The Future Tense Exercises with Answers for Class 8

The Future Tense Exercises with Answers for Class 8 and worksheet with solutions from the book Elementary English Grammar for CBSE and ICSE students.

Simple Future Tense

Future Continuous Tense

Future Perfect Tense

Suitable form of verbs

Future tense

Exercise 7.5 Rewrite the following sentences using ‘going to’ in place of the future tense of the verbs :-

1. Example : We won’t come to school tomorrow.
We are not going to come school tomorrow.

2. We shall have three weeks holiday during Christmas this year.
3. When will you visit Bengaluru next?
4. I will take medical leave tomorrow, I am very tired.
5. It will rain soon, you must carry your umbrella with you.

2. We are going to have three weeks of holiday during Christmas this year.
3. When are you going to visit Bengaluru next?
4. I am going to take medical leave tomorrow; I am very tired.
5. It is going to rain soon; you must carry your umbrella with you.

Exercise 7.6 Replace ‘going to’ in the sentences given below with the Future Tense of the verbs :-

Examples : We are going to have a big celebration in School next week.
We shall have a big celebration in School next week.

1. He is going to be a doctor very soon.
2. I am going to read the newspapers in the evening.
3. When are you going to start playing cricket again?
4. I am going to buy a new car next week.
5. The police are going to question you very soon.


1. He will be a doctor very soon.
2. I shall read the newspapers in the evening.
3. When will you start playing cricket again?
4. I shall buy a new car next week.
5. The police will question you very soon.

Exercise 7.7 Use the words given in the box to form questions with ‘going to”. One has been done for you :-

BoxQuestion Sentence
to join a club When When are you going to join a club?
to vote for whom
to repaint when
to servewhat
to staywhere
to watchwho

2. Whom are you going to vote for?
3. When are you going to repaint?
4. What are you going to serve?
5. Where are you going to stay?
6. Who are you going to watch?

Exercise 7.9 Your are leaving for a Trek near Manali. Using all the forms of Future Tense, write ten lines about what you expect to enjoy in this Trek.

1. I will explore the beautiful landscapes of Manali during my trek.
2. We are going to experience the thrill of climbing the rugged mountains.
3. I shall meet fellow trekkers who share my love for adventure.
4. The fresh air is going to refresh my mind and body as we hike through the trails.
5. I will capture stunning photographs of the breathtaking views along the way.
6. We are going to camp under the stars, enjoying the serene beauty of nature.
7. By the end of the trek, I will have gained a deeper appreciation for the environment.
8. I shall try local delicacies from the villages we pass through.
9. The sound of the river will accompany us as we trek alongside its banks.
10. I am going to cherish these moments and create unforgettable memories from this adventure.

Suitable words