Noun exercise with answers in Hindi

Nouns is important for learning English Grammar and speaking English with confidence. Go through the whole page for learning English. This chapter is provided in Hindi and English both so that Hindi knowing people can understand and learn English.

इन वाक्यों को देखें ______

Ramu is a farmer.
There is a book on the table.
The cow gives milk.
India is a country.
My father believes in honesty.
I can’t forget his kindness.

इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द Ramu, farmer और father व्यक्तियों के नाम हैं ; cow एक जानवर का नाम है; milk, book और table वस्तुओं के नाम हैं ; India और country स्थानों के नाम हैं ; honesty और kindness भाव के नाम हैं | दुनिया में ऐसे ही हजारों नाम हैं | Grammar की भाषा में इन्हें हम Nouns कहते हैं |

Definition: किसी व्यक्ति, जानवर , स्थान, वस्तु, विचार या भाव के नाम को Noun कहते हैं |

* A noun is the name of a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea.
* A noun is the name of anything.
*A noun is a naming word.

ऊपर दी गई परिभाषाओं से यह स्पष्ट है कि Noun एक naming word है | हम जो भी देखते हैं, सोचते हैं या अनुभव करते हैं, उन सभी के नाम Nouns हैं |

Kinds of the Noun: Noun के पाँच भेद हैं |
1. Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा )
2. Common Noun (जातिवाचक संज्ञा )
3. Collective Noun (समुहवाचक संज्ञा )
4. Material Noun (द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा )
5. Abstract Noun ( भावाचक संज्ञा )

1. Proper Noun : किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, जानवर या वस्तु के खास नाम को Proper Noun कहते हैं | Proper का अर्थ है – one’s own.
*A proper noun is the name of a particular person, animal, place or thing.
Examples: Ram, Shyam, Geeta, India, Patna, Tom, Moti, Lucky, Yamuna, Ramayana, Bible, Sunday, Monday, January, February, Holi, Id, The Hindustan Times, etc.

2. Common Noun : जिस Noun से किसी खास व्यक्ति, जानवर, स्थान या वस्तु का बोध न होकर पुरी जाति या श्रेणी का बोध होता है, उसे Common Noun कहते है – shared by all of the same group.

*A common noun is a name given in common to every person, animal, place or thing of the same class or kind.
Examples : boy, girl, cat, bird, snake, man, table, pen, book, river, mountain, town, country, etc.

Note: Sita, Geeta और Mala से खास लड़कियों का बोध होता है, अत: ये Proper Noun हैं | परंतु girl कहने से किसी खास लड़की का बोध न होकर किसी भी लड़की का बोध होता है | अत: girl एक Common Noun है |

Leela is a proper noun, but girl is a common noun.
Manoj is a proper noun, but boy is common noun.
Patna is a proper noun, but city is a common noun.
Bihar is proper noun, but state is common noun.
Moti is a proper noun, but dog is a common noun.
India is proper noun, but country is common noun.
Yamuna is a proper noun, but river is a common noun.

3. Collective Noun: जिस Noun से एक ही तरह के व्यक्ति या वस्तुएओं के समुह का बोध होता है, उसे Collective Noun कहते हैं |

* A collective noun is the name of number of persons or things taken together and spoken of as one whole.
Examples: class (वर्ग ), crowd (भी़ड़), army (सेना ), team (दल ), family (परिवार ), committee (समिति ), mob (भीड़ ), bunch (गुच्छा ), flock (झुडं ) etc.

‘army’ कहने से सैनिकों के समूह का बोध होता है | ‘crowd’ कहने से व्यक्तियों के समुह का बोध होता है | इसी प्रकार उर्पयुक्त अन्य शब्द किसी – न – किसी समूह का बोध है | अतः वे Collective Nouns हैं |

4. Material Noun: जिस Noun से किसी द्रव्य/पदार्थ का बोध होता है, जिसे मापा या तौला जाता है, किंतु गिना नहीं जाता है, जिससे विभिन्न वस्तुओं का निर्माण होता हैं |

* A material noun is the name of a material substance.

Examples: water, milk, wood (लकड़ी ), gold (सोना ), iron (लोहा ), stone (पत्थर ), rice, ink, sugar (चीनी ), oil (तेल ), paper (कागज ), ghee, wheat (गेहुँ ), flour ( आटा), bread (रोटी ), chalk (खली), meat (माँस), silver (चाँदी ), brass(पीतल ), pulse (दाल ), wool (ऊन ), etc.

