Voice: Voice किसी वाक्य में प्रयुक्त का वह रुप है जो यह दिखाता है कि या तो कर्ता कुछ करता है या स्वयं कर्ता पर ही कुछ घटित होता है। Voice दो प्रकार के होते हैं –
1. Active Voice
2. Passive Voice
1. Active Voice: यदि किसी वाक्य का कर्ता क्रिया का संपादन करता है, तो उस वाक्य में प्रयुक्त Verb को Active Voice में होना समझा जाता है।
A verb is said to be in the active voice when its form shows that the persons or things denoted by the subject does something.
2. Passive Voice: यदि वाक्य का कर्ता सक्रिय नहीं है, क्रिया का संपादन नही करता है, बल्कि क्रिया उसी पर संपादित होती है, तो प्रयुक्त Verb को Passive Voice मे होना समझा जाता है।
A verb is said to be in the passive voice when its form shows that something is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject.
यदि Subject doer है, तो Verb Active Voice में
यदि Subject receiver of the action है, तो Verb Passive Voice में
इन वाक्यों पर विचार करें –
1. Ram teaches. (राम पढ़ता है। )
2. Ram is taught. (राम को पढ़ाया जाता है। )
यहाँ प्रथम वाक्य में राम पढ़ने का काम करता है अर्थात् वह doer (काम करनेवाला) है। अतः प्रयुक्त Verb ‘teaches’ Active Voice में हुआ। दुसरे वाक्य में राम कुछ करता नहीं हैं, वल्कि उसी पर पढ़ाने का काम संपादित होता है। यहाँ Ram doer नही है। अतः प्रयुक्त verb ‘is taught’ Passive Voice में हुआ।
Active Voice को Passive Voice में बदलने का नियम
इसे ध्यान ले देखें और समझें –

Voice का interchanging करते वक्त Active Verb के Object को Passive Verb का Subject बना दिया जाता है और Active Voice के Subject को Passive Verb का बना agent दिया जाता है। अगर यह agent वाक्य के अर्थ/भाव को स्पष्ट करने के लिए आवश्यक हुआ तो इसे clause/sentence के अंत में by या अन्य उपयुक्त preposition लगाकर रख दिया जाता है, अन्यथा इसका लोप कर दिया जाता है। विशेष ध्यान Verb पर देने की जरुरत होती है।
Active Verb को Passive में बदलने के लिए अभीष्ट Main Verb को Past Participle Tense में बदला जाता है और उसके पहले Verb ‘to be’ का प्रयोग उपयुक्त Number, Person और tense में किया जाता है।
Note: Pronoun जब subject के रुप में प्रयुक्त होता है, तब वह Nominative Case में रहता है और जब Object के रुप प्रयुक्त होता है, तब वह Objective Case में रहता है।
Nominative Case (I, we, you, he, she, it, they)
Objective Case (me, us, you, him, her, it, them)
अब विभिन्न Tenses के Active Verbs को Passive में बदलने की प्रक्रिया पर विचार करें –
[Passive Verb Form: am / is / are + V3
Ram eats a mango.
Ram eats mangos. ‘
I love him.
He loves me.
She teaches you.
We respect him.
A mango is eat by Ram.
Mangos are eaten by Ram.
He is loved by me.
I am loved by him.
You are taught by her.
He is respected by us.
Direction: Change the following into the passive voice-
1. Mohan eats a mango.
2. Mohan eats mangoes.
3. I eat a mango.
4. I love you.
5. You love me.
6. She helps them.
7. she help her.
8. They help him.
9. They help me.
10. We help him.
11. Mohan beats Sohan.
12. Sohan beats me.
13. I like it.
14. She sings a song.
15. I write a letter.
16. My brother loves me.
17. I love my brother.
18. This boy helps me.
19. I help that boy.
20. She sells toys.
21. They cook rice.
22. He posts the letter.
23. She likes your brother.
24. Your brother likes her.
25. He helps everybody.
26. I follow the rules.
27. I help the poor.
28. My father likes her.
29. I help those poor boys.
30. They answer the question.
- A mango is eaten by Mohan.
- Mangoes are eaten by Mohan.
- A mango is eaten by me.
- You are loved by me.
- I am loved by you.
- They are helped by her.
- She is helped by her.
- He is helped by them.
- I am helped by them.
- He is helped by us.
- Sohan is beaten by Mohan.
