Synonyms and Antonyms Exercises for Class 6

Synonyms and Antonyms Exercises with Answers for Class 6, Elementary English Grammar worksheet for Grade 6 for free online practice.


Exercise 29.1 Match the words in Column A with their meaning in Column B.

1. trust(a) resemble
2. safe(b) vacation
3. tour(c) gloomy
4. match(d) enter
5. group(e) missing
6. leave(f) attention
7. dark(g) set
8. care(h) dependable
9. admit(i) faith
10. absent(j) excursion
1. trust(i) faith
2. safe(h) dependable
3. tour(j) excursion
4. match(g) set
5. group(f) attention
6. leave(d) enter
7. dark(c) gloomy
8. care(a) resemble
9. admit(b) vacation
10. absent(e) missing

Exercise 29.2 Give the synonyms of the words in the box and make sentences of your own with the new words.

bad, address, calm, go, halt, idle, offer, play, race, talk

1. Bad
Sentence: The poor weather made it difficult for us to go out for a walk.
Synonym: Poor
2. Address
Sentence: The principal decided to speak to the students regarding the new rules.
Synonym: Speak to
3. Calm
Sentence: The peaceful environment helped me focus on my studies.
Synonym: Peaceful
4. Go
Sentence: After the announcement, we proceeded to the next class.
Synonym: Proceed
5. Halt
Sentence: The traffic police asked us to stop at the signal.
Synonym: Stop
6. Idle
Sentence: The factory remained inactive during the holiday season.
Synonym: Inactive
7. Offer
Sentence: She was happy to present a gift to her best friend on her birthday.
Synonym: Present
8. Play
Sentence: The students performed beautifully in the annual cultural program.
Synonym: Perform
9. Race
Sentence: The competition between the two teams was intense.
Synonym: Competition
10. Talk
Synonym: Converse
Sentence: We decided to converse about our plans for the weekend over lunch.


Exercise 29.3 Match Antonyms from Column A with Column B.

1. Hope(a) Senior
2. Slow(b) Lie
3. Truth(c) Despair
4. Junior(d) Defeat
5. Victory(e) Quick


Matching the pairs
1. Hope → (e) Optimism
2. Slow → (b) Gradual
3. Truth → (c) Honesty
4. Junior → (d) Younger
5. Victory → (a) Win

Exercise 29.4 Write the antonyms of the following words and use them in sentences of your words.

lead, dead, bright, go, proud, blame, none.

1. Lead
Sentence: The tourists decided to follow the guide through the dense forest.
Antonym: Follow
2. Dead
Sentence: The fish was still alive when we found it by the river bank.
Antonym: Alive
3. Bright
Sentence: The room looked dull without proper lighting.
Antonym: Dull
4. Go
Sentence: The teacher asked the students to stop talking during the lesson.
Antonym: Stop
5. Proud
Sentence: Despite his achievements, he remained humble and kind.
Antonym: Humble
6. Blame
Sentence: The coach praised the team for their excellent performance.
Antonym: Praise
7. None
Sentence: All the students completed their assignments on time.
Antonym: All

Exercise 29.5 Read the story given below.

Then, use your imagination and illustrate each part of the story in your notebook. Next, create a more interesting story by using a thesaurus to find a synonym for each underline word. Be sure the words you choose are grammatically correct and sense in the story.

It was a very hot day out on the Bluebell Farm. Skeeter had been working in the garden since daybreak.She looked up at the hot sun and wished she could go swimming in the cool creek down the road.
All at once a good idea came to her mind.
She decided a swim was just what she needed, so she ran down to the creek and jumped right in! A smile spread acroos Aunt Skeeter’s face as she floated on the water.However, her nice swim didn’t last for long. All of a sudden, Aunt Skeeter let out a cry that could be heard in the next town.
She jumped out of the water like she’d been shot from a cannon. She wiggled and squirmed as she tried the source of his discomfort.After one big shake, a fat catfish came flopping out of Aunt Skeeter’s overalls. Seeing out catfish made Aunt Skeeter laugh so had that she had hiccups for two days!

It was an exceedingly scorching day out on the Bluebell Farm. Skeeter had been toiling in the garden since sunrise. She glanced up at the blazing sun and wished she could go swimming in the refreshing stream down the road.
Suddenly, a brilliant idea struck her. She concluded that a swim was precisely what she required, so she dashed down to the stream and leaped right in! A grin spread across Aunt Skeeter’s face as she floated on the water.
However, her pleasant swim didn’t endure for long. Out of nowhere, Aunt Skeeter emitted a scream that could be heard in the next town. She sprang out of the water as if she’d been launched from a cannon. She wriggled and twisted as she tried to locate the source of her discomfort.
After one vigorous shake, a plump catfish came flopping out of Aunt Skeeter’s overalls. Observing the catfish made Aunt Skeeter laugh so hard that she had hiccups for two days.
Feel free to illustrate each part of the story according to this revised version. If you need any more assistance, just let me know!

Thanks for attempt Synonyms and Antonyms Exercises for Class 6.

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