Note wood Material Noun है, परंतु इससे निर्मित chair, table, bench, house इत्यादि Common Nouns हैं | bread भी Material Noun है | अतः आप ‘एक रोटी’ के लिए ‘a bread’ न लिखकर ‘a piece of bread लिखें |

5. Abstract Noun: उस गुण, अवस्था, विचार या भाव के नाम को Abstract Noun कहते हैं जिसे देखा या छुआ नहीं जा सकता है, सिर्फ अनुभव किया जा सकता है |

* An abstract noun is the name of some quality, stare, feeling or idea that we can only think of or feel but cannot see or touch.

Examples: goodness (अच्छाई ), kindness (दयालुता ), darkness (अँधेरापन ), foolishness (मुर्खता ), weakness (कमजोरी ), greatness (महानता ), sickness(बीमारी ), richness (घनादयता ), sweetness (मिठास ), honesty (ईमानदारी ), bravery (बहादुरी), wisdom (बुध्दिमानी), beauty (सुदंरता ), truth (सच्चाई ), laughter (हँसी), love (प्यार), sleep (नींद), death (मुत्यु ), youth (जवानी ), poverty (गरीबी), heat (गर्मी ), boyhood (लड़कपन ), childhood (बचपन ), friendship (दोस्ती), etc.

Note: Arts Science के नाम भी Abstract Nouns है | जैसे – grammer, physics, chemistry, music, history, etc.


Direction: Pick out the nouns in the following sentences. Say whether they are proper, common, collective, material or abstract.


(a) Ram is the best boy in the class.
Ans: Ram -Proper Noun, boy-Common Noun, class-Collective Noun.

(b) Sympathy is better than gold.
Sympathy-Abstract Noun, gold-Material Noun.

1. Sohan has a red car.

2. Children drink milk.

3. My brother is the captain of the team.

4. Patna is the capital of Bihar.

5. The cat has two eyes.

6. Gandhijee was a great leader of India.

7. The Ganges is a holy (पवित्र ) river.

8. There is a cap on his head.

9. Gold, silver and money cannot buy honesty.

10. The teacher taught me physics and chemistry.

11. Monday is the first day of the week.

12. He has been a good singer (गायक ) since his childhood.

13. Friendship is a boon (वरदान).

14. Without health there is no happiness (खुशी).

15. He gave me a bunch of grapes (अंगुर) .

16. Ram eats bread, ,mangoes and sugar.

17. The ring is made of silver.

18. There is a crowd (भीड़) on the road.

19. I have love (प्रेम) for my friends.

20. The juice (रस) has no sweetness (मिठास) .

1. Sohan has a red car.
Sohan – Proper Noun, car – Common Noun.

2. Children drink milk.
Children – Common Noun, milk – Material Noun.

3. My brother is the captain of the team.
brother – Common Noun, captain – Common Noun, team – Collective Noun.

4. Patna is the capital of Bihar.
Patna – Proper Noun, capital – Common Noun, Bihar – Proper Noun.

5. The cat has two eyes.
cat – Common Noun, eyes – Common Noun.

6. Gandhijee was a great leader of India.
Gandhijee – Proper Noun, leader – Common Noun, India – Proper Noun.

7. The Ganges is a holy river.
Ganges – Proper Noun, river – Common Noun.

8. There is a cap on his head.
cap – Common Noun, head – Common Noun.

9. Gold, silver and money cannot buy honesty.
gold – Material Noun, silver – Material Noun, money – Material Noun, honesty – Abstract Noun.

10. The teacher taught me physics and chemistry.
teacher – Common Noun, physics – Abstract Noun, chemistry – Abstract Noun.

11. Monday is the first day of the week.
Monday – Proper Noun, day – Common Noun, week – Common Noun.

12. He has been a good singer since his childhood.
singer – Common Noun, childhood – Abstract Noun.

13. Friendship is a boon.
friendship – Abstract Noun, boon – Common Noun.

14. Without health there is no happiness.
health – Abstract Noun, happiness – Abstract Noun.

15. He gave me a bunch of grapes.
bunch – Collective Noun, grapes – Common Noun.

16. Ram eats bread, mangoes and sugar.
Ram – Proper Noun, bread – Material Noun, mangoes – Common Noun, sugar – Material Noun.

17. The ring is made of silver.
ring – Common Noun, silver – Material Noun.

18. There is a crowd on the road.
crowd – Collective Noun, road – Common Noun.

29. I have love for my friends.
love – Abstract Noun, friends – Common Noun.

20. The juice has no sweetness.
juice – Material Noun, sweetness – Abstract Noun.


Direction: In each of the following groups of word, pick out the noun that belongs to a different class of nouns from the rest.


