimed with surprise about what a place it was.
10. She exclaimed with amazement at how fast her baby ran.
11. He exclaimed with regret that he was a fool.
12. They exclaimed with joy that their friend had come from America.
13. They exclaimed with admiration that the king was very kind.
14. He exclaimed with surprise that the night was very dark.
15. She exclaimed with admiration at how sweetly she sang.
16. Sonu exclaimed with admiration at what a beautiful sight it was.
17. He exclaimed with regret that he had been foolish.
18. They exclaimed with surprise at what a fall it was.
19. He exclaimed in frustration that it was enough.
20. She exclaimed with admiration at what a beautiful flower it was.
21. She exclaimed in frustration that it was nonsense.
22. The girl exclaimed with admiration at what a fine morning it was.
23. He exclaimed with pride that he was very clever.
24. She exclaimed with admiration that it was a nice film.
25. They exclaimed with disgust that the king was very cruel.
Direction: Put the following into indirect speech-
1. He said, “I shall go tomorrow.”
2. She said to me, “Will you listen to me?”
3. He said to him, “Please wait here till return.”
4. Sohan said, “How clever I am!”
5. “Who are you what do you want?” she said.
6. He said, “Have you anything to tell me, Roxy?”
7. She said to me, “What is the name of your brother?”
8. They said, “May the king live long!”
9. I said to him, “Don’t move in the sun!”
10. She said to the beggar, “How much do you want?”
11. He said to him, “Isn’t your name Ravi?”
12. She said to her father, “When will you buy me a frock?”
13. Ram said, “God is Almighty.”
14. He said to me, “May you live long!”
15. He said to me, “Why did you laugh at me.”
16. He says to me, “What were you doing with my toy?”
17. The teacher said, “The earth moves round the sun.”
18. He said, “What a fine picture!”
19. He says to me, “I shall help you if you help me.”
20. He said to them, “I was waiting for you.”
21. He said, “I am now speaking to this boy.”
22. He said, “It is not so foggy today as it was yesterday.”
23. “Okay, “I will come again tomorrow,” he said.
24. He said to her, “Why did you give up your study?”
25. I said to him, “How can you prove that she loves you?”
26. He said, “What is the problem here?”
27. The teacher said, “Don’t shout when I am in the class.”
28. The doctor said to me, “Take the medicine in time,”
29. He said, “My sons, don’t waste your time.”
30. The leader said, “Long live our unity!”
31. The woman said, “May you die of cholera!”
32. He said to me, “I wanted to help you but I am not going to help you because you have never been kind to me.”
33. He said to me, “How much money can you give me for the service I have done to you?”
34. Ramu said, “What a place!”
35. “Stop this horrible noise,” he said.
36. The prince said, “It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening.”
1. He said that he would go the next day.
2. She asked me if I would listen to her.
3. He requested him to wait there till he returned.
4. Sohan exclaimed with pride that he was very clever.
5. She asked who he was and what he wanted.
6. He asked Roxy if she had anything to tell him.
7. She asked me what the name of my brother was.
8. They prayed that the king might live long.
9. I advised him not to move in the sun.
10. She asked the beggar how much he wanted.
11. He asked him if his name was not Ravi.
12. She asked her father when he would buy her a frock.
13. Ram said that God is Almighty.
14. He blessed me that I might live long.
15. He asked me why I had laughed at him.
16. He asks me what I was doing with his toy.
17. The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun.
18. He exclaimed with admiration that it was a fine picture.
19. He tells me that he will help me if I help him.
20. He told them that he had been waiting for them.
21. He said that he was then speaking to that boy.
22. He said that it was not as foggy that day as it had been the day before.
23. He said that he would come again the next day.
24. He asked her why she had given up her study.
25. I asked him how he could prove that she loved him.
26. He asked what the problem was there.
27. The teacher instructed the class not to shout when he was in the class.
28. The doctor advised me to take the medicine on time.
29. He advised his sons not to waste their time.
30. The leader wished long life to their unity.
31. The woman cursed that he might die of cholera.
32. He told me that he had wanted to help me, but he was not going to help me because I had never been kind to him.
33. He asked me how much money I could give him for the service he had done for me.
34. Ramu exclaimed with surprise at what a place it was.
35. He ordered them to stop the horrible noise.
36. The prince said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening.
Voice: Voice किसी वाक्य में प्रयुक्त का वह रुप है जो यह दिखाता है कि या तो कर्ता कुछ करता है या स्वयं कर्ता पर ही कुछ घटित होता है। Voice दो प्रकार के होते हैं –
1. Active Voice 2. Passive Voice
1. Active Voice: यदि किसी वाक्य का कर्ता क्रिया का संपादन करता है, तो उस वाक्य में प्रयुक्त Verb को Active Voice में होना समझा जाता है।
A verb is said to be in the active voice when its form shows that the persons or things denoted by the subject does something.
2. Passive Voice: यदि वाक्य का कर्ता सक्रिय नहीं है, क्रिया का संपादन नही करता है, बल्कि क्रिया उसी पर संपादित होती है, तो प्रयुक्त Verb को Passive Voice मे होना समझा जाता है।
A verb is said to be in the passive voice when its form shows that something is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject.
यदि Subject doer है, तो Verb Active Voice में यदि Subject receiver of the action है, तो Verb Passive Voice में
इन वाक्यों पर विचार करें –
1. Ram teaches. (राम पढ़ता है। )
2. Ram is taught. (राम को पढ़ाया जाता है। )
यहाँ प्रथम वाक्य में राम पढ़ने का काम करता है अर्थात् वह doer (काम करनेवाला) है। अतः प्रयुक्त Verb ‘teaches’ Active Voice में हुआ। दुसरे वाक्य में राम कुछ करता नहीं हैं, वल्कि उसी पर पढ़ाने का काम संपादित होता है। यहाँ Ram doer नही है। अतः प्रयुक्त verb ‘is taught’ Passive Voice में हुआ।
Active Voice को Passive Voice में बदलने का नियम
इसे ध्यान ले देखें और समझें –
Voice का interchanging करते वक्त Active Verb के Object को Passive Verb का Subject बना दिया जाता है और Active Voice के Subject को Passive Verb का बना agent दिया जाता है। अगर यह agent वाक्य के अर्थ/भाव को स्पष्ट करने के लिए आवश्यक हुआ तो इसे clause/sentence के अंत में by या अन्य उपयुक्त preposition लगाकर रख दिया जाता है, अन्यथा इसका लोप कर दिया जाता है। विशेष ध्यान Verb पर देने की जरुरत होती है। Active Verb को Passive में बदलने के लिए अभीष्ट Main Verb को Past Participle Tense में बदला जाता है और उसके पहले Verb ‘to be’ का प्रयोग उपयुक्त Number, Person और tense में किया जाता है। Note: Pronoun जब subject के रुप में प्रयुक्त होता है, तब वह Nominative Case में रहता है और जब Object के रुप प्रयुक्त होता है, तब वह Objective Case में रहता है।
Nominative Case (I, we, you, he, she, it, they)
Objective Case (me, us, you, him, her, it, them)
अब विभिन्न Tenses के Active Verbs को Passive में बदलने की प्रक्रिया पर विचार करें –
[Passive Verb Form: am / is / are + V3
Ram eats a mango.
Ram eats mangos. ‘
I love him.
He loves me.
She teaches you.
We respect him.
A mango is eat by Ram.
Mangos are eaten by Ram.
He is loved by me.
I am loved by him.
You are taught by her.
He is respected by us.
Direction: Change the following into the passive voice-
1. Mohan eats a mango. 2. Mohan eats mangoes. 3. I eat a mango. 4. I love you. 5. You love me. 6. She helps them. 7. she help her. 8. They help him. 9. They help me. 10. We help him. 11. Mohan beats Sohan. 12. Sohan beats me. 13. I like it. 14. She sings a song. 15. I write a letter. 16. My brother loves me. 17. I love my brother. 18. This boy helps me. 19. I help that boy. 20. She sells toys. 21. They cook rice. 22. He posts the letter. 23. She likes your brother. 24. Your brother likes her. 25. He helps everybody. 26. I follow the rules. 27. I help the poor. 28. My father likes her. 29. I help those poor boys. 30. They answer the question.
A mango is eaten by Mohan.
Mangoes are eaten by Mohan.
A mango is eaten by me.
You are loved by me.
I am loved by you.
They are helped by her.
She is helped by her.
He is helped by them.
I am helped by them.
He is helped by us.
Sohan is beaten by Mohan.
I am beaten by Sohan.
It is liked by me.
A song is sung by her.
A letter is written by me.
I am loved by my brother.
My brother is loved by me.
I am helped by this boy.
That boy is helped by me.
Toys are sold by her.
Rice is cooked by them.
The letter is posted by him.
Your brother is liked by her.
She is liked by your brother.
Everybody is helped by him.
The rules are followed by me.
The poor are helped by me.
She is liked by my father.
Those poor boys are helped by me.
The question is answered by them.
Note: इन वाक्यों पर विचार करें –
1. Active (She loves me. ) Passive (I am loved by her. )
2. Active (People speak Hindi in Bihar. ) Passive (Hindi is spoken in Bihar. )
यहाँ प्रथम वाक्य के Passive में by + agent (by her) का प्रयोग हुआ है, जो आवश्यक है। दूसरे वाक्य के Passive में by + agent (by people) का प्रयोग नहीं हुआ है क्योंकि यहाँ Passive Sentence के अर्थ को स्पष्ट करने के लिए by + agent देना आवश्यक नहीं है। Active से Passive बनाते समय Agent का प्रयोग तभी किया जाता है जब agent का प्रयोग वाक्य के अर्थ को स्पष्ट करने के लिए अत्यंत आवश्यक होता है। जब Active Verb का Subject one, someone, somebody, nobody, people या अन्य vague / understood/common Subject रहता है, तब Passive Verb प्रयुक्त होने पर इसका लोप कर दिया जाता है। कुछ वाक्यों में I, we, you, they, he, she, a man, a boy, जैसे agents का भी आवश्यकतानुसार Passive Verb प्रयुक्त होने पर लोप कर दिया जाता है। अतः आप वाक्य के अर्थ को समझते हुए यह निर्णय लें कि अभीष्ट Passive Sentence में Agent का प्रयोग आवश्यक है या नहीं।
Solved Examples:
1. Active ( We expect good news. ) Passive (Good news is expected. )
2. Active (No one respects a dishonest man in our society. ) Passive ( A dishonest man is not respected in our society. )
3. Active (In India people worship the cow.) Passive (In India the cow is worshipped. )
Direction: Change the following into the passive voice – Hint: [सिर्फ 5 और 8 में ही by + agent का प्रयोग करें , अन्य के साथ नहीं।]
1. people speak English all over the world. 2. People grow cotton in India. 3. We expect good news. 4. In our country we exploit the poor. 5. Everyday my father teaches me. 6. People remember Bhagat Singh for his bravery. 7. Everyone hates Mohan because he is a thief. 8. Our leaders misguide us. 9. We keep butter here. 10. One uses milk for making curd and sweets.
English is spoken all over the world.
Cotton is grown in India.
Good news is expected.
In our country, the poor are exploited.
Everyday I am taught by my father.
Bhagat Singh is remembered for his bravery.
Mohan is hated because he is a thief.
We are misguided by our leaders.
Butter is kept here.
Milk is used for making curd and sweets.
[Passive Verb Form: am /is / are + being + V3]
I am eating a mango.
They are singing songs.
He is helping his mother.
She is vexing me.
They are doing it.
They are cutting the old trees.
A mango is being eaten by me.
Songs are being sung (by them).
His mother is being helped by her.
I am being vexed by her.
It is being done by them.
The old tress are being cut.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive voice-
1. She is eating a mango. 2. She is eating mangos. 3. I am writing a letter. 4. He is helping me. 5. He is helping us. 6. They are helping her. 7. I am learning it. 8. She is drawing a picture. 9. He is cleaning the car. 10. The cat is drinking milk. 11. He is cutting the tree. 12. He is cutting the trees. 13. She is cooking food. 14. They are selling books. 15. She is doing nothing. 16. She is cheating me. 17. They are painting the wall. 18. I am opening the door. 19. They are watching the match. 20. I am solving the sum.
Solved Examples: 1. Active They are doing nothing against me. Passive Nothing is being done against me. 2. Active She is looking at me. Passive I am being looked at by her. 3. Active She is watching you. Passive You are being watched by her.
1. A mango is being eaten by her.
2. Mangos are being eaten by her.
3. A letter is being written by me.
4. I am being helped by him.
5. We are being helped by him.
6. She is being helped by them.
7. It is being learned by me.
8. A picture is being drawn by her.
9. The car is being cleaned by him.
10. Milk is being drunk by the cat.
11. The tree is being cut by him.
12. The trees are being cut by him.
13. Food is being cooked by her.
14. Books are being sold by them.
15. Nothing is being done by her.
16. I am being cheated by her.
17. The wall is being painted by them.
18. The door is being opened by me.
19. The match is being watched by them.
20. The sum is being solved by me.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive voice- [Hint: 2, 4, 5 और 10 में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं है।]
1. He is answering the question. 2. The doctor is examining the patient. 3. The children are painting the wall. 4. They are cutting the old trees. 5. We are doing nothing against you. 6. Some boys are helping the poor man. 7. He is watching you. 8. She is beating her youngest son. 9. The nurse is looking after the patient. 10. They are doing nothing for the people of India.
1. The question is being answered by him.
2. The patient is being examined by the doctor.
3. The wall is being painted by the children.
4. The old trees are being cut (by them).
5. Nothing is being done against you by us.
6. The poor man is being helped by some boys.
7. You are being watched by him.
8. Her youngest son is being beaten by her.
9. The patient is being looked after by the nurse.
10. Nothing is being done for the people of India by them.
3. PERSENT PERFECT TENSE [Passive Verb Form: have / has + been + V3]
I have eaten a mango.
She has finished the work.
They have cheated me.
Ram has disturbed them.
Someone has stolen my pen.
He has cut his finger.
They have published the result.
A mango has been eaten by me.
The work has been finished by her.
I have been cheated by them.
They have been disturbed by Ram.
My pen has been stolen.
His finger has been cut.
The result has been published.
Direction: Put the following into the passive voice –
1. I have killed two tigers. 2. She was cheated me. 3. I have helped her. 4. They have helped us. 5. He has taught her. 6. This boy has made it. 7. Ram has built the house. 8. She has invited me. 9. He has cut the trees. 10. Sita has written a letter. 11. Ram has seen me. 12. Moti has broken the glass. 13. They have followed it. 14. I have liked this. 15. I have loved you. 16. She has taught him. 17. He has cheated her. 18. Mohan has learnt it. 19. He has bought a car. 20. I have informed them.
Solved Examples:
1. Active (Someone has stolen my car.) Passive (My car has been stolen. )
2. Active (No one has seen that mad man for ten days. ) Passive ( That mad man has not been seen for ten days. )
मूल वाक्य का Subject No one रहने की वजह से Passive Sentence के Verb को Negative बनाया जाता है।
1. Two tigers have been killed by me.
2. I was cheated by her.
3. She has been helped by me.
4. We have been helped by them.
5. She has been taught by him.
6. It has been made by this boy.
7. The house has been built by Ram.
8. I have been invited by her.
9. The trees have been cut by him.
10. A letter has been written by Sita.
11. I have been seen by Ram.
12. The glass has been broken by Moti.
13. It has been followed by them.
14. This has been liked by me.
15. You have been loved by me.
16. He has been taught by her.
17. She has been cheated by him.
18. It has been learnt by Mohan.
19. A car has been bought by him.
20. They have been informed by me.
Direction: Change the following into the passive voice – [Hint: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 और 14 में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं है।
1. They have seen the ghost. 2. You have made several mistakes. 3. The police have caught the thief. 4. Someone has broken my glass. 5. We have bought some books. 6. Someone has picked my pocket. 7. He has hurt his leg in an accident. 8. No one has said anything about it. 9. They have published the result. 10. They have killed that innocent child. 11. Shakespeare has written this beautiful poem. 12. The mob has broken all the shop windows. 13. Somebody has invited you to dinner. 14. Someone has stolen my car. 15. Some of our neighbours have done this.
1. The ghost has been seen by them.
2. Several mistakes have been made by you.
3. The thief has been caught (by the police).
4. My glass has been broken (by someone).
5. Some books have been bought by us.
6. My pocket has been picked (by someone).
7. His leg has been hurt in an accident.
8. Nothing has been said about it.
9. The result has been published (by them).
10. That innocent child has been killed (by them).
11. This beautiful poem has been written by Shakespeare.
12. All the shop windows have been broken by the mob.
13. You have been invited to dinner (by somebody).
14. My car has been stolen (by someone).
15. This has been done by some of our neighbours.
Note: Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Future Continuous Tense, तथा Future Perfect Continuous Tense का प्रयोग सामान्यतया नहीं होता है। इसलिए हम इस पुस्तक में इन चारों Tenses के Passive Verb Forms की चर्चा नहीं करेगें। इस पुस्तक को पढ़ने के बाद आप Oxford Current English Grammar अवश्य पढ़े जिसमें इन चारों Tenses के Passive Verb Forms की चर्चा विस्तारपुर्वक की गई है।
4. PAST INDFINITE TENSE [Passive Verb Form: was /were + V3 ]
I ate a mango.
I ate some mangoes.
I ate some mangoes.
The Police arrested him.
Someone stole my pen.
A mango was eaten by me.
Some mangoes were eaten by me.
He was arrested.
My pen was stolen.
Direction: Put the following into the passive voice – [Hint: 9, 11, और 13 के Passive में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं है]
1. I helped you. 2. You helped me. 3. He bought a car. 4. She warned him. 5. I ate mangoes. 6. They won the match. 7. She taught the boys. 8. I broke the glass. 9. The police caught the thief. 10. He finished the work soon. 11. The robbers robbed him. 12. The fire damaged the building. 13. They looted the house. 14. She challenges me. 15. She made it. 16. I invited both of them. 17. I made several mistakes. 18. She found the lost bag. 19. I cleaned the cars. 20. I posted all the letters.
Solved Examples:
1. Active A girl saved my life. Passive My life was saved by a girl. 2. Active They admired for his bravery. Passive He was admired for his bravery. 3. Active Most of them opposed me. Passive I was opposed by most of them.
1. You were helped by me.
2. I was helped by you.
3. A car was bought by him.
4. He was warned by her.
5. Mangoes were eaten by me.
6. The match was won by them.
7. The boys were taught by her.
8. The glass was broken by me.
9. The thief was caught by the police.
10. The work was finished by him soon.
11. He was robbed by the robbers.
12. The building was damaged by the fire.
13. The house was looted by them.
14. I am challenged by her.
15. It was made by her.
16. Both of them were invited by me.
17. Several mistakes were made by me.
18. The lost bag was found by her.
19. The cars were cleaned by me.
20. All the letters were posted by me.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive – [Hint: 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 12 और 15 में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं है।]
1. The doctor examined the patient. 2. Shakespeare wrote “As you like it”. 3. They admire him for his courage. 4. They looted the house yesterday. 5. they found him guilty of murder. 6. The Indians won the match. 7. Most people opposed this. 8. The farmer saved the snake’s life. 9. The police arrested some thieves last night. 10. Tigers attacked the travellers. 11. A boy of ten saved my life. 12. They warned me again and again. 13. Most people opposed this. 14. No one loved me. 15. Someone stole my purse in the train.
1. The patient was examined.
2. “As you like it” was written by Shakespeare.
3. He is admired for his courage.
4. The house was looted yesterday.
5. He was found guilty of murder.
6. The match was won by the Indians.
7. This was opposed by most people.
8. The snake’s life was saved by the farmer.
9. Some thieves were arrested last night.
10. The travellers were attacked by tigers.
11. My life was saved by a boy of ten.
12. I was warned again and again.
13. This was opposed by most people.
14. I was loved by no one.
15. My purse was stolen in the train.
6. PAST PERFECT TENSE [Passive Verb Form: had been + V3]
I had done the work.
She had written the letter.
She had informed us.
Somebody had stolen my pen.
Ram had completed the work.
The work had been done by me.
The letter had been written by her.
We had been informed by her.
My pen had been stolen.
The work had been completed by Ram.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive – [Hint: इन 20 वाक्यों में 12 ऐसे वाक्य है, जिनके Passive में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं हैं।]
1. I had painted the wall. 2. She had informed me. 3. They had already cheated us. (had already been) 4. He had done the work. 5. She had taught the student. 6. He had sold his horses. 7. The robbers had robbed the villagers. 8. Somebody had already told him. 9. They had arranged everything. 10. The fire had burnt my house to ashes. 11. Somebody had told him the news. 12. The doctor had examined me. 13. He had informed me. 14. He had broken his leg. 15. She had posted all the letters. 16. Nobody had done anything. (had not been) 17. The doctor had examined the patient. 18. The boys had collected the books. 19. The had informed the police of the accident. 20. Somebody had stolen his bicycle.
7. SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE [Passive Verb Form: Shall / will + be + V3 ]
I shall help you.
She will teach you.
He will help me.
People will forget it.
No one will solve your problem.
They will start the snow in two months.
You will be helped by me.
You will be taught by her.
I shall be helped by him.
It will be forgotten.
Your problem will not be solved.
The sow will be started in two months.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive voice- [इन वाक्यों में ऐसे वाक्य हैं , जिनके में देने की जरुरत नहीं है।]
1. He will do this. 2. She will help me. 3. You will help us. 4. The boy will take it. 5. She will cheat you. 6. They will support me. 7. I shall solve the problem. 8. The police will arrest the thief. 9. We shall welcome him. 10. People will remember him. 11. Nobody will play the match. (will not be) 12. Somebody will beat you one day. (You …… one day) 13. I shall never forget those happy days. (will never be) 14. Everyone will blame you. 15. They will build the road by March. (………… by March) 16. We shall win the match. 17. We shall follow him. 18. They will not neglect us. 19. They will publish tow books in June (……… in June) 20. We shall discuss the matter tomorrow. (The matter …….. tomorrow.)
1. This will be done by him.
2. I will be helped by her.
3. We will be helped by you.
4. It will be taken by the boy.
5. You will be cheated by her.
6. I will be supported by them.
7. The problem will be solved by me.
8. The thief will be arrested by the police.
9. He will be welcomed by us.
10. He will be remembered by people.
11. The match will not be played by anybody.
12. You will be beaten one day.
13. Those happy days will never be forgotten.
14. You will be blamed by everyone.
15. The road will be built by March.
16. The match will be won by us.
17. He will be followed by us.
18. We will not be neglected by them.
19. Two books will be published in June.
20. The matter will be discussed tomorrow.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive- [Hint: 3, 11, 14, और 15 में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं है।]
1. I shall have taught him. 2. She will have completed the work. 3. The police will have arrested the thief. 4. We shall have bought the books. 5. They will have solved the problem. 6. She will have cheated you. 7. He will have informed me. 8. They will have killed the tiger. 9. My father will have bought a car. 10. The children will have eaten the cakes. 11. The robbers will have robbed him. 12. I shall have proved it. 13. They will have cheated our friends. 14. They will have discussed the matter. 15. They will have built the road by March.
He will have been taught by me.
The work will have been completed by her.
The thief will have been arrested by the police.
The books will have been bought by us.
The problem will have been solved by them.
You will have been cheated by her.
I will have been informed by him.
The tiger will have been killed by them.
A car will have been bought by my father.
The cakes will have been eaten by the children.
He will have been robbed by the robbers.
It will have been proved by me.
Our friends will have been cheated by them.
The matter will have been discussed by them.
The road will have been built by them by March.
shall, will, can, could, may, might, should, would, must, ought, इत्यादि Modal Auxiliaries हैं। जब इनके बाद Transitive Verb प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब हम Verb को Passive में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित form का प्रयोग करते हैं-
modal auxiliary + be + V3
They will kill the tiger.
I can lift it.
They could solve the problem.
He may defeat you.
You must help your brother.
One should keep one’s promises.
He could kill the lion.
We should help the poor.
None can challenge him.
Everyone will blame us.
We must help the poor.
You must write the answers in ink.
The tiger will be killed (by them).
It can be lifted by me.
The problem could be solved.
You may be defeated by him.
Your brother must be helped.
Promises should be kept.
The lion could be killed by him.
The poor should be helped.
He cannot be challenged.
We shall be blamed by everyone.
The poor must be helped.
The answers must be written in ink.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive-
1. You can do it. 2. I can kill a tiger. 3. He can win the match. 4. She can defeat him. 5. He may do this. 6. He could beat him. 7. I could help you. 8. He might solve it. 9. They may defeat us. 10. You must help the poor. 11. You must send a reply. 12. You should do this. 13. They should finish the work. 14. I should do it. 15. She could buy a car. 16. He would do it. 17. I could solve the problem. 18. Your friend will blame you. 19. She will break it. 20. One can solve it.
1. It can be done by you.
2. A tiger can be killed by me.
3. The match can be won by him.
4. He can be defeated by her.
5. This may be done by him.
6. He could be beaten by him.
7. You could be helped by me.
8. It might be solved by him.
9. We may be defeated by them.
10 .The poor must be helped by you.
11. A reply must be sent by you.
12. This should be done by you.
13. The work should be finished by them.
14. It should be done by me.
15. A car could be bought by her.
16. It would be done by him.
17. The problem could be solved by me.
18. You will be blamed by your friend.
19. It will be broken by her.
20. It can be solved by one.
10. अगर Verb Phrase की बनावट am/is/are/was/were/have/has/had + infinitive (to+Verb) हो, ते इसका में रुप होगा –
am/is/are/was/were/have/has/had + to be + V3
I am to do it.
I was to do it.
I had to do it.
My father is to buy a car.
They had to built the bridge.
It is to be done by me.
It was to be done by me.
It had to be done by me.
A car is to be bought by my father.
The bridge had to be built.
Direction: turn the following into the passive- [Hint: 5, 6, 9, 12, 13,14, और 20 में by + agent का प्रयोग नहीं करें।]
1. My father is to buy a car. 2. I am to teach him. 3. He is to teach us. 4. They were to invite me. 5. She was to sell her cows. 6. I have to prove it. 7. She has to guide me. 8. He has to examine the patient. 9. The postman has to deliver the letters. 10. I was to help those poor boys. 11. We have to serve the country. 12. We had to inform the police of the accident. 13. They had to built the bridge. 14. Ram has to solve the problem. 15. The manager has to appoint him. 16. I am to buy some books. 17. She was to defeat the enemies. 18. The boys of this school are to plant some trees. 19. They are to play the match today.
1. A car is to be bought (by my father).
2. He is to be taught (by me).
3. We are to be taught (by him).
4. I was to be invited (by them).
5. Her cows were to be sold.
6. It has to be proved (by me).
7. I have to be guided (by her).
8. The patient has to be examined.
9. The letters have to be delivered (by the postman).
10. Those poor boys were to be helped (by me).
11. The country has to be served.
12. The police had to be informed of the accident.
13. The bridge had to be built.
14. The problem has to be solved (by Ram).
15. He has to be appointed (by the manager).
16. Some books are to be bought (by me).
17. The enemies were to be defeated (by her).
18. Some trees are to be planted (by the boys of this school).
19. The match is to be played today.
जब Imperative Sentence से order/command का बोध होता है, तब हम प्रयुक्त Active Verb को Passive में बदलने के लिए वाक्य को Let से शुरु करते हैं और Subject के बाद be + V3 का प्रयोग करते हैं। जैसे –
Do this work.
Bring a glass of water.
Open the door.
Switch on the radio.
Don’t pluck the flowers.
Don’t touch this wire.
Give the order.
Inform the police of the accident.
Let this work be done.
Let a glass of water be brought.
Let the door opened.
Let the radio be switch on.
Let the flower not be plucked.
Let this wire not be touch.
Let the order be given.
Let the police be informed of the accident.
जब Imperative Sentence से advice (सलाह) का भाव व्यक्त होता है, तब हम Passive को Let से शुरु नहीं करते हैं, बल्कि वाक्य को इस रुप में परिवर्तित करते हैं-
Subject + should + be + V3
Love your country.
Help the poor.
Help your neighbours.
Don’t insult the weak.
Your country should be loved.
The poor should be helped.
Your neighbours should e helped.
The weak should not be insulted.
Note: कुछ Sentences ऐसे होते हैं जिनसे यह स्पष्ट नहीं होता है कि ये order हैं या advice ऐसे sentences को Rule No. 11 या Rule No. 12 से बनाएँ।
13. यदि Imperative Sentence Transitive Verb से शुरु हो, तो Sentence के Passive Construction देने के लिए You are ordered / You are advised का प्रयोग करें। जैसे – ]
Kindly post the letter.
Take your chair, Please.
You are requested to post the letter.
You are requested to take your chair.
14. यदि Imperative Sentence Transitive Verb से शुरु हो, तो Sentence को Passive Construction देने के लिए You are ordered / You are advised का प्रयोग करें। जैसे –
Stand up.
Go there.
Work hard.
You are ordered to stand up.
You are ordered to go there.
You are advised work hard.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive-
Active (Open the door. ) Passive (Let the door be opened.)
1. Inform the police. 2. Post the letters. 3. Bring a glass of water. 4. Do this work. 5. Switch off the light. 6. Don’t close the gate. 7. Read this book. 8 Shut all the doors. 9. Close the gate. 10. Don’t touch the wire.
Active (Help your friends. ) Passive (Your friends should be helped. )
1. Help the poor. 2. Help the poor students. 3. Respect your elders. 4. Love your country. 5. Love your neighbours. 6. Don’t hate the poor. 7. Don’t cheat your friend. 8. Honour the brave.
Active (Kindly help me. ) Passive (You are requested to help me. )
1. Please take your seat. 2. Kindly give me money. 3. Kindly give me some food. 4. Please sit down. 5. Please go out. 6. Please enter by this gate. 7. Please do me a favour. 8. Take your chair, Please.
Active Do. Passive You are ordered to do.
1. Go there. 2. Stand up. 3. Come tomorrow. 4. Work hard. 5. Sit down. 6. Sign here. 7. Go to market. 8. Go to bed.
Let the police be informed.
Let the letters be posted.
Let a glass of water be brought.
Let this work be done.
Let the light be switched off.
Let the gate not be closed.
Let this book be read.
Let all the doors be shut.
Let the gate be closed.
Let the wire not be touched.
The poor should be helped.
The poor students should be helped.
Your elders should be respected.
Your country should be loved.
Your neighbours should be loved.
The poor should not be hated.
Your friend should not be cheated.
The brave should be honoured.
You are requested to take your seat.
You are kindly requested to give me money.
You are kindly requested to give me some food.
You are requested to sit down.
You are requested to go out.
You are requested to enter by this gate.
You are requested to do me a favour.
You are requested to take your chair.
You are ordered to go there.
You are ordered to stand up.
You are ordered to come tomorrow.
You are ordered to work hard.
You are ordered to sit down.
You are ordered to sign here.
You are ordered to go to market.
You are ordered to go to bed.
15. अगर Active Verb के साथ preposition या adverb प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब अभीष्ट verb को Passiveबनाते समय प्रयुक्त preposition/adverb का लोप नहीं किया जाता है
He looks after me.
They will look after you well.
All his friends laugh at him.
We must listen to our elders.
They objected to his proposal.
We must write to him.
The thief broke into the house.
I am looked after by him.
You will be well looked after.
He is laughed at by all his friends.
Our elders must be listened to.
His proposal was objected to.
He must be write to.
The house was broken into.