- I am beaten by Sohan.
- It is liked by me.
- A song is sung by her.
- A letter is written by me.
- I am loved by my brother.
- My brother is loved by me.
- I am helped by this boy.
- That boy is helped by me.
- Toys are sold by her.
- Rice is cooked by them.
- The letter is posted by him.
- Your brother is liked by her.
- She is liked by your brother.
- Everybody is helped by him.
- The rules are followed by me.
- The poor are helped by me.
- She is liked by my father.
- Those poor boys are helped by me.
- The question is answered by them.
Note: इन वाक्यों पर विचार करें –
1. Active (She loves me. )
Passive (I am loved by her. )
2. Active (People speak Hindi in Bihar. )
Passive (Hindi is spoken in Bihar. )
यहाँ प्रथम वाक्य के Passive में by + agent (by her) का प्रयोग हुआ है, जो आवश्यक है। दूसरे वाक्य के Passive में by + agent (by people) का प्रयोग नहीं हुआ है क्योंकि यहाँ Passive Sentence के अर्थ को स्पष्ट करने के लिए by + agent देना आवश्यक नहीं है। Active से Passive बनाते समय Agent का प्रयोग तभी किया जाता है जब agent का प्रयोग वाक्य के अर्थ को स्पष्ट करने के लिए अत्यंत आवश्यक होता है। जब Active Verb का Subject one, someone, somebody, nobody, people या अन्य vague / understood/common Subject रहता है, तब Passive Verb प्रयुक्त होने पर इसका लोप कर दिया जाता है। कुछ वाक्यों में I, we, you, they, he, she, a man, a boy, जैसे agents का भी आवश्यकतानुसार Passive Verb प्रयुक्त होने पर लोप कर दिया जाता है। अतः आप वाक्य के अर्थ को समझते हुए यह निर्णय लें कि अभीष्ट Passive Sentence में Agent का प्रयोग आवश्यक है या नहीं।
Solved Examples:
1. Active ( We expect good news. )
Passive (Good news is expected. )
2. Active (No one respects a dishonest man in our society. )
Passive ( A dishonest man is not respected in our society. )
3. Active (In India people worship the cow.)
Passive (In India the cow is worshipped. )
Direction: Change the following into the passive voice –
Hint: [सिर्फ 5 और 8 में ही by + agent का प्रयोग करें , अन्य के साथ नहीं।]
1. people speak English all over the world.
2. People grow cotton in India.
3. We expect good news.
4. In our country we exploit the poor.
5. Everyday my father teaches me.
6. People remember Bhagat Singh for his bravery.
7. Everyone hates Mohan because he is a thief.
8. Our leaders misguide us.
9. We keep butter here.
10. One uses milk for making curd and sweets.
- English is spoken all over the world.
- Cotton is grown in India.
- Good news is expected.
- In our country, the poor are exploited.
- Everyday I am taught by my father.
- Bhagat Singh is remembered for his bravery.
- Mohan is hated because he is a thief.
- We are misguided by our leaders.
- Butter is kept here.
- Milk is used for making curd and sweets.
[Passive Verb Form: am /is / are + being + V3]
I am eating a mango.
They are singing songs.
He is helping his mother.
She is vexing me.
They are doing it.
They are cutting the old trees.
A mango is being eaten by me.
Songs are being sung (by them).
His mother is being helped by her.
I am being vexed by her.
It is being done by them.
The old tress are being cut.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive voice-
1. She is eating a mango.
2. She is eating mangos.
3. I am writing a letter.
4. He is helping me.
5. He is helping us.
6. They are helping her.
7. I am learning it.
8. She is drawing a picture.
9. He is cleaning the car.
10. The cat is drinking milk.
11. He is cutting the tree.
12. He is cutting the trees.
13. She is cooking food.
14. They are selling books.
15. She is doing nothing.
16. She is cheating me.
17. They are painting the wall.
18. I am opening the door.
19. They are watching the match.
20. I am solving the sum.
Solved Examples:
1. Active They are doing nothing against me.
Passive Nothing is being done against me.
2. Active She is looking at me.
Passive I am being looked at by her.
3. Active She is watching you.
Passive You are being watched by her.