(a) gold, rice, ghee, mango, sand

(b) father, brother, family, son, friend

1. chair, boy watch, wood, river

2. gold, silver, ring, iron, brass (पीतल)

3. boy, childhood, girl, son, daughter

4. book, paper, pen, student

5. mango, apple, juice, orange

6. table, desk, class, room, chair

7. singer (गायक), music (संगीत), dancer, player (खिलाड़ी)

8. milk, ink, tea, coffee, bread, apple

9. teacher, student, class, doctor, boy

10. book, apple, nurse, jug, wood

11. apple, mango, orange, rice, banana (केला)

12. music, bunch, army, crowd, mob

13. class, crowd, team, player, family

14. police, soldier, army, commander (सेनापति)

15. bottle, cup, boy, wine (शराब)

16. day, month, year, Sunday, ball

17. death (मृत्यु), fear (डर), mob ((भीड़), goodness

18. physics, chemistry, subject, friendship

19. car, petrol, driver, road, book

20. health, disease (बिमारी), pain (र्दद), doctor

1. chair, boy, watch, wood, river
chair – Common Noun
boy – Common Noun
watch – Common Noun
wood – Material Noun
river – Common Noun

2. gold, silver, ring, iron, brass
gold – Material Noun
silver – Material Noun
ring – Common Noun
iron – Material Noun
brass – Material Noun

3. boy, childhood, girl, son, daughter
boy – Common Noun
childhood – Abstract Noun
girl – Common Noun
son – Common Noun
daughter – Common Noun

4. book, paper, pen, student
book – Common Noun
paper – Material Noun
pen – Common Noun
student – Common Noun

5. mango, apple, juice, orange
mango – Common Noun
apple – Common Noun
juice – Material Noun
orange – Common Noun

6. table, desk, class, room, chair
table – Common Noun
desk – Common Noun
class – Collective Noun
room – Common Noun
chair – Common Noun

7. singer, music, dancer, player
singer – Common Noun
music – Abstract Noun
dancer – Common Noun
player – Common Noun

8. milk, ink, tea, coffee, bread, apple
milk – Material Noun
ink – Material Noun
tea – Material Noun
coffee – Material Noun
bread – Material Noun
apple – Common Noun.

9. teacher, student, class, doctor, boy
teacher – Common Noun
student – Common Noun
class – Collective Noun
doctor – Common Noun
boy – Common Noun

10. book, apple, nurse, jug, wood
book – Common Noun
apple – Common Noun
nurse – Common Noun
jug – Common Noun
wood – Material Noun

11. apple, mango, orange, rice, banana
apple – Common Noun
mango – Common Noun
orange – Common Noun
rice – Material Noun
banana – Common Noun

12. music, bunch, army, crowd, mob
music – Abstract Noun
bunch – Collective Noun
army – Collective Noun
crowd – Collective Noun
mob – Collective Noun

13. class, crowd, team, player, family
class – Collective Noun
crowd – Collective Noun
team – Collective Noun
player – Common Noun
family – Collective Noun

14. police, soldier, army, commander
police – Collective Noun
soldier – Common Noun
army – Collective Noun
commander – Common Noun

15. bottle, cup, boy, wine
bottle – Common Noun
cup – Common Noun
boy – Common Noun
wine – Material Noun

16. day, month, year, Sunday, ball
day – Common Noun
month – Common Noun
year – Common Noun
Sunday – Proper Noun
ball – Common Noun

17. death, fear, mob, goodness
death – Abstract Noun
fear – Abstract Noun
mob – Collective Noun
goodness – Abstract Noun

18. physics, chemistry, subject, friendship
physics – Abstract Noun
chemistry – Abstract Noun
subject – Common Noun
friendship – Abstract Noun

19. car, petrol, driver, road, book
car – Common Noun
petrol – Material Noun
driver – Common Noun
road – Common Noun
book – Common Noun

20. health, disease, pain, doctor
doctor – Common Noun
health – Abstract Noun
disease – Abstract Noun
pain – Abstract Noun

Modern Classification of the Noun

आधुनिक अंग्रेजी व्याकरण (Modern English Grammar) में Nouns को तीन भागों में बाँटा गया है-

1. Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा)
2. Countable Noun (गणनीय संज्ञा)
3. Uncountable Noun (अगणनीय संज्ञा)

1. Proper Noun: किसी व्यक्ति, जानवर, स्थान, दिन, महीना, वस्तु, इत्यादि के खास नाम को Proper Nouns कहते है |
* A proper noun is the name of a particular persons, animal, place, day, month or thing.
Examples: Sohan, Tom, Lucky, Nepal, Delhi, Sunday, Monday, January, February, Ganges, Bagmati, Himalayas, Ramayana, Gita, The Times of India, etc.

2. Countable Noun: जिस Noun को हम गिन सकते है, उसे Countable Noun कहते हैं |
* A noun which can be counted is called the countable noun.
Examples: cow, dog, class, man, leg, eye, book, star, river, army, state, girl, child, student, etc.
3. Uncountable Noun: जिस Noun को हम गिन सकते है, उसे Uncountable Noun कहते हैं |
*The noun which cannot be counted is called the Uncountable noun.

