Subject Verb Agreement in English

Subject और Verb के बीच तालमेल (agreement) आवश्यक है। अर्थात् Verb का वही Number और Person होता है जो उसके Subject का होता है इसलिए किसी वाक्य में Verb का प्रयोग करने के पहले यह जानना आवश्यक हो जाता है कि उसके Subject का Number और Person क्या है। इसके किए यहाँ कुछ नियम बताए जा रहें हैं, जिन्हें आप ध्यान से समझें।

1. जब Noun के अंत में -s/es लगता है तब वह Plural हो जाता है, परंतु जब Verb के अंत में -s/es लगता है तब वह Singular हो जाता है। अर्थात्

Noun + s/es = Plural
Verb + s/es = Singular

इस तालिका को समझें –


इस प्रकार यह स्पष्ट है कि Verb का मूल रुप हमेशा Plural Number में रहता है जब उसमें -s/es जुड़ता है तब वह हो जाता है।

2. Singular Subject के साथ Singular Verb का प्रयोग होता है। और Plural Subject के साथ Plural Verb का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –

Sing. Sub + Sing. VerbPlu. Sub + Plu. Verb
 The boy reads.
The cow gives milk.
This pen is red.
My brother is a doctor.
He was going.
She was ready.
The boys read.
Cows give milk.
These pens are red.
My brothers are doctors.
They were going.
They were ready.

Note 1. I Singular है, पंरतु इसके साथ Plural Verb (have, eat, laugh, run, etc) का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –

I have a dog.
I have eaten.
I have been sleeping.
I love my friends.

Note 2. You का प्रयोग Singular Noun के बदले में भी होता है और Plural Noun के बदले में भी, परंतु दोनों की परिस्थितियों में इसके साथ Plural Verb का को प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –

You are a student.
You are students.
You were my friend.
You were my friends.

3. यदि वाक्य में Subject के रुप में या वाक्य के Subject में each, every, either, neither, one, everyone, anyone, no one, someone, somebody, nobody, much, a little, little, इत्यादि प्रयुक्त रहें, तों Verb Singular number में प्रयुक्त होगा। जैसे –

Each boy has a pen.

Each of them is guilty.

Everyone was present.

Either way is safe.

No one is ready to go.

Nobody was there.

Much has been said on this.

Every boy and girl was award

4. both, many, several, few, a few, these, those, two, three, four, etc. से Plural Number का बोध होता है। अतः वाक्य के Subject के रुप में या वाक्य के subject में यदि ये प्रयुक्त रहें, तो Verb Plural Number में प्रयुक्त होगा। जैसे –

Both of them are guilty.

Many boys are there.

Several apples were rotten.

A few persons are honest.

Those are your books.

Three cows are grazing there.

5. यदि किसी वाक्य का Subject as well as, along with, together, with, with, and, not, like, unlike, including, excluding, but, except या besides के द्वारा join रहे, तो वाक्य का Verb इन शब्दों के पहले प्रयुक्त होनेवाले पद के अनुसार Singular या Plural होगा। जैसे –

He as well as his children is honest.
I as well as they am ready to go there.
All the players with the captain, are present in the ground.
He, and not I, has done it.
He along with his friends is coming today.

6. यदि वाक्य के Subject में प्रयुक्त दो या दो अधिक Nouns/Pronouns को or, nor, either … or या neither …. nor से अलग किया जाए, तो Verb अपने से सबसे नजदीक आनेवाले Noun/Pronoun के अनुसार प्रयुक्त होगा। जैसे –

Either you or he is guilty.

Neither he nor I am guilty.

Are you or he to blame?

You or he is to blame.

Either Ram or his friends are guilty.

7. कुछ वाक्यों में की बनावट इस प्रकार रहती है –

Noun + Preposition + Noun + ……….
the cow of Ram the boys of this school
the cows of Ram the water of these rivers

ऐसे वाक्यों में Verb का प्रयोग प्रथम Noun के अनुसार होता है। जैसे –

The cow of Ram is ill.

The cows of Ram are ill.

The water of these rivers is dirty.

