Adjective in English Grammar with Examples

Adjectives is one of the important concepts of English Grammar and Spoken English. Here we have presented our content in Hindi and English, which provides all the needed learning.

इन वाक्यों को देखें –

It is a good pen.
He is brave.
That is a fast train.
They are bad persons.
Milk is sweet.
Sohan is not lazy.
She is beautiful.
A black cow was grazing.

इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द good, fast, bad, beautiful, brave, sweet, lazy औऱ black विचार करें | ये शब्द वाक्यों में Noun/Pronoun की विशेषता बताते हैं | ऐसे शब्दों को Grammar की भाषा में Adjectives कहते हैं |

Definition : Adjective वह शव्द है, जो किसी Noun या Pronoun की विशेषता बताता है |

* An adjective qualifies a noun or a pronoun.
* An adjectives is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun of a pronoun.

ऊपर दी गई परिभाषा से यह स्पष्ट है कि Adjective एक describing word है | यह Noun और Pronoun की विशेषता बताता है |

Note : some, food, all thing, much, water, several questions, six boys, any boys, this book, which boy, her sister, each man, what work, इत्यादि expressions में some, all, much, several, six, any, this, which, her, each और what Adjectives के रूप में प्रयुक्त की विशेषता बताते है | ऐसे Adjectives को आसानी इनके स्थानों से पहचाना जा सकता है | जैसे, इन वाक्यों पर विचार करें –

I have red pens.
I have a lot of pens.
I have six pens.
I have several pens.

यहाँ red तो Adjective है ही; a lot of, six और several भी Adjectives है, क्योंकि ये किसी भी सामान्य Adjective की भाँति Noun के ठीक पहले प्रयुक्त हुए हैं |

Kinds of the Adjectives: Adjective के निम्नलिखित प्रमुख भेद हैं
1. Adjectives of Quality (गुणवाचक विशेषण)
2. Adjectives of Quantity (परिमाणवाचक विशेषण)
3. Adjectives of Number (संख्यावाचक विशेषण)
4. Demonstrative Adjectives (संकेतवाचक विशेषण)
5. Possessive Adjectives (सबंधवाचक विशेषण)
6. Distributive Adjectives (व्यष्टिवाचक विशेषण)
7. Interrogative Adjectives (प्रश्नवाचक विशेषण)
8. Proper Adjectives (व्यक्तिवाचक विशेषण)
9. Emphasizing Adjectives
10. Exclamatory Adjectives

1. Adjectives of Quality

Adjectives of Quality से किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के गुण का बोध होता है |

* Adjectives of quality show the quality of a person or thing.

Examples : good, bad, weak, strong, kind cruel, sweet, bitter, thin, fat, long, short, hot, cold, beautiful, red, brown, etc.

इन शब्दों में से कुछ का प्रयोग इन वाक्यों में देखें –

Ram is a good boy.
The table is long.
It is very cold.
She is beautiful.
The pen is red.
He was a kind man.

2. Adjectives of Quantity

Adjectives of Quantity से मात्रा या परिणाम का बोध होता है |
* Adjectives of Quantity show how much of a thing is meant.

इन वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त some (कुछ), much (अधिक), little (नहीं के बराबर), whole (पुरा), all (सब), enough (पर्याप्त), और a lot of (बहुत) Adjectives of Quantity हैंं –

He had some/little/no/enough/a lot of rice.
The whole money was distributed.
He did not eat any rice.

Note : ऐसे और भी कई Adjectives of Quantity हैं यहाँ एक बात विशेष रूप से रखनी है कि Adjectives of Quantity से मात्रा या परीणाम का बोध होता है, संख्या का नहीं इनमें से all, no, some, इत्यादि कुछ ऐसे शब्द है | जिनका प्रयोग संख्या का बोध कराने में भी होता है | वैसी स्थिति में Adjectives के रूप में जब इनका प्रयोग होता है, तब इन्हें Adjectives of Number कहा जाता है जैसे, इन वाक्यों में some, all और no Adjectives of Number हैं –

Some boys are absent today.
All men are mortal.
There are no pictures in this book.

3. Adjectives of Number

Adjectives of Number से व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं की संख्या या क्रम का बोध होता है

* Adjectives of number show how many persons or things are meant, or in what order a person stands.

इन वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त few, no, many, some, enough, several, all, one, two, first और second
Adjectives of Number हैं –

He had few/no/many/some/several/enough/two horses.
All men must die.
The cat has one tail ant two eyes.
He was the first/second man.

ऐसे ही अनेक Adjective of Number है | इनमें से कुछ का प्रयोग मात्रा या परिणाम का बोध कराने में भी होता है ऐसी स्थिति में जब ये Adjective के रूप में प्रयुक्त होते है, तब इन्हें Adjectives of Quantity कहा जाता हैं |

Note1. Adjectives of Number के अंतर्गत आनेवाले शब्द one, two, three, four etc को Cardinals तथा first, second, third, fourth, fifth, six, etc. को ordinals कहते हैं |

Note 2. Adjectives of Quantity और Adjectives of Number में कुछ शब्द ऐसे हैं जिनका प्रयोग Pronoun के रूप में भी होता है, पंरतु इस स्थिति में इनके साथ कोई Noun प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता जैसे –

Some are born great.
Many of them were killed.
Any of them could do.
Few escaped unhurt.
All is/are mortal.
One should do one’s duty.