16. कुछ Passive Verbs के साथ by का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। agent के पहले by के के बदले अन्य उपयुक्त preposition का प्रयोग करना पड़ता है, जिसका चयन अभीष्ट verb पर निर्भर करता है। जैसे –
I know it.
He satisfied me.
The result surprised me.
His behavior shocked me.
He pleased me.
The book has interested me very much.
It is known to me.
I was satisfied with him.
I was surprised at the result.
I was shocked at his behavior.
I was pleased with him.
I have been very much interested in this book.
कुछ वाक्यों में Active Verb के बाद दो Objects आते हैं। जैसे – I gave him a book. यहाँ gave के बाद दो Objects आए हैं- him और book इनमें से him Personal/Indirect Object है और book Direct Object है। ऐसे दो Objects वाले Verb को Passive में बदलते समय हम किसी भी Object को Subject बना सकते है । परंतु Personal Object/Indirect Object को बनाना अच्छा माना जाता है। लेकिन अगर हमें Direct Object पर ही विशेष जोर देना हो, तो Direct Object को ही Subject बनाकर Active Verb को Passive Verb में बदलना चाहिए। अन्य परिवर्तन सामान्य नियम के ही अनुसार होते हैं। जैसे –
1. I gave him a book.
2. He told me a story
3. I offered him a chair.
4. The Principal has given me a prize.
(a) He was given a book by me. (b) A book was given (to) him by me.
(a) I was told a story (by him). (b) A story was told me (by him).
(a) He was offered him by me. (b) A chair was offered him by me.
(a) I have been given a prize by the Principal. (b) A prize has been given me by the Principal.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive- [Hint: 3, 4, 5, 7 और 9 में by + agent देने का जरुरत नहीं है।]
1. They are laughing at her. 2. He looks after me. 3. The police are searching for him. 4.They will look into the matter. 5. The police enquired into the case. 6. All his friends laugh at him. 7. We must listen to elders. 8. Put off the light. 9. They have given up the idea. 10. I must write to him.
1. She is being laughed at by them.
2. I am looked after by him.
3. He is being searched for by the police.
4. The matter will be looked into.
5. The case was enquired into by the police.
6. He is laughed at by all his friends.
7. Elders must be listened to.
8. Let the light be put off.
9. The idea has been given up.
10. He must be written to.
11. She knows me. (known to) 12. I satisfied everybody. (satisfied with) 13. Your story has interested me. (interested in) 14. His behaviour shocked me. (shocked at) 15. Seven days make a week. (made of) 16.The news pleased me. (pleased with)
11. I am known to her.
12. Everybody was satisfied with me.
13. I have been interested in your story.
14. I was shocked at his behaviour.
15. A week is made of seven days.
16. I was pleased with the news.
17. Ram gave me a present. 18. He teaches us English. 19. He promised me a prize. 20. The king gave you a book. 21. We can give you a chance. 22. My brother will gave you a book. 23. He handed me a bottle. 24. My father bought me a bicycle. 25. She gave me some food.
17. A present was given to me by Ram.
18. English is taught to us by him.
19. A prize was promised to me by him.
20. A book was given to you by the king.
21. A chance can be given to you by us.
22. A book will be given to you by my brother.
23. A bottle was handed to me by him.
24. A bicycle was bought for me by my father.
25. Some food was given to me by her.
18. सिर्फ Transitive Verbs के ही Passive voice होते हैं। अतः उन वाक्यों की क्रियाएँ Passive Voice में नहीं हैं –
He is gone. They are arrived.
He is come. Winter is come.
परंतु इन वाक्यों के Verbs को Passive Voice में नहीं बदला जा सकता है, जो Intransitive हैं। जैसे –
I read. I am going to school. He has gone to Patna. They are good boys. She is laughing.
Direction: Put the following into the passive-
1. We respect him. 2. People speak Hindi in Bihar. 3. They are repairing the road. 4. You have made several mistakes. 5. The doctor is examining the patient. 6. Someone stole my pen. 7. They looted the house yesterday. 8. They were cutting the old trees. 9. The children had eaten the cakes. 10. The police arrested some thieves last night. 11. We shall discuss the matter tomorrow. 12. People will remember him. 13. He will have completed the work. 14. I can solve the problem. 15. She could help him. 16. She may defeat you. 17. They might win the game. 18. We should help the poor. 19. He would inform us. 20. You must support him.
1. He is respected by us.
2. Hindi is spoken in Bihar.
3. The road is being repaired by them.
4. Several mistakes have been made by you.
5. The patient is being examined by the doctor.
6. My pen was stolen by someone.
7. The house was looted by them yesterday.
8. The old trees were being cut by them.
9. The cakes had been eaten by the children.
10. Some thieves were arrested by the police last night.
11. The matter shall be discussed by us tomorrow.
12. He will be remembered by people.
13. The work will have been completed by him.
14. The problem can be solved by me.
15. He could be helped by her.
16. You may be defeated by her.
17. The game might be won by them.
18. The poor should be helped by us.
19. We would be informed by him.
20. He must be supported by you.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive-
1. I am to write a letter. 2. She is to teach my daughter. 3. They are to support me. 4. She was to invite me. 5. They were to cut the old trees. 6. We have to buy some books. 7. She has to complete the work. 8. They had to inform the police. 9. Bring a cup of tea. 10. Open the door. 11. Help your neighbours. 12. Kindly post the letters. 13. Go out of the room. 14. My mother looks after me. 15. You must write to her. 16. Everyone knows Gandhiji. 17. He pleased me. 18. She gave me an apple. 19. She told him a story. 20. My father bought me a watch.
किसी भी भाषा में Punctuation का महत्वपूर्ण स्थान होता है। किसी sentence या passage में अर्थ की स्पष्टता या समुचित विराम के लिए निर्धारित चिन्हों के प्रयोग का विधि को Punctuation कहते हैं। Punctuation Marks की सहायता से वाक्यों पढ़ने, बोलने और उनके अर्थ समझने में सुगमता होती है।
अंग्रेजी मे मुख्य Punctuation Marks इस प्रकार हैं –
1. Full Stop (.) 2. Comma (,) 3. Semicolon (;) 4. Colon (:) 5. Question Mark (?) 6. Exclamation Mark (!) 7. Hyphen (-) 8. Dash ( _ ) 9. Apostrophe (‘) 10. Inverted Commas (“………. ” ) या (‘……..’)
अब इन चिन्हों और इनके प्रयोग पर विचार करें।
1. Full Stop (.)
1. Interrogative, Optative और Exclamatory Sentences को छोड़कर किसी भी तरह के पूर्ण वाक्य के अंत में full stop का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
He is a boy. Go there. Don’t do this. He asked me what my name was.
2. Abbreviations और Initial letters के बाद Full Stop का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
B.A. (B.D.O. ) (Nov. ) (L.P. School )
M.A. ( M.L.A.) ( Dec.) (N.C.C. Officer)
Ph.D (U.S.A) (R.S.S.) ( T.K. Jha)
3. आजकल Dr, Mr, Mrs, St (Saint) के बाद full stop का प्रयोग नहीं होता है, क्योंकि अब ये पूरे शब्द की भांति प्रयुक्त होते हैं, संक्षिप्त शब्द की भाँति नहीं।
4. 1st, 2nd, 3rd इत्यादि के बाद Full stop का प्रयोग नहीं होता है।
5. अगर कोई वाक्य Abbreviation से अंत होता है, तो वाक्य के अंत में एक ही Full Stop दिया जाता है, दो नहीं। जैसे –
He is an I.A.S. I am an M.A. He is an S.D.O. Come at 5 p.m.
2. Comma (,)
Comma थोड़े ठहराव का सूचक है। इसके कुछ मुख्य प्रयोग इस प्रकार हैं –
1. अगर वाक्य में एक ही Part of Speech के दो या दो से अधिक शब्द एक के बाद एक आएँ तो उनके बीच Comma दिया जाएगा, जैसा कि इन उदाहरणों से स्पष्ट है।
Ram, Mohan, Sohan and Gopal are my friends. He is tall, gentle and handsome. He is always eating, drinking and dancing.
2. जब किसी शब्द को दोहराया जाता है, तब उसके बीच Comma का प्रयोग होता है।
Go, go; I don’t need you. Try, try again.
3. वाक्य में प्रयुक्त Apposition पद के पहले और बाद Comma में का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इस प्रकार Apposition पद दो Commas के बीच में आ जाता है। जैसे –
I, Ram. am a student. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, was a great man. He, the son of a rich man, is very proud.
4. कुछ वाक्यों में words of address का प्रयोग रहता है। अगर words of address वाक्य के शुरु में रहता है, तो ठीक इसके बाद Comma लगता है। अगर words of address वाक्य के अंत में रहता है, तो Comma ठीक इसके पहले लगता है। अगर वाक्य के बीच में words of address रहता है, तो इसकी दोनों बगल Comma का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
Mohan, where are you going? Get out, Ram. May I go out. Sir? What are you doing. boys? I know, Suresh, that only you can do this.
5. कभी – कभी वाक्य के बीच में बाहर से words/phrases/clauses को रख दिया जाता है जिसे अगर निकाल भी दिया जाए तो वाक्य के में कोई अंतर नहीं आता है। ऐसे words/phrases/clauses की दोनों तरफ Commas का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे –
He, however, passed the examination. I, therefore, request you to grant me leave. He is, after all, my friend. You will, I hope, agree with me.
6. Yes/No के बाद comma का प्रयोग होता है, अगर इसके बाद कोई वाक्य आता है। जैसे –
Yes, I will help you. No, you can’t.
7. चिठ्ठियों में अभिवादन (salutation) और विदाई (words of leave taking) के बाद Comma दिया जाता है। जैसे –
8. Question Tag को Main Clause Comma से अलग करने के लिए Comma का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
You will go tomorrow, won’t you? He is ready, isn’t he? She cannot do, can she?
9. वाक्य में प्रयुक्त Direct Speech को वाक्य के शेष भाग से अलग करने के लिए Comma का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे –
He said, “I am ready.” “I don’t know her,” she said. “You know,” said she, “that I don’t like him.
Note: अगर Direct Speech में Question/Exclamation रहे और उसके बाद Reporting Verb आए, तो अभीष्ट Direct Speech के बाद Comma का प्रयोग नहीं होगा। जैसे –
“Where are you going?” he asked me. “Well done!” he said.
3. Semicolon (;)
1. Comma का प्रयोग वहाँ होता है, जहाँ कम ठहराव की जरुरत पड़ती है। Full Stop का प्रयोग वहाँ होता है, जहाँ अधिक ठहराव की जरुरत पड़ती है। वहीं Semicolon का प्रयोग वहाँ होता है, जहाँ Comma से अधिक और Full stop से कुछ कम ठहराव की जरुरत पड़ती है।
2. semicolon का प्रयोग वहाँ होता है, जहाँ Full Stop प्रयोग हो सकता है। लेकिन यदि हम विभिन्न Principal Clauses को बिना linking word के एक ही वाक्य में प्रयोग करना चाहें ताकि अभीष्ट विचार अधिक तीव्रता से एक साथ हो सकें, तो ऐसे Clauses को Semicolon से जोड़ा जाएगाः जैसे
Come early; go early. Honestly is the best policy; it inspires with greater confidence.
4. Colon (:)
1. Colon का प्रयोग किसी सुची (list) या (example ) उदाहरण को आरंभ करने के लिए होता है। जैसे –
The following words are nouns; cat, cow, boy and girl. I want the following: books, pens and notebooks.
2. Direct Speech तथा Quotation के पहले Colon का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे – He said: “I will do it.” Shakespare said: “Sweet are the uses of adversity.”
3. Dialogue में वक्ता क नाम के बाद Colon का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे – Teacher: What are you doing? Ram Sir, I am doing my lesson.
4. जब किसी शब्द के बाद उसका definition या description देना होता है, तब उस शब्द के बाद Colon दिया जाता है। जैसे Noun: A noun is a naming word. Albatross: A large white seabird with long wings.
5. Questions Mark (?)
1. Interrogative Sentence के अंत में Question Mark का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
Who are you? What is your name? He said to me, “What are you doing?”
Note: Indirect question के बाद Full Stop का प्रयोग होता है, Question Mark का नहीं । जैसे –
He asked me what my name was. I don’t know who he was.
2. Question Tag के बाद Question Mark का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे- You are going tomorrow, aren’t you?
6. Exclamation Mark (!)
1. Optative Sentence और Exclamatory Sentence के अंत में Exclamation Mark का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
May God help you! What a beautiful scene it is! How lovely she looks!
2. Interjections/Phrases/Sentences जिसने आकस्मिक भाव व्यक्त होता है, उनके बाद Exclamation Mark का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
Alas! Hello! Oh! Oh! Enough! Nonsense! Well done!
7. Hyphen (-)
1. अगर किसी वाक्य का कोई शब्द पंक्ति के अंत में जगह के अभाव के कारण पूरा नहीं आता है, तो उस अपूर्ण शब्द के बाद दीया जाता हैं। और उस शब्द के शेष भाग को अगली पंक्ति के आरंभ में लिखा जाता हैं।
(a) dog, cow, box, bag, ox जैसे एक syllable वाले शब्दों को divide नहीं किया जाता है। इन्हें जहाँ भी लिखें, पूरा लिखें। Hyphen की मदद से दो में न लिखें।
(c) किसी शब्द का syllable पूरा हो जाने के बाद ही Hyphen दें। जैसे beau-ti-ful, im-me-di-ate. अगर beautiful वाक्य के अंत में लिखना हो और पूरा न आए तो beau के बाद Hyphen दें या beauti के बाद दें ।
2. 21 से 99 तक के compound numbers को शब्दों में लिखने के लिए Hyphen का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे –
21 = twenty -one 62 = sixty – two 89 = eighty- nine 431 = four hundred and thirty -one 855 = eight hundred and fifty – five 5153 = five thousand, one hundred and fifty – three
3. यदि Prefix के लगने ले कोई vowel लगातार दो बार आ जाता है, तो अभीष्ट Prefix के बाद Hyphen दिया जाता है। जैसे – co-operation. re-elect, pre-eminent.
4. अंग्रेजी में बहुत सारे compound और complex words हैं, जिनके formation में Hyphen का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
sister-in-law, brother-in-law, a five-rupee note, a one-eyed man, Vice-President, non-violence, mid-June, ex-M.L.A, Ex-Principal.
1. कभी-कभी जहाँ Colon का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है वहाँ Dash का प्रयोग किया जाता है। list of things, examples या वाक्य में पहले कही हुई बातों के बाद अगर उस संबंध में कोई explanation/illustration/statement देना होता है, तो का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे –
I want the following -ten notebooks, two pens, four pencils and one ink-pot.
2. दो संख्याओं के बीच Dash का प्रयोग दी हुई प्रथम और अंतिम संख्या के बीच की लुप्त संख्या या सख्याओं को सूचित करने के लिए किया जाता है। जैसे –
1970-1980 (1970 से 1980 तक)
Chapters I-XI (एक से ग्यारह तक)
PP 10-100 (पृष्ठ 10 से पृष्ठ 100 तक)
3. Quotation के प्रारभं में Dash का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे – The teacher said – “Honestly is the best policy”. ‘
9. Apostrophe (‘)
1. Contractions (संक्षिप्त शब्दों) में लुप्त अक्षर या संख्या के स्थान पर Apostrophe का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे –
Ma’am – for Madam can’t – for cannot aren’t – for are not I’m – for I am I’ll – for I will It’s – for it is o’clock – for of the clock ’82 – for 1982
2. Noun के Possessive From में Apostrophe का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे – Ram’s cow, the cow’s milk, the boy’s names.
3. संख्या तथा अक्षरों को Plural बनाने में ‘s का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे – Add four 3’s and the result is 12. Your t’s and 1’s look alike.
Note: संख्या यदि शब्दों में लिखी जाती है, तो उसका plural -s/es लगाकर बनाया जाता हैं, ‘s लगाकर नहीं। जैसे –
Sachin hit three fours and two sixes.
1. Inverted Commas
Inverted Commas को Quotation Marks भी कहा जाता है। Inverted Commas Single (‘………..’) भी हो करते हैं और double (“…………..”) भी। आप दोनों में से किसी एक का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। इनके मुख्य प्रयोग इस प्रकार हैं –
1. Inverted Commas का प्रयोग Quotation और Direct Speech को घेरने के लिए किया जाता है। जैसे – He said, “What are you doing?” Shakespeare says, “Sweet are the uses of adversity.”
2. Inverted Commas का प्रयोग पुस्तक, कहानी, कविता, लेख, अखबार आदि के नामों के साथ भी होता है। जैसे –
Have you read “Hamlet”? ‘Ode on Solitude’ is a famous poem.
3. वाक्य में प्रयुक्त ऐसे word/phrases को भी के Inverted Commas भीतर रखा जाता है, जिनपर विशेष ध्यान (special attention) देने की जरुरत है या जो context में unusual है। जैसे –
The word ‘place’ is a very useful word.
4. अगर Quotation के भीतर भी Quotation हो, तो भीतरी Quotation के लिए वैसे Inverted Commas का प्रयोग करते है जैसा Main Quotation के लिए नहीं किया गया है। जैसे –
He asked me, “Have you read ‘Hamlet’?” He asked me, ‘Have you read “Hamlet?”
The Use of Capital Letters
Capital Letters के प्रयोग इस प्रकार हैं –
1. प्रत्येक वाक्य का पहला अक्षर Capital Letter से लिखा जाता है। जैसे –
He is my brother. What are your doing? Take the medicine in time.
2. Poem की प्रत्येक पंक्ति का पहला अक्षर Capital Letter से लिखा जाता है। जैसे –
She dwelt among the untrodden ways Besides the Springs of Dove. A maid whom there were none to praise And very few to love.
3. Inverted Commas के अंदर शुरु होनेवाले प्रत्येक वाक्य का पहला अक्षर Capital Letter से लिखा जाता है। जैसे –
He said to me, “What do you want?” “She is ill,” said her mother to the doctor.
अगर Direct Speech/Quotation में प्रयुक्त एक ही वाक्य दो या दो से अधिक भागों में बटाँ हो, तो केवल पहले भाग का पहला अक्षर Capital Letter से लिखा जाएगा। जैसे –
“I am your friend,” said he, “so you should help me”.
4. किसी व्यक्ति के नाम में प्रयुक्त प्रत्येक शब्द का पहला अक्षर Capital होता है। जैसे –
5. किसी व्यक्ति के नाम के पहले आनेवाले title का पहला अक्षर Capital होता है। जैसे –
6. गाँव, शहर, राज्य, देश, महादेश इत्यादि के नामों का पहला अक्षर Capital होता है। जैसे –
7. पहाड़, नदी, ट्रेन, जहाज आदि के नामों का पहला अक्षर Capital होता है जैसे –
The Himalayas
The Toofan Express
The Vikrant
The Ganges
The Taj Express
The Sagar Samrat
8. पुस्तक, नाटक, सामाचारपत्र, पत्रिका आदि के नामों में प्रयुक्त शब्दों का पहला अक्षर Capital होता है। सिर्फ Article, Conjunction या Preposition बीच में आएँ, तो वे small letters से लिखें जाएँगें। जैसे –
The Ramayana, The Times of India, Pratiyogita Kiran, etc.
9. story, poem, report, article या chapter of a book के title में प्रयुक्त सभी शब्दों का पहला अक्षर Capital होता है। सिर्फ Article, Conjunction या Preposition बीच में आए, तो वे small letters से लिखे जाँएगें। जैसे –
Ode on Solitude, Gandhiji as a Word Citizen, etc.
10. दिन, महीना, भाषा, समुदय, धर्म, त्योहार आदि के नामों का पहला अक्षर Capital होता है। जैसे –
Sunday, March, Hindi, Holi, Diwali, Muslim, etc.
11. Political Parties के नाम का प्रत्येक शब्द Capital से शुरु होता है। जैसे –
the Congress Party the Socialist Party the B.J.P. the Janata Party the Muslim League the C.P.I.
12. ऐतिहासिक घटनाओं में आए प्रत्येक शब्द का पहला अक्षर Capital होता है। जैसे –
Independence Day French Revolution World War I Republic Day the Middle Ages the Battle of Panipat
13. पदवी (title) और ओहदा (designation) में प्रयुक्त प्रत्येक शब्द का पहला अक्षर Capital होता है। जैसे –
Chief Minister Chief Justice Principal Prime Minister District Magistrate Headmaster
14. Proper Noun से बने शब्दों का पहले अक्षर Capital होता है। जैसे –
Indian American Bihari British Russian Japanese Punjabi Greek
15. अधिकांश Abbreviations में प्रयुक्त प्रत्येक letter को Capital से लिखा जाता है। जैसे –
B.D.O. B.A. M.L.A. U.N.O. I.A.S. M.A. M.P. U.S.A.
Note: (a) जब Abbreviation में एक से अधिक letters संयुक्त रहता है, तब केवल पहला letter Capital होता है, जैसा कि इन उदाहणों से स्पष्ट है –
I. Sc. M. Sc. Ph. D. B. Sc.
(b) कुछ abbreviations small letters से भी लिखे जाते हैं। जैसे –
16. Pronoun I, Interjection O तथा Personified word का पहला letter Capital से लिखा जाता है। जैसे –
He knew that I was not there. O that she were alive! O death! Come soon.
17. अगर God का प्रयोग सर्वशक्तिमान ईश्वर के लिए हो, तो God और उनके लिए प्रयुक्त Pronoun (He/Him/His) एंव अन्य शब्दों का पहला अक्षर Capital Letter से लिखा जाएगा। जैसे –
None can challenge God. God is Almighty. God is the Father of Father. God is kind to His creatures.
Note: अगर God का प्रयोग देवता के लिए हो , तो God और उनके लिए प्रयुक्त Pronouns Capital Letters से आरंभ नहीं होगें। जैसे –
The god of fire will burn you if don’t obey him.
18. जब Father/Mother/Uncle/Aunt से वक्ता के अपने Father/Mother/Uncle/Aunt का बोध हो और इनके पहले कोई Determiner (the, your, my, his, etc) प्रयुक्त न रहें, यानी इनका प्रयोग Proper Noun का तरह हो, तब इनका पहला अक्षर Capital Letter से लिखा जाएगा। इनके पहले Determiners प्रयुक्त रहने पर इन्हें small letter से लिखा जाएगा। जैसे –
Father agreed but Mother didn’t. I am waiting for Uncle and Aunt. My father is very poor. When is your uncle / aunt / mother / father coming?
Direction: Punctuate the following, using capital letters where necessary –
1. My father is a bdo 2. sita gita and leela are dancing 3. try try again 4. i mohan am a student 5. where are you going mohan 6. he is after all my brother 7. yes i am ready 8. you are ready arent you 9. he said i am ready 10. the following words are nouns cow dog cat boy and girl 11. may god help you 12. what a beautiful place it is 13. alas my cat is dead 14. my father in law is sixty two years old 15. i cant help rams brother 16. he said to me what is your name 17. i know dr suman and prof mathur 18. the gangs is a holy river of india 19. i read he ramayana everyday 20. have you read ode on solitude 21. i shall come in march 22. we must believe in god 23. i am waiting for father 24. i love my father very much
Answers: 1. My father is a B.D.O. 2. Sita, Gita, and Leela are dancing. 3. Try, try again. 4. I, Mohan, am a student. 5. Where are you going, Mohan? 6. He is, after all, my brother. 7. Yes, I am ready to help you. 8. You are ready, aren’t you? 9. He said, “I am ready.” 10. The following words are nouns: cow, dog, cat, boy and girl. 11. May God help you! 12. What a beautiful place it is! 13. Alas! My cat is dead. 14. My father-in-law is sixty-two years old. 15. I can’t help Ram’s brother. 16. He said to me , “What is your name?” 17. I know Dr suman and Prof Mathur. 18. The Ganges is a holy river of India. 19. I read the Ramayana everyday. 20. Have you read ‘Ode on Solitude’? 21. I shall come in March. 22. We must believe in God. 23. I am waiting for Father. 24. I love my father very much.
Direction: Punctuate the following, using capital letters where necessary-
1. r 1 mishra is an mla 2. i am a ba 3. i dont like mohan sohan ravi and manoj 4. try try again for success 5. jawaharlal nehru the first prime minister of india was a great man 6. she the daughter of a rich mam is very proud 7. i sohan promise to help you 8. mohan you should help me 9. what are you doing here my me 10. i love you suresh 11. i therefore request you to help me 12. he is i think not a good man 13. no you cant stay here 14. she is tall isnt she 15. she said to me what is your name 16. come early go early 17. i need the following a cup tea water and sugar 18. pronoun a pronoun stands for a noun 19. who is miss lata 20. may you die of cholera 21. what a dark night it is 22. well done i am proud of you 23. my sister in law is an ma 24. i cant do without your cooperation 25. i need twenty five rupees 26. arent you rams brother 27. the teacher said who can define the word determiner 28. where is ram going with his father
R. L. Mishra is an MLA.
I am a B.A.
I don’t like Mohan, Sohan, Ravi, and Manoj.
Try, try again for success.
Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, was a great man.
She, the daughter of a rich man, is very proud.
I, Sohan, promise to help you.
Mohan, you should help me.
What are you doing here, my friend?
I love you, Suresh.
I, therefore, request you to help me.
He is, I think, not a good man.
No, you can’t stay here.
She is tall, isn’t she?
She said to me, “What is your name?”
Come early, go early.
I need the following: a cup, tea, water, and sugar.
Pronoun: A pronoun stands for a noun.
Who is Miss Lata?
May you die of cholera!
What a dark night it is!
Well done! I am proud of you.
My sister-in-law is an M.A.
I can’t do without your cooperation.
I need twenty-five rupees.
Aren’t you Ram’s brother?
The teacher said, “Who can define the word ‘determiner’?”
Where is Ram going with his father?
Direction: Punctuate the following, using capital letters where necessary-
1. i know mr john and mrs call 2. he said to me do you know dr kapoor 3. mount everest is the highest peak of the himalayas 4. people worship the ganges in india 5. have you read as you like it 6. he will come on the first sunday of january 7. some indians know both hindi and urdu 8. when does the prime minister arrive here 9. who is the main leader of the congress party 10. god is kind to his children 11. why has father not come yet 12. i think uncle will like it 13. i think my father will not like it 14. a hindu celebrates deepawali with great joy 15. have you seen the wind is a beautiful poem 16. the play as you it has been written by shakespeare 17. the teacher said god is almighty 18. we celebrate the independence day every year 19. the word excuse me is a very popular word 20. our vice president is an ex mp
I know Mr. John and Mrs. Call.
He said to me, “Do you know Dr. Kapoor?”
Mount Everest is the highest peak of the Himalayas.
People worship the Ganges in India.
Have you read As You Like It?
He will come on the first Sunday of January.
Some Indians know both Hindi and Urdu.
When does the Prime Minister arrive here?
Who is the main leader of the Congress party?
God is kind to His children.
Why has Father not come yet?
I think Uncle will like it.
I think my father will not like it.
A Hindu celebrates Deepawali with great joy.
Have you seen The Wind is a Beautiful Poem?
The play As You Like It has been written by Shakespeare.
1. Infinitive: Infinitive क्रिया का धातु रुप है, जिसपर वाक्य के Subject के Number और Person का कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता। सामान्यतया Infinitive के शुरु में participle ‘to’ लगा रहता है, जैसे – to go, to run, to laugh, etc. और वाक्य में इसका अपना कोई Subject नहीं होता।
इन वाक्यों पर विचार करें –
I want to go. The boy wants to go. The boys want to go.
इन वाक्यों में ‘to go’ एक Infinitive है। वाक्यों के Subjects (I, The boy और The boys ) का इस पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं हैं। Subjects Number और Person बदलने पर भी प्रयुक्त Infinitive के रुप में कोई परिर्वतन नहीं हुआ है। पुनः यहाँ एक बात और ध्यान देने योग्य है कि ऊपर के वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त Infinitive ‘to go’ का अपना कोई Subject नहीं है। I, The boy और The boys क्रमशः want, wants और want के Subjects हैं, to go के नहीं। ‘to go’ यहाँ एक Object के रुप में प्रयुक्त हुआ है।
Note: Infinitive का प्रयोग Object के आलावा Subject और Complement के रुप में भी होता है।
2. Bare Infinitive: Infinitive में participle ‘to’ लगा रहता है। परंतु कुछ Verbs ऐसे हैं जिनके बाद Infinitive without to का प्रयोग होता है| ऐसे Infinitives ‘without to’ को Bare Infinitives कहते हैं। इस वाक्यों को देखें –
I made him laugh.
He heard them cry.
We watched him play.
I let her go home.
यहाँ ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त laugh, cry, play और go ऐसे Infinitives हैं, जिनके पहले to प्रयुक्त नहीं है। अतः इन्हें के हिसाब से Bare Infinitives कहेगें।
3. आगे ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में Full infinitives (to walk, to play, to run, to dance, etc) और Bare Infinitives (weep, cry, dance, etc) के प्रयोग को देखें –
To walk is an exercise.
Children like to play.
It is yet to decide.
She is about to dance.
We eat to live.
It is easy to solve.
I have no house to live in.
She made him weep.
I heard him cry.
I can go.
We shall dance.
He does nothing but play.
Let him do this.
She bade me go.
1. जब Verb + ing का प्रयोग Noun की तरह होता है, तब उसे Gerund कहा जाता है। इन वाक्यों में मोटे अक्षरों में छपे शब्द Gerunds हैं –
Walking is a exercise.
I like reading stories.
He is fond of playing cricket.
Saying is easy but doing is difficult.
My hobby is dancing.
Note 1. Gerund एक Noun की तरह किसी वाक्य में Subject, Object या Complement के रुप में प्रयुक्त होता है, अर्थात् किसी वाक्य में Gerund वहाँ प्रयुक्त होता है, जहाँ एक Noun प्रयुक्त होना चाहिए। इसे समझने के लिए Noun और Gerund के तुलनात्मक प्रयोग पर विचार करें –
(a) Tea a bad for health. (Tea - Noun) Smoking is bad for health. (Smoking-Gerund) (b) I love toys. (toys-Noun) I love dancing. (dancing-gerund) (c) Friendship is a boon. (Friendship - Noun) Seeing is believing. (Seeing/believing - Gerund) (d) I am fond of sweets. (sweets - Noun) I am fond of travelling. (travelling - Gerund)
Note 2. जब Verb + ing का प्रयोग Verb की तरह हो, तब उसे हम Gerund नहीं कहेगें। जैसे – इन वाक्यों में V + ing Gerund नहीं हैं –
I am dancing.
She is smoking.
Participle के मुख्यतः दो भेद हैं –
(a) Present Participle [Verb + ing], जैसे – playing, eating, dancing, laughing, etc. (b) Past Participle [Verb + d/ed या अन्य उपयुक्त रुप ], जैसे – playing, eaten, gone, burnt, given, etc.
Uses of the Participle:
1. Present Participle की मदद Progressive Tense तथा Past Participle की मदद से Perfect Tense और Passive Voice बनाए जाते हैं। जैसे –
I am playing.
They were working.
He was beaten.
She has gone.
He had reached.
The chair was broken.
2. Present Participle तथा Past Participle का प्रयोग सामान्य Adjective का तरह भी होता है और इस स्थिति में ये अपने बाद आनेवाले Noun को Modify करते हैं, जैसे –
The child has a smiling face.
This is a boiled egg.
We have no drinking water.
He is a retired teacher.
उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में smiling, drinking, boiled और retired Participles हैं तथा ये Adjective की तरह प्रयुक्त हुए हैं। ये Adjective की तरह प्रयुक्त हुए हैं, इस तथ्य की पुष्टि के लिए हम इन वाक्यों को पुनः लिख रहे हैं जिनमें smiling, boiled, drinking और retired के स्थान पर क्रमशः beautiful, good, pure और noble Adjective प्रयुक्त हुए हैं।
The child has a beautiful face.
This is a good egg.
We have no pure water.
He is noble teacher.
Note: ऊपर दिए गए तथ्यों से स्पष्ट है कि Participle Verb का वह रुप है जो Progressive या Perfect Tense बनाने में मदद करता है तथा विभिन्न वाक्यों में Adjective के रुप में भी प्रयुक्त होता है।
Confusion दूर करें –
Gerund और Present Participle दोनों का एक ही रुप है – Verb + ing इसलिए कभी-कभी विद्यार्थीगण भ्रम में पड़ जाते हैं कि प्रयुक्त Verb + ing का प्रयोग Gerund के रुप में हुआ है या Present Participle के रुप में। ऐसी स्थिति में आप इनके प्रयोग के देखें। अगर Verb + ing का प्रयोग एक Noun के रुप में हुआ है तब इसे Gerund कहेंगे। अगर Verb + ing का प्रयोग Continuous Tenses बनाने में या एक Adjectives के रुप में हुआ है तब इसे Participles कहेगें। जैसे –
My hobby is dancing. (dancing = Noun = Gerund)
I am dancing. (dancing = Verb = Participle)
He is my dancing partner. (dancing = Adjective = Participle)
I don’t like drinking. (drinking = Adjective = Participle)
He is drinking. (drinking = Verb = Participle)
There is no drinking water. (drinking = Adjective = Participle)
Direction : Pick out the infinitives in the following sentences.
(a) I want to go. Ans. to go
(b) To sleep is necessary. Ans. to sleep
(c) I am too tired to turn. Ans. to run
(d) She made me laugh. Ans. laugh
(e) I shall help her. Ans. help
1. She wants to help me.
2. It is about to rain.
3. To walk is an exercise.
4. I had to work.
5. Are you to go now?
6. To steal is very bad.
7. He wishes to succeed.
8. I have no house to live in.
9. It is easy to solve.
10. Children like to play.
11. He same to help me.
12. She made me laugh.
13. I heard him cry.
14. I can do.
15. Give me a book to read.
16. To see is to believe.
17. They let her go.
18. I saw him sleep.
19. He does nothing but play.
20. Teach me to dance.
1. She wants to help me.
2. It is about to rain.
3. To walk is an exercise.
4. I had to work.
5. Are you to go now?
6. To steal is very bad.
7. He wishes to succeed.
8. I have no house to live in.
9. It is easy to solve.
10. Children like to play.
11. He came to help me.
12. She made me laugh. (No infinitive, “laugh” is the base form)
13. I heard him cry. (No infinitive, “cry” is the base form)
14. I can do. (No infinitive, “do” is the base form)
15. Give me a book to read.
16. To see is to believe.
17. They let her go. (No infinitive, “go” is the base form)
18. I saw him sleep. (No infinitive, “sleep” is the base form)
19. He does nothing but play. (No infinitive, “play” is the base form)
20. Teach me to dance.
Direction: Pick out the gerunds in the following sentences.
(a) I like playing cricket.
(b) Drinking is a bad thing.
(c) Stop crying.
(d) I am fond of hunting.
(e) My hobby is dancing.
(f) He enjoys flying kites.
(g) He went on laughing.
1. Swimming is an exercise.
2. Smoking is a bad habit.
3. Children love playing.
4. I like reading stories.
5. I am tired of doing this job.
6. She will learn dancing.
7. I am fond of playing.
8. It stopped talking.
9. Reading makes a man perfect.
10. I think of going there.
11. He stopped talking.
12. Old men love walking.
13. I love eating mangoes.
14. I hate borrowing money.
15. Please go on writing.
16. Seeing is believing.
17. Thanks you for helping me.
18. Try to avoid quarrelling.
19. Eating much is bad.
20. It is no use waiting here.
1. Swimming is an exercise.
2. Smoking is a bad habit.
3. Children love playing.
4. I like reading stories.
5. I am tired of doing this job.
6. She will learn dancing.
7. I am fond of playing.
8. It stopped talking.
9. Reading makes a man perfect.
10. I think of going there.
11. He stopped talking.
12. Old men love walking.
13. I love eating mangoes.
14. I hate borrowing money.
15. Please go on writing.
16. Seeing is believing.
17. Thank you for helping me.
18. Try to avoid quarrelling.
19. Eating much is bad.
20. It is no use waiting here.
Direction: Pick out the participles in the following sentences.
Examples Ans.
(a) I am reading a book. reading
(b) He has lost in his pen. lost
(c) He was beaten. beaten
(d) Don’t jump off the running train. running
(e) The police found the stolen articles. stolen.
1. He was playing.
2. She is eating.
3. He has returned.
4. The work was done.
5. They were awarded.
6. This is a boiled egg.
7. This is the broken chair.
8. It is a burning issue.
9. He was satisfied.
10. He is an amusing man.
11. He played a loosing game.
12. He was a drunken person.
13. There were many burnt houses.
14. This is an interesting story.
15. He is a tired man.
16. Here is a broken window.
17. He had a loaded pistol.
18. He is a retired officer.
19. Don’t disturb the sleeping child.
20. It is an admitted fact.
1. He was playing.
2. She is eating.
3. He has returned.
4. The work was done.
5. They were awarded.
6. This is a boiled egg.
7. This is the broken chair.
8. It is a burning issue.
9. He was satisfied.
10. He is an amusing man.
11. He played a losing game.
12. He was a drunken person.
13. There were many burnt houses.
14. This is an interesting story.
15. He is a tired man.
16. Here is a broken window.
17. He had a loaded pistol.
18. He is a retired officer.
19. Don’t disturb the sleeping child.
20. It is an admitted fact.
Direction: Pick out the infinitive, gerunds and participles in the following examples-
(a) I want to go there.
(b) To smoke is a bad habit.
(c) Walking is an exercise.
(d) I like playing cricket.
(e) Look at the running dog.
(f) I saw a dying man.
(g) He was taught English.
to go – infinitive
to smoke – infinitive
walking- gerund
Playing – gerund
running – participle
dying – participle
1. I wanted to help you.
2. I heard her weep.
3. He made me laugh.
4. To tell lies is not good.
5. I enjoy flying kites.
6. I dislike drinking.
7. He went on talking.
8. Running water is clear.
9. These are solved examples.
10. Gardening is a hobby.
11. Sleeping is necessary to life.
12. It is easy to write a letter.
13. A barking dog seldom bites.
14. I found my lost pen.
15. He is a good looking man.
16. He was not satisfied.
17. I hope to succeed.
18. She is fond of dancing.
19. She was my dancing partner.
20. She was dancing.
1. to help – infinitive
2. weep – infinitive (bare infinitive after “heard”)
3. laugh – infinitive (bare infinitive after “made”)
4. to tell – infinitive
5. flying – gerund
6. drinking – gerund
7. talking – gerund
8. Running – participle
9. solved – participle
10. Gardening – gerund
11. Sleeping – gerund
12. to write – infinitive
13. barking – participle
14. lost – participle
15. looking – participle
16. No infinitive, gerund, or participle
17. to succeed – infinitive
18. dancing – gerund
19. dancing – participle
20. dancing – participle
Rice sells at Rs. 10 a kilo. – चावल दस रुपये की दर से कितना है।
Sita is at school. – सीता स्कूल में है।
Mohan is good at football. – मोहन फुटबाॅल में अच्छा है।
He stood before July. – वे लोग काम पर हैं।
7. Before: से पहले, के सामने
A comes before B. – A, B के पहले आता है।
I will come before Holi. – मैं होली से पहले आऊगाँ।
June Comes before July. – जून जुलाई के पहले आता है।
He stood before the judge. – वह जज के सामने खड़ा था।
8. Behind: के पीछे He hid behind the tree. – वह पेड़ के पीछे छिप गया।
9. Below: के नीचे
Please don’t write below this line. कृपया इस पंक्ति के नीचे नही लिखें। They were below twenty. – वे लोग बीस के नीचे थे।
10. Besides and Besides: Besides का अर्थ है – बगल में , समीप या बाहर और इससे स्थान का बोध होता है। Besides का अर्थ है – अतिरिक्त (in addition to ) , अलावा।
She was siting besides her mother. – वह अपनी माँ की बगल में बैठी हुई थी। She had no one besides her mother. – माँ के अलावा उसका कोई नहीं था।
11. But: except, के छोड़कर, के अतिरिक्त All but one were drowned. – एक को छोड़कर सभी डूब गए।
12. By: से /द्वारा, के पास तक/ में (साधन, समीपता, समय इत्यादि का बोध)
This book has been written by me. – वह पुस्तक मेरे द्वारा लिखी गई है।
May I pay by cheque? – क्या मैं चेक से भुगतान कर सकता हूँ।
He came by bus. – वह बस से आया।
Come and sit by me. – आओ और मेरे पास बैठो।
The house is by the big tree. – घर बड़े पेड़ के पास है।
Finish it by 4 o’clock. – चार बजे तक इसे पूरा करो।
It is 10 o’clock by my watch. – मेरी धड़ी में दस बजा है।
13. For: के लिए, की ओर, से (Period of time), में / के बदले
This is for you. – यह तुम्हारे लिए है।
He came here for money. – वह पैसे के लिए यहाँ आया।
Is this train for Delhi. – क्या वह गाड़ी दिल्ली के लिए है।
दो घंटो से वर्षा हो रही है।
मैनें पाँच रुपये में कलम खरीदी।
14. From: से (स्थान से अलग होने का भाव, समय का भाव, स्त्रोत का भाव, इत्यादि)
He has come from Patna. – वह पटना से आया है। He was blind from birth. – वह जन्म से अन्धा था। These lines are from the Bible. – ये पक्तियाँ बाइबल से ली गई हैं। We make curd from milk. – हमलोग दूध से दही बनाते हैं।
15. In: में [बड़े स्थान, समय, स्थिरता (के भीतर), पोशाक, पेशा, इत्यादि का भाव दर्शाने में ]
He lives in India. वह भारत में रहता है।
I play in the morning. – मैं सुबह में खेलता हूँ
She is in the room. – वह कमरे में है।
She was in Sari. – वह साड़ी मे थी।
He is in the army. – वह सेना में है।
What is in your mind? – तुम्हारे दिमाग में क्या है?
16. Into: मेंं (बाहर से भीतर की ओर जाने का भाव, एक वस्तु से दुसरी वस्तु में बदलने का भाव, एक वस्तु से दूसरी वस्तु में बदलने का भाव, इत्यादि)
17. Of: का /की /के (संबंध /अधिकार, माप तौल, material, अंश कारण इत्यादि का बोध)
Ram was the son of Dasharatha. – राम दशरथ के पुत्र थे।
He bought a kilo of sugar. – उसने एक किलो चीनी खरीदी।
He came on Monday. – वह सोमवार को आया।
They went on 10th April. – वे 10 अप्रैल के गए।
19. Over: के ऊपर (सटा या छूआ हुआ नहीं). से ऊपर /अधिक
There was an umbrella over his head. – उसके सिर के ऊपर एक छाता था। He is over sixty. – वे साठ से ऊपर के है। There is a bridge over the river. – नवी के ऊपर एक पुल है।)
20. Since: से (point of time के पहले)
He has been absent since Monday. – वह सोमवार से अनुपस्थित है।
21. To: की ओर, बाकी (समय का भाव), इत्यादि
I am going to school. – मैं स्कूल जा रहा हूँ।
पाँच बजने में दस मिनट बाकी है।
22. Under: के नीचे, से कम
The cat was under the table. – बिल्ली टेबुल के नीचे थी। She is under eighteen. वह 18 सो कम की है।
23. With: के साथ, से, द्वारा
He plays with his friend. – वह अपने दोस्त के साथ खेलता है।
I write with a pen. – मैं कलम से लिखता हूँ।
He cut the apple with a knife. – उसने सेब को चाकू से काटा।
I am always with you, – मैं हमेशा तुम्हारे साथ हूँ।
He was with a bag. – वह बैग के साथ था।
24. Within: के अंदर He will come within an hour. – वह एक घंटे के अंदर आएगा।
25. Without: के बिना
The pen is without a nib. – कलम बिना निब की है।
We can’t live without food. – हमलोग भोजन के बिना नहीं रह सकते।
1. At & In: जहाँ At का संबंध small extent of space/time से है वहीं In का संबंध wider extent of space/time से है। जैसे –
He lives at salempur.
He lives in Patna/Bihar/India.
I will start at seven o’clock in the morning.
2. In & Into: जहाँ In किसी चीज के भीतर स्थिरता या विश्राम को सूचित करता हैं, वहीं Into बाहर से भीतर आने की गति के सूचित करता है। जैसे —-
The frog is in the well. (विश्राम) The dog fell into the well. (गति)
3. With & By: किसी कार्य को संपादित करने के लिए जहाँ कोई प्रयुक्त उपकरणों (tools) या भौतिक वस्तुओं (material instruments) के पहले With का प्रयोग किया जाता है, वहीं agent or doer (जो प्रायः मनुष्य या भावाचक संज्ञा रहता है) के पहले By का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे —
He was beaten with a stick.
He was beaten by his teacher.
The letter was written by him with a pen.
7. Since & From: Future Tense में Point of Time के पहले Since का प्रयोग नहीं होता है, इसके बदले From का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे —–
I shall have been doing this from January.
I shall be absent from Monday.
5. (a) जब Intransitive Verb के बाद कोई Noun/Pronoun आता है, तब Verb और Noun/Pronoun के बीच में एक Preposition अवश्य आता है। जैसे —
He is going to Patna. I depend on him.
(b) जब Transitive Verb के बीच कोई Noun/Pronoun आता है, तब Verb और Noun/Pronoun के बीच में Preposition नहीं आता है। जैसे —-
She loves me.
I know him very well.
He reads a book.
The child is drinking milk.
The poet describe Nature.
We should obey our elders.
Prepositions का प्रयोग करने में सावधानी बरतने की आवश्यकता होती है, क्योंकि अंग्रेजी में अनेक ऐसे शब्द हैं, जिनके साथ किसी खास Preposition का प्रयोग होता है। कुछ शब्दों के साथ भिन्न अर्थाें में भिन्न- भिन्न Prepositions का प्रयोग किया जाता है। अतः किसी शब्द के साथ लगाने से पहले यह ध्यान दें कि अभीष्ट शब्द जिस अर्थ भाव के लिए प्रयुक्त हो रहा है उसके लिए कोई खास Preposition है कि नहीं। अगर है तो उस खास Preposition का प्रयोग करना वहाँ आवश्यक होगा। जैसे —
1. He lives in India. (वह भारत में रहता है।)
2. He lives a Hajipur. (वह हाजीपुर में रहता है।)
3. Man can live on milk diet. (दुग्ध-आहार पर मनुष्य जीवित रह सकता है।)
4. We should live by honest labour. हमलागों को परिश्रम की कमाई खानी चाहिए।)
अब हम कुछ शब्द और उनके साथ प्रयुक्त होनेवाले Appropriate Prepositions दे रहे हैं, जिन्हें ध्यान से पढ़े और समझें –
1. According to: You should do according to the rules.
2. Afraid of: I am not afraid of ghosts.
3. Agree with (a person): I agree with you.
4. Agree to (a proposal): I do not agree to your proposal.
5. Agree on (a point): We all agree to a proposal: we agree on a point.)
6. Angry with ( a person): The teacher was angry with me.
7. Angry at (something): The teacher was angry at my mistake.
(Note: We feel angry with a person at something. )
8. Apply to a person: She applied to the Principal.
9. Apply for something: She applied for three day’s leave.
(Note: We apply to a person for something.)
10. Ashamed of: I am ashamed of my failure.
11. Belong to: This book belongs to me.
12. Blind of (the eye): He is blind of one eye.
13. Blind to (one’s fault): He is blind to his son’s fault.
14. Care for: You must care for your health. (care as a verb)
15. Care of: You must take care of your health. (care as a noun)
16. Busy with: He is busy with his work.
17. Congratulate on: He congratulated me on my success.
18. Consist of: Our family consist of five members.
19. Close to: He is very close to me.
20. Deal in (something): He deals in rice.
21. Deal with ( a person): We should deal with our friends sincerely.
22. Die of: He died of cholera.
23. Faithful to: The dog is always faithful to his master.
24. Fond of: I am fond of sweets.
25. Full of: The pot is full of water.
26. Hope for: I hope for success.
27. Good at: Ravi is good at cricket.
28. Good to: He is good to me.
29. Interest in: I have deep interest in music.
30. Jealous of: He is jealous of me.
31. Junior to: Sita is junior to me.
32. Key to: Hard work is key to success.
33. Kind to: We should be kind to the animals.
34. Laugh at: Don’t laugh at the poor.
35. Listen to: He is listening to the radio.
36. Live on: The cow lives on grass.
37. Look after: My mother looks after me.
38. Look at: Look at the blackboard.
39. Married to: Sita was married to Ram.
40. obliged to/for: I shall be obliged to you for this.
41. Prefer to: I prefer coffee to tea.
42. Pray to: We pray to God everyday.
43. Proud of: I am proud of my brother.
44. Rich in: Jharkhand is rich in minerals.
45. Run after: He runs after money.
46. Reply to: I have replied to these letters.
47. Satisfied with: I am satisfied with you.
48. Sorry for: I am sorry for my mistake.
49. Superior to: My pen is superior to your pen.
50. Sure of: I am sure of your success.
51. Taste for: I have no taste for music.
52. Thankful o/for: I am thankful to you for your help.
53. Tired of: I am tired of work.
54. True of: I am true to my word.
55. Wait for: I am waiting for Father.
Vocabulary: 1. according to – के अनुसार, 2. afraid of – भयभीत, ghost – भूत, 3. agree – सहमत, सहमत होना, 4. proposal – प्रस्ताव, 5. point – बिंदु, 8. apply – आवेदन करना, 10. ashamed – लज्जित, 11. belong – से संबंध, 13. blind – ध्यान, faults – खामियाँ, 14. care (v) – ध्यान रखना, 15. care (n) – ध्यान, 17. congratulate – बधाई देना, success – सफलता, 18. consist – (से, का) बना होना, 19. close – घनिष्ठ, 20. deal – व्यापार करना, 21. deal – बर्ताव करना, 23. faithful – वफादार, निष्ठावान, 24. fond – प्रिय, 29. interest – रुचि, 30. jealous – ईष्यालु, 32. key – 36. live – जीवित रहना, 37. look after – देखभाल करना, 38. look – देखना, 40. आभारी, 41. prefer – (अधिक) चाहना, तरजीह देना, 43. proud – गर्वित, 45. run after – के पीछे पड़ा रहना, 46. reply – जवाब देना, 47. satisfied – संतुष्ट, 48. sorry – दुखी, 49. superior – बेहतर, 50. sure – आश्वस्त, स्वाद, रुचि, झुकाव, 52. thankful- कृतज्ञ, एहसानमंद, 53. tired – थका हुआ, 54. true – सच्चा, निष्ठावान, निष्कपट, 55. wait – इंतजार करना।
[A] Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He lives …….. Bihar. (in, at, on)
2. I live ……… Arrah. (in, at, on)
3. The fan is …….. my head. (in, at, on)
4. He is writing …….. a pen. (by, with, from)
5. There is a book ……. the table. (at, on, over)
6. She bought it ………. Rs. 10. (for, on, with)
7. The book was writtien ……. him. (with, from, by)
8. He jumped ….. the river. (in, into, on)
9. He came …….. train. (with, on, by)
10. What is the time ……….. your watch? (by, in, with
11. He is sitting ………. the room. (in, at, on)
12. He came here …… Monday. (since, on, at)
13. He came ……… 5 o’clock. (since, on, at)
14. I was born ……. 1980. (at, on, in)
15. He is ……… Ravi and Gopi. (among, between, in)
Ans. 1. in, 2. at, 3. over, 4. with, 5. on, 6. for, 7. by, 8. into, 9. by, 10. by 11. in, 12. on, 13. at, 14. in, 15. between.
[B] Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He came …… 6 o’clock ….. the evening.
2. The child fell …… the well.
3. He has a hat ………. his head.
4. Sita is ……. school.
5. C comes ……… D.
6. I go to school ……… bus.
7. It has been raining ……… five hours.
8. She has been sleeping …….. morning.
9. We make curd ………… milk.
10. We play ……… the evening.
11. .The chair is made ……. wood.
12. I don’t agree ………… you.
13. This book belongs ……….. me.
14. He is junior ……. me.
15. They are tired ………. work.
16. Please listen …………. me.
17. Why are you laughing ……… him?
18. My teacher is very kind …….. me.
19. He cut the apple …….. a knife.
20. He was born ……… 10th July ……. 1970.
Ans. 1. at, in, 2. into, 3. on, 4. at, 5. before, 6. by, 7. for, 8. since, 9. from, 10. in, 11. of, 12. with, 13. to, 14. to, 15. of, 16. to, 17. at, 18. to, 19. with, 20. on, in.
Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. I do not know …….. him. (about, for)
2. It is ……. ten o’clock. (of, about)
3. The sky is ….. the earth. (on, above)
4. November comes …….. October. (after, before)
5. July comes …….. August. (after, before)
6. The mangoes were divided …. my two sons. (among, between)
7. The mangoes were divided ……… my four sons. (among, between)
8. He will come ………… the morning. (in, at)
9. He come ……… 7 o’clock. (in, at)
10. She lives ……….. Nepal. (in, at)
11. Rice sells ………. Rs. 12/- a kilo. (at, by)
12. My son is good ……… cricket. (in, at)
13. The work was done …… him. (at, by)
14. He killed the bird ………. a stone. (with, by)
15. What is the time ………… your watch? (in, by)
16. He come …….. bus. (by, on)
17. This frock is ………… my sister. (about, for)
18. I have been running ……. an hour. (since, for)
19. She has been running ………… 8 o’clock. (since, for)
20. I bought the bicycle ………… Rs. 500. (at, for)
1. I do not know about him. (about, for)
2. It is about ten o’clock. (of, about)
3. The sky is above the earth. (on, above)
4. November comes after October. (after, before)
5. July comes before August. (after, before)
6. The mangoes were divided between my two sons. (among, between)
7. The mangoes were divided among my four sons. (among, between)
8. He will come in the morning. (in, at)
9. He came at 7 o’clock. (in, at)
10. She lives in Nepal. (in, at)
11. Rice sells at Rs. 12/- a kilo. (at, by)
12. My son is good at cricket. (in, at)
13. The work was done by him. (at, by)
14. He killed the bird with a stone. (with, by)
15. What is the time by your watch? (in, by)
16. He came by bus. (by, on)
17. This frock is for my sister. (about, for)
18. I have been running for an hour. (since, for)
19. She has been running since 8 o’clock. (since, for)
20. I bought the bicycle for Rs. 500. (at, for)
Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. He has come ………… Patna. (in, from)
2. What is he doing ……….. the room. (at, in)
3. My brother is ………… the Navy. (at, in)
4. She jumped ……….. the river. (in, into)
5. He was swimming ………. the river. (in, into)
6. She was siting ……….. her sister. (beside, besides)
7. What is …………. the box? (in, at)
8. The book is ……… the box. (in, at)
9. This box is made ………. steel. (from, of)
10. He hid ……… the tree. (on, behind)
11. Give me a kilo ………. rice. (of, at)
12. She died ………. cholera. (of, from)
13. He is a member ……. my team. (of, at)
14. I am not ………… her. (besides, against)
15. He will come ………. Monday. (at, on)
16. Stand up …………… the bench. (at, on)
17. All ………. one were killed. (in, but)
18. There was an umbrella ……… my head. (over, on)
19. It is five ……… eleven. (to, by)
20. The cat was ……… the table. (under, over)
1. He has come from Patna. (in, from)
2. What is he doing in the room? (at, in)
3. My brother is in the Navy. (at, in)
4. She jumped into the river. (in, into)
5. He was swimming in the river. (in, into)
6. She was sitting beside her sister. (beside, besides)
7. What is in the box? (in, at)
8. The book is in the box. (in, at)
9. This box is made of steel. (from, of)
10. He hid behind the tree. (on, behind)
11. Give me a kilo of rice. (of, at)
12. She died of cholera. (of, from)
13. He is a member of my team. (of, at)
14. I am not against her. (besides, against)
15. He will come on Monday. (at, on)
16. Stand up on the bench. (at, on)
17. All but one were killed. (in, but)
18. There was an umbrella over my head. (over, on)
19. It is five to eleven. (to, by)
20. The cat was under the table. (under, over)
Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. She is writing ………. a pen. (by, with)
2. She was taught ……… me. (by, to)
3. He will come …….. a month. (for, within)
4. She cut the apple ……….. a knife. (by, with)
5. Can you live ……….. air. (without, with)
6. The letter was written ……. him ……… a pen. (with, on, by)
7. You should do according …….. the rules. (by, to)
8. I am proud ……… my son. (with, of)
9. I am not satisfied ……. your work. (with, by)
10. I agree ……… you …….. that point. (on, with, to)
11. You should take care ………. your health. (at, of)
12. The merchant deals ………. rice. (in, with)
13. She has no taste ………… music. (of, for)
14. He has not replied ……….. my letter. (to, by)
15. I am fond ………. music. (of, to)
16. She was married ……… my cousin. (to, with)
17. Who are you waiting ………… ? (for, of)
18. .This book consists ……….. 100 Pages. (with, of)
19. I am not jealous ………. you. (for, of)
20. Early rising is key ……… my good health. (of, to)
1. She is writing with a pen. (by, with)
2. She was taught by me. (by, to)
3. He will come within a month. (for, within)
4. She cut the apple with a knife. (by, with)
5. Can you live without air? (without, with)
6. The letter was written by him with a pen. (with, on, by)
7. You should do according to the rules. (by, to)
8. I am proud of my son. (with, of)
9. I am not satisfied with your work. (with, by)
10. I agree with you on that point. (on, with, to)
11. You should take care of your health. (at, of)
12. The merchant deals in rice. (in, with)
13. She has no taste for music. (of, for)
14. He has not replied to my letter. (to, by)
15. I am fond of music. (of, to)
16. She was married to my cousin. (to, with)
17. Who are you waiting for? (for, of)
18. This book consists of 100 pages. (with, of)
19. I am not jealous of you. (for, of)
20. Early rising is key to my good health. (of, to)
Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
1. You should not laugh …… him.
2. I am senior ……. you.
3. I prefer milk ……….. tea.
4. She is good ………… English.
5. I congratulated him ……. his success.
6. You should be ashamed ……….. your conduct.
7. What are you afraid ………… ?
8. I pray ………. God everyday.
9. He is angry ……. me …….. my behaviour.
10. She is tired ………… work.
11. I am true …….. my word.
12. I am sorry …….. this.
13. Why is she close ……… you?
14. Please listen …….. me.
15. She is obliged ……. you for your help.
16. Are you sure ………. your success?
17. The rich man runs ……… money.
18. He has applied ……… the Principal …… leave.
19. This car belongs ………. my uncle.
20. I don’t care …….. her.
1. You should not laugh at him.
2. I am senior to you.
3. I prefer milk to tea.
4. She is good at English.
5. I congratulated him on his success.
6. You should be ashamed of your conduct.
7. What are you afraid of?
8. I pray to God every day.
9. He is angry with me about my behaviour.
10. She is tired of work.
11. I am true to my word.
12. I am sorry for this.
13. Why is she close to you?
14. Please listen to me.
15. She is obliged to you for your help.
16. Are you sure of your success?
17. The rich man runs after money.
18. He has applied to the Principal for leave.
19. This car belongs to my uncle.
20. I don’t care for her.
Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:
1. Mr Gupta is blind …….. one eye.
2. Can man live ……… grass?
.3. I am not interested ………. music.
4. You should give ………. smoking.
5. Look …….. the blackboard.
6. I bought this hat …….. ten rupess.
7. I will go ……… Patna …….. car.
8. Wait ……… me. Don’t go ……… me.
9. May I pay ………. cheque?
10. The fact is known ………… me.
11. It is now six minutes …………. ten.
12. The train is ……….. to start.
13. No one writes to me ………… you.
14. What can I do ……. you?
15. He spoke ……. me ………. the evening.
6. He was blind ……….. birth.
17. The train starts ……….. Patna and goes ……… Delhi.
18. I am thankful …….. you ……. Mother ……… a knife.
19. The vegetables were cut …………. Mother ……… a knife.
20. I am interested ….. chess but I am not good ……… it.
1. Mr. Gupta is blind in one eye.
2. Can man live on grass?
3. I am not interested in music.
4. You should give up smoking.
5. Look at the blackboard.
6. I bought this hat for ten rupees.
7. I will go to Patna by car.
8. Wait for me. Don’t go without me.
9. May I pay by cheque?
10. The fact is known to me.
11. It is now six minutes to ten.
12. The train is about to start.
13. No one writes to me but you.
14. What can I do for you?
15. He spoke to me in the evening.
16. He was blind from birth.
17. The train starts from Patna and goes to Delhi.
18. I am thankful to you for your help.
19. The vegetables were cut by Mother with a knife.
20. I am interested in chess but I am not good at it.
Subject और Verb के बीच तालमेल (agreement) आवश्यक है। अर्थात् Verb का वही Number और Person होता है जो उसके Subject का होता है इसलिए किसी वाक्य में Verb का प्रयोग करने के पहले यह जानना आवश्यक हो जाता है कि उसके Subject का Number और Person क्या है। इसके किए यहाँ कुछ नियम बताए जा रहें हैं, जिन्हें आप ध्यान से समझें।
1. जब Noun के अंत में -s/es लगता है तब वह Plural हो जाता है, परंतु जब Verb के अंत में -s/es लगता है तब वह Singular हो जाता है। अर्थात्
Noun + s/es = Plural Verb + s/es = Singular
इस तालिका को समझें –
Cow boy bench
Cows boys benches
Go do eat
Goes does eats
इस प्रकार यह स्पष्ट है कि Verb का मूल रुप हमेशा Plural Number में रहता है जब उसमें -s/es जुड़ता है तब वह हो जाता है।
2. Singular Subject के साथ Singular Verb का प्रयोग होता है। और Plural Subject के साथ Plural Verb का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
Sing. Sub + Sing. Verb
Plu. Sub + Plu. Verb
The boy reads. The cow gives milk. This pen is red. My brother is a doctor. He was going. She was ready.
The boys read. Cows give milk. These pens are red. My brothers are doctors. They were going. They were ready.
Note 1. I Singular है, पंरतु इसके साथ Plural Verb (have, eat, laugh, run, etc) का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
I have a dog. I have eaten. I have been sleeping. I love my friends.
Note 2. You का प्रयोग Singular Noun के बदले में भी होता है और Plural Noun के बदले में भी, परंतु दोनों की परिस्थितियों में इसके साथ Plural Verb का को प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
You are a student. You are students. You were my friend. You were my friends.
3. यदि वाक्य में Subject के रुप में या वाक्य के Subject में each, every, either, neither, one, everyone, anyone, no one, someone, somebody, nobody, much, a little, little, इत्यादि प्रयुक्त रहें, तों Verb Singular number में प्रयुक्त होगा। जैसे –
Each boy has a pen.
Each of them is guilty.
Everyone was present.
Either way is safe.
No one is ready to go.
Nobody was there.
Much has been said on this.