1. A mango is being eaten by her.
2. Mangos are being eaten by her.
3. A letter is being written by me.
4. I am being helped by him.
5. We are being helped by him.
6. She is being helped by them.
7. It is being learned by me.
8. A picture is being drawn by her.
9. The car is being cleaned by him.
10. Milk is being drunk by the cat.
11. The tree is being cut by him.
12. The trees are being cut by him.
13. Food is being cooked by her.
14. Books are being sold by them.
15. Nothing is being done by her.
16. I am being cheated by her.
17. The wall is being painted by them.
18. The door is being opened by me.
19. The match is being watched by them.
20. The sum is being solved by me.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive voice-
[Hint: 2, 4, 5 और 10 में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं है।]
1. He is answering the question.
2. The doctor is examining the patient.
3. The children are painting the wall.
4. They are cutting the old trees.
5. We are doing nothing against you.
6. Some boys are helping the poor man.
7. He is watching you.
8. She is beating her youngest son.
9. The nurse is looking after the patient.
10. They are doing nothing for the people of India.
1. The question is being answered by him.
2. The patient is being examined by the doctor.
3. The wall is being painted by the children.
4. The old trees are being cut (by them).
5. Nothing is being done against you by us.
6. The poor man is being helped by some boys.
7. You are being watched by him.
8. Her youngest son is being beaten by her.
9. The patient is being looked after by the nurse.
10. Nothing is being done for the people of India by them.
[Passive Verb Form: have / has + been + V3]
I have eaten a mango.
She has finished the work.
They have cheated me.
Ram has disturbed them.
Someone has stolen my pen.
He has cut his finger.
They have published the result.
A mango has been eaten by me.
The work has been finished by her.
I have been cheated by them.
They have been disturbed by Ram.
My pen has been stolen.
His finger has been cut.
The result has been published.
Direction: Put the following into the passive voice –
1. I have killed two tigers.
2. She was cheated me.
3. I have helped her.
4. They have helped us.
5. He has taught her.
6. This boy has made it.
7. Ram has built the house.
8. She has invited me.
9. He has cut the trees.
10. Sita has written a letter.
11. Ram has seen me.
12. Moti has broken the glass.
13. They have followed it.
14. I have liked this.
15. I have loved you.
16. She has taught him.
17. He has cheated her.
18. Mohan has learnt it.
19. He has bought a car.
20. I have informed them.
Solved Examples:
1. Active (Someone has stolen my car.)
Passive (My car has been stolen. )
2. Active (No one has seen that mad man for ten days. )
Passive ( That mad man has not been seen for ten days. )
मूल वाक्य का Subject No one रहने की वजह से Passive Sentence के Verb को Negative बनाया जाता है।
1. Two tigers have been killed by me.
2. I was cheated by her.
3. She has been helped by me.
4. We have been helped by them.
5. She has been taught by him.
6. It has been made by this boy.
7. The house has been built by Ram.
8. I have been invited by her.
9. The trees have been cut by him.
10. A letter has been written by Sita.
11. I have been seen by Ram.
12. The glass has been broken by Moti.
13. It has been followed by them.
14. This has been liked by me.
15. You have been loved by me.
16. He has been taught by her.
17. She has been cheated by him.
18. It has been learnt by Mohan.
19. A car has been bought by him.
20. They have been informed by me.
Direction: Change the following into the passive voice –
[Hint: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 और 14 में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं है।
1. They have seen the ghost.
2. You have made several mistakes.
3. The police have caught the thief.
4. Someone has broken my glass.
5. We have bought some books.
6. Someone has picked my pocket.
7. He has hurt his leg in an accident.
8. No one has said anything about it.
9. They have published the result.
10. They have killed that innocent child.
11. Shakespeare has written this beautiful poem.
12. The mob has broken all the shop windows.
13. Somebody has invited you to dinner.
14. Someone has stolen my car.
15. Some of our neighbours have done this.
1. The ghost has been seen by them.
2. Several mistakes have been made by you.
3. The thief has been caught (by the police).
4. My glass has been broken (by someone).
5. Some books have been bought by us.
6. My pocket has been picked (by someone).
7. His leg has been hurt in an accident.
8. Nothing has been said about it.
9. The result has been published (by them).
10. That innocent child has been killed (by them).
11. This beautiful poem has been written by Shakespeare.
12. All the shop windows have been broken by the mob.
13. You have been invited to dinner (by somebody).
14. My car has been stolen (by someone).
15. This has been done by some of our neighbours.
Note: Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Future Continuous Tense, तथा Future Perfect Continuous Tense का प्रयोग सामान्यतया नहीं होता है। इसलिए हम इस पुस्तक में इन चारों Tenses के Passive Verb Forms की चर्चा नहीं करेगें। इस पुस्तक को पढ़ने के बाद आप Oxford Current English Grammar अवश्य पढ़े जिसमें इन चारों Tenses के Passive Verb Forms की चर्चा विस्तारपुर्वक की गई है।
[Passive Verb Form: was /were + V3 ]
I ate a mango.