8. यदि वाक्य का Subject कोई ऐसा Noun हो जिससे निश्चित दूरी, समय, मात्रा, रकम या वजन का बोध होता हो तो Plural रहने पर भी ऐसे Subjects के साथ singular का प्रयोग होता है, क्योंकि उनसे संख्या का बोध न होकर निश्चित मात्रा, माप या परिणाम का बोध होता है। जैसे –

Forty miles is a long distance to walk.

ten rupess was given to me.

Ten hours is enough for the work.

Five tons of coal is needed for the work.

9. जब दो अंक and से संयुक्त रहते हैं, तब उनके प्रयुक्त Verb प्रायः Singular Number में रहता है। जैसे –

Two and tow is four.

10. यदि वाक्य का Subject ‘The + Adjective’ हो तो Verb Plural होगा। जैसे –

The poor are honest.

The rich are happy.

The old are helpless.

The blind have their own way.

11. कुछ ऐसे Singular Nouns हैं जो and से जुड़े रहते हैं और प्रयोग में बराबर एक साथ आते हैं, मानों एक Noun दुसरे का जोड़ा हो। ऐसे वाक्यों का Verb सदा Singular रहता है क्योंकि उनसे एक ही वस्तु, भाव -विशेष का बोध होता है, अलग-अलग दो वस्तुओं का नही। जैसे –

Rice and curry is my favourite dish.

Bread and butter is a rich food.

Slow and steady wins the race.

अपवाद : इस वाक्य में Verb Plural Number में प्रयुक्त हुआ है-

Time and tide wait for none.

12. There से आरंम्भ होनेवाले वाक्यों के verbs उनके असली Subjects के अनुसार प्रयुक्त होते है, जो वाक्यों में there के बाद प्रयुक्त रहते हैं। जैसे –

There is a boy.

There are boys.

There is no book in the box.

There are no books in the box.

13. कुछ ऐसे विषय, बिमारी, खेल, किताब, देश और शहर के नाम हैं जिनके अंत में s लगा रहता है, फिर भी इनके साथ Singular Verbs का ही प्रयोग होता है। ये हैं –

बिमारियों के नाम – measles. mumps, etc.

खेलों के नाम – billiards, darts, etc.

विषयों के नाम – mathematics, physics, phonetics, statistics, linguistics, etc.

देश और शहर के नाम – Wales, Athens, The United States, etc.

Measles is a dangerous disease.

Mathematics is not an easy subject.

The United States is a great country.

Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare is an interesting book.


Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs choosing from the brackets –


