Prepositions in English Grammar

Concept of Preposition is a important part of English Grammar and Spoken English. Here we have provided its understanding in Hindi as well as English.

इन वाक्यों को देखें –

(a)There is a cat on the table.
(b) I am writing with a pen.
(c) He is going to him.

इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द on, with और to पर विचार करें | ये Noun/Pronoun के पहले प्रयुक्त हुए हैं और इनमें से प्रत्येक उक्त Noun/Pronoun का जो संबंध वाक्य के दुसरे शब्द या शब्दों से है, उसे दर्शाता है | ‘on’ cat और table के बीच के संबंध को दर्शाता है – cat, table के ऊपर है ऐर उससे सटी हुई है इसी प्रकार ‘with’ am writing और pen के बीच के संबंध को दर्शाता है – Pen वह साधन है, जिससे लिखने का कार्य हो रहा है और पुन: ‘to’ is going और him के बीच के संबंध को दर्शाता है – उसकी ओर जाने का कार्य हो रहा है | ऐसे शब्दोंं को Grammar की भाषा में Prepositions कहते हैं |

Definition: Preposition वह शब्द है जो किसी Noun या Pronoun के पहले आकर उस Noun या Pronoun का संबंध वाक्य में प्रयुक्त किसी अन्य शब्द या शब्दों से कराता है |

* A prepositions is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other word in the sentence.

* A prepositions is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else.

Some Important Prepositions:

in (में), into (में), on (पर), at (में पर), to (की ओर), with (के साथ), without (के बिना ), of (का, की, के ), among (के बीच ), between (के बीच ), under (नीचे ), over (के ऊपर ), below (के नीचे ), near (के पास ), after (के बाद ), before (का पहले ), for (के लिए ), up (ऊपर से ), since (से ), from (से), by (के द्वारा ), behind (के पीछे ), towards (की तरफ ), about ( के बारे ), etc.

Note 1. Prepositions प्राय Noun/Pronoun/Noun Equivalent के पहले आता है परंतु कुछ परिस्थितियों में इसका प्रयोग Sentence/Clause के अंत में होता है या हो सकता है | जैसे –

What are you looking at?

Who is she weeping for?

I know the house she lives in.

This is the room I slept in.

I need something to write with.

She likes being looked at.

Who is it for?

Note2: एक ही word प्रयोग के हिसाब से किसी वाक्य में Preposition हो सकता है तो किसी दुसरे वाक्य में अन्य Part of Speech, जैसे –

He is in the room. (in-preposition)

Come in. (in – adverb)

I have not seen this before. (before-adverb)

He stood before the gate. (before preposition)

The train had started before. (before – conjunction)
we reached the station.

ऐसी परिस्थिति में आपको यह समझना है कि अभीष्ट word preposition है या नहीं | इसके लिए आप याद रखें कि preposition किसी Noun/Pronoun तथा वाक्य के दुसरे word /wordsके बीच संबंध जाहिर करता है, जबकि अन्य Parts of Speech ऐसा नहीं करते हैं |

अब आपको विभिन्न prepositions के महत्वपुर्ण प्रयोग को समझना और जानना है जिनकी चर्चा इसी पुस्तक में आगे ‘Uses of Prepositions’ में की जाएगी |


Direction: Bold the Prepositions used in these sentences.

(a) The book is on the table.
(b) Let us move on.

1. He is going to school.

2. I am without a pen.

3. Which class do you read in?

4. Ram and Shyam will do it.

5. If you come I shall help you.

6. The dog fell into the river.

7. This is from Ravi.

8. I have no money for you.

9. He came at 4 o’clock.

10. My father came by bus.

11. The fan is over my head.

12. Wait for me.

13. He is between Ravi and Mohan.

14. He has been absent since January.

15. May I come in?

16. I could not come before.

17. The poor man was standing before the palace.

18. I have not seen him before.

19. He has been waiting since morning.

20. The heavens are above.


1. He is going to school.

2. I am without a pen.

3. Which class do you read in?

4. Ram and Shyam will do it.

5. If you come, I shall help you.

6. The dog fell into the river.

7. This is from Ravi.

8. I have no money for you.

9. He came at 4 o’clock.

10. My father came by bus.

11. The fan is over my head.

12. Wait for me.

13. He is between Ravi and Mohan.

14. He has been absent since January.

15. May I come in?

16. I could not come before.

17. The poor man was standing before the place.

18. I have not seen him before.

19. He has been waiting since morning.

20. The heavens are above.