I ate some mangoes.
I ate some mangoes.
The Police arrested him.
Someone stole my pen.
A mango was eaten by me.
Some mangoes were eaten by me.
He was arrested.
My pen was stolen.
Direction: Put the following into the passive voice –
[Hint: 9, 11, और 13 के Passive में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं है]
1. I helped you.
2. You helped me.
3. He bought a car.
4. She warned him.
5. I ate mangoes.
6. They won the match.
7. She taught the boys.
8. I broke the glass.
9. The police caught the thief.
10. He finished the work soon.
11. The robbers robbed him.
12. The fire damaged the building.
13. They looted the house.
14. She challenges me.
15. She made it.
16. I invited both of them.
17. I made several mistakes.
18. She found the lost bag.
19. I cleaned the cars.
20. I posted all the letters.
Solved Examples:
1. Active A girl saved my life.
Passive My life was saved by a girl.
2. Active They admired for his bravery.
Passive He was admired for his bravery.
3. Active Most of them opposed me.
Passive I was opposed by most of them.
1. You were helped by me.
2. I was helped by you.
3. A car was bought by him.
4. He was warned by her.
5. Mangoes were eaten by me.
6. The match was won by them.
7. The boys were taught by her.
8. The glass was broken by me.
9. The thief was caught by the police.
10. The work was finished by him soon.
11. He was robbed by the robbers.
12. The building was damaged by the fire.
13. The house was looted by them.
14. I am challenged by her.
15. It was made by her.
16. Both of them were invited by me.
17. Several mistakes were made by me.
18. The lost bag was found by her.
19. The cars were cleaned by me.
20. All the letters were posted by me.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive –
[Hint: 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 12 और 15 में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं है।]
1. The doctor examined the patient.
2. Shakespeare wrote “As you like it”.
3. They admire him for his courage.
4. They looted the house yesterday.
5. they found him guilty of murder.
6. The Indians won the match.
7. Most people opposed this.
8. The farmer saved the snake’s life.
9. The police arrested some thieves last night.
10. Tigers attacked the travellers.
11. A boy of ten saved my life.
12. They warned me again and again.
13. Most people opposed this.
14. No one loved me.
15. Someone stole my purse in the train.
1. The patient was examined.
2. “As you like it” was written by Shakespeare.
3. He is admired for his courage.
4. The house was looted yesterday.
5. He was found guilty of murder.
6. The match was won by the Indians.
7. This was opposed by most people.
8. The snake’s life was saved by the farmer.
9. Some thieves were arrested last night.
10. The travellers were attacked by tigers.
11. My life was saved by a boy of ten.
12. I was warned again and again.
13. This was opposed by most people.
14. I was loved by no one.
15. My purse was stolen in the train.
[Passive Verb Form: had been + V3]
I had done the work.
She had written the letter.
She had informed us.
Somebody had stolen my pen.
Ram had completed the work.
The work had been done by me.
The letter had been written by her.
We had been informed by her.
My pen had been stolen.
The work had been completed by Ram.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive –
[Hint: इन 20 वाक्यों में 12 ऐसे वाक्य है, जिनके Passive में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं हैं।]
1. I had painted the wall.
2. She had informed me.
3. They had already cheated us. (had already been)
4. He had done the work.
5. She had taught the student.
6. He had sold his horses.
7. The robbers had robbed the villagers.
8. Somebody had already told him.
9. They had arranged everything.
10. The fire had burnt my house to ashes.
11. Somebody had told him the news.
12. The doctor had examined me.
13. He had informed me.
14. He had broken his leg.
15. She had posted all the letters.
16. Nobody had done anything. (had not been)
17. The doctor had examined the patient.
18. The boys had collected the books.
19. The had informed the police of the accident.
20. Somebody had stolen his bicycle.
[Passive Verb Form: Shall / will + be + V3 ]
I shall help you.