(a) You, he and I ……. Friends. (am, are) Ans . – are

(b) Each of the boys ……. come. (have, has) Ans.- has

(c) Every book …….. on the table. (is, are) Ans. – is

(d) Several boys ……. bicycles. (has, have) Ans. – have

(e) Either of you ……… wrong. (is, are) Ans. – is

(f) Many students …….. absent. (is, are) Ans. – are

g) I along with my friends …… going. (was, were) Ans. – was

(h) Either he or I …….. mistaken. (is, am) Ans. -am

(i) Each boy and girl …… come. (has, have) Ans. – has

(j) Neither the boys nor the teacher ……. present. (was, were) Ans.- was

1. You and he …….. Present. (was, were)

2. The students …….. slept. (has, have)

3. Those houses ……… new. (were, was)

4. Every an and woman ……… equal right. (has, have)

5. Every child ….. a toy. (has, have)

6. Each of them ………. rewarded. (was. were)

7. Either boy …….. guilty. (is are)

8. Either of the girls ……….. present. (was, were)

9. Neither book ……… useful. (is, are)

10. Neither of them …….. innocent. (was, were)

11. Everyone …………. pleased there. (was, were)

12. No one ………. absent in the class. (was, were)

13. Someone ……….. stolen my pen. (have, has)

14. Only a little water………. there. (was, were)

15. Several boys ………. playing. (is, are)

16. Many mangoes ………. not sweet. (is, are)

17. A few books ………. useful. (is, are)

18. Few persons ………. there. (were, was)

19. I as well as my father …………… this. (know, knows)

20. She as well as I ………… going there. (is, am)

21. He along with his friends ……….. arrived. (have, has)

22. Neither you nor he ……… guilty. (is, are)

23. Either Ram or his friends …….. done this. (have , has)

24. She or her sisters ……… done it. (has, have)

25. Either she or I …….. to win. (is, am)

1. Either she or I am to win. (is, am)
2. You and he were present. (was, were)
3. The students have slept. (has, have)
4. Those houses were new. (were, was)
5. Every man and woman has equal right. (has, have)
6. Every child has a toy. (has, have)
7. Each of them was rewarded. (was, were)
8. Either boy is guilty. (is, are)
9. Either of the girls was present. (was, were)
10. Neither book is useful. (is, are)
11. Neither of them was innocent. (was, were)
12. Everyone was pleased there. (was, were)
13. No one was absent in the class. (was, were)
14. Someone has stolen my pen. (have, has)
15. Only a little water was there. (was, were)
16. Several boys are playing. (is, are)
17. Many mangoes are not sweet. (is, are)
18. A few books are useful. (is, are)
19. Few persons were there. (were, was)
20. I as well as my father know this. (know, knows)
21. She as well as I am going there. (is, am)
22. He along with his friends has arrived. (have, has)
23. Neither you nor he is guilty. (is, are)
24. Either Ram or his friends have done this. (have, has)
25. She or her sisters have done it. (has, have)


Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs choosing from the brackets.

Examples :

(a) The cow of Ram …….. black. (is, are) Ans. – is

(b) The cows of Ram ……… black. (is, are) Ans. – are

(c) Fifty miles ………… a long distance. (is, are) Ans. – is

(d) Five rupees ………… a small amount. (is, are) Ans. – is

(e) Ten plus ten ………… twenty. (is, are) Ans. -is

(f) The poor ………..honest. (is, are) Ans. are

(g) There ……….. seven boys there. (is, are) Ans. – are

(h) Physics ………….. an interesting subject. (is, are) Ans. – is

(i) Rice and curry ………. a good meal. (is, are) Ans. – is

(j) The United States …. a great country. (is. are) Ans. – is

1. The water of these rivers ………. dirty. (is, are)

2. The eyes of the elephant ……….. small. (is, are)

3. The books on the table ……… mine. (is, are)

4. The colour of these flowers ……….. bright. (is, are)

5. Ten kilos of sugar ……… needed. (is, are)

6. Sixty miles ………. a long distance. (is, are)

7. Five hundred rupees ……… paid to me. (was, were)

8. Five and five ………… ten. (is, are)

9. Ten times five ……… fifty. (is, are)

10. Ten hours …………. not enough for this. (is, are)

11. The blind ……… helpless. (is, are)

12. The rich ………. proud. (is, are)

13. There ……….. a pen in his pocket. (is, are)

14. There ………. two pens in his pocket. (is, are)

15. There ……….. a boy and a girl there. (was, were)

16. Bread and butter ……. a rich food. (is. are)

17. Mathematics ……… an interesting subject. (is, are)

18. The teeth of the boy ………… white. (is, are)

19. She, and not I ……….. wrong. ( is, are)

20. The people of this village ………. happy. (is, are)

21. Each of the boys ………… intelligent. (is, are)

22. You as well as he ……. guilty. (is, are)

23. Either he or I ……… mistaken. (is, am)

24. Neither of them ………. present. (was, were)

25. You and I …….. neighbours. (am, are)


1. The water of these rivers is dirty. (is, are)

2. The eyes of the elephant are small. (is, are)

3. The books on the table are mine. (is, are)

4. The colour of these flowers is bright. (is, are)

5. Ten kilos of sugar is needed. (is, are)

6. Sixty miles is a long distance. (is, are)

7. Five hundred rupees was paid to me. (was, were)

8. Five and five is ten. (is, are)

9. Ten times five is fifty. (is, are)

10. Ten hours is not enough for this. (is, are)

11. The blind are helpless. (is, are)

12. The rich are proud. (is, are)

13. There is a pen in his pocket. (is, are)

14. There are two pens in his pocket. (is, are)

15. There was a boy and a girl there. (was, were)

16. Bread and butter is a rich food. (is, are)

17. Mathematics is an interesting subject. (is, are)

18. The teeth of the boy are white. (is, are)

19. She, and not I, is wrong. (is, are)

20. The people of this village are happy. (is, are)

21. Each of the boys is intelligent. (is, are)

22. You as well as he is guilty. (is, are)

23. Either he or I am mistaken. (is, am)

24. Neither of them was present. (was, were)

25. You and I are neighbors. (am, are)