Noun और Pronoun के Gender (लिंग) होते हैं | हम यहाँ Noun और Pronoun के Gender पर विचार करेंगे |
English में Gender चार प्रकार के होते हैं –
1. Masculine Gender (पुलिंग)
2. Feminine Gender (स्त्रीलिंग)
3. Common Gender (उभय लिंग)
4. Neuter Gender (नपुंसक लिंग)
1. Masculine Gender: Masculine Gender से नर जाति का बोध होता है |
* The masculine gender denotes a male.
Examples: Ram, dog, man, father bull, prince, actor, tiger, horse, hero, boy and others.
2. Feminine Gender: Feminine Gender से मादा जाति का बोध होता है |
* The feminine gender denotes a female.
Examples: Sita, woman, mother, cow, sister and others.
3. Common Gender: Common Gender से यह बोध होता है कि Noun या तो नर जाति का है या मादा जाति का |
* The common gender denotes that the noun is either a male or a female.
Examples: teacher कहने से शिक्षिका का बोध होता है | friend कहने से boyfriend या Girlfriend का बोध होता है | अत: teacher और friend से Common Gender का बोध होता है | Others Examples: child, doctor, thief (चोर या चोरनी), Parent (माता या पिता) cousin (चचेरा, फेफेरा या ममेरा भाई या बहन), student (छात्र या छात्रा), infant (शिशु -नर या मादा), relative (संबंधी- स्त्री या पुरुष), bookseller (पुस्तक -विक्रेता – स्त्री या पुरुष), baby (बच्चा या बच्ची), servant (नौकर या नौकरानी), writer (लेखक या लेखिका), singer (गायक या गायिका), clerk (किरानी – पुरुष या स्त्री), bird (पक्षी – नर या मादा), deer (हिरण – नर या मादा), sheep (भेड़ – नर या मादा), elephant (हाथी – नर या मादा), fox (लोमड़ी – नर या मादा), author (लेखक या लेखिका), driver (चालक – स्त्री या मादा), typist (टंकक- स्त्री या पुरुष), fool (मुर्ख – स्त्री या पुरुष), professor (प्राध्यापक या प्राध्यापिका), novelist (उपन्यासकार – स्त्री या पुरुष), speaker (वक्ता – स्त्री या पुरुष), foreigner (विदेशी – स्त्री या पुरुष), cook ( रसोइया – स्त्री या पुरुष), guest (अतिथि – स्त्री या पुरुष), artist (कलाकार – स्त्री या पुरुष), enemy (शत्रु – स्त्री या पुरुष) |
4. Neuter Gender: Neuter Gender से यह बोध होता है कि Noun न तो नर जाति का |
* The neuter gender denotes that the noun is neither a male nor a female.
Examples: wood, oil, crow, ant, bench, school, book, pen, class, watch, honesty, army, etc.
Note1: निर्जीव पदार्थों, कीड़ों-मकोड़ों और छोटे-छोटे जानवरों को इस श्रेणी में रखा गया है | Collective Noun, Material Nounऔर Abstract Noun को भी इसी श्रेणी (Neuter Gender) में रखा गया है |
Note2 : हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में (लिंग) के भेद तथा व्याख्या में अतंर है हिंदी में दो लिंग हैं – स्त्रीलिंग और पुलिंग | हिंदी भाषा में निर्जीव पदार्थों या तो पुलिंग हैें या स्त्रीलिंगः वहीं अंग्रेजी में उन्हें Neuter Gender में रखा गया है | ‘कलम’ हिंदी भाषा में स्त्रीलिंग है, पंरतु ‘pen’ अंग्रेजी भाषा में Neuter Gender में है। अतः दोंनो भाषाओं के इस अंतर को बराबर ध्यान में रखें |
Masculine Gender से Feminine Gender बनाना
1. अंग्रेजी भाषा में बहुत सारे ऐसे शब्द हैं जिनके Feminine रुप में पुर्णतः नए शब्दों का प्रयोग होता है। जैसा –
boy (लड़का )
son (बेटा)
man (पुरुष)
uncle (चाचा)
lad (लड़का)
papa (पिता)
king (राजा)
Sir (महोदय)
Mr (श्रीमान)
Czar (जार)
cock (मुर्गा)
horse (घोड़ा)
boar (सुअर)