Note 3.

I have some milk. (some-adjective of quantity)
I have some mangoes. (some – adjective of number)
Some of them are absent. (some -Indefinite pronoun)


Direction: Tell which adjectives in the following sentences are adjectives of quality/adjectives of quantity /adjectives of number –


(a) He was an old man. (old-Adjective of Quality)

(b) Some boys are coming today. (some-Adjective of Number)

(c) Some water might be there. (some -Adjective of Quantity)

(d) Some are born great. (some-Pronoun great- Adjectives of Quality)

1. All men must die.

2. some boys are playing.

3. I have some milk.

4. Some are ill.

5. There are six boys in the class.

6. He asked me several questions.

7. He was third man.

8. The poor man had no money.

9. There were no horses there.

10. Many persons have not much money.

11. I did not take any tea.

12. I have enough books, but not enough time.

13. He has little knowledge.

14. Many of them were foolish.

15. One must not praise oneself.

16. Each of us has one month and two ears.

17. All is mortal.

18. The rich man had a lot horses.

19. He had a lot of gold.

20. Few cats like cold water.

1. All men must die. → All – Adjective of Number

2. Some boys are playing. → Some – Adjective of Number

3. I have some milk. → Some – Adjective of Quantity

4. Some are ill. → Some – Pronoun

5. There are six boys in the class. → Six – Adjective of Number

6. He asked me several questions. → Several – Adjective of Number

7. He was the third man. → Third – Adjective of Number

8. The poor man had no money. → Poor – Adjective of Quality

9. There were no horses there. → No – Adjective of Number

10. Many persons have not much money. → Many – Adjective of Number, Much – Adjective of Quantity

11. I did not take any tea. → Any – Adjective of Quantity

12. I have enough books, but not enough time. → Enough – Adjective of Number (for books), Adjective of Quantity (for time)

13. He has little knowledge. → Little – Adjective of Quantity

14. Many of them were foolish. → Many – Adjective of Number

15. One must not praise oneself. → One – Adjective of Number

16. Each of us has one mouth and two ears. → Each – Adjective of Number, One – Adjective of Number, Two – Adjective of Number

17. All is mortal. → All – Pronoun

18. The rich man had a lot of horses. → Rich – Adjective of Quality

19. He had a lot of gold. → A lot of – Adjective of Quantity

20. Few cats like cold water. → Few – Adjective of Number

Adjectives of Number tell us how many or the order of something (e.g., six, many, third).
Adjectives of Quality describe the kind or quality of a noun (e.g., old, poor).
Adjectives of Quantity describe how much of something is meant (e.g., some, little).

4. Demonstrative Adjectives

जिस Adjective का प्रयोग व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं को सुचित, इंगित या निर्देशित करने के लिए किया जाता है, उसे Demonstrative Adjective कहा जाता है |

* The Adjective used to point out some persons or thing is called a demonstrative adjective.

This, That These Those और Such मुख्य Demonstrative Adjectives हैं आगे दिए गए वाक्यों में इनके प्रयोग को देखें –

This man will guide you.
I did not like that woman.
These/Those pens are mine.
I hate such things.

Note: जब This, That, These. Those और Such के साथ कोई प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता, तब ये Demonstrative Pronouns कहलाते हैं | जैसे, इन वाक्यों में This, That, These, Those और Such Demonstrative Pronouns हैं –

This/That is Ram.
These/Those are cats.
Such was his reply.

5. Possessive Adjectives

Possessive Adjectives से अधिकार या सबंध का भाव व्यक्त होता है
* Possessive adjectives show possession or relation.

my, our, your, his, her, its और their Possessive Adjectives हैं इन वाक्यों में इनके प्रयोग को देखें –

This is my/your/our/his/her/their school.
Its colour is black.
My mother is ill.

Note: his का प्रयोग Pronoun के रूप में भी होता है, किंतु इस स्थिति में इसके साथ कोई Noun प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता जैसे –
This is his. This book is his.

6. Distributive Adjectives

जब each, every, either और neither के ठीक बाद कोई Noun प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब इन्हें Distributive Adjectives कहा जाता है |

* Each, every, either and neither are called distributive adjectives when they are followed by a noun.

इन वाक्यों में each, every, either और neither का प्रयोग Distributive Adjective के रूप में हुआ है –

Each boy had a pen.
Every man has his own duty.
Either pen will do.
Neither way was safe.

Note: जब each, either और neither के साथ कोई Noun प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता, तब इन्हेंं Distributive Pronouns कहा जाता है | जैसे – इन वाक्यों में each, either और neither Distributive Pronoun के रूप में प्रयुक्त हुए हैं –

Each of the boys got a prize.
Each took it in turn.
Either of you can do.
Neither of them won the match.

7. Interrogative Adjectives

जब what, which और whose किसी संज्ञा के साथ प्रयुक्त होकर प्रश्न किए जाने के काम आते हैं, तब इन्हें Interrogative Adjectives कहा जाता है |

* What, which and whose are called interrogative adjectives when they are used with nouns to ask questions.