She will teach you.
He will help me.
People will forget it.
No one will solve your problem.
They will start the snow in two months.
You will be helped by me.
You will be taught by her.
I shall be helped by him.
It will be forgotten.
Your problem will not be solved.
The sow will be started in two months.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive voice-
[इन वाक्यों में ऐसे वाक्य हैं , जिनके में देने की जरुरत नहीं है।]
1. He will do this.
2. She will help me.
3. You will help us.
4. The boy will take it.
5. She will cheat you.
6. They will support me.
7. I shall solve the problem.
8. The police will arrest the thief.
9. We shall welcome him.
10. People will remember him.
11. Nobody will play the match. (will not be)
12. Somebody will beat you one day. (You …… one day)
13. I shall never forget those happy days. (will never be)
14. Everyone will blame you.
15. They will build the road by March. (………… by March)
16. We shall win the match.
17. We shall follow him.
18. They will not neglect us.
19. They will publish tow books in June (……… in June)
20. We shall discuss the matter tomorrow.
(The matter …….. tomorrow.)
1. This will be done by him.
2. I will be helped by her.
3. We will be helped by you.
4. It will be taken by the boy.
5. You will be cheated by her.
6. I will be supported by them.
7. The problem will be solved by me.
8. The thief will be arrested by the police.
9. He will be welcomed by us.
10. He will be remembered by people.
11. The match will not be played by anybody.
12. You will be beaten one day.
13. Those happy days will never be forgotten.
14. You will be blamed by everyone.
15. The road will be built by March.
16. The match will be won by us.
17. He will be followed by us.
18. We will not be neglected by them.
19. Two books will be published in June.
20. The matter will be discussed tomorrow.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive-
[Hint: 3, 11, 14, और 15 में by + agent देने की जरुरत नहीं है।]
1. I shall have taught him.
2. She will have completed the work.
3. The police will have arrested the thief.
4. We shall have bought the books.
5. They will have solved the problem.
6. She will have cheated you.
7. He will have informed me.
8. They will have killed the tiger.
9. My father will have bought a car.
10. The children will have eaten the cakes.
11. The robbers will have robbed him.
12. I shall have proved it.
13. They will have cheated our friends.
14. They will have discussed the matter.
15. They will have built the road by March.
- He will have been taught by me.
- The work will have been completed by her.
- The thief will have been arrested by the police.
- The books will have been bought by us.
- The problem will have been solved by them.
- You will have been cheated by her.
- I will have been informed by him.
- The tiger will have been killed by them.
- A car will have been bought by my father.
- The cakes will have been eaten by the children.
- He will have been robbed by the robbers.
- It will have been proved by me.
- Our friends will have been cheated by them.
- The matter will have been discussed by them.
- The road will have been built by them by March.
shall, will, can, could, may, might, should, would, must, ought, इत्यादि Modal Auxiliaries हैं। जब इनके बाद Transitive Verb प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब हम Verb को Passive में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित form का प्रयोग करते हैं-
modal auxiliary + be + V3
They will kill the tiger.
I can lift it.
They could solve the problem.
He may defeat you.
You must help your brother.
One should keep one’s promises.
He could kill the lion.
We should help the poor.
None can challenge him.
Everyone will blame us.
We must help the poor.
You must write the answers in ink.
The tiger will be killed (by them).
It can be lifted by me.
The problem could be solved.
You may be defeated by him.
Your brother must be helped.
Promises should be kept.
The lion could be killed by him.
The poor should be helped.
He cannot be challenged.
We shall be blamed by everyone.
The poor must be helped.
The answers must be written in ink.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive-
1. You can do it.
2. I can kill a tiger.
3. He can win the match.
4. She can defeat him.
5. He may do this.
6. He could beat him.
7. I could help you.
8. He might solve it.
9. They may defeat us.
10. You must help the poor.
11. You must send a reply.
12. You should do this.
13. They should finish the work.
14. I should do it.
15. She could buy a car.
16. He would do it.
17. I could solve the problem.
18. Your friend will blame you.
19. She will break it.
20. One can solve it.
1. It can be done by you.
2. A tiger can be killed by me.
3. The match can be won by him.
4. He can be defeated by her.
5. This may be done by him.
6. He could be beaten by him.
7. You could be helped by me.
8. It might be solved by him.
9. We may be defeated by them.
10 .The poor must be helped by you.