girl (लड़की)
daughter (बेटी)
woman (स्त्री)
aunt (चाची)
lass (लड़की)
mama (माता)
queen (रानी)
Madam (महोदया)
Mrs (श्रीमती)
Czarina (जारिना)
hen (मुर्गी)
mare (घोड़ी)
sow (सुअर)
father (पिता)
brother (भाई)
nephew (भतीजा)
bridegroom (दुलहा)
husband (पति)
widower (विधुर)
hero (नायक)
Sultan (सुलतान)
monk (मठवासी)
bull (साँड़)
dog (कुत्ता)
ram (भेड़ा)
fox (लोमड़ी)
mother (माता)
sister (बहन)
niece (भतीजी)
bride (दुलहन)
wife (पत्नी)
widow (विधवा)
heroine (नायिका)
Sultana (सुलताना)
nun (मठवासिनी)
cow (गाय)
bitch (कुतिया)
ewe (भेड़ी)
vixen (मादा लोमड़ी)
2. कुछ शब्दों में ‘ess’ जोड़कर Masculine से Feminine बनाया जाता है | जैसे –
god (देवता) (goddess देवी)
lion (शेर) ( lioness शेरनी)
poet (कवि) (poetess कवयित्री)
priest (पुजारी) (priestess पुजारिन)
author (लेखक) (authoress लेखिका)
shepherd (गड़ेरिया) ( shepherdess गड़ेरिन)
heir (वारिस, दायाद) (heiress दायादा)
host (मेजबान, मेहमानदार) (hostess मेहमानदारिन)
prophet (पैगंबर, भविष्यवक्ता) (prophetess भविष्यवक्त्री)
mayor (महापौर) (mayoress महिला महापौर)
patron (संरक्षक) (patroness संरक्षिका)
Jew (यहुदी) (Jewess यहुदिन)
giant (राक्षस) ( giantess राक्षसी)
3. कुछ शब्दों के Vowel अंतिम को निकालने के बाद ‘ess’ जोड़कर Feminine बनाया जाता है | जैसे –
actor (अभिनेत्री) (actress अभिनेत्री)
tiger (बाघ) (tigress बाघिन)
Negro (हबशी) ( Negress हबशिन)
prince (राजकुमार) (Princess राजकुमारी)
traitor (विश्वासघाती) (traitress विश्वासघातिनी)
waiter (बैरा, परिवेषक) (waitress परिवेषिका)
conductor (पुरुष कंडक्टर) (conductress महिल कंडक्टर)
enchanter (जादुगर) (enchantress जोदुगरनी, मोहिनी)
founder (संस्थापक) (foundress संस्थापिका)
hunter (शिकारी) (huntress शिकारिन)
instructor (प्रशिक्षक) ( instructress शिकारिन)
4. कुछ शब्दों में आंतरिक बदलाव करने के बाद ‘ess’ जोड़कर बनाया जाता है जैसे –
master (मालिक) (mistress मालकिन)
abbot (मठाध्यक्ष) (abbess मठाध्यक्षा)
emperor (सम्राट्) (empress सम्राज्ञी)
murderer (हत्यारा) (murderess हत्यारिन)
5. कुछ शब्दों के परिर्वतन इस प्रकार होता हैं –
grandfather (मालिक) (grandmother मालकिन)
grandson (पौत्र, पौता) (granddaughter पौत्री, पौती)
stepson (सौतेला बेटा) (stepdaughter सौतैली बेटी)
father-in-law (ससुर) (mother-in-law सास)
son-in-law (साला) (sister-in-law साली)
milkman ( ग्वाला) (milkmaid ग्वालिन)
landlord (मकान -मालिक, जमींदार) (landlady जमींदारिन, मकान-मालकिन)
washerman (धोबी) (washerwoman धोबिन)
manservant (नौकर ) (maidservant नौकरानी)
bull-calf (बछड़ा) ( cow-calf बछड़ी)
bull-elephant (हाथी) (cow-elephant हथिनी)
he-goat (बकरा) ( she-goat बकरी)
he-bear (नर भालू) (she-bear मादा भालू)
peacock (मोर) (peahen मोरनी)
chairman (सभापति, अध्यक्ष) (chairman महिला सभापति, अध्यक्ष)
Direction: Look at the box and answer the questions given below-
teacher, cow, bitch, doctor, king, stone, driver, queen, widow, dog, enemy, hen, hostess, tea, poet, friend, prince, princess, master, mistress, Jew, goddess, tigers, author, lioness, landlord, class, she-goat, chairman, honesty, child, stepson, thief, mother, student, milk, woman, crow, parent, washerman, heroine, girl, bird, ant, writer, tree, baby, clerk, aunt, school, elephant, cousin, priest, neighbour, hero, table.