Every boy and girl was award
4. both, many, several, few, a few, these, those, two, three, four, etc. से Plural Number का बोध होता है। अतः वाक्य के Subject के रुप में या वाक्य के subject में यदि ये प्रयुक्त रहें, तो Verb Plural Number में प्रयुक्त होगा। जैसे –
Both of them are guilty.
Many boys are there.
Several apples were rotten.
A few persons are honest.
Those are your books.
Three cows are grazing there.
5. यदि किसी वाक्य का Subject as well as, along with, together, with, with, and, not, like, unlike, including, excluding, but, except या besides के द्वारा join रहे, तो वाक्य का Verb इन शब्दों के पहले प्रयुक्त होनेवाले पद के अनुसार Singular या Plural होगा। जैसे –
He as well as his children is honest. I as well as they am ready to go there. All the players with the captain, are present in the ground. He, and not I, has done it. He along with his friends is coming today.
6. यदि वाक्य के Subject में प्रयुक्त दो या दो अधिक Nouns/Pronouns को or, nor, either … or या neither …. nor से अलग किया जाए, तो Verb अपने से सबसे नजदीक आनेवाले Noun/Pronoun के अनुसार प्रयुक्त होगा। जैसे –
Either you or he is guilty.
Neither he nor I am guilty.
Are you or he to blame?
You or he is to blame.
Either Ram or his friends are guilty.
7. कुछ वाक्यों में की बनावट इस प्रकार रहती है –
Noun + Preposition + Noun + ………. the cow of Ram the boys of this school the cows of Ram the water of these rivers
ऐसे वाक्यों में Verb का प्रयोग प्रथम Noun के अनुसार होता है। जैसे –
The cow of Ram is ill.
The cows of Ram are ill.
The water of these rivers is dirty.
8. यदि वाक्य का Subject कोई ऐसा Noun हो जिससे निश्चित दूरी, समय, मात्रा, रकम या वजन का बोध होता हो तो Plural रहने पर भी ऐसे Subjects के साथ singular का प्रयोग होता है, क्योंकि उनसे संख्या का बोध न होकर निश्चित मात्रा, माप या परिणाम का बोध होता है। जैसे –
Forty miles is a long distance to walk.
ten rupess was given to me.
Ten hours is enough for the work.
Five tons of coal is needed for the work.
9. जब दो अंक and से संयुक्त रहते हैं, तब उनके प्रयुक्त Verb प्रायः Singular Number में रहता है। जैसे –
Two and tow is four.
10. यदि वाक्य का Subject ‘The + Adjective’ हो तो Verb Plural होगा। जैसे –
The poor are honest.
The rich are happy.
The old are helpless.
The blind have their own way.
11. कुछ ऐसे Singular Nouns हैं जो and से जुड़े रहते हैं और प्रयोग में बराबर एक साथ आते हैं, मानों एक Noun दुसरे का जोड़ा हो। ऐसे वाक्यों का Verb सदा Singular रहता है क्योंकि उनसे एक ही वस्तु, भाव -विशेष का बोध होता है, अलग-अलग दो वस्तुओं का नही। जैसे –
Rice and curry is my favourite dish.
Bread and butter is a rich food.
Slow and steady wins the race.
अपवाद : इस वाक्य में Verb Plural Number में प्रयुक्त हुआ है-
Time and tide wait for none.
12. There से आरंम्भ होनेवाले वाक्यों के verbs उनके असली Subjects के अनुसार प्रयुक्त होते है, जो वाक्यों में there के बाद प्रयुक्त रहते हैं। जैसे –
There is a boy.
There are boys.
There is no book in the box.
There are no books in the box.
13. कुछ ऐसे विषय, बिमारी, खेल, किताब, देश और शहर के नाम हैं जिनके अंत में s लगा रहता है, फिर भी इनके साथ Singular Verbs का ही प्रयोग होता है। ये हैं –
बिमारियों के नाम – measles. mumps, etc.
खेलों के नाम – billiards, darts, etc.
विषयों के नाम – mathematics, physics, phonetics, statistics, linguistics, etc.
देश और शहर के नाम – Wales, Athens, The United States, etc.
Measles is a dangerous disease.
Mathematics is not an easy subject.
The United States is a great country.
Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare is an interesting book.
Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs choosing from the brackets –
(a) You, he and I ……. Friends. (am, are) Ans . – are
(b) Each of the boys ……. come. (have, has) Ans.- has
(c) Every book …….. on the table. (is, are) Ans. – is
(d) Several boys ……. bicycles. (has, have) Ans. – have
(e) Either of you ……… wrong. (is, are) Ans. – is
(f) Many students …….. absent. (is, are) Ans. – are
g) I along with my friends …… going. (was, were) Ans. – was
(h) Either he or I …….. mistaken. (is, am) Ans. -am
(i) Each boy and girl …… come. (has, have) Ans. – has
(j) Neither the boys nor the teacher ……. present. (was, were) Ans.- was
1. You and he …….. Present. (was, were)
2. The students …….. slept. (has, have)
3. Those houses ……… new. (were, was)
4. Every an and woman ……… equal right. (has, have)
5. Every child ….. a toy. (has, have)
6. Each of them ………. rewarded. (was. were)
7. Either boy …….. guilty. (is are)
8. Either of the girls ……….. present. (was, were)
9. Neither book ……… useful. (is, are)
10. Neither of them …….. innocent. (was, were)
11. Everyone …………. pleased there. (was, were)
12. No one ………. absent in the class. (was, were)
13. Someone ……….. stolen my pen. (have, has)
14. Only a little water………. there. (was, were)
15. Several boys ………. playing. (is, are)
16. Many mangoes ………. not sweet. (is, are)
17. A few books ………. useful. (is, are)
18. Few persons ………. there. (were, was)
19. I as well as my father …………… this. (know, knows)
20. She as well as I ………… going there. (is, am)
21. He along with his friends ……….. arrived. (have, has)
22. Neither you nor he ……… guilty. (is, are)
23. Either Ram or his friends …….. done this. (have , has)
24. She or her sisters ……… done it. (has, have)
25. Either she or I …….. to win. (is, am)
Answers: 1. Either she or I am to win. (is, am) 2. You and he were present. (was, were) 3. The students have slept. (has, have) 4. Those houses were new. (were, was) 5. Every man and woman has equal right. (has, have) 6. Every child has a toy. (has, have) 7. Each of them was rewarded. (was, were) 8. Either boy is guilty. (is, are) 9. Either of the girls was present. (was, were) 10. Neither book is useful. (is, are) 11. Neither of them was innocent. (was, were) 12. Everyone was pleased there. (was, were) 13. No one was absent in the class. (was, were) 14. Someone has stolen my pen. (have, has) 15. Only a little water was there. (was, were) 16. Several boys are playing. (is, are) 17. Many mangoes are not sweet. (is, are) 18. A few books are useful. (is, are) 19. Few persons were there. (were, was) 20. I as well as my father know this. (know, knows) 21. She as well as I am going there. (is, am) 22. He along with his friends has arrived. (have, has) 23. Neither you nor he is guilty. (is, are) 24. Either Ram or his friends have done this. (have, has) 25. She or her sisters have done it. (has, have)
Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs choosing from the brackets.
Examples :
(a) The cow of Ram …….. black. (is, are) Ans. – is
(b) The cows of Ram ……… black. (is, are) Ans. – are
(c) Fifty miles ………… a long distance. (is, are) Ans. – is
(d) Five rupees ………… a small amount. (is, are) Ans. – is
(e) Ten plus ten ………… twenty. (is, are) Ans. -is
(f) The poor ………..honest. (is, are) Ans. are
(g) There ……….. seven boys there. (is, are) Ans. – are
(h) Physics ………….. an interesting subject. (is, are) Ans. – is
(i) Rice and curry ………. a good meal. (is, are) Ans. – is
(j) The United States …. a great country. (is. are) Ans. – is
1. The water of these rivers ………. dirty. (is, are)
2. The eyes of the elephant ……….. small. (is, are)
3. The books on the table ……… mine. (is, are)
4. The colour of these flowers ……….. bright. (is, are)
5. Ten kilos of sugar ……… needed. (is, are)
6. Sixty miles ………. a long distance. (is, are)
7. Five hundred rupees ……… paid to me. (was, were)
8. Five and five ………… ten. (is, are)
9. Ten times five ……… fifty. (is, are)
10. Ten hours …………. not enough for this. (is, are)
11. The blind ……… helpless. (is, are)
12. The rich ………. proud. (is, are)
13. There ……….. a pen in his pocket. (is, are)
14. There ………. two pens in his pocket. (is, are)
15. There ……….. a boy and a girl there. (was, were)
16. Bread and butter ……. a rich food. (is. are)
17. Mathematics ……… an interesting subject. (is, are)
18. The teeth of the boy ………… white. (is, are)
19. She, and not I ……….. wrong. ( is, are)
20. The people of this village ………. happy. (is, are)
21. Each of the boys ………… intelligent. (is, are)
22. You as well as he ……. guilty. (is, are)
23. Either he or I ……… mistaken. (is, am)
24. Neither of them ………. present. (was, were)
25. You and I …….. neighbours. (am, are)
1. The water of these rivers is dirty. (is, are)
2. The eyes of the elephant are small. (is, are)
3. The books on the table are mine. (is, are)
4. The colour of these flowers is bright. (is, are)
5. Ten kilos of sugar is needed. (is, are)
6. Sixty miles is a long distance. (is, are)
7. Five hundred rupees was paid to me. (was, were)
8. Five and five is ten. (is, are)
9. Ten times five is fifty. (is, are)
10. Ten hours is not enough for this. (is, are)
11. The blind are helpless. (is, are)
12. The rich are proud. (is, are)
13. There is a pen in his pocket. (is, are)
14. There are two pens in his pocket. (is, are)
15. There was a boy and a girl there. (was, were)
16. Bread and butter is a rich food. (is, are)
17. Mathematics is an interesting subject. (is, are)
18. The teeth of the boy are white. (is, are)
19. She, and not I, is wrong. (is, are)
20. The people of this village are happy. (is, are)
Assertive Sentences को Interrogative Sentences में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित प्रमुख नियम हैं-
1. वाक्य में प्रयुक्त Auxiliary Verb को Subject के पहले रखने से वाक्य Interrogative Sentence में परिवर्तित हो जाता है। जैसे –
He is ill.
I have eaten.
She will dance today.
She should sing.
She does not dance.
They did not come.
I was not ready.
Is he ill?
Have I eaten?
Will she dance today?
Should she sing?
Does she not dance?
Did they not come?
Was I not ready?
2. जब किसी वाक्य में Ordinary Verb Simple Present Tense में प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब Subject के पहले do/does का प्रयोग करके वाक्य को Interrogative Sentence में परिवर्तित किया जाता है। और, इस वाक्य में अगर Ordinary Verb में पहले से -s या -es लगा रहता है तो वह -s या -es लुप्त हो जाता है।अर्थात् Interrogative Sentence का structure इस प्रकार हो जाता हैं-
Do + I/we/you/they/plural noun + V1 ? Does + he/she/it/singular noun + V1?
I play.
They know me.
Ram laughs.
He eats.
He loves me.
Do I play?
Do they know me?
Does Ram laugh?
Does he eat?
Does he love me?
3. जब किसी वाक्य में Ordinary Verb Simple Past Tense में प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब अभीष्ट वाक्य को Interrogative Sentence में परिवर्तित करने के लिए Subject के पहले did का प्रयोग किया जाता है और Subject के बाद प्रयुक्त Verb के V2 form को V1 form परिवर्तित किया जाता है। इस परिस्थिति में Interrogative Sentence का structure होता है-
Dis + Subject + V1 ?
Subject + V2
I went.
They won the match.
He killed a bird.
He did.
Did + Subject + V1 ?
Did I go?
Did they win the match?
Did he kill a bird?
Did he do?
Direction: Change the following into interrogative sentences –
(a) She is working.
(b) You have no money.
(c) You know English.
(d) Sita dances well.
(e) We saw the Tajmahal.
(a) Is she working?
(b) Have you no money?
(c) Do you know English?
(e) Did we see the Tajmahal?
1. She is a good girl.
2. We can lift it.
3. They have arrived.
4. I t has been raining.
5. They are doing nothing.
6. The robbers were cruel.
7. He was coming to me.
8. They had no friends.
9. The train had reached earlier.
10. Mohan had not been sleeping.
11. She will be our guide.
12. Sita will be dancing there.
13. We shall have danced.
14. I shall have danced.
15. The child can walk fast.
16. I did not listen to him.
17. She does not know English.
18. Everyone should love his country.
19. There are twenty boys here.
20. It is not half past ten.
21. I must be here by ten o’clock.
22. My friend had no idea of it.
23. The poor girl has no money.
24. It will not rain today.
1. Is she a good girl?
2. Can we lift it?
3. Have they arrived?
4. Has it been raining?
5. Are they doing nothing?
6. Were the robbers cruel?
7. Was he coming to me?
8. Had they no friends?
9. Had the train reached earlier?
10. Had Mohan not been sleeping?
11. Will she be our guide?
12. Will Sita be dancing there?
13. Shall we have danced?
14. Shall I have danced?
15. Can the child walk fast?
16. Did I not listen to him?
17. Does she not know English?
18. Should everyone love his country?
19. Are there twenty boys here?
20. Is it not half past ten?
21. Must I be here by ten o’clock?
22. Had my friend no idea of it?
23. Has the poor girl no money?
24. Will it not rain today?
1. The cow eats grass.
2. Cows eat grass.
3. He wants to be a doctor.
4. I love everybody.
5. We often go to pictures.
6. You tell a lie.
7. She never cooks food.
8. Children love toys.
9. You cheated him.
10. Mukul wants to be a doctor.
11. Your brother needs your help.
12. These books helped me a lot.
13. I went there.
14. Mohan came soon.
15. They played the match.
16. He wanted to be an engineer.
17. I never did that.
18. He cried out for help.
19. She lived in that house.
20. Her dress looks beautiful.
21. I wanted to see him.
22. She passed the examination.
23. These students get up early in the morning.
24. Mohan and Sohan saved the life of the poor girl.
1. Does the cow eat grass?
2. Do cows eat grass?
3. Does he want to be a doctor?
4. Do I love everybody?
5. Do we often go to pictures?
6. Do you tell a lie?
7. Does she never cook food?
8. Do children love toys?
9. Did you cheat him?
10. Does Mukul want to be a doctor?
11. Does your brother need your help?
12. Did these books help me a lot?
13. Did I go there?
14. Did Mohan come soon?
15. Did they play the match?
16. Did he want to be an engineer?
17. Did I never do that?
18. Did he cry out for help?
19. Did she live in that house?
20. Does her dress look beautiful?
21. Did I want to see him?
22. Did she pass the examination?
23. Do these students get up early in the morning?
24. Did Mohan and Sohan save the life of the poor girl?
इस Chapter में अभी तक जितने भी Interrogative Sentences की चर्चा हुई है, वे सभी किसी न किसी auxiliary से शुरू होते हैं। ऐसे Interrogative Sentences जो Auxiliaries से शुरु होते हैं, उनकी खास विशेषता यह है कि उनमें निहित प्रश्न का जवाब yes या no में दिया जा सकता है। अतः इन्हें yes-no questions कहते हैं। अब हम ऐसे Interrogative Sentences पर विचार करें जो Question words से शुरू होते हैं।
what, when, where, which, whose, whom, who, why, how, etc Question Words हैं।
1. यदि कोई Question Word या Question Word + Noun ही किसी वाक्य का Subject हो, तो अभीष्ट Interrogative sentence का structure होना –
Question Word + Verb + अन्य पद ? Question Word + Noun + Verb + अन्य पद ?
कौन आएगा? (who will come? )
कौन तुम्हें पीटेगा? (Who will beat you?)
कौन तुम्हें जानता है ? (Who knows you?)
किसने हवा को देखा है? (Who has seen the wind? )
कौन इस प्रश्न का उत्तर दे सकता है ? (Who can answer the question? )
किसकी कलम लाल है? (Whose pen is red?)
किसकी गाय वहाँ चर रही है ? (Whose cow is grazing there?)
कौन आदमी किसकी मदद करेंगा? (Which man will help me? )
क्या गलत है ? (What is wrong? )
Direction: Using the question word given in the bracket frame question to which the following may be suitable answers-
(a) Ram reads in class VII. (What)
Ans – What class does Ram read in?
(b) My mother came yesterday. (When)
Ans- When did your mother come?
(c) He will buy four horses. (How many)
Ans. – How many horses will he buy.
(d) Ram killed Ravan. (Who)
Ans – Who killed Ravan?
(e) The girl is six years old. (How old)
Ans- How old is the girl?
(f) He came here the books. (Why)
Ans- Why did he come here?
(g) I have four cows. (How many)
Ans – How many cows have you?
(h) This is Mohan’s dog. (Whose)
Ans- Whose dog is this?
1. My name is Mukul. (What)
2. My father is a doctor. (What)
3. I live at Gaya. (Where)
4. The cow eats grass. (What)
5. He gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning. (When)
6. He is weeping for milk. (What)
7. The boys are playing cricket. (What)
8. They are going to the coffee. (Where)
9. My father has gone to the office. (Where)
10. He killed a bird. (What)
11. She came a month ago. (when)
12. The children made noises for sweets. (Why)
3. He went to Agra. (Where)
14.They bought four horses. (How many)
15. He was playing in the room. (Where)
16. She will come tomorrow. (When)
17. He will be a doctor. (What)
18. I shall go to America. (Where)
19. She dances very beautifully. (How)
20. She taught my son. (Who)
21. I beat the wicked boy. (Whom)
22. The train starts at 10 o’clock. (When)
23. Birds love to fly here and there. (what)
24. The hunter shot the lion. (Who)
25. The match will start now. (when)
1. What is your name?
2. What is your father?
3. Where do you live?
4. What does the cow eat?
5. When does he get up in the morning?
6. What is he weeping for?
7. What are the boys playing?
8. Where are they going?
9. Where has your father gone?
10. What did he kill?
11. When did she come?
12. Why did the children make noises?
13. Where did he go?
14. How many horses did they buy?
15. Where was he playing?
16. When will she come?
17. What will he be?
18. Where shall you go?
19. How does she dance?
20. Who taught your son?
21. Whom did you beat?
22. When does the train start?
23. What do birds love to do?
24. Who shot the lion?
25. When will the match start?
1. Raju and Vinay are my friends. (Who)
2. They are students. (What)
3. It is Monday today. (What day)
4. She has four sons. (How many sons)
5. There ae 400 students in this school. (How many)
6. This is Mohan’s dog. (Whose dog)
7. The wall is ten feet high. (How high)
8. I am ten minutes late (How many)
9. He eats five mangoes everyday. (How many mangoes)
Affirmative Sentence को Negative बनाने के लिए निम्नलिखित कुछ प्रमुख नियम हैं –
1. am, is, are, was, were, shall, will, do, does, did, can, could, may, might, must, should, would, ought, इत्यादि auxiliaries के बाद प्रायः not लगाकर वाक्य को Negative बनाया जाता है। जैसे –
Affirmative Negative
I am ready. I am not ready.
We are students We are not students.
He will come. He will not come.
You should go. You should not go.
2. have, has और had के बाद कहीं ‘not’ लगता है तो कही ‘no’ अतः आपको इस सबंध में विशेष ध्यान देने की जरुरत है।
(a) जब have/has/had के तुरंत बाद Verb, Article, संख्यासूचक शब्द (one, two, many, any, etc) या परिणामसूचक शब्द (much, any, etc) रहता है, तब have/has/had के बाद not लगाने से वाक्य Negative Sentence में परिवर्तित हो जाता है। जैसे –
Affirmative \
I have eaten.
I have eaten.
He had gone.
Hari has two cars.
I had much money.
I have not eaten.
He had not gone.
Hari has not a cow.
I had not much money.
(b) जब have/has/had के तुरंत बाद Noun या Adjective of Quality (good, red, etc) रहता हैं, तब have/has/had के बाद no लगाने से वाक्य Negative Sentence में परिवर्तित हो जाता है। जैसे –
Affirmative Negative
She has ink. She has no ink.
They had cows. They had no ink.
I have red pens. I have no red pens.
3. eat, laugh, go, read, इत्यादि Ordinary Verbs हैं। जब ये Present Indefinite Tense प्रयुक्त रहते हैं, तब इनके पहले do not/does not लगाकर वाक्यों के Negative Sentences में परिवर्तित किया जाता है। और, इस परिस्थिति में अगर Ordinary Verbs में पहले से -s या -es लगा रहता है, तो वह -s या -es लुप्त हो जाता है। अर्थात् Negative Sentences के Structures इस प्रकार हो जाते हैं –
I/We/You/They/Plural Noun +do not + V1. He/She/It/Singular Noun +does not + V1 .
I read.
He reads.
The cow eats.
Ram plays.
I do not read.
He does not read.
The cow does not eat.
Ram does not play.
4. जब वाक्यों में Ordinary Verbs का Past Tense यानी went, ate, laughed इत्यादि प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब did not का प्रयोग कर वाक्यों को Negative Sentences में परिवर्तित किया जाता है। और, इस परिस्थिति में Ordinary Verbs का V2 form V1 Form में परिवर्तित हो जाता है।
Subject + V2 subject + did not + V1 I went. I did not go. He laughed. He did not laugh. They did. They did not do. The teacher taught us. The teacher did not tech us.
Direction: Change the following into negative sentences.
(a) I can solve.
(b) I have gold.
(c) He has come.
(d) The boy weeps.
(e) They laughed.
I cannot solve.
I have no gold.
He has not come.
The boy does not weep.
They did not laugh.
1. I am a farmer.
2. You are honest.
3. They were absent.
4. She will come soon.
5. We shall win the match.
6. You can defeat him.
7. It should be gone.
8. You must go there.
9. He would come.
10. Ram is a poor farmer.
11. He is coming today.
12. She was dancing there.
13. He was beaten.
14. She must be a queen.
15. I shall be a doctor.
16. I have eaten.
17. He has been ill.
18. They had reached.
19. She has a car.
20. My son had an ink -pot.
21. The boy has six books.
22. The beggar had rice.
23. I have much gold.
24. They had tow horses.
25. She has cows.
26. He had fever.
27. They have water.
28. I have good horses.
29. I have a good horse.
30. I have three goods horses.
31. The boy has honesty.
32. We have freedom.
33. I have love for him.
34. She has golden watches.
35. They have good win.
36. She will have peace.
37. My father had a red cars.
38. My father had red car.
39. She had blue eyes.
40. She has black ink.
1. I am not a farmer.
2. You are not honest.
3. They were not absent.
4. She will not come soon.
5. We shall not win the match.
6. You cannot defeat him.
7. It should not be gone.
8. You must not go there.
9. He would not come.
10. Ram is not a poor farmer.
11. He is not coming today.
12. She was not dancing there.
13. He was not beaten.
14. She must not be a queen.
15. I shall not be a doctor.
16. I have not eaten.
17. He has not been ill.
18. They had not reached.
19. She does not have a car.
20. My son did not have an ink-pot.
21. The boy does not have six books.
22. The beggar did not have rice.
23. I do not have much gold.
24. They did not have two horses.
25. She does not have cows.
26. He did not have fever.
27. They do not have water.
28. I do not have good horses.
29. I do not have a good horse.
30. I do not have three good horses.
31. The boy does not have honesty.
32. We do not have freedom.
33. I do not have love for him.
34. She does not have golden watches.
35. They do not have good wine.
36. She will not have peace.
37. My father did not have red cars.
38. My father did not have a red car.
39. She did not have blue eyes.
40. She does not have black ink.
Direction: Change the following into negative sentences.
Tense से क्रिया का कोई रुप अथवा दो या दो से अधिक रुपों के संगठन का बोध होता हैं। जिसका प्रयोग किसी कार्य-व्यापार के होने का समय दर्शाने में होता है।
* The tense stands for a verb from or series of verb form used to express a time relation.
is reading/is coming/is playing – Present Progressive Tense has been waiting/has been raining – Present Perfect Continuous Tense saw/played/ate/did – Simple Past Tense will go/shall come/shall eat – Simple Future Tense
अंग्रेजी में Tense के तीन भेद हैं-
1. Present Tense
2. Past Tense
3. Future Tense
पुनः प्रत्येक के चार भेद हैं। Present Tense के चारों भेद इस प्रकार हैं-
इसी तरह Past Tense और Future Tense के भी चार-चार भेद हैं। अब इन बारहों Tenses का अलग-अलग विस्तारपूर्वक अध्ययन करें।
[अभी हम सभी Tenses के सिर्फ Affirmative Sentences की चर्चा करेगें, Negative और Interrogative Sentences की चर्चा आगे के Chapters में करेगें ।
इन वाक्यों को देखें –
I am a boy. (मैं एक लड़का हूँ।)
We are students. ( हमलोग छात्र हैं।)
They boy is ill. (लड़का बीमार है।)
I have a car. (मुझे एक कार है।)
She has a cow. ( उसके पास एक गाय है।)
The cow eats grass. ( गाय घास खाती है।)
They play footballs. (वे लोग फुटबाॅल खेलते हैं।)
इन वाक्यों में आए Verbs am, is, are, have, has, eats और play Simple Present Form में प्रयुक्त हैं। ऐसे Simple Present Form में प्रयुक्त Verbs को Simple Present tense में होना समझा जाता है।
इन वाक्यों में आए Verbs को Simple Present Tense में होना समझा जाता है –
Subject + Verb in Simple Present Form (either singular or plural).
कहाँ Singular Verb का प्रयोग होगा और कहाँ Plural Verb का, इसके लिए आगे दी गई सारणी को ध्यान में रखें।
Note 1. हिंदी के वाक्यों में जब मुख्य क्रिया के रुप में हूँ, है, हो या हैं रहता है या धातु + ता हूँ /ती हूँ/ ते है /ते हैं /ते हो /ती हो /ता है /ती हैं रहता है, तब उन वाक्यों की क्रियाओं का अनुवाद प्रायः Simple Present Tense में होता है। उदाहरण के लिए ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों को देखें और अनुवाद के लिए इस सारणी को ध्यान में रखें।
सारणी (Subject + Verb)
Note 2. He के स्थान पर या कोई भी उपयुक्त Singular Subjects आ सकता है तथा के स्थान पर कोई भी उपयुक्त Plural Subject आ सकता है।
Note 3. जब Main Verb के रुप में am/is/are/has/have का प्रयोग होता है, तब इसके बाद Noun या कोई अन्य उपयुक्त Complement का आना आवश्यक हो जाता है। जैसे –
He is ready. I am a student. I have a pen.
Simple Present Tense का प्रयोग –
1. इस Tense का प्रयोग मुख्यतः आदत या स्भावजनित कार्य-व्यापार (habitual actions) का बोध कराने में होता है। जैसे –
I walk in the morning. (में सुबह में टहलता हूँ।) – आदत /स्वभाव The sun rises in the east. (सुर्य पूरब में उगता है।) आदत /स्वभाव Milk is sweet. (दूध मीठा होता है।) – स्वभाव
2. इस Tense का प्रयोग स्थायी या सामान्य कार्य-व्यापार, संबध, अधिकार, निहित गुण इत्यादि का बोध कराने के लिए भी होता है। जैसे –
Two and two is four. (दो और दो चार होता है।) – स्थायी कार्य-व्यापार
She is my mother. (वह मेरी माँ है।) – संबंध
I have a car. (मेरे पास एक कार है।) – अधिकार
The rose is beautiful. (गुलाब सुंदर होता है।) – निहित गुण
Note 1. इस Tense से यह स्पष्ट नहीं होता है कि कोई कार्य-व्यापार बोलते समय हो रहा है या नहीं। ऐसे स्पष्टीकरण के लिए Present Progressive Tense का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
I take tea but this time I am taking coffee. में चाय पीता हूँ, यानी में चाय पीता करता हूँ -ऐसी मेरी आदत है, परंतु इस समय मैंं काॅफी पी रहा हुँ।
Note 2. Tense के concept को और अधिक clear करने के लिए इस chapter के अध्ययन के साथ-साथ Tense पर आधारित अनुवाद भी बनाएँ। इसके लिए Oxford Junior English Translation या Oxford Current English Translation देंखे।
इन वाक्यों के देखें –
I am eating. (मैं खा रहा हूँ।)
The boy is jumping. (लड़का उछल-कुद रहा है।)
They are dancing. (वे लोग नाच रहे हैं।)
Sita is singing. (सीता गा रही है।)
इन वाक्यों में आए Verb am eating, is jumping, are dancing और is singing का Verb Form am/is /are + Present Participles है। ऐसे Verb Form में प्रयुक्त Verbs को Present Progressive Tense में होना समझा जाता है। इस के वाक्यों मेंSubject + Verb की बनावट होती है –
Subject+ am/is/are + V-ing.
Note: हिंदी के वाक्यों में इस की क्रिया के अंत में प्रायः रहा हूँ / रही हूँ रहे हैं/ रही हो रहा है रही हैं रहता है और इसके कोई भुतकालिक समयसुचक शब्द प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता है। अनुवाद के लिए कर्ता के बाद am/are/is दिया जाता है और उसके बाद V + ing उदाहरण के लिए ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों को देखें और अनुवाद के लिए सारणी को ध्यान में रखें।
Subject In Singular Number
Subject in Plural Number
First Person Second Person Third Person
I am going. You are going. He/She/It/Ram is going.
We are going. You are going. They/They boys are going.
Present Progressive Tense का प्रयोग-
1. इस Tense का प्रयोग तात्कालिक वर्तमान (immediate present/now) का बोध कराने का लिए होता है, अर्थात क्रिया वर्तमान समय में बोलते या लिखते वक्त संपन्न हो रही है। जैसे –
I am reading. (पढ़ने का काम चालू है।)
He is sleeping. ( सोना जारी है।)
He is playing in the room. (अभी खेल रहा है।)
2. इस Tense का प्रयोग ऐसे काम के होने या चालू रहने का भी बोध कराने में होता है जो अभी तत्काल नही हो रहा है (इसी क्षण अर्थात् बोलते समय). पंरतु अभीष्ट समय के आस-पास या इन दिनों हो रहा है। जैसे –
He is reading mathematics these days.
वह आजकल गणित पढ़ रहा है – बोलते समय नहीं, पंरतु आजकल – about this time
3. इस Tense का प्रयोग भविष्य में होनेवाले कार्यक्रम निर्णय पूर्वनिर्धारित योजना तथा कार्य करने के इरादे या संभावना को भी व्यक्त करनें में होता है। जैसे –
She is coming tomorrow. (वह कल आ रही है।) – पूर्वनिर्धारित योजना I am going to buy a car. (मैं एक कार खरीदने जा रहा हूँ।) – भविष्य में कार्य करने का इरादा।
इ वाक्यों को देखें –
I have eaten. (मैं खा चुका हूँ /मैंने खाया है।)
We have played. (हमलोग खेल चुके हैं /हमलोगों ने खेला है।)
You have done it. (तुमने इसे किया है / तुम इसे कर चुके हो।)
The sun has risen. (सूरज उग चुका है / सूरज उग गया है।)
इन वााक्यों में आए Verbs have eaten, have played, have done और has risen का Verb Form have/has + Past Participles of the Main Verb है। ऐसे Verb Form में प्रयुक्त Verbs को Present Perfect Tense में होना समझा जाता है।
इस Tense के वाक्यों में Subject + Verb की बनावट होती है –
Subject + have /has + V3 .