11. A reply must be sent by you.
12. This should be done by you.
13. The work should be finished by them.
14. It should be done by me.
15. A car could be bought by her.
16. It would be done by him.
17. The problem could be solved by me.
18. You will be blamed by your friend.
19. It will be broken by her.
20. It can be solved by one.
10. अगर Verb Phrase की बनावट am/is/are/was/were/have/has/had + infinitive (to+Verb) हो, ते इसका में रुप होगा –
am/is/are/was/were/have/has/had + to be + V3
I am to do it.
I was to do it.
I had to do it.
My father is to buy a car.
They had to built the bridge.
It is to be done by me.
It was to be done by me.
It had to be done by me.
A car is to be bought by my father.
The bridge had to be built.
Direction: turn the following into the passive-
[Hint: 5, 6, 9, 12, 13,14, और 20 में by + agent का प्रयोग नहीं करें।]
1. My father is to buy a car.
2. I am to teach him.
3. He is to teach us.
4. They were to invite me.
5. She was to sell her cows.
6. I have to prove it.
7. She has to guide me.
8. He has to examine the patient.
9. The postman has to deliver the letters.
10. I was to help those poor boys.
11. We have to serve the country.
12. We had to inform the police of the accident.
13. They had to built the bridge.
14. Ram has to solve the problem.
15. The manager has to appoint him.
16. I am to buy some books.
17. She was to defeat the enemies.
18. The boys of this school are to plant some trees.
19. They are to play the match today.
1. A car is to be bought (by my father).
2. He is to be taught (by me).
3. We are to be taught (by him).
4. I was to be invited (by them).
5. Her cows were to be sold.
6. It has to be proved (by me).
7. I have to be guided (by her).
8. The patient has to be examined.
9. The letters have to be delivered (by the postman).
10. Those poor boys were to be helped (by me).
11. The country has to be served.
12. The police had to be informed of the accident.
13. The bridge had to be built.
14. The problem has to be solved (by Ram).
15. He has to be appointed (by the manager).
16. Some books are to be bought (by me).
17. The enemies were to be defeated (by her).
18. Some trees are to be planted (by the boys of this school).
19. The match is to be played today.
जब Imperative Sentence से order/command का बोध होता है, तब हम प्रयुक्त Active Verb को Passive में बदलने के लिए वाक्य को Let से शुरु करते हैं और Subject के बाद be + V3 का प्रयोग करते हैं। जैसे –
Do this work.
Bring a glass of water.
Open the door.
Switch on the radio.
Don’t pluck the flowers.
Don’t touch this wire.
Give the order.
Inform the police of the accident.
Let this work be done.
Let a glass of water be brought.
Let the door opened.
Let the radio be switch on.
Let the flower not be plucked.
Let this wire not be touch.
Let the order be given.
Let the police be informed of the accident.
जब Imperative Sentence से advice (सलाह) का भाव व्यक्त होता है, तब हम Passive को Let से शुरु नहीं करते हैं, बल्कि वाक्य को इस रुप में परिवर्तित करते हैं-
Subject + should + be + V3
Love your country.
Help the poor.
Help your neighbours.
Don’t insult the weak.
Your country should be loved.
The poor should be helped.
Your neighbours should e helped.
The weak should not be insulted.
Note: कुछ Sentences ऐसे होते हैं जिनसे यह स्पष्ट नहीं होता है कि ये order हैं या advice ऐसे sentences को Rule No. 11 या Rule No. 12 से बनाएँ।
13. यदि Imperative Sentence Transitive Verb से शुरु हो, तो Sentence के Passive Construction देने के लिए You are ordered / You are advised का प्रयोग करें। जैसे – ]
Kindly post the letter.
Take your chair, Please.
You are requested to post the letter.
You are requested to take your chair.
14. यदि Imperative Sentence Transitive Verb से शुरु हो, तो Sentence को Passive Construction देने के लिए You are ordered / You are advised का प्रयोग करें। जैसे –
Stand up.
Go there.
Work hard.
You are ordered to stand up.
You are ordered to go there.
You are advised work hard.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive-
Active (Open the door. )
Passive (Let the door be opened.)