Examples: Oil, water, rice, bread, butter, flour, wheat, brass, silver, love, beauty, honesty, truth, boyhood, childhood, youth, kindness, goodness, friendship, knowledge (ज्ञान), courage (हिम्मत), fear (डर), etc.

Note: 1. Uncountable noun के पहले न तो a\an का प्रयोग होता है, न ही इसका Plural Form होता है अर्थात् a oil, a water, oils, wheats, इत्यादि लिखना गलत होगा | अगर कहीं Plural form बनता भी है, तो उसके अर्थ में परिर्वतन होता है |

2. Countable Noun के पहले a\an का प्रयोग होता है, और इसका Plural Form होता है | जैसे – a boy, boys, an ant, ants.

3. हिंदी भाषा में रोटी एक गणनीय संज्ञा है, पंरतु अग्रेंजी भाषा में bread Uncountable Noun है | अत: ‘एक रोटी’ की अग्रेंजी ‘a bread’ न लिखकर ‘a piece of bread’ लिखें | चार रोटियाँ – four pieces of bread.

4. इसे ध्यान में रखें –

पुराने Grammar के अनुसार Noun के भेद
1. Proper Noun
2. common Noun
3. Collective Noun
4. Material Noun
5. Abstract noun

आधुनिक Grammar के अनुसार Noun के भेद
1. Proper Noun
2. Countable Noun
3. Uncountable Noun


Direction: Pick out the nouns in the following sentences. Say whether they are proper, countable or uncountable.

Example: Mr Chopra is a man of great knowledge.
Ans: Mr Chopra- Proper Noun, Man-Countable Noun, knowledge-Uncountable.

1. The cow is an animal.

2. A dog has four legs.

3. Ram is a student of this school.

4. Mumbai is a big city of India.

5. There are milk, rice, bread and orange on the table.

6. A week has seven days.

7. The students are reading books in the class.

8. Children have honesty.

9. The Ganga is river.

10. I have love for my friends.

11. This chair is made of wood.

12. An apple is good for health.

13. The little girl has no far.

14. He has kindness and greatness.

15. Our army showed great courage in the battle last year.

16. His son is the captain of the team.

17. I like the music of India.

18. The Gita and the Ramayana are holy books.

19. My friend does not take coffee or tea in the morning.

20. He has been a good singer his childhood.

1. The cow is an animal.
cow – Common Noun, animal – Common Noun (Countable Noun)

2. A dog has four legs.
dog – Common Noun (Countable Noun), legs – Common Noun (Countable Noun)

3. Ram is a student of this school.
Ram – Proper Noun, student – Common Noun (Countable Noun), school – Common Noun (Countable Noun)

4. Mumbai is a big city of India.
Mumbai – Proper Noun, city – Common Noun (Countable Noun), India – Proper Noun

5. There are milk, rice, bread and orange on the table.
milk – Uncountable Noun, rice – Uncountable Noun, bread – Uncountable Noun, orange – Common Noun (Countable Noun)

6. A week has seven days.
week – Common Noun (Countable Noun), days – Common Noun (Countable Noun)

7. The students are reading books in the class.
students – Common Noun (Countable Noun), books – Common Noun (Countable Noun), class – Common Noun (Collective Noun)

8. Children have honesty.
children – Common Noun (Countable Noun), honesty – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun)

9. The Ganga is a river.
Ganga – Proper Noun, river – Common Noun (Countable Noun)

10. I have love for my friends.
love – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun), friends – Common Noun (Countable Noun)

11. This chair is made of wood.
chair – Common Noun (Countable Noun), wood – Material Noun (Uncountable Noun)

12. An apple is good for health.
apple – Common Noun (Countable Noun), health – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun)

13. The little girl has no fear.
girl – Common Noun (Countable Noun), fear – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun)

14. He has kindness and greatness.
kindness – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun), greatness – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun)

15. Our army showed great courage in the battle last year.
army – Collective Noun, courage – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun), battle – Common Noun (Countable Noun)

16. His son is the captain of the team.
son – Common Noun (Countable Noun), captain – Common Noun (Countable Noun), team – Collective Noun

17. I like the music of India.
music – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun), India – Proper Noun

18. The Gita and the Ramayana are holy books.
Gita – Proper Noun, Ramayana – Proper Noun, books – Common Noun (Countable Noun)

19. My friend does not take coffee or tea in the morning.
friend – Common Noun (Countable Noun), coffee – Material Noun (Uncountable Noun), tea – Material Noun (Uncountable Noun), morning – Common Noun (Uncountable Noun)

20. He has been a good singer since his childhood.
singer – Common Noun (Countable Noun), childhood – Abstract Noun (Uncountable Noun)