Note: हिंदी के वाक्यों के अंत में इस Tense की क्रियाओं के अंत में चुका हूँ/चुकी हूँ /चुके हैं /चुके हो /चुका है /चुकी है अथवा या हूँ ई हूँ ए हैं ए हो या है ई है रहता है। अंर्गेजी अनुवाद में Subject के बाद have/has दिया जाता है और उसके बाद क्रिया का Past Participles Form (V3) जब Subject Third Person Singular Number में रहता है, तब has + V3 लगता है। उदहारण के लिए पिछले पृष्ठ पर दिए गए वाक्यों को देखें और इस सारणी को ध्यान में रखें।
Subject in Singular Number
Subject in Plural Number
First Person Second Person Third Person
I have eaten. You have eaten. He/She/It/Ram has eaten.
We have eaten. You have eaten. They/The boys have eaten.
Present Perfect Tense का प्रयोग –
इस का प्रयोग मुख्यतः ऐसे कार्य-व्यापार का बोध कराने के लिए होता है जो भूतकाल में समाप्त हो गया, पंरतु उसका प्रभाव या संबध वर्तमान समय से है। जैसे-
(a) I have eaten. (मैंने खा लिया है।) खाने का काम भूतकाल में समाप्त हो गया, पंरतु उसका प्रभाव अभी भी मोजूद है- पेट भरा हुआ है और खाने की इच्छा नहीं है>
(b) He has broken his leg. (उसने अपनी टाँग तोड़ ली है। ) टाँग टुटने का काम भुतकाल में समाप्त हो गया, पंरतु उसका प्रभाव अभी भी मौजूद है और उस घटना का संबंध वर्तमान से है – उसकी टाँग अभी भी मौजूद है और अभी भी वह चलने की स्थिति में नहीं है।
इन वाक्यों को देखें –
I have been reading tow hours. (मैं दो घंटों से पढ़ रहा हूँ।)
She has been sleeping since 9 o’clock. (वह नौ बजे से सो रही है।)
It has been raining since morning. (सुबह से वर्षा हो रही है।)
The boys have been playing . (लड़के खेलते रहे हैं।)
She has been living here for ten years. (वह दस वर्षों से यहाँ रह रही है।)
इन वाक्यों में आए Verbs, have been reading, has been sleeping, has been raining, have been playing और has been living का Verb Form have been/has been + Present Participle है। ऐसे Verb Form को Present Perfect Continuous Tense में होना समझा जाता है।
इस Tense के वाक्यों में subject + Verb की बनावट होती है – Subject + have been/has been + V-ing.
Subject in Singular Number
Subject in Plural Number
1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
I have been eating. You have been eating. He has been eating.
We have been eating. You have been eating. They have been eating.
Note: जब हिंदी क्रियाओं के अंत में रहा हूँ /रही हूँ /रही हैं/ रहे हैं/ रहे हो/ रही हो/ रहा है/ रही है, रहता है और इनके पहले भूतकालिक समयसूचक शब्द (जैसे- एक घंटे से, दो घंटो से, दो वर्षों से, सुबह से 9 बजे से, इत्यादि) रहता है, तब इन क्रियाओं का अनुवाद Present Perfect Continuous Tense में होता है। जब भूतकालिक समयसूचक शब्द का प्रयोग नहीं रहता है, तब क्रिया के अंत में रहा हूँ /ती रही हूँ /ता रहा है/ ती रही है/ ते रहै हैं/ ते रहे हो/ ती रही हो रहता है। उदाहरण के लिए पिछले पृष्ठ पर दिए गए वाक्यों को देखें।
For/Since का प्रयोग –
कुछ वाक्यों में समयसूचक शब्दों के पहले for/since का प्रयोग होता है। For का प्रयोग– जब अवधि (अर्थात् कितनी देर से /कितने समय से) दी रहती है, तब for का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
एक घंटे से for an hour
चार घंटे से for four days
बहुत दिनों से for several days
तीन वर्षों से for three years
Since के प्रयोग- जब निश्चित समय (किस घंडी/ किस दिन/ किस साल शुरू होने का समय – starting point) दिया रहता है, तब का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
सोमवार से since Monday
1980 ई. से Since 1980
9 बजे से since 9 o’clock
सुबह से since morning
बचपन से since childhood
गत साल से since last year
Present Perfect Tense का प्रयोग –
इस का प्रयोग मुख्यतः उस कार्य-व्यापार को व्यक्त करने के लिए होता है जो भूतकाल में प्रांरम्भ हुआ और अभी भी जारी है। जैसेHe has been living in this town for ten years. (वह दस वर्षों से इस शहर में रह रहा है।) – उसने दस वर्ष पहले रहना शुरू किया और अभी भी रह रहा हैं
इन वाक्यों को देखें –
I was happy. (मैं खुश था।)
You were sad. (तुम उदास थे।)
They were leaders. (वे लोग नेता थे।)
Ram has a horse. (राम के पास एक घोड़ था।)
You had a cow. (तुम्हारे पास एक गाय थी।)
I went there. (मैं वहाँ गया /मैं वहाँ गया था।)
He wrote a letter. (उसने पत्र लिखा उसने पत्र लिखा था।)
इन वाक्यों में आए Verbs was, were, had, went और wrote के Verb Form पर विचार करने से पता चलता है कि ये सभी Simple Past Form में प्रयुक्त हैं। ऐसे Verb Form में प्रयुक्त Verbs को Simple Past Tense में होना समझा जाता है।
इस Tense के वाक्यों में Subject + Verb की बनावट होती है – Subject + Simple Past Form (V2)
Note 1. हिंदी के वाक्यों में इस Tense की क्रिया का रुप था/ थी/ थे/ थी या धातु + आ /ई /ए + (था/ थीं/ थे ) होता है। अंग्रेजी अनुवाद के लिए Subject के बाद V2 का प्रयोग किया जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों को देखें और इस सारणी को ध्यान में रखें।
Subject in Singular Number
Subject in Plural Number
1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
I was/I had/I ate. You were/You had/You ate. He was/He had/He ate.
We were/We had/We ate. You were/You had/You ate. They were/They had/They ate.
Note 2. जब Verb के रूप में का प्रयोग करना होता है, तब इसके बाद या कोई अन्य उपयुक्त complement (पुरक) देना अनिवार्य हो जाता है। जैसे –
I was ill. They were teachers. I had a horse.
Simple Past Tense का प्रयोग-
1. इस का प्रयोग मुख्यतः ऐसे कार्य-व्यापार के लिए होता है, जो भूतकाल में समाप्त हो गया है। जैसे –
I met him yesterday. (मैं उससे कल मिला था।)
He died in 1980. (वे 1980 ई. में मरे।)- कार्य-व्यापार भुतकाल में पूर्णतः समाप्त हो गया है।
He taught us. (उन्होनें हमलोगों को पढ़ाया।)
2. इस Tense का प्रयोग Past Tense से संबधित घटनाओं या स्थितियों का वर्णन करनें में भी होता है। जैसे –
It was 1957. (सन् 1957 था।) It was very hot. (बहुत गर्मी थी।) – Past time related situations.
3. इस का प्रयोग भूतकाल में कोई करने का आदत का बोध कराने में भी होता है। जैसे –
I used to smoke. (मैं धूम्रपान किया करता था।) He always helped me. (वे हमेशा मरी मदद करते थे।) – भूतकाल में काम करने की आदत
इन वाक्यों पर विचार करें –
I was going to market. (मैं बाजार जा रहा था।)
She was dancing. (वह नृत्य कर रही थी।)
Your brothers were sleeping. (आपके भाई लोग सो रहे थे।)
It was raining. (वर्षा होरही थी।)
इन वाक्यों में आए Verbs was going, was dancing, were sleeping और was raining के Verb Form पर विचार करने से पता चलता है कि इनका Verb Form was/were + Present Participles है। ऐसे Verb Form में प्रयुक्त Verbs को Past Progressive Tense में होना समझा जा सकता है।
इस Tense के वाक्यों में Subject + Verb की बनावट होती है- Subject + was/were +V-ing.
Note: हिंदी के वाक्यों में इस की क्रिया के अंत में रहा था/ रही थी /रहे थे /रही थी/ रहता है तथा वाक्यों के अंग्रेजी अनुवाद में के बाद आता है और उसके बाद क्रिया का उदाहरण के लिए दिए गए वाक्यों को देखें। कहाँ और का प्रयोग होगा, यह इस तालिका से स्पष्ट है।
Subject in Singular Number
Subject in Plural Number
1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
I shall eat. You will eat. He/She/It/Ram will eat.
We shall eat. You will eat. They/They boys will eat.
Simple Future Tense का प्रयोग-
1. Simple Future Tense का प्रयोग ऐसे कार्य-व्यापार के लिए होता है, जो भविष्य में सामान्य रुप से होगा। जैसे –
I shall go to Patna tomorrow. (मैं कल पटना जाऊँगा ।) I shall appear at the examination next year. (मैं अगले साल परीक्षा दूँगा।)
2. इस Tense का प्रयोग इच्छा (will), संकल्प (determination), चेतावनी (threat/command), इरादा (intention), इत्यादि का बोध कराने के लिए भी होता है। जैसे –
I will serve the nation. (मैं देश द की सेवा करूँगा।)
I will never tell a lie. (मैं कभी झूठ नहीं बोलूँगा।)
You shall not cheat her again. (तुम उसे दोबारा नहीं ठगोगे।)
You shall come in time. (तुम समय पर आओगे।)
इन वाक्यों के देखे-
I shall be playing. (मैं खेलता रहूगाँ।)
We shall be dancing. (हमलोग नाचते रहेंगे।)
She will be waiting. (वह इंतजार करती रहेगी।)
They will be teaching. (वे लोग पढ़ाते रहेंगे।)
इन वाक्यों में आए Verb shall be playing, shall be dancing, will be waiting और will be teaching के Verb Form पर विचार करने से पता चलता है कि इनका Verb Form shall/will + be + Present Participle है। ऐसे Verb Form में प्रयुक्त Verb Form में प्रयुक्त को में होना समझा जाता है।
इस Tense के वाक्यों में Subject + Verb की बनावट होती है – Subject + shall/will + be + V+-ing
Note: हिंदी के वाक्यों में इस Tense की क्रिया के अंत में रहूँगा ते रहेंगे ता रहेगा ते रहेगी रहता है। अग्रेंजी अनुवाद के subject लिए के बाद shall be/will be प्रयुक्त होता है और इसके बाद Main Verb का v-ing form उदाहरण के लिए ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों को देखें और आगे दी गई सारणी को ध्यान में रखें।
Subject in Singular Number
Subject in Plural Number
1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
I shall be eating. You will be eating. He will be eating.
We shall be eating. You will be eating. They will be eating.
Future Progressive Tense का प्रयोग –
इस Tense का प्रयोग ऐसे कार्य-व्यापार का बोध कराने के लिए होता है, जो भविष्य में किसी खास वक्त पर होता रहेगा। जैसे –
He will be sleeping then. (तब वह सोता रहेगा।) I shall be staying there. (मैं वहाँ रूका हुआ रहूँगा।)
इन वाक्यों में आए Verbs shall have played, will have finished, will have danced और will have cut के Verb Form पर विचार करनें से पता चलता है कि इनका है Verb Form shall/will + have +V3 है। ऐसे Verb form में प्रयुक्त Verb को Future Perfect Tense में होना समझा जाता है।
इस Tense के वाक्यों में Subject + Verb की बनावट होती है- Subject +shall/will + have + V3
Note: हिंदी के वाक्यों में इस Tense की क्रियाओं के अंत में प्रायः चुकूँगा /चुकेंगे/ चुकेगा /चुका रहेगी /रहता है। ऐसे वाक्यों के अनुवाद में Subject के बाद shall/will + have + past Participle of the verb का प्रयोग होता है। उदाहरण के लिए ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों को देखें और इस सारणी को ध्यान में रखें।
Subject in Singular Number
Subject in Plural Number
1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
I shall have eaten. You will have eaten. He will have eaten.
We shall have eaten. You will have eaten. They will have eaten.
Future Perfect Tense का प्रयोग –
इस Tense का प्रयोग ऐसे कार्य-व्यापार के लिए होता है, जो भविष्य में किसी निर्धारित समय तक समाप्त हो चुका रहेगा।
(a) I shall have finished the job by that time. (मैे उस समय तक काम समाप्त कर चुकूँगा।) (b) He will have come by ten o’clock. (वह दस बजे तक आ चुकेगा।) (c) The patient will have died before the doctor comes. (डाॅक्टर के आने के पहले रोगी मर चुकेगा।)
Note: ध्यान दें कि शर्तवाले उपवाक्य में Simple Present Tense का प्रयोग हुआ है।
इन वाक्यों को देखें –
(a) I shall have been playing from morning. (मैं सुबह से खेलता रहूँगा।) (b) We shall have ben working form 2022. (हमलोग 2022 ई. से काम करते रहेंगे।) (c) She will have been waiting for five years. (वह पाँच वर्षों से इंतजार करती रहेगी।) (d) The boys will have been reading for an hour. (लड़के एक घंटे से पढ़ते रहेंगे।) (e) She will have been swimming. (वह तैरती हुई रहेगी।)
इन वाक्यों में आए Verbs shall have been playing, shall have ben working, will have been waiting, will have been reading और will have been swimming के Verb Form पर विचार करने से पता चलता है कि इनका Verb Form shall/will +have been + present participle है। ऐसे Verb Form को Future Perfect Continuous Tense में होना समझा जाता है। इस Tense के वाक्यों में Subject + Verb की बनावट होती है –
Subject + shall/will + have been + V-ing.
Note: हिंदी के वाक्यों में इस Tense की क्रियाओं के अंत में ता रहूँगा/ ती रहूँगी/ ता रहेगा /ती रहेगी /ते रहोगे रहता है और क्रियाओं के पहले Period of Time/Point of Time रहता है। जब क्रियाओं के पहले Period of Time/Point of Time नही रहता है, तब क्रियाओं के अंत में ता हुआ रहूँगा/ती हुई रहुँगी/ते हुए रहेंगे/ते रहोगे /ती हुई रहोगी रहता है। ऐसे वाक्यों के अंग्रेजी अनुवाद के लिए Subject के बाद shall have been/will have been दिया जाता है और इसके बाद Main Verb का Present Participle Form उदाहरण के लिए पिछले पृष्ठ पर दिए गए वाक्यों को देखें और अनुवाद के लिए इस सारणी को ध्यान में रखें।
Subject in Singular Number
Subject in Plural Number
1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
I shall have
Note: Since का प्रयोग Future Tense के साथ नहीं होता है। इसके बदले from या कोई अन्य उपयुक्त prepositions का प्रयोग होता है।
Future Perfect Continuous Tense का प्रयोग –
भविष्य में कुछ समय पूर्व से या किसी निर्धारित समय से या कुछ समय तक लगातार किसी कार्य-व्यापार के जारी रहने का बोध कराने के लिए इस Tense का प्रयोग होता है।
(a) By the end of this year I shall have been living here for five years. (b) I shall have been working from morning. (c) They will have been playing for ten days.
1. अब आप सभी Tenses के Verb Forms को एक साथ इस तालिका में देखें तथा विभिन्न Tenses में इनके रुप-परिर्वतन को ध्यान में रखें।
Present Tense
Past Tense
Future Tense
was/were/had went
shall/will be shall/will have shall/will go
am/is/are going
was/were going
shall/will be going
have/has gone
had gone
shall/will have gone
Perfect Continuous
have/has been going
had been going
being having eating
2. Verb ‘to be’, Verb ‘to have’ और ‘to eat’ Verb Forms –
Infinitive without to
Simple Present
Simple Past
Past Participle
Present Participle
be have eat
am/is/are have/has eat/eats
was/were had ate
been had eaten
being having eating
Direction: Rewrite each of the following sentences in eleven ways changing the verb form into other tenses.
(a) He is eating a mango.
He eats a mango.
He has eaten a mango.
He has been eating a mango.
He ate a mango.
He was eating a mango.
He had eaten a mango.
He had been eating a mango.
He will eat a mango.
He will have eaten a mango.
He will have been eating a mango.
1. I write a letter.
2. He has been working.
3. She was plating.
4. My father will teach me.
5. It will have been raining.
6. He and I do.
1. I write a letter.
I am writing a letter.
I have written a letter.
I have been writing a letter.
I wrote a letter.
I was writing a letter.
I had written a letter.
I had been writing a letter.
I will write a letter.
I will be writing a letter.
I will have written a letter.
I will have been writing a letter.
2. He has been working.
He works.
He is working.
He has worked.
He worked.
He was working.
He had worked.
He had been working.
He will work.
He will be working.
He will have worked.
He will have been working.
3. She was playing.
She plays.
She is playing.
She has played.
She has been playing.
She played.
She had played.
She had been playing.
She will play.
She will be playing.
She will have played.
She will have been playing.
4. My father will teach me.
My father teaches me.
My father is teaching me.
My father has taught me.
My father has been teaching me.
My father taught me.
My father was teaching me.
My father had taught me.
My father had been teaching me.
My father will be teaching me.
My father will have taught me.
My father will have been teaching me.
5. It will have been raining.
It rains.
It is raining.
It has rained.
It has been raining.
It rained.
It was raining.
It had rained.
It had been raining.
It will rain.
It will be raining.
It will have rained.
6. He and I do.
He and I are doing.
He and I have done.
He and I have been doing.
He and I did.
He and I were doing.
He and I had done.
He and I had been doing.
He and I will do.
He and I will be doing.
He and I will have done.
He and I will have been doing.
Direction: Rewrite the following sentences using the correct verb form in the light of the hints given in the brackets.
Examples: (a) I (read) a book. Ans. – I am reading a book. [Present Progressive]
(b) He (sleep) then. Ans. – He will be sleeping then. [Future Progressive]
(c) They (play) for two hours. Ans. – They have been playing for two hours. [Present Perfect Continuous]
1. He (eat) school. [Simple Present]
2. I (go) to school. [Present Progressive]
3. She (play). [Present Perfect]
4. It (rain) for an hour. [Present Perfect Continuous]
5. He (write) a letter. [Simple Past]
6. The boys (sing). [Past Progressive]
7. The children (sleep). [Past Perfect]
8. We (work) since morning. [Past Perfect Continuous]
9. I (help) you. [Simple Future]
10. You (wait) for her. [Future Progressive]
11. Ram (learn) the lesson by then. [Future Perfect]
12. The farmers (plough) the field. [Future Perfect Continuous]
13. The cat (drink) milk. [Simple Present]
14. Cats (drink) milk. [Simple Present]
15. Ram and Shyam (jump). [Present Progressive]
16. My mother (come). [Present Progressive]
17. They (sell) their car. [Simple Past]
18. He (come) soon. [Simple Future]
19. Sita (sing) since 10 o’clock. [Present Perfect Continuous]
20. She (buy) a frock tomorrow. [Simple Future]
21. They (quarrel). [Past Progressive]
22. She (post) the letter. [Simple Past]
23. I (learn) English for three years. [Past Perfect Continuous]
24. The poor man (beg). [Future Progressive]
25. The train (start) before I reached the station. [Past Perfect]
26. They (live) for ten years. [Future Perfect Continuous]
27. The patient (die) before the doctor comes. [Future Perfect]
28. They (fight) for years. [Past Perfect Continuous]
29. It (rain). [Past Progressive]
30. I (meet) him yesterday. [Simple Past]
1. He (eat) school. [Simple Present]
He eats at school.
2. I (go) to school. [Present Progressive]
I am going to school.
3. She (play). [Present Perfect]
She has played.
4. It (rain) for an hour. [Present Perfect Continuous]
It has been raining for an hour.
5. He (write) a letter. [Simple Past]
He wrote a letter.
6. The boys (sing). [Past Progressive]
The boys were singing.
7. The children (sleep). [Past Perfect]
The children had slept.
8. We (work) since morning. [Past Perfect Continuous]
We had been working since morning.
9. I (help) you. [Simple Future]
I will help you.
10. You (wait) for her. [Future Progressive]
You will be waiting for her.
11. Ram (learn) the lesson by then. [Future Perfect]
Ram will have learned the lesson by then.
12. The farmers (plough) the field. [Future Perfect Continuous]
The farmers will have been ploughing the field.
13. The cat (drink) milk. [Simple Present]
The cat drinks milk.
14. Cats (drink) milk. [Simple Present]
Cats drink milk.
15. Ram and Shyam (jump). [Present Progressive]
Ram and Shyam are jumping.
16. My mother (come). [Present Progressive]
My mother is coming.
17. They (sell) their car. [Simple Past]
They sold their car.
18. He (come) soon. [Simple Future]
He will come soon.
19. Sita (sing) since 10 o’clock. [Present Perfect Continuous]
Sita has been singing since 10 o’clock.
20. She (buy) a frock tomorrow. [Simple Future]
She will buy a frock tomorrow.
21. They (quarrel). [Past Progressive]
They were quarrelling.
22. She (post) the letter. [Simple Past]
She posted the letter.
23. I (learn) English for three years. [Past Perfect Continuous]
I had been learning English for three years.
24. The poor man (beg). [Future Progressive]
The poor man will be begging.
25. The train (start) before I reached the station. [Past Perfect]
The train had started before I reached the station.
26. They (live) for ten years. [Future Perfect Continuous]
They will have been living for ten years.
27. The patient (die) before the doctor comes. [Future Perfect]
The patient will have died before the doctor comes.
28. They (fight) for years. [Past Perfect Continuous]
They had been fighting for years.
29. It (rain). [Past Progressive]
It was raining.
30. I (meet) him yesterday. [Simple Past]
I met him yesterday.
(a) I (be) a good boy. [Simple Present] Ans. – I am a good boy.
(b) They (be) farmers. [Simple Present] Ans. – They are farmers.
(c) The girl (be) very beautiful. [Simple Past] Ans – The girl was very beautiful.
(d) My son (be) a doctor. [Simple Future]
(e) She (have) a car. [Simple Present] Ans – She has a car.
(f) She (have) a good pen. [Simple Past] Ans. She had a good pen.
(g) I (have) money. [Simple Past] Ans. – I shall have money.
(h) I (be) ill. [Present Perfect] Ans. – I have been ill.
(i) I (be) late. [Present Progressive] Ans. I am being late.
(j) I (be) twenty next month. [Simple Future] Ans – I shall be twenty next month.
(k) She (see) me yesterday. Ans. – She saw me yesterday.
1. I (be) ready. [Simple Present]
2. You (be) a poor man. [Simple Present]
3. He (be) my father. [Simple Present]
4. Milk (be) sweet. [Simple Present]
5. The boys (be) late. [Simple Past]
6. She (be) innocent. [Simple Past]
7. We (be) present there. [Simple Future]
8. She (be) a nurse. [Simple Future]
9. He (be) always ready. [Simple Perfect]
10. I (be) ill for ten days. [Simple Perfect]
11. Two and two (be) four. [Simple Present]
12. I (be) ready. [Present Progressive]
13. The cow (have) two eyes. [Simple Present]
14. I (have) many friends. [Simple Present]
15. She (have) a golden ring. [Simple Present]
16. I (have) a ball. [Simple Past]
17. They (have) money. [Simple Past]
18. She (have) peace. [Simple Future]
19. My son (have) a bicycle. [Simple Future]
20. We (have) some bread. [Simple Past]
21. I (see) him yesterday. [Simple Past]
22. She (go) to school everyday. [Simple Present]
23. He (be) ill since Friday. [Present Perfect]
24. He (read) a novel. [Present Progressive]
25. She (teach) us for years. [Present Perfect Continuous]
26. My father (come) tomorrow. [Simple Future]
27. The patient (die) before the doctor came. [Past Perfect]
28. Oil (float) on water. [Simple Present]
29. My father (be) seventy next month. [Simple Present]
30. He (write) a letter now. [Present Progressive]
I (be) ready. [Simple Present] I am ready.
2. You (be) a poor man. [Simple Present] You are a poor man.
3. He (be) my father. [Simple Present] He is my father.
4. Milk (be) sweet. [Simple Present] Milk is sweet.
5. The boys (be) late. [Simple Past] The boys were late.
6. She (be) innocent. [Simple Past] She was innocent.
7. We (be) present there. [Simple Future] We shall be present there.
8. She (be) a nurse. [Simple Future] She will be a nurse.
9. He (be) always ready. [Present Perfect] He has always been ready.
10. I (be) ill for ten days. [Present Perfect] I have been ill for ten days.
11. Two and two (be) four. [Simple Present] Two and two are four.
12. I (be) ready. [Present Progressive] I am being ready.
13. The cow (have) two eyes. [Simple Present] The cow has two eyes.
14. I (have) many friends. [Simple Present] I have many friends.
15. She (have) a golden ring. [Simple Present] She has a golden ring.
16. I (have) a ball. [Simple Past] I had a ball.
17. They (have) money. [Simple Past] They had money.
18. She (have) peace. [Simple Future] She will have peace.
19. My son (have) a bicycle. [Simple Future] My son will have a bicycle.
20. We (have) some bread. [Simple Past] We had some bread.
21. I (see) him yesterday. [Simple Past] I saw him yesterday.
22. She (go) to school every day. [Simple Present] She goes to school every day.
23. He (be) ill since Friday. [Present Perfect] He has been ill since Friday.
24. He (read) a novel. [Present Progressive] He is reading a novel.
25. She (teach) us for years. [Present Perfect Continuous] She has been teaching us for years.
26. My father (come) tomorrow. [Simple Future] My father will come tomorrow.
27. The patient (die) before the doctor came. [Past Perfect] The patient had died before the doctor came.
28. Oil (float) on water. [Simple Present] Oil floats on water.
29. My father (be) seventy next month. [Simple Future] My father will be seventy next month.
30. He (write) a letter now. [Present Progressive] He is writing a letter now.
Direction: Use the correct verb form in the following sentences, chosen from the ones given in the brackets.
Examples: (a) The sun ……. in the east. (is, rising, rises)
(b) I ……. to school everyday. (go, am, going)
(c) He come yesterday. (came, has came)
(d) My father ………… tomorrow. (comes, will come)
(e) It ………. for two hours. (is raining, has been raining) .
(a) The sun rises in the east.
(b) I go to school everyday.
(c) He came yesterday.
(d) My father will come tomorrow.
(e) It has been raining for two hours.
1. Cats ………… milk. [are liking; like]
2. I …………. my country. [love, am, loving]
3. He ……… to school everyday. [is going, goes]
4. I ………. him last year. [meet, met]
5. We ……… this film yesterday. [saw, have, seen]
6. He ……….. here for ten years. [is living, has been living]
7. I always ……… by bus. [go, went]
8. She ……… a poem now. [is reading, read]
9. He ……….. home yesterday. [went, had gone]
10. The earth ………. round the sun. [moves, is moving]
11. The baby …… because it is hungry now. [cries, is crying]
12. Mohan …………. tomorrow. [will come, comes]
13. He ……….. for two hours. [is sleeping, had been sleeping]
14. She ……….. to them. [was coming, were coming]
15. The patient ………… before the doctor came. [died, had died]
16. On Sundays, I ……….. to temple. [am going, go]
17. He ……….. all the mangoes. [has eaten, eats]
18. I ………… good books. [love, am loving]
19. He ……… me a pen yesterday. [gave. gives]
20. I ……. ill for a month. [am, have been]
21. He ……….. school before the bell rang. [had reached, reached]
22. My brother ………. today from Patna. [comes, is coming]
23. He ………. a doctor. [will, will be]
24. The dog ………. at me. [barks, ,barked]
25. They …… to kashmir last year. [will go, went]
Answers: 1. Cats like milk. [are liking; like]
2. I love my country. [love, am loving]
3. He goes to school every day. [is going, goes]
4. I met him last year. [meet, met]
5. We saw this film yesterday. [saw, have seen]
6. He has been living here for ten years. [is living, has been living]
7. I always go by bus. [go, went]
8. She is reading a poem now. [is reading, read]
9. He went home yesterday. [went, had gone]
10. The earth moves round the sun. [moves, is moving]
11. The baby is crying because it is hungry now. [cries, is crying]
12. Mohan will come tomorrow. [will come, comes]
13. He had been sleeping for two hours. [is sleeping, had been sleeping]
14. She was coming to them. [was coming, were coming]
15. The patient had died before the doctor came. [died, had died]
16. On Sundays, I go to the temple. [am going, go]
17. He has eaten all the mangoes. [has eaten, eats]
18. I love good books. [love, am loving]
19. He gave me a pen yesterday. [gave, gives]
20. I have been ill for a month. [am, have been]
21. He had reached school before the bell rang. [had reached, reached]
22. My brother is coming today from Patna. [comes, is coming]
23. He will be a doctor. [will, will be]
24. The dog barks at me. [barks, barked]
25. . They went to Kashmir last year. [will go, went]
A, An और The को Articles कहते हैं। A/An को Indefinite Articles तथा Definite Articles कहते हैं।
1. (a) A/An का प्रयोग Singular Countable Noun ( अर्थात् Common Noun और Collective Noun) के पहले होता हैं।
This is a box. Ram is a student. A dog is an animal. A team of players is passing.
(b) अगर Noun Plural Number में हो , तो A/An का प्रयोग नहीं होगा। जैसे-
These are boxes. Dogs are animals. They are doctors.
(c) अगर Noun Uncountable हो, तो A/An का प्रयोग नहीं होगा। जैसे –
This is Ram. This is water.
(b) अगर Noun के पहले हो, तो A/An का प्रयोग नहीं होगा। जैसे-
She is very honest. My mother is kind.
2. अगर Noun के पहले Adjective हो, तो Article का प्रयोग Adjective के पहले होगा। अगर Noun के पहले Adjective और Adjective के पहले Adverb हो, तो Articles का प्रयोग Adverb के पहले होगा। जैसे –
This is a cat.
This is a black cat.
This is a very black cat.
3. A/An का प्रयोग अपने ठीक बाद आनेवाले शब्द के उच्चारण के अनुसार होगा। जैसे-
Sita is a girl.
Sita is an ideal girl.
Sita is a good girl.
Sita is an extremely beautiful girl.
Sita is a very good girl.
