Phrasal Verbs Exercises with Answers for class 8

Phrasal Verbs Exercises with Answers for class 8 and worksheet with solution from the book Elementary English Grammar for CBSE and ICSE students.

Phrasal verbs

Exercise 14.1 Join the following verbs and particles together to form phrasal verbs.

get off
pull on
put up
call off
speak through
call on
let through


Complete the answer

Exercise 14.2 Complete the answer to these questions with the help of phrasal verbs. One has been done for you :-

1. Ali : What shall I do with this form?
Sunil : Just fill it in and send it to address at the top.
2. Rehan : Is Soina a fast runner?
Kabir : Oh, yes. Nobody else can keep _________
3. Ayub : Why didn’t you buy a dictionary?
Zeenat : The bookshop has run _________________
4. Mohan : Did you believe Javed’s story?
Aamir : No, I knew he must have made ____________
5. Rahim : Did Salma play with her cousins when they came to stay?
Ravi : Oh yes. She got _____________

Rehan: Is Soina a fast runner?
Kabir: Oh, yes. Nobody else can keep up with her.
Ayub: Why didn’t you buy a dictionary?
Zeenat: The bookshop has run out of them.
Mohan: Did you believe Javed’s story?
Aamir: No, I knew he must have made it up.
Rahim: Did Salma play with her cousins when they came to stay?
Ravi: Oh yes. She got along with them very well.

Replace a word

Exercise 14.3 Select one phrasal verb form the list given in the box to replace a word or a phrase in each sentence. One has been done for you :-

cut short, take off, turn back, start out, keep on

1. The plane left on time.
Answers : The plane took off on time.

2. We began our trip early in the morning.
3. We wanted to interrupt our trip in Nepal.
4. There was a thunderstorm but the plane continued flying.
5. But soon the pilot decided to return to Tokyo.

2. We started out our trip early in the morning.
3. We wanted to cut short our trip in Nepal.
4. There was a thunderstorm but the plane kept on flying.
5. But soon the pilot decided to turn back to Tokyo.

Tense form of the verbs

Correct form of verbs

Exercise 14.5 Replace the bold words in the sentences with the correct form of verbs given in the box. ONe has been done for you.

at a loss, find out, look back on, own up, as a rule, set off, turn down, carry on, at times, bag and baggage

1. I am sure we will all remember this holiday for a long time.
Ans. I am sure we will all look back on this holiday for a long time.

2. Unless Ramesh confesses, the mystery will remain unsolved.
3. They cannot continue with the construction unless the labour cooperates.
4. The master soon discovered what his servant was up to.
5. Before you refused this offer, consider it very carefully.
6. They started on their journey with great hopes and enthusiasm.
7. I am quite puzzled and cannot explain his behaviour.
8. He occasionally loses his temper and becomes violent.
9. He was ordered to leave, leaving nothing behind.
10. A sensible man, usually, cars much for public opinion.

2. Unless Ramesh owns up, the mystery will remain unsolved.
3. They cannot carry on with the construction unless the labour cooperates.
4. The master soon found out what his servant was up to.
5. Before you turn down this offer, consider it very carefully.
6. They set off on their journey with great hopes and enthusiasm.
7. I am quite at a loss and cannot explain his behaviour.
8. He at times loses his temper and becomes violent.
9. He was ordered to leave, bag and baggage, leaving nothing behind.
10. A sensible man, as a rule, cares much for public opinion.