1. Inform the police.
2. Post the letters.
3. Bring a glass of water.
4. Do this work.
5. Switch off the light.
6. Don’t close the gate.
7. Read this book.
8 Shut all the doors.
9. Close the gate.
10. Don’t touch the wire.
Active (Help your friends. )
Passive (Your friends should be helped. )
1. Help the poor.
2. Help the poor students.
3. Respect your elders.
4. Love your country.
5. Love your neighbours.
6. Don’t hate the poor.
7. Don’t cheat your friend.
8. Honour the brave.
Active (Kindly help me. )
Passive (You are requested to help me. )
1. Please take your seat.
2. Kindly give me money.
3. Kindly give me some food.
4. Please sit down.
5. Please go out.
6. Please enter by this gate.
7. Please do me a favour.
8. Take your chair, Please.
Active Do.
Passive You are ordered to do.
1. Go there.
2. Stand up.
3. Come tomorrow.
4. Work hard.
5. Sit down.
6. Sign here.
7. Go to market.
8. Go to bed.
- Let the police be informed.
- Let the letters be posted.
- Let a glass of water be brought.
- Let this work be done.
- Let the light be switched off.
- Let the gate not be closed.
- Let this book be read.
- Let all the doors be shut.
- Let the gate be closed.
- Let the wire not be touched.
- The poor should be helped.
- The poor students should be helped.
- Your elders should be respected.
- Your country should be loved.
- Your neighbours should be loved.
- The poor should not be hated.
- Your friend should not be cheated.
- The brave should be honoured.
- You are requested to take your seat.
- You are kindly requested to give me money.
- You are kindly requested to give me some food.
- You are requested to sit down.
- You are requested to go out.
- You are requested to enter by this gate.
- You are requested to do me a favour.
- You are requested to take your chair.
- You are ordered to go there.
- You are ordered to stand up.
- You are ordered to come tomorrow.
- You are ordered to work hard.
- You are ordered to sit down.
- You are ordered to sign here.
- You are ordered to go to market.
- You are ordered to go to bed.
15. अगर Active Verb के साथ preposition या adverb प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब अभीष्ट verb को Passiveबनाते समय प्रयुक्त preposition/adverb का लोप नहीं किया जाता है
He looks after me.
They will look after you well.
All his friends laugh at him.
We must listen to our elders.
They objected to his proposal.
We must write to him.
The thief broke into the house.
I am looked after by him.
You will be well looked after.
He is laughed at by all his friends.
Our elders must be listened to.
His proposal was objected to.
He must be write to.
The house was broken into.
16. कुछ Passive Verbs के साथ by का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। agent के पहले by के के बदले अन्य उपयुक्त preposition का प्रयोग करना पड़ता है, जिसका चयन अभीष्ट verb पर निर्भर करता है। जैसे –
I know it.
He satisfied me.
The result surprised me.
His behavior shocked me.
He pleased me.
The book has interested me very much.
It is known to me.
I was satisfied with him.
I was surprised at the result.
I was shocked at his behavior.
I was pleased with him.
I have been very much interested in this book.
कुछ वाक्यों में Active Verb के बाद दो Objects आते हैं। जैसे – I gave him a book. यहाँ gave के बाद दो Objects आए हैं- him और book इनमें से him Personal/Indirect Object है और book Direct Object है। ऐसे दो Objects वाले Verb को Passive में बदलते समय हम किसी भी Object को Subject बना सकते है । परंतु Personal Object/Indirect Object को बनाना अच्छा माना जाता है। लेकिन अगर हमें Direct Object पर ही विशेष जोर देना हो, तो Direct Object को ही Subject बनाकर Active Verb को Passive Verb में बदलना चाहिए। अन्य परिवर्तन सामान्य नियम के ही अनुसार होते हैं। जैसे –
1. I gave him a book.
2. He told me a story
3. I offered him a chair.
4. The Principal has given me a prize.
(a) He was given a book by me.
(b) A book was given (to) him by me.
(a) I was told a story (by him).
(b) A story was told me (by him).
(a) He was offered him by me.
(b) A chair was offered him by me.
(a) I have been given a prize by the Principal.
(b) A prize has been given me by the Principal.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive-
[Hint: 3, 4, 5, 7 और 9 में by + agent देने का जरुरत नहीं है।]
1. They are laughing at her.
2. He looks after me.
3. The police are searching for him.
4.They will look into the matter.