A और An के प्रयोग में अंतर –
जिस शब्द के पहले Indefinite Article (A/An) का प्रयोग करना हो यदि वह स्वर-ध्वनि (vowel sound) से प्रांरभ हो तो an का प्रयोग होगा। यदि वह शब्द व्यंजन-ध्वनि (consonant sound) से प्रांरभ हो, तो a का प्रयोग होगा। यहाँ ध्यान देनेवाली बात यह है कि a/an का प्रयोग अभीष्ट शब्द के उच्चारण पर निर्भर करता है, उसके spelling पर नहीं।
अंत A/An का प्रयोग करने से पहले आप देंखें कि अभीष्ट शब्द का उच्चारण vowel sound से शुरु हो रहा है कि consonant sound से। कोई शब्द vowel sound से शुरु हो रहा है या consonant sound से, इसे निश्चित रुप से जानने के लिए एक सरल नियम है। जिस शब्द के पहले a/an का प्रयोग करना हो,उसके उच्चारण को हिंदी में लिखें। यदि उसका पहला अक्षर हिंदी में व्यजंन हो, तो उसके पहले a प्रयोग करें। यदि उसका पहला अक्षर हिंदी में स्वर हो, तो an प्रयोग करें।
हिंदी में स्वर – अ आ इ ई ……… हिंदी में व्यंजन – क ख ग घ ……
a cat (कैट) यहाँ पहला अक्षर ‘क’ है, जो व्यजंन है। an ant (ऐन्ट) यहाँ पहला अक्षर ‘ऐ’ है, जो व्यजंन है। an honest man (ˈऑनिस्ट्) यहाँ पहला अक्षर ‘औ’ है, जो व्यजंन है। an M.A (एम. ए.) यहाँ पहला अक्षर ‘ए’ है, जो व्यजंन है। a European (युरोपियन) यहाँ पहला अक्षर ‘य’ है, जो व्यजंन है।
इसी प्रकार निम्नलिखित शब्दों के साथ a/an के प्रयोग को ध्यान से देखकर समझें।
a university (यूनिवर्सिटी) व्यंजन- ध्वनि – य
an hour (आवर) स्वर-ध्वनि – आ
a one-eyed man (वन) व्यंजन- ध्वनि – व
an S.D.O (एस.) स्वर- ध्वनि – ए
1. (a) पूरी जाति का बोध कराने के लिए Singular Common Noun के पहले का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
The cow gives milk. (गाय दूध देती है)
The cow is an animal. (गाय एक जानवर है।)
The horse is useful. (घोड़ा उपयोगी होता है)
(b) परंतु पूरी जाति का बोध कराने के लिए Plural Common Noun के पहले The का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे –
Cows give milk. (गायें दूध देती है।)
Cows are animals. (गायें जानवर हैं।)
Horses are useful. (घोड़े उपयोगी होते है)
(c) सामान्य अर्थ में Proper Noun और Uncountable Noun के पहले The का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे-
Ram is a boy. (राम एक लड़का है।)
Milk is useful. (दूध लाभदायक होता है।)
Gold is yellow. (सोना पीला होता है।)
2. The का प्रयोग उस Noun के पहले होगा जो खास/निश्चित/पूर्व-परिचित हो, वक्ता और श्रोता पहले से जानते हों। इस स्थिति में Noun हो या Plural, Countable हो या Uncountable, the का प्रयोग होगा। जैसे –
(a) घोड़े अच्छे हैं। – The horses are good.
(यहाँ कुछ खास/निश्चित घोड़ों की चर्चा है, अतः Plural Noun के पहले the प्रयुक्त हुआ है जो सही है।)
(b) पानी गंदा हैं। – The water was dirty.
(यहाँ खास/निश्चित/पूर्वपरिचित पानी की चर्चा अतः uncountable Noun के पहले the प्रयुक्त हुआ है जो सही है।)
(c) कलम लाल है। – The Pen is red.
(कोई खास/निश्चित कलम का चर्चा है, अतः pen के पहले the प्रयुक्त हुआ है।)
3. जब कोई Singular Countable Noun story/speech/discourse में पहली बार आता है, तब उसके a/an लगता है। यह समझा जाता है कि श्रोता उससे पूर्वपरिचित नहीं हैं। परंतु जब उसी noun की पुनरावृत्ति होती है, तब उसके पहले the का प्रयोग होता है क्योंकि तब तक श्रोता उससे परिचित हो चुके रहते हैं।
(a) There was a king. The king was very brave.
(b) I saw a boy. The boy was weeping.
(c) I have bought a car. The car is very beautiful. If you want to see the car, come to my home. I think you will like the car.
4. जब वाक्य में noun+ preposition +noun का प्रयोग हो, तब प्रथम noun के पहले the का प्रयोग होगा। जैसे –
The tea of Assam is famous.
The mangoes on the tree are not ripe.
The Ram of the Ramayana is an ideal personality.
I like the sweets of Gaya.
5. पर्वतश्रेणी या श्रृखंलाबध्द पर्वतों (ranges of mountains) के नामों के पहले the का प्रयोग अवश्य होता है। जैसे –
the Himalayas, the Alps, the Vindhyas.
परंतु चोटी (peak) या जो पहाड़ एकवचन रुप में रहते हैं, उनके नामों के पहले the का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे-
Mount Everest, Snowdon, Mount Abu.
6. द्वीपसमुह (groups of islands) के नामों के पहले the का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे –
the West Indies, the Andamans.
परंतु जो द्वीप एकवचन रुप में रहते हैं. उनके नामों के पहले the का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे-
Ceylon, Sicily, Sumatra, Java.
7. नदीं, खाड़ी, सागर, महासागर, जगंल, मरुभूमि, इत्यादि के नामों के पहले the का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे – \
the Ganges, the Indus, the Thames, the Gulf of Mexico, the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Sahara.
8. बड़े ग्रंथों के नामों के पहले the का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
the Gita, the Bible, the Vedas, the Ramayana, the Koran, the Mahabharata, the Paradise Lost.
9. आकाशीय पिंड, दिशा या जो वस्तु दुनिया में केवल एक है, उनके नामों के पहले the का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
the earth, the sun, the moon, the sky, the east, the west, the world.
10. Newspapers के नामों के पहले the का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे-
The Hindustan Times, The Times of India, The Indian Nation, The Statesman, The Leader.
11. Historical Places/Buildings के नामों के पहले the का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
the Tajmahal, the Red Fort, the Golghar.
12. Musical Instruments के नामों के पहले का the प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
the tabla, the violin, the harmonium, the guitar.
13. हवाईजहाज, समुद्री जहाज तथा रेलगाड़ी के नामों के पहले the लगता है। जैसे –
the Meghdoot, (एक जहाज का नाम), the Vikrant (समुद्री जहाज का नाम), the Toofan Express (रेलगाड़ी का नाम).
14. देशों के नाम के पहले article का प्रयोग नही है, पंरतु इन देशों के नाम के पहले का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
the U.S.S.R the United kingdom, the Netherlands, the Sudan.
15. जब ordinal numbers को letters में लिखा जाता है, तब उनके पहले the का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
the first, the second, the tenth.
16. जब Adjectives का प्रयोग Noun की तरह होता है, तब उसके पहले the का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
The poor are honest. ( the poor = poor man) The deaf can’t hear. (the deaf = deaf people)
17. Superlative Degree के पहले the का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
She is the most beautiful girl in the class. Akbar was one of the greatest kings.
18. Office, cinema, theatre तथा circus शब्द के पहले the का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे-
He is going to the office/cinema/theatre/circus.
Articles का लोप (Omission of Articles)
ऊपर कुछ उन परिस्थितियों का जिक्र किया जाता चुका है, जहाँ Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है उनके आलावा सामान्य अर्थ का बोध कराने के लिए निम्नलिखित परिस्थितियों में Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है –
1. व्यक्ति, गाँव, शहर, जिला, राज्य, देश या महादेश के खास नाम के पहले सामान्य अर्थ में Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे –
Mohan helps Sohan.
Patna is the capital of Bihar.
India is a big country.
2. भाषा एंव विषय के नामों के पहले Article नहीं होता है। जैसे –
I know English/French/Hindi/Urdu/Bengali/Tamil.
Physics is an interesting subject.
I have no interesting in mathematics.
3. दिनों और महीनों के नामों के पहले Article नहीं लगता है। जैसे –
January has thirty-one days. It is Monday today.
4. बीमारियों के नामों के पहले Article नहीं लगता है। जैसे –
He is suffering from cholera/smallpox.
परंतु कुछ बीमारियों के नामों के पहले the का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
the plague, the gout, the measles, the mumps.
5. पर्वो तथा ऋतुओं के नामों के पहले Article नहीं लगता है। जैसे –
Holi/Christmas is an important festival.
I shall go to Shimla is summer. (परंतु in the summer season)
6. खेल-कूद के नामों के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे –
I play football/tennis/cricket/badminton.
7. भोजन-साम्रगी तथा के नामों के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे-
I like rice and fish.
I take tea/coffee everyday.
There is chicken/lamb/egg in the menu.
When do you have lunch/dinner/supper/breakfast?
8. Possessive Adjectives (my, your, his, her, their & its) तथा Nouns in Possessive Case (Ram’s, cow’s etc) के तुरंत बाद Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे –
This is my book. This is Ram’s ow.
Direction: Use , an or the where necessary. Put a cross mark (✖) where no article is required.
(a) …. cat has ….. tail.
(b) …. cats cat ….. rats.
(c) …. chair was new.
(d) …. silver is white.
A/The cat has a tail.
✖Cats eat ✖rats.
The chair was new.
✖ silver is white.
1. …… cow gives milk.
2. …… cows give milk.
3. …… horses are useful.
4. …… horse is useful.
5. …… cats eat meat.
6. …… cat eats …… rat.
7. …… cats eat …… rats.
8. …… honey is sweet
9. …… gold is yellow.
10. …… iron is hard.
11. …… water is useful.
12. …… oil floats on water.
13. We take …… tea everyday.
14. We drink …… milk.
15. We take …… tea everyday.
16. …… honesty is the best policy.
17. …… crow is black.
18. …… table has four legs.
19. I take …… sugar in …… tea.
20. …… pen was red.
21. …… child is ill.
22. …… woman is mad.
23. Put …… book on …… table.
24. …… man is …… M.A.
25. …… Woman was …… nurse.
26. …… beggar was …… honest.
27. …… oxen are ill.
28. …… cows are not giving milk.
29. I sold …… cows.
30. …… dogs have four legs.
1. A cow gives ✖ milk.
2. ✖ cows give ✖ milk.
3. ✖ horses are useful.
4. A horse is useful.
5. ✖ cats eat ✖ meat.
6. A cat eats a rat.
7. ✖ cats eat ✖ rats.
8. ✖ honey is sweet.
9. ✖ gold is yellow.
10. ✖ iron is hard.
11. ✖ water is useful.
12. ✖ oil floats on ✖ water.
13. We take ✖ tea every day.
14. We drink ✖ milk.
15. We take ✖ tea every day.
16. ✖ honesty is the best policy.
17. The crow is black.
18. A table has four legs.
19. I take ✖ sugar in ✖ tea.
20. The pen was red.
21. The child is ill.
22. The woman is mad.
23. Put the book on the table.
24. The man is an M.A.
25. The woman was a nurse.
26. The beggar was ✖ honest.
27. ✖ oxen are ill.
28. The cows are not giving milk.
29. I sold the cows.
30. ✖ dogs have four legs.
(a) There was …… farmer. …… farmer had …… ox.
Ans. There was a farmer. The farmer had an ox.
(b) This is …… car I bought last year.
Ans. This is the car I bought last year.
(c) …… books on the table are mine.
Ans. The books on the table are mine.
(d) …… boys were very naughty.
Ans. The boys were very naughty.
1. I saw …… boy …… boy was weeping.
2. There was …… king …… king was very kind.
3. I have a car …… car is very beautiful.
4. I saw some boys. …… boys were quarreling
5. This is …… pen I bought yesterday.
6. …… horses were very bad.
7. …… water is useful for life.
8. …… water of this well is dirty.
9. …… gold is …… metal.
10. …… gold of India is famous.
11. …… horses can run fast.
12. …… horses of Ram are very weak.
13. …… mango is …… tasty fruit.
14. …… mangoes are found in summer.
15. …… mangos in the tree are not ripe.
16. …… cows of Ram are ill.
17. …… box was made of iron.
18. …… water in the pot of dirty.
19. Beat …… boys.
20. Have you read all …… books?
21. Do you like …… tea or …… coffee?
22. I like …… tea of Assam.
23. …… dog is …… faithful animals.
24. …… dogs are four-footed animals.
25. …… dogs are mad.
26. I don’t like …… dogs of my neighbour.
27. …… dog is mine.
28. I am going to sell …… dog.
29. I want to buy …… dog.
30. …… Ram of …… Ramayana is …… ideal man.
1. I saw a boy. The boy was weeping.
2. There was a king. The king was very kind.
3. I have a car. The car is very beautiful.
4. I saw some boys. The boys were quarreling.
5. This is the pen I bought yesterday.
6. The horses were very bad.
7. ✖ Water is useful for life.
8. The water of this well is dirty.
9. ✖ Gold is a metal.
10. The gold of India is famous.
11. ✖ Horses can run fast.
12. The horses of Ram are very weak.
13. A mango is a tasty fruit.
14. ✖ Mangoes are found in summer.
15. The mangoes in the tree are not ripe.
16. The cows of Ram are ill.
17. The box was made of iron.
18. The water in the pot is dirty.
19. Beat the boys.
20. Have you read all the books?
21. Do you like ✖ tea or ✖ coffee?
22. I like the tea of Assam.
23. The dog is a faithful animal.
24. ✖ Dogs are four-footed animals.
25. The dogs are mad.
26. I don’t like the dogs of my neighbour.
27. The dog is mine.
28. I am going to sell the dog.
29. I want to buy a dog.
30. The Ram of the Ramayana is an ideal man.
Direction: Use a, an or the where necessary. Put a cross Mark (✖) where no article is required.
(a) …… moon shines in …… sky.
(b) …… poor are sad.
(c) …… Ganges is …… long river.
(d) He is …… best boy in the class.
The moon shines in the sky.
The poor are sad.
The Ganges is the a long river.
He is the best boy in the class.
1. …… Himalayas is …… mountain.
2. …… Mount Everest is a peak.
3. They have come from …… West Indies.
4. …… Ganges is …… sacred river.
5. I have read …… Gita and …… Ramayana.
6. …… sun sets in the west.
7. …… moon is in …… sky.
8. …… earth moves round …… sun.
9. I read …… Hindustan Times everyday.
10. Have you seen …… Tajmahal?
11. He can play on …… violin.
12. …… Red Fort is red.
13. …… U.S.A. is …… great country.
14. He was …… second boy.
15. …… poor are honest.
16. Honesty is …… best policy.
17. He is …… best boy in the class.
18. I am going to …… theatre.
19. …… headmaster is in …… office.
20. My father lives in …… Nepal.
21. …… Mount Everest is …… highest peak of …… Himalayas.
22. …… moon is smaller than …… earth.
23. …… Pacific Ocean is very deep.
24. …… Toofan Express is coming soon.
25. Today is …… fifth of May.
26. …… bird can fly in …… sky.
27. She is …… most beautiful girl in the class.
28. …… blind cannot see.
29. My father is …… university professor.
30. …… hour is enough.
1. The Himalayas is a mountain.
2. ✖ Mount Everest is a peak.
3. They have come from the West Indies.
4. The Ganges is a sacred river.
5. I have read the Gita and the Ramayana.
6. The sun sets in the west.
7. The moon is in the sky.
8. The earth moves round the sun.
9. I read the Hindustan Times everyday.
10. Have you seen the Taj Mahal?
11. He can play on the violin.
12. The Red Fort is red.
13. The U.S.A. is a great country.
14. He was the second boy.
15. The poor are honest.
16. Honesty is the best policy.
17. He is the best boy in the class.
18. I am going to the theatre.
19. The headmaster is in the office.
20. My father lives in ✖ Nepal.
21. ✖ Mount Everest is the highest peak of the Himalayas.
22. The moon is smaller than the earth.
23. The Pacific Ocean is very deep.
24. The Toofan Express is coming soon.
25. Today is the fifth of May.
26. A bird can fly in the sky.
27. She is the most beautiful girl in the class.
28. The blind cannot see.
29. My father is a university professor.
30. An hour is enough.
Direction: Use a, an or the where necessary. Put a cross mark (✖ ) where no article is required.
(a) …. French is …. easy language.
(b) I play ….football.
(c) It is ….Sunday today.
(d) I like …. Holi.
✖ French is an easy language.
I play ✖ football.
It is ✖ Sunday today.
I like ✖ Holi.
1. …. India is …….. big country.
2. Do you know ……..Urdu?
3. ……. Mathematics is …….. interesting subject.
4. …….. Hindi is not easier than …….. English.
5. …….. March has thirty-one days.
6. …….. Monday is …….. first day of the week.
7. He is suffering from …….. cholera.
8. …….. Holi is coming soon.
9. It is very cold in …….. winter.
10. Do you play …….. cricket everyday?
11. …….. football is …….. good game.
12. I like …….. rice and curry.
13. I do not take …….. lunch.
14. This is Ram’s …….. book.
15. …….. Deepawali is …….. important festival in India.
16. We play …….. badminton in …….. evening.
17. Don’t tell …….. lies. Speak …….. truth.
18. …….. sky looks blue.
19. …….. ant is …….. very hard-working inset.
20. Look at …….. picture.
21. I am leaning …….. English.
22. …….. December is …….. last month of the year.
23. I play …….. chess.
24. …….. Ramayana is …….. last month of the year.
25. …….. rose is …….. beautiful flower.
26. I bought …….. horse, …….. ox and …….. buffalo.
27. …….. gold is costlier than …….. silver.
28. Kalidas is …….. Shakespeare of India.
29. He is …….. one-eyed man.
30. …….. oxen are stronger than …….. cows.
1. ✖ India is a big country.
2. Do you know ✖ Urdu?
3. ✖ Mathematics is an interesting subject.
4. ✖ Hindi is not easier than ✖ English.
5. ✖ March has thirty-one days.
6. ✖ Monday is the first day of the week.
7. He is suffering from ✖ cholera.
8. ✖ Holi is coming soon.
9. It is very cold in ✖ winter.
10. Do you play ✖ cricket everyday?
11. ✖ Football is a good game.
12. I like ✖ rice and curry.
13. I do not take ✖ lunch.
14. This is Ram’s ✖ book.
15. ✖ Deepawali is an important festival in India.
16. We play ✖ badminton in the evening.
17. Don’t tell ✖ lies. Speak the truth.
18. The sky looks blue.
19. An ant is a very hard-working insect.
20. Look at the picture.
21. I am learning ✖ English.
22. ✖ December is the last month of the year.
23. I play ✖ chess.
24. The Ramayana is ✖ last month of the year. (Incorrect sentence—likely a typo; the correct version would be: “The Ramayana is an important scripture.”)
उपर्युक्त प्रत्येक पंक्ति में शब्दों का समूह है। इन्हें ध्यान से पढ़ने पर पता चलता है कि प्रथम दो पंक्तियों में से प्रत्येक पंक्ति के शब्द एक निश्चित क्रम में रखे गए हैं और इनसे पूर्ण अर्थ निकलता है। इन दोनों में प्रत्येक को Grammar की भाषा में Sentence कहा जाएगा। तीसरी पंक्ति के words निश्चित क्रम में रखे गए हैं।अंतिम पंक्ति के शब्द न ही इनका Combination पुर्ण अर्थ देता है। अतः अंतिम दोनों पंक्तियों के शब्द – समूह Sentences नहीं कहलाएँगे। अब हम Sentence की परिभाषा इस प्रकार दे सकते हैं –
Definition: शब्दों का वह समूह जो ढ़ंग से क्रमबध्द हो और पुर्ण अर्थ देता हो, Sentence कहलाता है।
* A sentence is a group of words put together in a certain order giving complete sense.
Note: एक sentence में प्रायः दो या दो से अधिक words रहते हैं, लेकिन Imperative Sentence एक word से भी बन सकता है, जैसे-
Go. (जाओ)
Come. (आओ)
Laugh. (हँओ)
ऐसे Sentences में Subject ‘You’ छिपा रहता है, अर्थात् Go का अर्थ होता है You go; Come का You come और Laugh का You laugh.
Kinds of Sentences
अर्थ के अनुसार Sentences पाँच प्रकार के होते हैं –
1. Assertive Sentence
2. Interrogative Sentence
3. Imperative Sentences
4. Exclamatory Sentences
1. Assertive Sentences: जो वाक्य किसी कथन को व्यक्त करता है, वह Assertive Sentences कहलाता है।
* A sentence that makes a statement is called an assertive sentence; as,
I am going to school.
Ram is not a good boy.
He will come soon.
She reads in class VI.
Note: Assertive Sentences में सामान्यतया पहले Subject आता है, तब Verb और फिर अन्य पद। वाक्य के अंत में full Stop (.) अवश्य रहता है।
2. Interrogative Sentence: जिस वाक्य के द्वारा कोई प्रश्न किया जाता है, वह Interrogative Sentence कहलाता है।
* A sentence that asks a question is the interrogative sentence; as,
What is your name?
Are you a student?
Who will help you?
Why did he go there?
Note: Interrogative Sentence किसी Interrogative Word या Auxiliary Verb से शुरु होता है और इसके अंत में Questions Mark (?) निश्चित रहता है। Who, whom, whose, which, what, where, when, how, why, etc. Interrogative Words हैं।
3. Imperative Sentence: जिस वाक्य से आज्ञा, अनुरोध या सलाह का भाव प्रकट होता है, वह Imperative Sentence कहलाता है।
* A sentence that expresses an order, a request or a piece of advice is called an imperative sentence; as,
Bring a glass of water.
Don’t go there.
Please help me.
Take medicine in time.
Note: ऐसे वाक्यों में Subject ‘you’ सामान्यतया छिपा रहता है तथा वाक्य के अंत में Full Stop (.) प्रयुक्त रहता है।
4. Optative Sentence: जिस वाक्य से शाप, आशीर्वाद, प्रार्थना या इच्छा का भाव व्यक्त होता है वह Optative Sentence कहलाता है।
* A sentence that expresses some curse, blessing, prayer or wish is called an optative sentence; as,
May you die of cholera!
May god helps you!
(May) God save the king!
May he get success!
May the soul of Gandhiji get peace in the Heaven!
Note: Optative Sentence प्रायः May से प्रांरभ होता है और Exclamation के चिह्न (!) से समाप्त होता है। कुछ वाक्यों में छिपा भी रह सकता है, फिर भी भाव या अर्थ में परिवर्तन नहीं होता है। जैसे –
God bless you! = May God bless you! Long live our friendship! = May our friendship live long! Long live the king! = May the king live long! God save the king! =May God save the king!
5. Exclamatory Sentence: जिस वाक्य से प्रसन्नता, दुख, आश्चर्य, घृणा या प्रंशसा की तीव्र अभिव्यक्ति का बोध होता है, वह Exclamatory Sentence कहलाता है।
* A sentence that expresses some sudden or strong feeling of the mind is called an exclamatory sentence; as.
What a beautiful scene it is!
What a fall!
How dark the night is!
Well done! Mohan.
Alas! I am ruined.
Note: ऐसी अभिव्यक्तियों में Exclamations के बाद Sign of Exclamation (!) रहता है।
Affirmative and Negative Sentences
ऊपर आपने Sentence के प्रकार और उनके examples को देखा है। ये Sentences या तो Affirmative हैं या Negative जिस Sentence में कोई भी Negative Word प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता है वह Affirmative Sentence कहलाता है और जिस Sentence में कोई भी Negative Word प्रयुक्त रहता है, वह Negative Sentence कहलाता है। no, not, never, nobody, nothing, neither, nor, etc Negative Words हैं।
Affirmative Sentences:
He is a boy.
Is he a student?
Please do this.
Helps the poor.
May God helps you!
God save the king!
How nice she is!
May I come in?
Negative Sentences:
He is not a thief.
Don’t you know English?
Don’t go there.
I never tell a lie.
Please do not kill me.
He has no money.
May he not succeed!
Neither team won the match.
Direction: Say whether the following sentences are assertive, interrogative, imperative, optative or exclamatory.
उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त Adjectives sweet, sweeter और sweetest पर विचार करें। प्रथम वाक्य मेंं Adjective ‘sweeter’ केवल यह बताता है कि राम के आम में मिठास का गुण है। दूसरे वाक्य में यह बताता है कि मोहन के आम में राम के आम की अपेक्षा मिठास का गुण अधिक है। तीसरे वाक्य में Adjective ‘sweetest’ यह बताता है कि सोहन के आम में मिठास का गुण सबसे अधिक है। इस प्रकार हम देखते हैं कि तुलना दिखाने के लिए Adjective अपना रुप (sweet, sweeter, sweetest) बदलता है।
ऐसे ही अंग्रेजी भाषा में अनेक Adjectives और Adverbs हैं जो तुलना दिखाने के लिए अपना रुप बदल लेते हैं और हमें प्रत्येक के तीन रुप प्राप्त होते हैं, जिन्हें Three Degrees of Comparison कहते हैं। इन तीनों Degrees of Comparison के नाम इस प्रकार हैं –
1. Positive Degree: जब कोई Adjective या Adverbs अपने सरल रुप में रहता है, तब इसे Positive Degree में होना समझा जाता है।
* When an adjective or adverb is in its simple form, it is said to be in the positive degrees.
Examples: good, old, fat, big, sweet, strong, slowly, etc.
Sita is a good girl. He is an old man. Ram is very fat. I have a red car. I saw a big car there. My brother is strong. She is tall.
2. Comparative Degree: जब Adjective या Adverb से दो व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं के गुणों की तुलना का बोध होता है, तब इसे Comparative Degree में होना समझा जाता है।
* When an adjective or adverb is used to compare the qualities of two persons or things together, it is said to be in the comparative degree.
Examples: better, older, bigger, stronger, more, slowly, etc.
This pen is better than that pen. This tree is older than that tree. My car is bigger than his car. He was stronger than his enemy. He runs more slowly than Ram.
3. Superlative Degree: जब Adjective या Adverb से तीन या तीन से अधिक व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं के गुणों का तुलना का बोध होता है, तब इसे Superlative Degree में होना समझा जाता है।
* When an adjective or adverb is used to compare the qualities of three or more than three persons or things together, it is said to be in the superlative degree.
Examples: best, oldest, biggest, sweetest, strongest, most slowly, etc.
Ram is the best boy in the class. This is the oldest tree in my garden. This room is the biggest of all. He was the strongest man. Of all the players Sonu ran most slowly.
1. एक syllable के अधिकांश adjectives/adverbs में er/r जोड़कर Comparative तथा est/st जोड़कर बनाया जाता है। यह नियम कुछ दो syllables वाले adjectives के साथ भी लागू होता है। जैसे –
इसी प्रकार sweet, high, strong, bright, dark, poor, clever, bold, brave, fine, wise, white, large, hard, long, soon, near, इत्यादि के Comparative और Superlative Degrees बनाए जाते हैं।
2. जब positive एक syllable का रहता है, अंत में एक consonant और उसके पहले एक vowel रहता है, तब er/est लगाने से पहले अंतवाले consonant को double कर दिया जाता है। जैसे –
red redder reddest
big bigger biggest
thin thinner thinnest
इसी प्रकार के परिवर्तित होते हैं।
3. अगर Positive Degree के adjective का अंत consonant +y से होता है, तब y को i में बदलने के बाद er जोड़कर Comparative और est जोड़कर Superlative बनाए जाते हैं। जैसे-
happy happier happiest
easy easier easiest
heavy heavier heaviest
dry drier driest
इसी प्रकार silly, pretty, wealthy, holy, merry, etc के degrees परिवर्तित होते हैं।
4. ऐसे adverbs जिनके अंत ly से होते हैं, उनके Comparative और Superlative क्रमशः more तथा most लगाकर बनाए जाते हैं। जैसे –
beautifully more beautifully most beautifully
carefully more carefully most carefully
इसी प्रकार swiftly, skilfully, wisely, frequently के degrees परिवर्तित होते हैं।
5. तीन या तीन से अधिक syllables वाले Adjectives में प्रायः more तथा most लगाकर क्रमशः Comparative और Superlative बनाते हैं। यह नियम कुछ दो syllables वाले Adjectives के लिए भी लागू होता है। जैसे –
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
intelligent more intelligent most intelligent
proper more proper most proper
इसी प्रकार dangerous, laborious, learned, useful, courageous, industrious, difficult, splendid, etc. more most degrees परिवर्तित करते हैं।
6. कुछ Adjectives/Adverbs ऐसे हैं जिनके Comparative तथा Superlative Degrees में नए words आते हैं। ऐसे Adjectives/Adverbs के तीनों forms को अच्छी तरह याद कर लेना चाहिए।
Irregular Comparison
good better best
bad worse worst
much/many more most
little less least (of people only)
old older oldest (of people and things)
badly worse worst
well better best
much more most
little less least
7. बहुत सारे adverbs तथा कुछ adjectives ऐसे हैं जिनका प्रयोग Comparative और Superlative Degrees में नहीं होता है। जैसे –
1. Nominative Case 2. Objective Case 3. Possessive Case
1. Nominative Case: जब कोई Noun या Pronoun किसी क्रिया के कर्ता के रुप में प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब वह Noun/Pronoun Nominative Case में होना समझा जाता है।
* When a noun or pronoun is used as the subject of a verb, it is said to be in the nominative case.
उदाहरण के लिए इन वाक्यों को देखें –
Ram is eating. Cows eat grass. He reads in class VI.
यहाँ Ram, Cows और He क्रमशः is eating, eat और reads क्रियाओं के Subjects हैं। अतः Ram Cows और He Nominative Case में हैं।
2. Objective Case: जब कोई Noun या Pronoun किसी Verb या Preposition के Object के रुप में प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब वह Noun/Pronoun Objective Case में होना समझा जाता है।
उदाहरण के लिए इन वाक्यों को देखें –
He eats rice. She loves me. I am going to him.
यहाँ rice, me और him क्रमशः Verb eats, Verb loves और Prepositions to के objects के रुप में प्रयुक्त हैं । अतः इन वाक्यों में rice, me और him Objective Case में होना समझा जाता है।
3. Possessive Case: जब किसी Noun/Pronoun के रुप से अधिकार या संबंध का भाव प्रकट होता है, तब उक्त Noun/Pronoun को Possessive Case में होना समझा जाता है।
* When the form of a noun or pronoun is used to show possession or relation, it is said to be in the possessive case.
उदाहरण के लिए इन वाक्यों को देखें –
This is Ram’s cow. He is Sohan’s brother. She is my sister. This is his cat.
यहाँ Ram’s Sohan’s my और his से संबंध/अधिकार का भाव प्रकट होता है। अतः इन्हें Possessive Case में होना समझा जाएगा।
Note1: Noun चाहे Nominative Case में रहे या Objective Case में उसका रुप बिल्कुल नहीं बदलता है, लेकिन Possessive Case में इसके रुप में परिर्वतन होता है।
Note2. Pronouns के तीनों Cases के रुपों में भिन्नताएँ होती है, जिन्हें इस सारणी से समझें।
Nominative Case
Possessive Case
Objective Case
Possessive Adjective
Possessive Pronoun
Direction: Indicate the case of the words which are in bold print in the following sentences. Use the method as shown in these solved examples.
(a) Ram (Nom.Case) beats Shyam (Obj.Case)
(b) She (Nom. Case) is my sister. (Poss. Case)
(c) It (Nom. Case ) was for them (Obj. case )
(b) Mohan’s (Poss. Case) father always helps them (Obj. Case)
(e) He (Nom. Case) wrote a letter (Obj. Case) yesterday.
