Word Power Exercises with Answers for class 8

Word Power Exercises with Answers for class 8 and worksheet with solution from the book Elementary English Grammar for CBSE and ICSE students.

One word

Exercise 27.1 Give one word for the following. One has been done for you :-

1. A person who wears and shows clothes to possible buyers. A MODEL
2. Looks after a house and family A H – – – – W – – E
3. Writes music A C – – P – S – –
4. Builds houses A – U I – – – –
5. Designs houses An – – C – I – – C –
6. Cures sick animals A V – –
7. Cooks in a hotel or restaurant A – – – F
8. Paints pictures An A – – – S –
9. Builds roads, bridges, dams etc. An – – G – – EE –
10. Decides cases A – – D – E

2. Looks after a house and family: A HOUSEWIFE
3. Writes music: A COMPOSER
4. Builds houses: A BUILDER
5. Designs houses: AN ARCHITECT
6. Cures sick animals: A VET
7. Cooks in a hotel or restaurant: A CHEF
8. Paints pictures: AN ARTIST
9. Builds roads, bridges, dams etc.: AN ENGINEER
10. Decides cases: A JUDGE


Exercise 27.2 Underline the word which is not a synonym and does not match the rest.

1. Curious, inquisitive, sensitive, prying
2. Border, margin, edge, circle
3. Attract, offend, charm, fascinate
4. Attempt, distract, try, endeavour
5. Excellent, depressed, downcast, dejected
6. Delay, hurry, lag, loiter
7. First, final, ultimate, last
8. Rebellion, revolution, revolt, revenge
9. Lawful, legal, immoral, legitimate
10. Make, form, shape, same
11. Ruthless, sympathy, compassion, pity
12. Plan, design, project, plastic
13. Weak, stout, tough, sturdy
14. Stupid, dull, dense, bright,
15. Sufficient, meagre, enough, adequate
16. Catch, throw, toss, hurl
17. Healthy, robust, hale, unwell,
18. Agony, misery, distress, gaiety
19. Mirth, laughter, glee, sober
20. Impel, force, spur, obstruct

Answers :
1. Sensitive (The others mean curious or nosy)
2. Circle (The others refer to a boundary or edge)
3. Offend (The others mean to attract or charm)
4. Distract (The others mean to try or attempt)
5. Excellent (The others mean feeling down or sad)
6. Hurry (The others mean to delay or slow down)
7. First (The others mean last or final)
8. Revenge (The others refer to a rebellion or uprising)b
9. Immoral (The others mean lawful or legal)
10. Same (The others mean to make or form)
11. Ruthless (The others refer to feelings of sympathy or compassion)
12. Plastic (The others refer to a plan or design)
13. Weak (The others mean strong or sturdy)
14. bright (The others mean strong or sturdy)
15. Meagre (The others mean sufficient or enough)
16. Catch (The others refer to misery or distress)
17. Unwell (The others mean healthy or robust)
18. Gaiety (The others mean agony or misery)
19. Sober (The others mean laughter or mirth)
20. Obstruct (The others mean to impel or force)


Exercise 27.3 Give two Antonyms for each of the following words :-
1. Dull _______________________________
2. Bold _______________________________
3. Strict _______________________________
4. End ________________________________
5. Physical ___________________________
6. Inferior ____________________________
7. Friendship ________________________
8. Condemn __________________________
9. Accept _____________________________
10. Above ____________________________

1. Dull: Bright, Sharp
2. Bold: Timid, Shy
3. Strict: Lenient, Flexible
4. End: Begin, Start
5. Physical: Mental, Spiritual
6. Inferior: Superior, Excellent
7. Friendship: Enmity, Hostility
8. Condemn: Praise, Approve
9. Accept: Reject, Refuse
10. Above: Below, Beneath


Exercise 27.4 Group the following verbs as synonyms under the heading encourage and synonyms under the heading discourage :-

dishearten, check, persuade, induce, incite, coax, deter, cajole, disapprove, criticise

Answers :-
Encourage (Synonyms):


Discourage (Synonyms):


New word

Exercise 27.5 Choose from the box above and make a new word.

Prefix Base word New word

1. Dis + advantage = Disadvantage
2. Re + final = Refinal
3. Mis + understood = Misunderstood
4. Re + Yamuna = Re-Yamuna (not commonly used)
5. Non + stop = Nonstop
6. Out + date = Outdate
7. Non + Indian = Non-Indian
8. Un + cover = Uncover
9. In + definite = Indefinite
10. Bi + weekly = Biweekly

Prefix dis or mis

Exercise 27.6 Form new words by using the prefix dis or mis :-
1. _________________ doing
2. _________________ connect
3. _________________ continue
4. _________________ direct
5. _________________ fortune
6. _________________ comfort
7. _________________ arrange
8. _________________ believe
9. _________________ deed
10. _________________ order

1. Misdoing
2. Disconnect
3. Discontinue
4. Misdirect
5. Misfortune
6. Discomfort
7. Disarrange
8. Disbelieve
9. Misdeed
10. Disorder

Adding Suffixes

Exercise 27.7 With the help of the box make new words by adding suffixes :-

Base Word SuffixNew word
1. confer ______________________________________________________________________
2. noticed ______________________________________________________________________
3. reduce______________________________________________________________________
4. govern ______________________________________________________________________
5. lazy ______________________________________________________________________
6. combine ______________________________________________________________________
7. child ______________________________________________________________________
8. employer ______________________________________________________________________
9. harm ______________________________________________________________________
10. immigrant ______________________________________________________________________
11. depressed______________________________________________________________________
12. educate ______________________________________________________________________

1. Confer + -ence = Conference
2. Notice + -able = Noticeable
3. Reduce + -tion = Reduction
4. Govern + -ment = Government
5. Lazy + -ness = Laziness
6. Combine + -ation = Combination
7. Child + -hood = Childhood
8. Employer + -ee = Employee
9. Harm + -ful = Harmful
10. Immigrant + -ion = Immigration
11. Depress + -ion = Depression
12. Educate + -ion = Education

Compound words

Exercise 27.8 Make compound words by matching words in column A with those of column B.

1. Whole a. yard
2. torch b. proof
3. hand c. drum
4. pass d. pocket
5. with e. writer
6. back f. bearer
7. waterg. loom
8. pick h. hold
9. eari. some
10. type j. port

1. Whole + i. some = Wholesome
2. Torch + b. proof = Torchproof
3. Hand + f. bearer = Handbearer
4. Pass + j. port = Passport
5. With + h. hold = Withhold
6. Back + a. yard = Backyard
7. Water + c. drum = Waterdrum
8. Pick + d. pocket = Pickpocket
9. Ear + g. loom = Earloom (heirloom)
10. Type + e. writer = Typewriter

Fill in the blanks