1. Masculine Gender Nouns
Nouns that specifically refer to males:
- Teacher
- Doctor
- King
- Driver
- Enemy
- Poet
- Friend
- Prince
- Master
- Jew
- Landlord
- Chairman
- Stepson
- Washerman
- Hero
- Priest
- Neighbour
2. Feminine Gender Nouns
Nouns that specifically refer to females:
- Bitch
- Queen
- Widow
- Hostess
- Princess
- Mistress
- Goddess
- Lioness
- She-goat
- Heroine
- Mother
- Aunt
3. Common Gender Nouns
Nouns that can refer to both males and females:
- Teacher
- Doctor
- Driver
- Friend
- Poet
- Parent
- Child
- Cousin
- Neighbour
- Student
- Author
- Clerk
- Class
- Writer
4. Neuter Gender Nouns
Nouns that refer to non-living things or objects:
Direction: Answer the following questions –
1. Give the feminine gender of these nouns-
god, father, host, son, lion, brother, prince, bull, poet, author, master, cock, actor, ram, dog, tiger, her-goat, horse, he-bear, husband, king, chairman, man, bull-calf, nephew, uncle, stepson, bridegroom, hero, milkman, washerma, father-in-law, landlord.
God – Goddess
Father – Mother
Host – Hostess
Son – Daughter
Lion – Lioness
Brother – Sister
Prince – Princess
Bull – Cow
Poet – Poetess
Author – Authoress
Master – Mistress
Cock – Hen
Actor – Actress
Ram – Ewe
Dog – Bitch
Tiger – Tigress
Her-goat – He-goat
Horse – Mare
He-bear – She-bear
Husband – Wife
King – Queen
Chairman – Chairwoman/Chairperson
Man – Woman
Bull-calf – Cow-calf
Nephew – Niece
Uncle – Aunt
Stepson – Stepdaughter
Bridegroom – Bride
Hero – Heroine
Milkman – Milkmaid
Washerman – Washerwoman
Father-in-law – Mother-in-law
Landlord – Landlady
2. Give the masculine gender of these nouns-
daughter, niece, aunt, hen, bitch, mare, nun, queen, bride, maid, heroine, goddess, hostess, lioness, tigress, princess, mistress, poetess, actress, grandmother, stepsister, washerwoman, she-goat, maidservant, huntress, Negress, mistress, ewe, wife.
Daughter – Son
Niece – Nephew
Aunt – Uncle
Hen – Cock/Rooster
Bitch – Dog
Mare – Stallion/Horse
Nun – Monk
Queen – King
Bride – Bridegroom
Maid – Manservant
Heroine – Hero
Goddess – God
Hostess – Host
Lioness – Lion
Tigress – Tiger
Princess – Prince
Mistress – Master
Poetess – Poet
Actress – Actor
Grandmother – Grandfather
Stepsister – Stepbrother
Washerwoman – Washerman
She-goat – He-goat
Maidservant – Manservant
Huntress – Hunter
Negress – Negro
Mistress – Master
Ewe – Ram
Wife – Husband
3. Give the opposite gender of these nouns-
bull, hen, mother, gentlemen, queen, daughter, actor, lion, princess, tiger, giant, huntress, sister-in-law, she-goat, milkman, washerman, maidservant, bride, widow, bitch, monk, hero, master, mayor, heir, poet, author, prince, stepfather.
Bull – Cow
Hen – Cock/Rooster
Mother – Father
Gentleman – Lady
Queen – King
Daughter – Son
Actor – Actress
Lion – Lioness
Princess – Prince
Tiger – Tigress
Giant – Giantess
Huntress – Hunter
Sister-in-law – Brother-in-law
She-goat – He-goat
Milkman – Milkmaid
Washerman – Washerwoman
Maidservant – Manservant
Bride – Bridegroom
Widow – Widower
Bitch – Dog
Monk – Nun
Hero – Heroine
Master – Mistress
Mayor – Mayoress
Heir – Heiress
Poet – Poetess
Author – Authoress
Prince – Princess
Stepfather – Stepmother
Pronouns of Masculine Gender:
He, Him, His, Himself.
Pronouns of Feminine Gender:
She, Her, Hers, Herself.
Pronouns of Common Gender:
I, Me, Mine, Myself, We, Us, Ours, Ourselves, You, Your, Yourself, Yourselves, Somebody, Nobody, Anybody, Everybody, Who, Whom, etc.
Pronouns of Neither Gender:
It, Itself, Nothing, Anything, Everything, Something, Which, etc.
Pronouns used for all genders:
They, Them, Theirs, Themselves, This, That, Each, Either, Neither, Many, Both, Whose, What, All, Some, None, etc.
Direction: Look at the box and answer the questions given below-
This, That, She, Me, You, What, Our, His, Us, Who, They, He, Whom, Yourself, I, It, Them, Her, Everybody, Each, Him, Either, Anyone, Both, Nothing, Which Itself.
1. Pick out the pronouns of masculine gender from the box.
2. Pick out the pronouns of feminine gender from the box.
3. Pick out the pronouns of common gender from the box.
4. Pick out the pronouns used for all genders from the box.
1. Pronouns of masculine gender:
- He
- His
- Him
2. Pronouns of feminine gender:
- She
- Her
3. Pronouns of common gender (used for both masculine and feminine genders):
4. Pronouns used for all genders (including neuter):