5. The police enquired into the case.
6. All his friends laugh at him.
7. We must listen to elders.
8. Put off the light.
9. They have given up the idea.
10. I must write to him.
1. She is being laughed at by them.
2. I am looked after by him.
3. He is being searched for by the police.
4. The matter will be looked into.
5. The case was enquired into by the police.
6. He is laughed at by all his friends.
7. Elders must be listened to.
8. Let the light be put off.
9. The idea has been given up.
10. He must be written to.
11. She knows me. (known to)
12. I satisfied everybody. (satisfied with)
13. Your story has interested me. (interested in)
14. His behaviour shocked me. (shocked at)
15. Seven days make a week. (made of)
16.The news pleased me. (pleased with)
11. I am known to her.
12. Everybody was satisfied with me.
13. I have been interested in your story.
14. I was shocked at his behaviour.
15. A week is made of seven days.
16. I was pleased with the news.
17. Ram gave me a present.
18. He teaches us English.
19. He promised me a prize.
20. The king gave you a book.
21. We can give you a chance.
22. My brother will gave you a book.
23. He handed me a bottle.
24. My father bought me a bicycle.
25. She gave me some food.
17. A present was given to me by Ram.
18. English is taught to us by him.
19. A prize was promised to me by him.
20. A book was given to you by the king.
21. A chance can be given to you by us.
22. A book will be given to you by my brother.
23. A bottle was handed to me by him.
24. A bicycle was bought for me by my father.
25. Some food was given to me by her.
18. सिर्फ Transitive Verbs के ही Passive voice होते हैं। अतः उन वाक्यों की क्रियाएँ Passive Voice में नहीं हैं –
He is gone. They are arrived.
He is come. Winter is come.
परंतु इन वाक्यों के Verbs को Passive Voice में नहीं बदला जा सकता है, जो Intransitive हैं। जैसे –
I read. I am going to school.
He has gone to Patna. They are good boys.
She is laughing.
Direction: Put the following into the passive-
1. We respect him.
2. People speak Hindi in Bihar.
3. They are repairing the road.
4. You have made several mistakes.
5. The doctor is examining the patient.
6. Someone stole my pen.
7. They looted the house yesterday.
8. They were cutting the old trees.
9. The children had eaten the cakes.
10. The police arrested some thieves last night.
11. We shall discuss the matter tomorrow.
12. People will remember him.
13. He will have completed the work.
14. I can solve the problem.
15. She could help him.
16. She may defeat you.
17. They might win the game.
18. We should help the poor.
19. He would inform us.
20. You must support him.
1. He is respected by us.
2. Hindi is spoken in Bihar.
3. The road is being repaired by them.
4. Several mistakes have been made by you.
5. The patient is being examined by the doctor.
6. My pen was stolen by someone.
7. The house was looted by them yesterday.
8. The old trees were being cut by them.
9. The cakes had been eaten by the children.
10. Some thieves were arrested by the police last night.
11. The matter shall be discussed by us tomorrow.
12. He will be remembered by people.
13. The work will have been completed by him.
14. The problem can be solved by me.
15. He could be helped by her.
16. You may be defeated by her.
17. The game might be won by them.
18. The poor should be helped by us.
19. We would be informed by him.
20. He must be supported by you.
Direction: Turn the following into the passive-
1. I am to write a letter.
2. She is to teach my daughter.
3. They are to support me.
4. She was to invite me.
5. They were to cut the old trees.
6. We have to buy some books.
7. She has to complete the work.
8. They had to inform the police.
9. Bring a cup of tea.
10. Open the door.
11. Help your neighbours.
12. Kindly post the letters.
13. Go out of the room.
14. My mother looks after me.
15. You must write to her.
16. Everyone knows Gandhiji.
17. He pleased me.
18. She gave me an apple.
19. She told him a story.
20. My father bought me a watch.
1. A letter is to be written by me.
2. My daughter is to be taught by her.
3. I am to be supported by them.
4. I was to be invited by her.
5. The old trees were to be cut by them.
6. Some books have to be bought by us.
7. The work has to be completed by her.
8. The police had to be informed by them.
9. A cup of tea must be brought.
10. The door must be opened.
11. Your neighbours must be helped.
12. The letters must be posted kindly.
13. The room must be gone out of.
14. I am looked after by my mother.
15. A letter must be written to her by you.
16. Gandhiji is known by everyone.
17. I was pleased by him.
18. An apple was given to me by her.
19. A story was told to him by her.
20. A watch was bought for me by my father.