(f) The hat (Nom. Case ) is on the table (Obj. Case )
(g) These books are mine (Poss. Case)
(h) This is for Ravi (Obj. Case)
1. Mohan loves Sheela.
2. The boys went to school.
3. She bought a beautiful frock.
4. Cats kill rats.
5. This is for Shyam.
6. They are in the room.
7. My mother loves me very much.
8. Mohan’s friend is going to him.
9. The kite is flying in the sky.
10. These books are hers.
11. A tiger attacked Ravi.
12. What is on the table?
13. Our Friends live in a village.
14. She does not like their village.
15. Does the boy know Ram’s school?
16. This is the girl’s dress.
17. My wife is his sister.
18. These are theirs.
19. The horse kicked the poor girl.
20. Go to bed.
21. Ram is Mohan’s friend.
22. I know Mohan very well.
23. You know me.
24. I know you.
Noun के Possessive Case बनाने की विधि
1. प्राणिबोधक Singular Noun के अंत में ‘s’ जोड़कर बनाया जाता है । जैसे –
राम की किताब ( Ram’s book )
लड़की की गुड़िया (the girl’s doll )
राजा का पुत्र ( the king’s son )
गाय का दूध (the cow’s milk )
मनुष्य का जीवन (man’s life )
2. प्राणिबोधक Plural Noun जिसके अंत s नहीं में रहता है, उसके अंत में s जोड़कर Possessive Case बनाया जाता है। जैसे-
पुरुषों का ड्रेस (boy’s dress )
बच्चों का स्कूल (children’s school )
स्त्रियों की महाविघालय (women’s college)
3. प्राणिबोधक Plural Noun जिसके अंत में s रहता है, उसमें मात्र Apostrophe (‘) जोड़कर Possessive Case बनाया है। जैसे-
लड़कों का स्कूल (boys’ dress )
लड़कियों का ड्रेस (girls’ dress)
विधार्थियों के नाम (students’ names )
घोंड़ो की पूँछें (horses’ tails )
4. निर्जीव वस्तु के साथ संबंध सूचित करने के लिए साधारणतः of का प्रयोग किया जाता है न कि ‘s या apostrophe का जैसे –
स्कूल का नाम – the name of the school the न कि school’s name
घर का दरवाजा – the door of the house न कि the house’s door
कुर्सी का टाँग – the leg of the chair न कि the chair’s leg
कुँए का पानी – the water of the well न कि the well’s water
गाँवों का सड़के – the roads of villages न कि the well’s water
बिहार का राजधानी – the capital of Bihar न कि Bihar’s capital
गाँव के लोग – the people of the village न कि the village’s people
वृक्ष की डाली – the branch of the न कि the tree’s branch
ध्यान दें – ऐसे Phrases में जब of प्रयुक्त रहता है तब प्रथम Noun के पहले the का प्रयोग अनिवार्य होता है ।
5. प्राणिबोधक Noun के साथ दोनों ही constructions संभव हैं , जैसे –
गाय का दूध the cow’s milk या the milk of the cow
राम का दोस्त Ram’s friend या the friend of Ram
विघार्थियों के नाम the students या the names of the students
6. ‘s या apostrophe का प्रयोग सामान्यतया प्रणिबोधक Noun के अंत में किया जाता है, निर्जीव वस्तु के नाम के अंत में नहीं । पंरतु कुछ परिस्थितियों में निर्जीव के साथ भी ‘s या apostrophe प्रयुक्त होता है। जैसे –
(a) समय, दूरी तथा वजनसूचक शब्दों के साथ ‘s या apostrophe लगता है। जैसे –
a week’s holiday, in a year time, five day’s leave, six years’ experience, a month’s journey, a mile’s length, a stone’s throw, a foot’s length, a pound’s weight, three pounds’ weight, etc.
(b) Personified objects के साथ ‘s या apostrophe लगता है, जैसे – Nature’s laws , India’s heroes, at death’s weight, three pounds’ weight, etc.
(c) कुछ प्रचालित प्रयोग, जैसे – for mercy’s sake, to his heart’s content, at his wit’s ends, etc.
Some Special Notes:
हिंदी के संबंधकारक से युक्त शब्द -समुहों का अंग्रेजी जब ‘s या apostrophe की मदद से होता है तब शब्द -क्रम (word-order) दोनों भाषाओं में रहता है। जैसे –
Definition: बोलनेवाला First Person, जिससे बोला जाए वह Second Person तथा जिसके विषय में चर्चा की जाए वह Third Person कहलाता है |
* The first person is the person speaking, the second person is the person spoken to; and the third person is the person spoken about.
If I speak to you about Mohan, I am the first person, you are the second person and Mohan is the third person
First Person: I We तथा इनके विभिन्न रुप (me, mine, my, myself, we, us, our, and ourselves) First Person के examples हैं।
Second Person: You तथा इसके अन्य रुप (your, yours, yourself, and yourselves) Second Person के examples हैं ।
Third Person: First Person तथा Second Person के शब्दों के अतिरिक्त जितने Nouns और Pronouns हैं, वे सभी Third Person के examples हैं। जैसे – he, him, his, himself, she, her, herself, it, its, itself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, themselves, this, that, these, those, somebody, anybody, something, each, either, neither, all, none, many, both, Ram, Sita, mother, teacher, cow, dog, cat, school, sun, star, river, pen, book, etc.
Note: कभी-कभी प्रयोग के हिसाब से Third Person के words भी First Person या Second Person के हो जाते हैं । ऐसी कुछ परिस्थितियों पर विचार करें –
(a) किसी Noun को यदि हम संबोधनकारक के रुप में प्रयुक्त करें तो वह Second Person का हो जाएगा, जैसे –
Come here, Mohan.
Don’t go there, boys
Shayam, what are you doing here?
पृष्ट 58 के वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त शब्द Mohan, boys और Shyam Second Person में हैं, क्योंकि वे persons spoken के लिए प्रयुक्त हुए हैं ।
(b) First Persons का प्रतिशब्द (apposition) First Person का और Second Person का प्रतिशब्द Second Persons का प्रतिशब्द Second Person का हो जाता है । जैसे –
You, Mohan, come here. You, wicked boy, get out of the class. I, Ram, am your true friend. I, your friend, have come to help you.
इन वाक्यों में Mohan और wicked boy Second Person में हैं, क्योंकि ये you के प्रतिशब्द हैं और इनसे persons spoken to का बोध होता हैं। पुनः Ram और your friend First Person में हैं, क्योंकि ये I के प्रतिशब्द हैं और इनसे persons speaking का बोध होता है।
Direction: Look at the box and answer the questions given below-
Noun और Pronoun के Gender (लिंग) होते हैं | हम यहाँ Noun और Pronoun के Gender पर विचार करेंगे |
English में Gender चार प्रकार के होते हैं –
1. Masculine Gender (पुलिंग)
2. Feminine Gender (स्त्रीलिंग)
3. Common Gender (उभय लिंग)
4. Neuter Gender (नपुंसक लिंग)
1. Masculine Gender: Masculine Gender से नर जाति का बोध होता है | * The masculine gender denotes a male. Examples: Ram, dog, man, father bull, prince, actor, tiger, horse, hero, boy and others.
2. Feminine Gender: Feminine Gender से मादा जाति का बोध होता है | * The feminine gender denotes a female. Examples: Sita, woman, mother, cow, sister and others.
3. Common Gender: Common Gender से यह बोध होता है कि Noun या तो नर जाति का है या मादा जाति का |
* The common gender denotes that the noun is either a male or a female.
Examples: teacher कहने से शिक्षिका का बोध होता है | friend कहने से boyfriend या Girlfriend का बोध होता है | अत: teacher और friend से Common Gender का बोध होता है | Others Examples: child, doctor, thief (चोर या चोरनी), Parent (माता या पिता) cousin (चचेरा, फेफेरा या ममेरा भाई या बहन), student (छात्र या छात्रा), infant (शिशु -नर या मादा), relative (संबंधी- स्त्री या पुरुष), bookseller (पुस्तक -विक्रेता – स्त्री या पुरुष), baby (बच्चा या बच्ची), servant (नौकर या नौकरानी), writer (लेखक या लेखिका), singer (गायक या गायिका), clerk (किरानी – पुरुष या स्त्री), bird (पक्षी – नर या मादा), deer (हिरण – नर या मादा), sheep (भेड़ – नर या मादा), elephant (हाथी – नर या मादा), fox (लोमड़ी – नर या मादा), author (लेखक या लेखिका), driver (चालक – स्त्री या मादा), typist (टंकक- स्त्री या पुरुष), fool (मुर्ख – स्त्री या पुरुष), professor (प्राध्यापक या प्राध्यापिका), novelist (उपन्यासकार – स्त्री या पुरुष), speaker (वक्ता – स्त्री या पुरुष), foreigner (विदेशी – स्त्री या पुरुष), cook ( रसोइया – स्त्री या पुरुष), guest (अतिथि – स्त्री या पुरुष), artist (कलाकार – स्त्री या पुरुष), enemy (शत्रु – स्त्री या पुरुष) |
4. Neuter Gender: Neuter Gender से यह बोध होता है कि Noun न तो नर जाति का |
* The neuter gender denotes that the noun is neither a male nor a female.
Note1: निर्जीव पदार्थों, कीड़ों-मकोड़ों और छोटे-छोटे जानवरों को इस श्रेणी में रखा गया है | Collective Noun, Material Nounऔर Abstract Noun को भी इसी श्रेणी (Neuter Gender) में रखा गया है |
Note2 : हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में (लिंग) के भेद तथा व्याख्या में अतंर है हिंदी में दो लिंग हैं – स्त्रीलिंग और पुलिंग | हिंदी भाषा में निर्जीव पदार्थों या तो पुलिंग हैें या स्त्रीलिंगः वहीं अंग्रेजी में उन्हें Neuter Gender में रखा गया है | ‘कलम’ हिंदी भाषा में स्त्रीलिंग है, पंरतु ‘pen’ अंग्रेजी भाषा में Neuter Gender में है। अतः दोंनो भाषाओं के इस अंतर को बराबर ध्यान में रखें |
Masculine Gender से Feminine Gender बनाना
1. अंग्रेजी भाषा में बहुत सारे ऐसे शब्द हैं जिनके Feminine रुप में पुर्णतः नए शब्दों का प्रयोग होता है। जैसा –
boy (लड़का )
son (बेटा)
man (पुरुष)
uncle (चाचा)
lad (लड़का)
papa (पिता)
king (राजा)
Sir (महोदय)
Mr (श्रीमान)
Czar (जार)
cock (मुर्गा)
horse (घोड़ा)
boar (सुअर)
girl (लड़की)
daughter (बेटी)
woman (स्त्री)
aunt (चाची)
lass (लड़की)
mama (माता)
queen (रानी)
Madam (महोदया)
Mrs (श्रीमती)
Czarina (जारिना)
hen (मुर्गी)
mare (घोड़ी)
sow (सुअर)
father (पिता)
brother (भाई)
nephew (भतीजा)
bridegroom (दुलहा)
husband (पति)
widower (विधुर)
hero (नायक)
Sultan (सुलतान)
monk (मठवासी)
bull (साँड़)
dog (कुत्ता)
ram (भेड़ा)
fox (लोमड़ी)
mother (माता)
sister (बहन)
niece (भतीजी)
bride (दुलहन)
wife (पत्नी)
widow (विधवा)
heroine (नायिका)
Sultana (सुलताना)
nun (मठवासिनी)
cow (गाय)
bitch (कुतिया)
ewe (भेड़ी)
vixen (मादा लोमड़ी)
2. कुछ शब्दों में ‘ess’ जोड़कर Masculine से Feminine बनाया जाता है | जैसे –
हम यहाँ Noun, Pronoun और Verb के Number (वचन) पर क्रमश: विचार करेगें |
Noun के दो Number होते हैं –
1. Singular Number (एकवचन) 2. Plural Number (बहुवचन)
1. Singular Number : Singular Number के एक प्राणी या वस्तु का बोध होता है |
* Singular number denotes one person or thing. * A noun that denotes one person or thing is said to be in the singular number. Examples: cow, dog, cat, man, boy, car, pen, etc.
2. Plural Number: Plural Number एक से अधिक प्राणियों या वस्तुओं का बोध कराता है |
* Plural number denotes more that one person or thing. * A noun That denotes more that one person or thing is said to be in the plural number.
Examples: cows, dogs, cats, men, boy, pens, cars, etc.
Note: Countable Nouns के Plural Forms होते है जबकि सामान्य अर्थ में Proper Nouns और Uncountable Nouns के Plural Forms नहीं होते |
Singular से Plural बनाने के नियम
1. Singular Noun के अंत में प्राय: ‘s’ जोड़कर Plural बनाया जाता है जैसे –
tree – trees
pen – pens
table – tables
name – names
cow – cows
horse – horses
school – schools
cat – cats
house – houses
animal – animals
ant – ants
desk – desks
brother – brothers
2. जिस Singular Noun के अंत में ch (च), sh (श), ss (स), s (स), x (एक्स), रहता है, उसमें ‘es’ जोड़कर Plural बनाया जाता है | जैसे –
1. Pick out the nouns from the box which are always used in the singular number. 2. Pick out the nouns from the box which are always used in the plural number. 3. Pick out the nouns from the box which have same form in both singular and plural numbers.
Nouns always used in the singular number:
Alms Poetry Scenery Furniture Oil Tea Friendship Butter Mathematics Music Advice Coffee Bread Money Love Flour Sugar Ink Politics Milk Juice
2. Nouns always used in the plural number:
Trousers Police Scissors Spectacles Tongs Scales
3. Nouns that have the same form in both singular and plural numbers:
Sheep Deer Series Ashes Innings
Nouns की तरह Pronouns भी Singular या Plural होते हैं | जिस Pronoun का संबंध एक प्राणी या वस्तु से हो, उसे Singular Number में होना समझा जाता है तथा जिस Pronoun का संबंध एक से अधिक प्राणियों या वस्तुओं से हो, उसे Plural Number में होना समझा जाता है |
(b) Pronouns in Plural Number: We, Us, Ours, Ourselves, Yourself, They, Them, Theirs, Themselves, These, Those, Many, Both, etc. (c) Pronouns जो Singular में भी प्रयुक्त होता हैं और Plural में भी – you, yours, all, some, none, who, whom, whose, which, what, etc.
Verb का सीधा संबंध वाक्य के Subject से रहता है | Singular Subject के साथ Singular Verb तथा Plural Subject के साथ Plural Verb प्रयुक्त होता है | अतः आपके लिए यह जानना जरुरी है कि कौन Verb Singular Number में है और कौन Plural Number में |
Note: जब Verb में -s/es लग जाता है, तब वह Singular है जाता है | यह नियम Noun के नियम का ठीक उलटा है| Noun में -s/es लगाकर हम उसे Plural बनाते हैं, पर Verb -s/es लगाकर उसे singular बनाते हैं |
(Plural Verb)
( Singular Verb)
अब इन्हें समझें और हमेशा ध्यान में रखें –
(a) Verbs in the Singular Number :
am, is, was, has, does, goes, eats, laughs, etc. (b) Verbs in the Plural Number:
are, were, have, do, go, eat, run, jump, etc.
(c) Verbs जो Singular Number में भी प्रयुक्त होते है और Plural Number में भी –
had, did, shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, ought, need, dare, used, Verbs in the Past Tense, Verbs in the Present/Past Participles Tense, etc.
Direction: Look at the box and answer the questions given below-
1. Pick out the singular pronouns and verbs form the box. 2. Pick out the Plural pronouns and verbs from the box. 3. Pick out the Pronouns and verbs from the box which have same form in both singular and plural numbers.
1. Singular pronouns and verbs:
Pronouns: Yourself Hers Nobody Each Himself
Verbs: Am Has Does Goes Eats Eating Went
2. Plural pronouns and verbs:
Yourselves We They Both
Are Have Do Did Had Run Shall Will Must Can
3. Pronouns and verbs that have the same form in both singular and plural numbers:
Conjunctions is one of the most important concepts of English Grammar and Spoken English. Here we have presented Conjunctions concept in Hindi and English both. Enjoy the contents.
इन वाक्यों को ध्यान से देखें – (a) Ram and Shyam are brothers. (b) Early to bed early to rise is a good habit. (c) You will pass if you work hard. (d) Rita is simple but Geeta is clever.
इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द and, if और but पर विचार करें | ये दो words/phrases/clauses/sentences को जोड़ने का काम कर रहे हैं | पुन: यहाँ ध्यान देनेवाली बात यह है कि ये सिर्फ जोड़ने का काम कर रहे है, जोड़ने के अलावा और कुछ नहीं कर रहे हैं| ऐसे connecting words को Grammar की भाषा में Conjunctions कहते हैं |
Definition: Conjunction वह शब्द है, जो शब्दों, शब्द-समूहों, वाक्याशों, उपवाक्यों या वाक्यों को जोड़ता है |
* A conjunction is a word used to join words, phrases, clauses or sentence together.
Examples: and, but, or, because, therefore, although, though, yet, still, as well as, otherwise, when, if , after, since, before, as, unless, while, as if, whether, where, so, that, until, till, either…… or, neither … nor, not only … but also, both… and, etc.
Note: Relative Pronouns, Relative Adverbs तथा Prepositions भी connecting words हैं | ऐसे अनेक connecting words हैं जिनका प्रयोग विभिन्न वाक्यों में Relative Pronoun, Relative Adverbs या Preposition के रूप में होता है, साथ ही Pure Conjunction के रूप में भी होता है इस परिस्थिति में आपको यह जानना है कि अभीष्ट शब्द Conjunction है या नहीं | इस संदर्भ में आप इतना ध्यान रखें कि Conjunction जोड़ने का काम करता है, इसके अलावा अन्य कोई काम नहीं करता है, जबकि Relative Pronoun दो clauses को जोड़ने के साथ-साथ अपने पूर्व आए Noun/Pronoun का संबंध अपने बाद आनेवाले clauses के verbs को modify करता है तथा Preposition जिस Noun/Noun Equivalent के पहले प्रयुक्त रहता है, उसका संबंध वाक्य के किसी दुसरे शब्द या शब्दों से कराता है |
इस प्रकार यह स्पष्ट है कि सिर्फ जोड़ने का काम करता है जबकि अन्य कार्य भी करतें हैें इन्हें ध्यान से देखें और समझें –
1. This is the book that I bought yesterday. (that-relative pronoun)
2. I know that he was innocent. (that-conjunction)
3. This is the house where he lived. (where – relative adverb)
4. He found the watch where he had left it. (where conjunction)
5. I have been busy since Monday. (since-preposition)
6. We shall go since you desire it. (since-conjunction)
Note: एक ही शब्द किसी वाक्य में Conjunction के रुप में प्रयुक्त हो सकता है तो दुसरे वाक्य में अन्य Part of speech के रुप में, जैसे –
1. The train had started before we reached the station. (before-conjunction) 2. He stood before the gate. (before -preposition) 3. I have not seen this before. (before-adverb) 4. I will not let you go except you give me some money. (except-conjunction) 5. If we except Hari all are to be blamed (except-verb)
(a) Co-ordinating Conjunction: एक ही स्तर के दो items को जोड़नेवाला Conjunction, Co-ordinating Conjunction कहलाता है |
* The conjunction which joins two items of equal rank is called a co-ordinating conjunction.
Examples: and, but, or, also, yet, still, too, as well as, otherwise, either …. or, neither … nor, not only … but also, both … and …
इन वाक्यों में मोटे अक्षरों में छपे हुए शब्द Co-ordinating Conjunctions हैं –
Ram and Shyam are friends. Give me a pen or a pencil. Ram is poor but honest. Either Ram or Geeta is to blamed. Geeta is dancing and Reeta is singing.
[ Explanation: उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में और एक ही स्तर (Noun & Noun) के दो शब्द हैं | अत: इन्हे जोड़ने वाला ‘and’ Co-ordinating conjunction कहलाएगा | पुन: आगे के चार वाक्यों मेें भी जिन दो items को अलग-अलग जोड़ा गया है वे क्रमश: Noun & Noun Adjective & Adjective, Noun & Noun हैं | सबसे अंत में ‘and’ दो sentences को जोड़ता है | जो एक ही स्तर के है | अत: उपर्युक्त सभी conjunctions Co-ordinating conjunction है ]
(b) Subordinating Conjunction: जो Conjunctions Subordinate Clause को Principal Clause से जोड़ता है, Subordinating Conjunction कहलाता है |
* The conjunction which joins a subordinate clause to a principal clause is called a subordinating conjunction.
Examples: when, if, that, whether, after, before, because, unless, until, till, so, since, while, where, etc.
इन वाक्यों में bold words Subordinating Conjunctions हैं –
He said that he was absent. You will pass if you work hard. I like him because he is honest.
[Explanation: subordinate Clause को Dependent Clause भी कहते हैं | इसका अर्थ होता है – आश्रित उपवाक्य | ऐसा Clause जो अपना अर्थ पूरा करने के लिए वाक्य के दूसरे भाग पर निर्भर हो, वह Subordinate Clause कहलाता है तथा अभीष्ट दूसरा भाग Principal Clause कहलाता है | ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में that, if और because से जो Clauses शुरु हुए हैं, वे Subordinate Clause हैं | अत: that, if और because Subordinating Conjunctions कहलाएँगे |]
Direction: Pick out the conjunctions in these sentences and say what kind of conjunction they are-
(a) Two and two makes four. (and __ co-ordinating conjunction)
(b) Mohan is a boy and Sita is a girl. (and__ co-ordinating conjunction)
(c) Do or die. (or__ co-ordinating conjunction)
(d) Either he is mad or he is foolish. (either… or __ co-ordinating conjunction )
(e) I shall help him if he comes to me. (if___ subordinating conjunction)
(f) He stood before the gate. (no conjunction)
(g) This is the place where he lives. (no conjunction)
Concept related to Interjections are necessary to learn for English Grammar and spoken English. Here we have provided the concepts in Hindi and English language both. Understand them and boost your learning.
इन वाक्यों को ध्यान से देखें –
Alas! The cat is dead.
Oh! I have burnt my finger.
Ah! Have they gone?
Hurrah! We have won the match.
Hello! What are you doing here?
Bravo! Go On.
ऊपर आए शब्द Alas, Oh, Ah, Hurrah, Hello और Bravo पर विचार करें | Alas और Oh से अत्याधिक दुख, Ah से तीव्र निराशा तथा Hurrah/Hello/Bravo से अत्याधिक उल्लास का बोध होता है | स्पष्टत ये शब्द मन के भीतर उठ रहे भावों की तीव्र अभिव्यक्ति के सुचक हैं, जो अचानक हमारे मुख से निकल पड़ते हैं ऐसे शब्दों को Grammar की भाषा में Interjections कहते हैं |
Definition: Interjections वह शब्द है, जिससे आकस्मिक प्रसन्नता, दुख, आश्चर्य या मन का कोई अन्य भाव व्यक्त होता है |
* An interjections is a word which express some sudden feeling or emotion .
Examples: Alas, Oh, Ah, Hurrah, Hello, Bravo, Hush, etc.
Direction: What part of speech is each of the words in these sentences?
Here knowledge about Pronoun is provided in both Hindi and English language. This knowledge helps the students with the English Grammar and Speaking English fluently.
इन वाक्यों को देखें –
Ram is a student. He reads in class VI. Sita is a dancer. She is very beautiful. My father has a car. It is red. The boys are absent today. They will come tomorrow.
इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द He, She, It और They पर विचार करें | ये किसी-न-किसी Noun के बदले में प्रयुक्त हुए हैं | He का प्रयोग Ram के बदले में, She का प्रयोग Sita के बदले में , It का प्रयोग car के बदले में प्रयुक्त हुए हैं | He का प्रयोग Ram के बदले में, She का प्रयोग Sita के बदले में, It का प्रयोग car के बदले में हुआ है | ऐसे शब्दों को की Grammar भाषा में Pronouns कहते हैं |
Definition: Pronoun वह शब्द है जो किसी Noun के बदले में प्रयुक्त होता हैं |
* A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun. * A pronoun stands for a noun.
Pronoun की परिभाषा से स्पष्ट है कि यह Noun का substitute है | जब हम किसी कारणवंश Noun का प्रयोग नहीं करना चाहते , तब उस Noun के बदले उपयुक्त Pronoun का प्रयोग करते हैं | Pronoun की उपयोगिता को समझने के लिए इन वाक्यों पर विचार करें –
Ram is my friend. Ram reads in my class. Ram is absent today, because Ram is ill.
यहाँ Ram (Noun) का प्रयोग बार-बार होने से संपूर्ण expression भद्दा-सा लगता है | अगर दूसरे और तीसरे वाक्य में Ram के बदले He का प्रयोग करें, तो यह भद्दापन समाप्त हो जाएगा-
Ram is my friend. He reads in my class. He is absent today, because he is ill.
Kinds of the Pronoun : Pronoun के निम्नलिखित प्रमुख भेद हैं –
1. Personal Pronoun (व्यक्तिवाचक सर्वनाम)
2. Possessive Pronoun (अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम)
3. Reflexive Pronoun (निजवाचक सर्वनाम)
4. Emphatic Pronoun (बलदायक सर्वनाम)
5. Demonstrative Pronoun (संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम)
6. Indefinite Pronoun (अनिश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम)
7. Distributive Pronoun (व्यष्टिवाचक सर्वनाम)
8. Reciprocal Pronoun (परस्परबोधक सर्वनाम)
9. Relative Pronoun (सबंधवाचक सर्वनाम)
10. Interrogative Pronoun (प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम)
1. Personal Pronouns
* I, we, you, he, she it और they को Personal Pronouns कहा जाता है | * I, we, you, he, she, it and they are called personal pronouns.
यहाँ Personal का अर्थ है – relating to persons First Person /Second person /Third person). I और We First Person के Pronouns हैं | You Second Person का Pronoun हैं He, She, It और They Third Person के Pronoun हैं| इसलिए इन सातों Pronouns को Personal Pronouns कहा जाता है |
Personal Pronouns के रूप case-wise बदलते हैं, जिन्हें इस सारणी से समझें –
Nominative Case
Possessive Case
Objective Case
Possessive Adjective
Possessive Case
I We You He She It They
My Our Your His Her Its Their
Mine Ours Yours His Hers
Me Us You Him Her It Them
Note 1. Personal Pronouns के सभी forms को आप यहाँ देख रहे हैं इनमें से My, Our, Your, His, Her, Its और Their को Possessive Adjectives कहा जाता है क्योंकि ये किसी – न – किसी Noun के ठीक पहले प्रयुक्त होते हैं और Adjective की तरह कार्य करते हैं, जैसे –
This is my book. Those are your books. That is her book.
इन Possessive Adjectives में His और Her दो ऐसे शब्द हैं जिनका प्रयोग Pronoun की भाँति भी होता है, पंरतु इस स्थिति में इनके ठीक बाद कोई भी Noun प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता, जैसे –
This book is his. (his-Pronoun)
I know her. (her-Pronoun)
Note 2. Pronoun का प्रयोग Noun के बदले में होता हैं इसलिए Pronoun के ठीक बाद कोई भी Noun प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता | जब Pronoun के ठीक बाद कोई Noun प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब वह Pronoun Adjective में परिवर्तित हो जाता है क्योंकि इस स्थिति में वह अपने बाद आनेवाले Noun को qualify करता है |
2. Possessive Pronouns
जिस Pronoun का प्रयोग अधिकार दिखाने के लिए किया जाता है, उसे Possessive Pronoun कहते हैं | * A Pronoun used to show possession is called a Possessive pronoun.
mine, ours, yours, hers, his और theirs Possessive Pronouns हैं | इनका प्रयोग वस्तुओं पर अधिकार दिखाने के लिए किया जाता है, जैसा कि इन उदाहरणों के स्पष्ट है –
This book is mine. That book is yours. These are ours. Those ate his. This saree is hers. Those chairs are theirs.
Note: इनमें सिर्फ His एक शब्द है जो Possessive Pronoun भी है और Possessive Adjective भी | जैसे –
This is his car. (his- Possessive Adjective)
This car is his. (his – Possessive Pronoun )
3. Reflexive Pronoun
जब वाक्य में myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, itself और themselves प्रयोग से काम करने का असर खुद कर्ता पर पड़ना प्रतीत होता है, तब इन्हें Reflexive Pronoun कहा जाता है |
* This pronouns myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, itself and themselves are called reflexive pronoun when the action done by the subject turns back upon the subject.
I hurt myself. मैंने अपने आपको चोट पहुँचाई | We can help ourselves. हमलोग अपने आपको मदद कर सकते हैं | She ruined herself. उसने अपने आपको बर्बाद किया |
यहाँ चोट पहुँचाने, मदद करने का असर खुद कर्ता पर है | कर्ता ने खुद को चोट पहुँचाई कर्ता खुद की मदद कर सकता है| कर्ता ने खुद बर्बाद किया अत: myself, ourselves, और herself इन वाक्यों में Reflexive Pronouns हैं |
4. Emphatic Pronouns
Myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, herself, himself, itself and themselves are called emphatic pronouns when they are used for the sake of emphasis.
इन वाक्यों में इनके प्रयोग को दाखें –
I killed the tiger myself. मैंने स्वयं (खुद) बाघ को मारा | He himself said so. उसने स्वयं (खुद) ऐसा कहा | She herself liked him. उसने स्वयं (खुद) उसे पसंद किया | You can do it yourself. तुम इसे स्वयं (खुद) कर सकते हो |
Note: myself, ourselves, इत्यादि के spelling पर ध्यान दें | Singular Pronoun के साथ self लगता है और Plural Pronoun के साथ selves लगता है | You का प्रयोग जब एक व्यक्ति के लिए होता है, तब yourself और जब इसका प्रयोग अनेक व्यक्तियों के लिए होता है, तब का प्रयोग होता है आप जानते हैं कि I, he, she, और Singular Number में हैं | we और they Plural Number में हैं | you का प्रयोग Singular और Plural दोनों वचनों में होता है |
Direction: Tell which pronouns/adjectives in the following sentences are personal pronouns/possessive pronouns/reflexive pronouns/emphatic pronouns/possessive adjectives-
(a) This is his pen. (his-Possessive Adjective)
(b) This pen is his. (his-Possessive Pronoun)
(C) I myself did that. (I-personal Pronoun, myself-Emphatic Pronoun)
(d) She washed herself. (She-Personal Pronoun, herself-Reflexive Pronoun)
1. My mother loves me.
2. This book is hers.
3. Ours is black.
4. Our cow is black.
5. This garden is theirs.
6. It belongs to her.
7. This car is his.
8. This is his car.
9. Her face is beautiful.
10. Its colour is black.
11. She praised herself.
12. I hate myself.
13. She herself wrote this.
14. She herself did this.
15. I will do it myself.
16. He enjoyed himself.
17. The horse hurt itself.
18. They blamed themselves.
19. We ourselves can do it.
20. I myself locked the door.
1. My mother loves me. My – Possessive Adjective Me – Personal Pronoun
2. This book is hers. Hers – Possessive Pronoun
3. Ours is black. Ours – Possessive Pronoun
4. Our cow is black. Our – Possessive Adjective
5. This garden is theirs. Theirs – Possessive Pronoun
6. It belongs to her. Her – Personal Pronoun
7. This car is his. His – Possessive Pronoun
8. This is his car. His – Possessive Adjective
9. Her face is beautiful. Her – Possessive Adjective
10. Its colour is black. Its – Possessive Adjective
11. She praised herself. She – Personal Pronoun Herself – Reflexive Pronoun
12. I hate myself. I – Personal Pronoun Myself – Reflexive Pronoun
13. She herself wrote this. She – Personal Pronoun Herself – Emphatic Pronoun
14. She herself did this. She – Personal Pronoun Herself – Emphatic Pronoun
15. I will do it myself. I – Personal Pronoun Myself – Emphatic Pronoun
16. He enjoyed himself. He – Personal Pronoun Himself – Reflexive Pronoun
17. The horse hurt itself. The horse – Personal Pronoun Itself – Reflexive Pronoun
18. They blamed themselves. They – Personal Pronoun Themselves – Reflexive Pronoun
19. We ourselves can do it. We – Personal Pronoun Ourselves – Emphatic Pronoun
20. I myself locked the door. Myself – Emphatic Pronoun I – Personal Pronoun
5. Demonstrative Pronouns
जिस Pronoun का प्रयोग वस्तुओं या व्यक्तियों को सुचित, इंगित या निर्देशित करने के लिए किया जाता है, उसे Demonstrative Pronouns कहा जाता है |
* The Pronoun used to point out the object or objects to which it refers is called a demonstrative pronoun.
This, That, These और Those मुख्य Demonstrative Pronouns हैं | इनका प्रयोग इन वाक्यों में देखें –
This is a boy.