इन वाक्यों में what, which और whose Interrogative Adjective के रूप में प्रयुक्त हुए हैं –

What question did the teacher ask?
Which box is yours?
Whose book is this?

Note: जैसा कि आप पहले देख चुके हैं, what, which और whose का प्रयोग Relative Pronoun और Interrogative Pronoun के रूप में भी होता है परंतु इस स्थिति में इनके साथ कोई Noun प्रयुक्त नहीं रहता |

8. Proper Adjectives

Proper Nouns से बने Adjectives को Proper Adjectives कहते हैं |
* Adjectives made from proper nouns are called proper adjectives.

इन वाक्यों को देखें –

HE is an Indian student.
Indian farmers are honest.
American English is different from British English.
Do you like the European culture?

इन वक्यों में आए शब्द India, America, British, और European Proper Adjectives हैं, ये Proper Nouns India, America, Britain और Europe से बने हैं |

9. Emphasizing Adjectives

Own, very, same, very same, इत्यादि ऐसे Adjectives हैं जो किसी Noun के पहले होकर उस Noun पर बल (emphasis) देते हैं | ऐसे Adjectives Emphasizing Adjectives कहलाते हैं |

* Own, very, same, very same, etc are such adjectives as are used to convey emphasis on the nouns that follow them. Such adjectives are called emphasizing adjectives.

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में इनके प्रयोग को देखें –

I saw them with my own eyes. (अपनी आँखो से )
This is the very book I wanted. (वही किताब )
This is the same book I wanted. (बिल्कुल वही किताब)
HE lived in the very same house for ten years. (उसी घर में)

10. Exclamatory Adjectives

जब what का प्रयोग Adjectives की तरह किसी Exclamatory Sentence में होता है , तब इसे Exclamatory Adjective कहा जाता है |

* ‘What’ is called an exclamatory adjectives when it is used as an adjectives in an exclamatory sentence.

इन वाक्यों में What का प्रयोग Exclamatory Adjectives के रूप में किया गया है –

What folly!
What an idea!
What a piece of work is man!


Direction: Pick out all the adjectives in the following sentences, and say to which class each of them belongs-


This book is yours. (This-Demonstrative Adjective)

Which way shall we go? (Which-Interrogative Adjective)

1. Those books are hers.

2. Those are her books.

3. What is this?

4. Each boy has a pen.

5. Each of them got a prize.

6. Either of you can do this work.

7. We should love every man and woman.

8. What colour do you like?

9. Whose books are those?

10. Which is your pen?

11. He is an Indian.

12. He is an Indian farmer.

13. Mind your own business.

14. This is the very pen I wanted.

15. I have been using the same pen for two months.

16. What a men!

17. What folly!

18. I don’t like its colour.

19. What is good to me?

20. I have found the book which I had lost.

1. Those (Demonstrative Adjective)

2. Those (Demonstrative Adjective), her (Possessive Adjective)

3. This (Demonstrative Adjective)

4. Each (Distributive Adjective)

5. Each (Distributive Adjective)

6. Either (Distributive Adjective)

7. Every (Distributive Adjective)

8. What (Interrogative Adjective)

9. Whose (Interrogative Adjective), those (Demonstrative Adjective)

10. Which (Interrogative Adjective), your (Possessive Adjective)

11. Indian (Proper Adjective)

12. Indian (Proper Adjective)

13. Your (Possessive Adjective), own (Emphasizing Adjective)

14. This (Demonstrative Adjective), very (Emphasizing Adjective)

15. Same (Demonstrative Adjective)

16. What (Exclamatory Adjective)

17. What (Exclamatory Adjective)

18. Its (Possessive Adjective)

19. Good (Descriptive Adjective)

20. The (Definite Article), which (Relative Adjective)


Direction: Encircle all the adjectives used in these sentences-

(a) Which boy won that prize?

(b) The second man was very strong.

(c) The poor man had little money.

1. These pens are old.

2. Those were beautiful eyes.

3. Each man had some water to drink.

4. Each of them had six horses.

5. Few cats like cold water.

6. The first man was asked several questions.

7. All work is done.

8. What time is it?

9. Every man has duties.

10. Which pen did you buy?

11. Whose are these books?

12. Whose horses are better than my horses?

13. I have a lot of money.

14. The fifth boy is very clever.

15. No boy has red shoes.

16. Some have not come yet.

17. This is s Chinse watch.

18. This is the very car I want.

19. He was killed in his own house.

20. What a fall!


1. These pens are old.

2. Those were beautiful eyes.

3. Each man had some water to drink.

4. Each of them had six horses.

5. Few cats like cold water.

6. The first man was asked several questions.

7. All work is done.

8. What time is it?

9. Every man has duties.

10. Which pen did you buy?

11. Whose are these books?

12. Whose horses are better than my horses?

13. I have a lot of money.

14. The fifth boy is very clever.

15. No boy has red shoes.

16. Some have not come yet.

17. This is a Chinese watch.

18. This is the very car I want.

19. He was killed in his own house.

20. What a fall!