These are balls.
That is a girl.
Those are dolls.
Note: जब This, That, These, Those, इत्यादि के ठीक बाद कोई Noun प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब इन्हें Demonstrative Adjectives कहा जाता है, जैसे –
This book is mine.
That book is yours
These cows are red.
Those cows are brown.
Look at this picture.
What was that noise?
Note: इन वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त शब्द This, That, These और Those Demonstrative Adjectives हैं
पुन: इस वाक्यों को ध्यान से देखें –
This is my book. (this-demonstrative pronoun ) This book is mine. (this demonstrative adjective)
6. Indefinite Pronouns
जिस Pronoun से किसी निश्चित व्यक्ति या वस्तु का बोध नहीं होता है, वह Indefinite Pronoun कहलाता है |
* An indefinite pronoun refers to persons or things in a general way and does not refer to any persons or things in particular.
नीचे दिए गए वाक्यों में मोटे अश्ररों में लिखे शब्द Indefinite Pronouns हैं | ध्यान से देखने पर आप पाएँगे कि इनसे किसी निश्चित व्यक्ति या वस्तु का बोध नहीं होता है-
Somebody has stolen my pen.
Anybody can beat him.
Some are gentle.
All are foolish.
None can do this.
many of them were killed.
One must not praise oneself.
None of them are good.
Nothing is perfect.
Any of you can take it.
Vocabulary: Somebody- कोई, anybody – कोई, some – कुछ, all – सब, none – कोई नहीं, many – अनेक, nothing – कुछ भी नहीं, any – कोई |
Note: जब some, all, many, one, any, इत्यादि के ठीक बाद कोई Noun प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब ये Adjectives कहलाते हैं जैसे, इन वाक्यों में some, many, all, one और any adjectives हैं –
7. Distributive Pronouns
जब each, either और neither का प्रयोग Pronoun के रूप में होता है, तब इन्हें Distributive Pronouns कहा जाता है | * When each, either and neither are used pronouns they are called distributive pronouns. [each- प्रत्येक, either – दोनों में से कोई एक, neither – दोनों में से कोई नहीं] इन वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त शब्द each, either, neither और Distributive Pronouns हैं-
Each of you is guilty. Each of the boys is intelligent. Either of you can take this book. Neither of the two boys was absent.
Note: जब each, either और neither के ठीक बाद कोई प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब इन्हें Distributive Adjectives कहा जाता है इन वाक्यों में each, either और neither Distributive Adjectives हैं –
1. Each boy is intelligent. 2. Either road is safe. 3. Neither book is cheap.
8. Reciprocal Pronouns
each other और one another Reciprocal Pronouns कहते हैं – Each other and one another are called reciprocal pronouns. They loved each other/one another. (वे एक-दुसरे को प्यार करते थे |) each other और one another का अर्थ -एक दुसरे को |
Direction: Tell which pronouns/adjectives in the following sentences are demonstrative pronouns /indefinite pronouns /distributive pronouns /reciprocal pronouns/demonstrative adjectives/distributive adjectives-
(a) This is your book. (this – Demonstrative Pronoun)
(b) This book is yours. (this-Demonstrative Pronoun)
(c) Some are born great. (some – Indefinite Pronoun)
(d) Some persons are born great. (use of no pronoun)
(e) Each of the boys can do this. (Each – Distributive Pronoun, this Demonstrative Adjectives)
(f) Each boy can do this work. (each- Distributive Adjectives, Demonstrative Adjectives)
1. This car is yours.
2. This is your car.
3. Do you know this?
4. I know this boy.
5. These are your cows.
6. Are those pens yours.
7. Is this milk?
8 . Nobody can beat me.
9. Some were happy.
10. Some boys were happy.
11. One should love God.
12. All boys are naughty.
13. None of them are good.
14. They helped one another.
15. Each boy had a pen.
16. Each of the boys had a pen.
17. Either of you can do.
18. Neither of them are ready.
19. Neither way is safe.
20. They helped each other.
1. This car is yours. This – Demonstrative Adjective Yours – Possessive Pronoun
2. This is your car.
This – Demonstrative Pronoun Your – Possessive Adjective
3. Do you know this? This – Demonstrative Pronoun
4. I know this boy. This – Demonstrative Adjective
5. These are your cows. These – Demonstrative Pronoun Your – Possessive Adjective
6. Are those pens yours? Those – Demonstrative Pronoun Yours – Possessive Pronoun
7. Is this milk? This – Demonstrative Pronoun
8. Nobody can beat me. Nobody – Indefinite Pronoun
9. Some were happy. Some – Indefinite Pronoun
10. Some boys were happy. Some – Indefinite Pronoun
11. One should love God. One – Indefinite Pronoun
12. All boys are naughty. All – Indefinite Pronoun
13. None of them are good. None – Indefinite Pronoun
14. They helped one another. One another – Reciprocal Pronoun
15. Each boy had a pen. Each – Distributive Adjective
16. Each of the boys had a pen. Each – Distributive Pronoun
17. Either of you can do. Either – Distributive Pronoun
18. Neither of them are ready. Neither – Distributive Pronoun
19. Neither way is safe. Neither – Distributive Adjective
20. They helped each other. Each other – Reciprocal Pronoun
Distributive Adjectives: each, neither Demonstrative Pronouns: this, these, those Indefinite Pronouns: nobody, some, all, none, one Distributive Pronouns: each, either, neither Reciprocal Pronouns: one another, each other Demonstrative Adjectives: this, these
9. Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronoun वाक्य में अपने से पहले प्रयुक्त किसी Noun/Pronoun के बदले में आकर उस Noun /Pronoun की पुनरूक्ति को रोकता है और उस Noun/Pronoun का सबंध अपने से आनेवाले शब्द-समूह से जोड़ता है
* A relative pronoun refers to some noun/pronoun going before and relates the said noun/pronoun to a group of words coming after.
who, whom, whose, which, what और that मुख्य Relative Pronouns हैं|
This is the book. The book was given to me.
यहाँ ‘that’ एक Relative Pronoun है जो अपने से पहले आए Noun (book) के repetition को रोकता है अभीष्ट Noun का सबंध आगे आने वाले शब्द समूह से जोड़ता है यहाँ आप एक grammatical term Antecedent से भी परिचित हो जाएँ| Antecedent वह Noun/Pronoun है जो Relative Pronoun के पहले प्रयुक्त रहता है | ऊपर दिए गए वाक्य में that का Antecedent ‘book’ है |
इन वाक्यों को देखें | इनमें प्रयुक्त who, which, whom, whose और that Relative Pronouns हैं –
The boy who is playing is my friend. The chairs which are broken are of no use. This is the boy whom all praise. The house whose walls are white is mine. Take anything that you like. Here is the book that you lent me.
Note1. who, whom और whose का प्रयोग व्यक्तियों या बड़े जानवरों के लिए होता है | which का प्रयोग निर्जीव वस्तुओं और जानवरों के लिए होता है | That का प्रयोग सजीव और निर्जीव दोंनो के लिए होता है |
Note2. who, which, whom, whose और what का प्रयोग प्रश्न किए जाने में भी होता है | इस स्थिति में जब ये Pronoun के रूप में प्रयुक्त रहते है तब Interrogative Pronoun कहलाते है जैसे, इन वाक्यों में who, whom, whose, whichऔर what Interrogative Pronoun हैं –
Who are you? Whom do you love? Whose is this book? Which is yours? What is this? What is your father?
इन पाँचों शब्दों में whose, which और what ऐसे शब्द हैं जिनके ठीक बाद किसी Noun का प्रयोग हो सकता है और उस स्थिति में ये Adjective की भाँति कार्य करेगें | अर्थात् जब इन शब्दों को Noun के साथ जोड़कर प्रश्न कि जाने में प्रयोग किया जाता है, तब ये Interrogative Adjectives कहलाते हैं | जैसे, इन वाक्यों में whose, which और what Interrogative Adjectives हैं –
Whose book is this? Which class do you read in? What colour do you like?
10. Interrogative Pronouns
जिस Pronoun का प्रयोग प्रश्न करने के लिए किया जाता है, उसे Interrogative Pronoun कहा जाता है |
*The pronoun used for asking a question is called an interrogative pronoun.
इन वाक्यों में मोटे अक्षरों में छपे शब्द Interrogative Pronouns हैं
Who are you? Whom do you love? Whose is this book? What is your father?
Note: Who, whom, whose, which और what का प्रयोग Relative Pronoun के रूप में भी होता है | Whose, which और what का प्रयोग Interrogative Adjectives के रूप में भी होता है | इसकी चर्चा Relative Pronouns के अंतर्गत हो चुकी है |
Direction: Tell which pronouns/adjectives in these sentences are pronouns/interrogative pronouns/interrogative adjectives –
(a) Which is your book? (which- Interrogative Pronoun)
(b) Which book is yours? (which – Interrogative Adjective)
(c) This is the book which I bought yesterday.(which – Relative Pronoun)
1. Who is there?
2. This is the boy who has stolen my pen.
3. Whom do you love?
4. This is the thief whom the police wants to catch.
5. This is the boy that I told you of.
6. He that is down need fear no fall.
7. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
8. Where is the man who gave you this news?
9. Of whom do you speak?
10. Who might say this?
11. Whose is this book?
12. Whose book is this?
13. This is the shopkeeper whose shop caught fire last night.
14. Whose is your box?
15. The book which I bought yesterday is here.
16. Which book did you buy?
17. What is the matter?
18. What work will you do?
19. Who is he?
20. Whose is this umbrella?
Answers: 1. Who is there? Who: Interrogative Pronoun
2. This is the boy who has stolen my pen. Who: Relative Pronoun
3. Whom do you love? Whom: Interrogative Pronoun
4. This is the thief whom the police wants to catch. Whom: Relative Pronoun
5. This is the boy that I told you of. That: Relative Pronoun
6. He that is down need fear no fall. That: Relative Pronoun
7. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. That: Relative Pronoun
8. Where is the man who gave you this news? Who: Relative Pronoun
9. Of whom do you speak? Whom: Interrogative Pronoun
10. Who might say this? Who: Interrogative Pronoun
11. Whose is this book? Whose: Interrogative Pronoun
12. Whose book is this? Whose: Interrogative Adjective
13. This is the shopkeeper whose shop caught fire last night. Whose: Relative Pronoun
14. Whose is your box? Whose: Interrogative Pronoun
15. The book which I bought yesterday is here. Which: Relative Pronoun
16. Which book did you buy? Which: Interrogative Adjective
17. What is the matter? What: Interrogative Pronoun
18. What work will you do? What: Interrogative Adjective
19. Who is he? Who: Interrogative Pronoun
20. Whose is this umbrella? Whose: Interrogative Pronoun
Direction: Underline all the pronouns used in these sentences –
(a) What is this? (b) This boy will do thishimself. (c) Each of them wanted to defeat each other. (d) Both are yours. (e) Each man might help himself.
Parts of Speech is necessary for the knowledge of English Grammar. It is useful for grammar as well as speaking English Grammar. This chapter is provided in Hindi and English both so that Hindi knowing people can understand and learn English.
अंग्रेजी भाषा में जितने भी शब्द हैं उनको , वाक्यों में कार्य एवं प्रयोग के विचार से , आठ भागों में बाँटा गया हैं | इनमें से प्रत्येक भाग को Part of Speech कहते हैं |
*All the English words are divided into eight groups according to the work they do in a sentence. each group is called part of speech.
पिछले कक्षाओं में आपने Parts of Speech का कुछ अध्ययन जरूर किया होगा | अब आप यहाँ इनका अलग-अलग विस्तारपुर्वक अध्ययन करेगें | लेकिन आपको एक बात शुरू से ही ध्यान में रखना अत्यंत आवश्यक हैं |
शब्दों का वर्गीकरण वाक्यों में उनके कार्य एंव प्रयोग की दृष्टि से किया गया हैं | अंग्रेजी भाषा में अनेक ऐसे शब्द हैं जिनका प्रयोग वाक्यों में देखे बिना यह नहीं कहा जा सकता कि ये केिस Part of Speech अंर्तगत आते हैं | उदाहरण के लिए love, fast और in कों ले | वाक्यों में देखे बिना आप यह नहीं कह सकते कि ये किस group में आते हैं | लेकिन वाक्यों में इन्हें दखने के बाद आपके सामने कोई confusion नहीं रह जाता हैं _____
I love my country. (love-verb) She is my love. (love-noun) This is a fast train. (fast-adjective) The boy run. (fast-adverb) He is playing in the field. (in-preposition) Please come in. (in-adverb)
इसलिए आप ऐसे शब्दों को गंभीरता से लें और इनका वर्गीकरण वाक्यों में प्रयोग देखने के बाद ही करें |
Nouns is important for learning English Grammar and speaking English with confidence. Go through the whole page for learning English.This chapter is provided in Hindi and English both so that Hindi knowing people can understand and learn English.
इन वाक्यों को देखें ______
Ramu is a farmer. There is a book on the table. The cow gives milk. India is a country. My father believes in honesty. I can’t forget his kindness.
इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द Ramu, farmer और father व्यक्तियों के नाम हैं ; cow एक जानवर का नाम है; milk, book और table वस्तुओं के नाम हैं ; India और country स्थानों के नाम हैं ; honesty और kindness भाव के नाम हैं | दुनिया में ऐसे ही हजारों नाम हैं | Grammar की भाषा में इन्हें हम Nouns कहते हैं |
Definition: किसी व्यक्ति, जानवर , स्थान, वस्तु, विचार या भाव के नाम को Noun कहते हैं |
* A noun is the name of a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea. * A noun is the name of anything. *A noun is a naming word.
ऊपर दी गई परिभाषाओं से यह स्पष्ट है कि Noun एक naming word है | हम जो भी देखते हैं, सोचते हैं या अनुभव करते हैं, उन सभी के नाम Nouns हैं |
Kinds of the Noun: Noun के पाँच भेद हैं | 1. Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा ) 2. Common Noun (जातिवाचक संज्ञा ) 3. Collective Noun (समुहवाचक संज्ञा ) 4. Material Noun (द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा ) 5. Abstract Noun ( भावाचक संज्ञा )
1. Proper Noun : किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, जानवर या वस्तु के खास नाम को Proper Noun कहते हैं | Proper का अर्थ है – one’s own. *A proper noun is the name of a particular person, animal, place or thing. Examples: Ram, Shyam, Geeta, India, Patna, Tom, Moti, Lucky, Yamuna, Ramayana, Bible, Sunday, Monday, January, February, Holi, Id, The Hindustan Times, etc.
2. Common Noun : जिस Noun से किसी खास व्यक्ति, जानवर, स्थान या वस्तु का बोध न होकर पुरी जाति या श्रेणी का बोध होता है, उसे Common Nounकहते है – shared by all of the same group.
*A common noun is a name given in common to every person, animal, place or thing of the same class or kind. Examples : boy, girl, cat, bird, snake, man, table, pen, book, river, mountain, town, country, etc.
Note: Sita, Geeta और Mala से खास लड़कियों का बोध होता है, अत: ये Proper Noun हैं | परंतु girl कहने से किसी खास लड़की का बोध न होकर किसी भी लड़की का बोध होता है | अत: girl एक Common Noun है |
Leela is a proper noun, but girl is a common noun. Manoj is a proper noun, but boy is common noun. Patna is a proper noun, but city is a common noun. Bihar is proper noun, but state is common noun. Moti is a proper noun, but dog is a common noun. India is proper noun, but country is common noun. Yamuna is a proper noun, but river is a common noun.
3. Collective Noun: जिस Noun से एक ही तरह के व्यक्ति या वस्तुएओं के समुह का बोध होता है, उसे Collective Noun कहते हैं |
* A collective noun is the name of number of persons or things taken together and spoken of as one whole. Examples: class (वर्ग ), crowd (भी़ड़), army (सेना ), team (दल ), family (परिवार ), committee (समिति ), mob (भीड़ ), bunch (गुच्छा ), flock (झुडं ) etc.
‘army’ कहने से सैनिकों के समूह का बोध होता है | ‘crowd’ कहने से व्यक्तियों के समुह का बोध होता है | इसी प्रकार उर्पयुक्त अन्य शब्द किसी – न – किसी समूह का बोध है | अतः वे Collective Nouns हैं |
4. Material Noun: जिस Noun से किसी द्रव्य/पदार्थ का बोध होता है, जिसे मापा या तौला जाता है, किंतु गिना नहीं जाता है, जिससे विभिन्न वस्तुओं का निर्माण होता हैं |
* A material noun is the name of a material substance.
Note wood Material Noun है, परंतु इससे निर्मित chair, table, bench, house इत्यादि Common Nouns हैं | bread भी Material Noun है | अतः आप ‘एक रोटी’ के लिए ‘a bread’ न लिखकर ‘a piece of bread लिखें |
5. Abstract Noun: उस गुण, अवस्था, विचार या भाव के नाम को Abstract Noun कहते हैं जिसे देखा या छुआ नहीं जा सकता है, सिर्फ अनुभव किया जा सकता है |
* An abstract noun is the name of some quality, stare, feeling or idea that we can only think of or feel but cannot see or touch.
Note: Arts Science के नाम भी Abstract Nouns है | जैसे – grammer, physics, chemistry, music, history, etc.
Direction: Pick out the nouns in the following sentences. Say whether they are proper, common, collective, material or abstract.
(a) Ram is the best boy in the class. Ans: Ram -Proper Noun, boy-Common Noun, class-Collective Noun.
(b) Sympathy is better than gold. Sympathy-Abstract Noun, gold-Material Noun.
1. Sohan has a red car.
2. Children drink milk.
3. My brother is the captain of the team.
4. Patna is the capital of Bihar.
5. The cat has two eyes.
6. Gandhijee was a great leader of India.
7. The Ganges is a holy (पवित्र ) river.
8. There is a cap on his head.
9. Gold, silver and money cannot buy honesty.
10. The teacher taught me physics and chemistry.
11. Monday is the first day of the week.
12. He has been a good singer (गायक ) since his childhood.
13. Friendship is a boon (वरदान).
14. Without health there is no happiness (खुशी).
15. He gave me a bunch of grapes (अंगुर) .
16. Ram eats bread, ,mangoes and sugar.
17. The ring is made of silver.
18. There is a crowd (भीड़) on the road.
19. I have love (प्रेम) for my friends.
20. The juice (रस) has no sweetness (मिठास) .
Answers: 1. Sohan has a red car. Sohan – Proper Noun, car – Common Noun.
2. Children drink milk. Children – Common Noun, milk – Material Noun.
3. My brother is the captain of the team. brother – Common Noun, captain – Common Noun, team – Collective Noun.
4. Patna is the capital of Bihar. Patna – Proper Noun, capital – Common Noun, Bihar – Proper Noun.
5. The cat has two eyes. cat – Common Noun, eyes – Common Noun.
6. Gandhijee was a great leader of India. Gandhijee – Proper Noun, leader – Common Noun, India – Proper Noun.
7. The Ganges is a holy river. Ganges – Proper Noun, river – Common Noun.
8. There is a cap on his head. cap – Common Noun, head – Common Noun.
9. Gold, silver and money cannot buy honesty. gold – Material Noun, silver – Material Noun, money – Material Noun, honesty – Abstract Noun.
10. The teacher taught me physics and chemistry. teacher – Common Noun, physics – Abstract Noun, chemistry – Abstract Noun.
11. Monday is the first day of the week. Monday – Proper Noun, day – Common Noun, week – Common Noun.
12. He has been a good singer since his childhood. singer – Common Noun, childhood – Abstract Noun.
13. Friendship is a boon. friendship – Abstract Noun, boon – Common Noun.
14. Without health there is no happiness. health – Abstract Noun, happiness – Abstract Noun.
15. He gave me a bunch of grapes. bunch – Collective Noun, grapes – Common Noun.
16. Ram eats bread, mangoes and sugar. Ram – Proper Noun, bread – Material Noun, mangoes – Common Noun, sugar – Material Noun.
17. The ring is made of silver. ring – Common Noun, silver – Material Noun.
18. There is a crowd on the road. crowd – Collective Noun, road – Common Noun.
29. I have love for my friends. love – Abstract Noun, friends – Common Noun.
20. The juice has no sweetness. juice – Material Noun, sweetness – Abstract Noun.
Direction: In each of the following groups of word, pick out the noun that belongs to a different class of nouns from the rest.
(a) gold, rice, ghee, mango, sand
(b) father, brother, family, son, friend
1. chair, boy watch, wood, river
2. gold, silver, ring, iron, brass (पीतल)
3. boy, childhood, girl, son, daughter
4. book, paper, pen, student
5. mango, apple, juice, orange
6. table, desk, class, room, chair
7. singer (गायक), music (संगीत), dancer, player (खिलाड़ी)
8. milk, ink, tea, coffee, bread, apple
9. teacher, student, class, doctor, boy
10. book, apple, nurse, jug, wood
11. apple, mango, orange, rice, banana (केला)
12. music, bunch, army, crowd, mob
13. class, crowd, team, player, family
14. police, soldier, army, commander (सेनापति)
15. bottle, cup, boy, wine (शराब)
16. day, month, year, Sunday, ball
17. death (मृत्यु), fear (डर), mob ((भीड़), goodness
18. physics, chemistry, subject, friendship
19. car, petrol, driver, road, book
20. health, disease (बिमारी), pain (र्दद), doctor
Answers: 1. chair, boy, watch, wood, river chair – Common Noun boy – Common Noun watch – Common Noun wood – Material Noun river – Common Noun
2. gold, silver, ring, iron, brass gold – Material Noun silver – Material Noun ring – Common Noun iron – Material Noun brass – Material Noun
3. boy, childhood, girl, son, daughter boy – Common Noun childhood – Abstract Noun girl – Common Noun son – Common Noun daughter – Common Noun
4. book, paper, pen, student book – Common Noun paper – Material Noun pen – Common Noun student – Common Noun
5. mango, apple, juice, orange mango – Common Noun apple – Common Noun juice – Material Noun orange – Common Noun
6. table, desk, class, room, chair table – Common Noun desk – Common Noun class – Collective Noun room – Common Noun chair – Common Noun
7. singer, music, dancer, player singer – Common Noun music – Abstract Noun dancer – Common Noun player – Common Noun
8. milk, ink, tea, coffee, bread, apple milk – Material Noun ink – Material Noun tea – Material Noun coffee – Material Noun bread – Material Noun apple – Common Noun.
9. teacher, student, class, doctor, boy teacher – Common Noun student – Common Noun class – Collective Noun doctor – Common Noun boy – Common Noun
10. book, apple, nurse, jug, wood book – Common Noun apple – Common Noun nurse – Common Noun jug – Common Noun wood – Material Noun
11. apple, mango, orange, rice, banana apple – Common Noun mango – Common Noun orange – Common Noun rice – Material Noun banana – Common Noun
13. class, crowd, team, player, family class – Collective Noun crowd – Collective Noun team – Collective Noun player – Common Noun family – Collective Noun
14. police, soldier, army, commander police – Collective Noun soldier – Common Noun army – Collective Noun commander – Common Noun
15. bottle, cup, boy, wine bottle – Common Noun cup – Common Noun boy – Common Noun wine – Material Noun
16. day, month, year, Sunday, ball day – Common Noun month – Common Noun year – Common Noun Sunday – Proper Noun ball – Common Noun
1. Proper Noun: किसी व्यक्ति, जानवर, स्थान, दिन, महीना, वस्तु, इत्यादि के खास नाम को Proper Nouns कहते है | * A proper noun is the name of a particular persons, animal, place, day, month or thing. Examples: Sohan, Tom, Lucky, Nepal, Delhi, Sunday, Monday, January, February, Ganges, Bagmati, Himalayas, Ramayana, Gita, The Times of India, etc.
2. Countable Noun: जिस Noun को हम गिन सकते है, उसे Countable Noun कहते हैं | * A noun which can be counted is called the countable noun. Examples: cow, dog, class, man, leg, eye, book, star, river, army, state, girl, child, student, etc. 3. Uncountable Noun: जिस Noun को हम गिन सकते है, उसे Uncountable Noun कहते हैं | *The noun which cannot be counted is called the Uncountable noun.
Note: 1. Uncountable noun के पहले न तो a\an का प्रयोग होता है, न ही इसका Plural Form होता है अर्थात् a oil, a water, oils, wheats, इत्यादि लिखना गलत होगा | अगर कहीं Plural form बनता भी है, तो उसके अर्थ में परिर्वतन होता है |
2. Countable Noun के पहले a\an का प्रयोग होता है, और इसका Plural Form होता है | जैसे – a boy, boys, an ant, ants.
3. हिंदी भाषा में रोटी एक गणनीय संज्ञा है, पंरतु अग्रेंजी भाषा में bread Uncountable Noun है | अत: ‘एक रोटी’ की अग्रेंजी ‘a bread’ न लिखकर ‘a piece of bread’ लिखें | चार रोटियाँ – four pieces of bread.
4. इसे ध्यान में रखें –
पुराने Grammar के अनुसार Noun के भेद 1. Proper Noun 2. common Noun 3. Collective Noun 4. Material Noun 5. Abstract noun
आधुनिक Grammar के अनुसार Noun के भेद 1. Proper Noun 2. Countable Noun 3. Uncountable Noun
Direction: Pick out the nouns in the following sentences. Say whether they are proper, countable or uncountable.
Example: Mr Chopra is a man of great knowledge. Ans: Mr Chopra- Proper Noun, Man-Countable Noun, knowledge-Uncountable.
1. The cow is an animal.
2. A dog has four legs.
3. Ram is a student of this school.
4. Mumbai is a big city of India.
5. There are milk, rice, bread and orange on the table.
6. A week has seven days.
7. The students are reading books in the class.
8. Children have honesty.
9. The Ganga is river.
10. I have love for my friends.
11. This chair is made of wood.
12. An apple is good for health.
13. The little girl has no far.
14. He has kindness and greatness.
15. Our army showed great courage in the battle last year.
16. His son is the captain of the team.
17. I like the music of India.
18. The Gita and the Ramayana are holy books.
19. My friend does not take coffee or tea in the morning.
20. He has been a good singer his childhood.
Answers: 1. The cow is an animal. cow – Common Noun, animal – Common Noun (Countable Noun)
2. A dog has four legs. dog – Common Noun (Countable Noun), legs – Common Noun (Countable Noun)
3. Ram is a student of this school. Ram – Proper Noun, student – Common Noun (Countable Noun), school – Common Noun (Countable Noun)
4. Mumbai is a big city of India. Mumbai – Proper Noun, city – Common Noun (Countable Noun), India – Proper Noun
5. There are milk, rice, bread and orange on the table. milk – Uncountable Noun, rice – Uncountable Noun, bread – Uncountable Noun, orange – Common Noun (Countable Noun)
6. A week has seven days. week – Common Noun (Countable Noun), days – Common Noun (Countable Noun)
7. The students are reading books in the class. students – Common Noun (Countable Noun), books – Common Noun (Countable Noun), class – Common Noun (Collective Noun)
8. Children have honesty. children – Common Noun (Countable Noun), honesty – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun)
9. The Ganga is a river. Ganga – Proper Noun, river – Common Noun (Countable Noun)
10. I have love for my friends. love – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun), friends – Common Noun (Countable Noun)
11. This chair is made of wood. chair – Common Noun (Countable Noun), wood – Material Noun (Uncountable Noun)
12. An apple is good for health. apple – Common Noun (Countable Noun), health – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun)
13. The little girl has no fear. girl – Common Noun (Countable Noun), fear – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun)
14. He has kindness and greatness. kindness – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun), greatness – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun)
15. Our army showed great courage in the battle last year. army – Collective Noun, courage – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun), battle – Common Noun (Countable Noun)
16. His son is the captain of the team. son – Common Noun (Countable Noun), captain – Common Noun (Countable Noun), team – Collective Noun
17. I like the music of India. music – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun), India – Proper Noun
18. The Gita and the Ramayana are holy books. Gita – Proper Noun, Ramayana – Proper Noun, books – Common Noun (Countable Noun)
19. My friend does not take coffee or tea in the morning. friend – Common Noun (Countable Noun), coffee – Material Noun (Uncountable Noun), tea – Material Noun (Uncountable Noun), morning – Common Noun (Uncountable Noun)
20. He has been a good singer since his childhood. singer – Common Noun (Countable Noun), childhood – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun)
Concept of Preposition is a important part of English Grammar and Spoken English. Here we have provided its understanding in Hindi as well as English.
इन वाक्यों को देखें –
(a)There is a cat on the table. (b) I am writing with a pen. (c) He is going to him.
इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द on, with और to पर विचार करें | ये Noun/Pronoun के पहले प्रयुक्त हुए हैं और इनमें से प्रत्येक उक्त Noun/Pronoun का जो संबंध वाक्य के दुसरे शब्द या शब्दों से है, उसे दर्शाता है | ‘on’ cat और table के बीच के संबंध को दर्शाता है – cat, table के ऊपर है ऐर उससे सटी हुई है इसी प्रकार ‘with’ am writing और pen के बीच के संबंध को दर्शाता है – Pen वह साधन है, जिससे लिखने का कार्य हो रहा है और पुन: ‘to’ is going और him के बीच के संबंध को दर्शाता है – उसकी ओर जाने का कार्य हो रहा है | ऐसे शब्दोंं को Grammar की भाषा में Prepositions कहते हैं |
Definition: Preposition वह शब्द है जो किसी Noun या Pronoun के पहले आकर उस Noun या Pronoun का संबंध वाक्य में प्रयुक्त किसी अन्य शब्द या शब्दों से कराता है |
* A prepositions is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other word in the sentence.
* A prepositions is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else.
Some Important Prepositions:
in (में), into (में), on (पर), at (में पर), to (की ओर), with (के साथ), without (के बिना ), of (का, की, के ), among (के बीच ), between (के बीच ), under (नीचे ), over (के ऊपर ), below (के नीचे ), near (के पास ), after (के बाद ), before (का पहले ), for (के लिए ), up (ऊपर से ), since (से ), from (से), by (के द्वारा ), behind (के पीछे ), towards (की तरफ ), about ( के बारे ), etc.
Note 1. Prepositions प्राय Noun/Pronoun/Noun Equivalent के पहले आता है परंतु कुछ परिस्थितियों में इसका प्रयोग Sentence/Clause के अंत में होता है या हो सकता है | जैसे –
What are you looking at?
Who is she weeping for?
I know the house she lives in.
This is the room I slept in.
I need something to write with.
She likes being looked at.
Who is it for?
Note2: एक ही word प्रयोग के हिसाब से किसी वाक्य में Preposition हो सकता है तो किसी दुसरे वाक्य में अन्य Part of Speech, जैसे –
He is in the room. (in-preposition)
Come in. (in – adverb)
I have not seen this before. (before-adverb)
He stood before the gate. (before preposition)
The train had started before. (before – conjunction) we reached the station.
ऐसी परिस्थिति में आपको यह समझना है कि अभीष्ट word preposition है या नहीं | इसके लिए आप याद रखें कि preposition किसी Noun/Pronoun तथा वाक्य के दुसरे word /wordsके बीच संबंध जाहिर करता है, जबकि अन्य Parts of Speech ऐसा नहीं करते हैं |
अब आपको विभिन्न prepositions के महत्वपुर्ण प्रयोग को समझना और जानना है जिनकी चर्चा इसी पुस्तक में आगे ‘Uses of Prepositions’ में की जाएगी |
Direction: Bold the Prepositions used in these sentences.
Examples: (a) The book is on the table. (b) Let us move on.