Negative sentences in English

Affirmative Sentence को Negative बनाने के लिए निम्नलिखित कुछ प्रमुख नियम हैं –

1. am, is, are, was, were, shall, will, do, does, did, can, could, may, might, must, should, would, ought, इत्यादि auxiliaries के बाद प्रायः not लगाकर वाक्य को Negative बनाया जाता है। जैसे –

Affirmative Negative

I am ready. I am not ready.

We are students We are not students.

He will come. He will not come.

You should go. You should not go.

2. have, has और had के बाद कहीं ‘not’ लगता है तो कही ‘no’ अतः आपको इस सबंध में विशेष ध्यान देने की जरुरत है।

(a) जब have/has/had के तुरंत बाद Verb, Article, संख्यासूचक शब्द (one, two, many, any, etc) या परिणामसूचक शब्द (much, any, etc) रहता है, तब have/has/had के बाद not लगाने से वाक्य Negative Sentence में परिवर्तित हो जाता है। जैसे –

Affirmative \

I have eaten.

I have eaten.

He had gone.

Hari has two cars.

I had much money.


I have not eaten.

He had not gone.

Hari has not a cow.

I had not much money.

(b) जब have/has/had के तुरंत बाद Noun या Adjective of Quality (good, red, etc) रहता हैं, तब have/has/had के बाद no लगाने से वाक्य Negative Sentence में परिवर्तित हो जाता है। जैसे –

Affirmative Negative

She has ink. She has no ink.

They had cows. They had no ink.

I have red pens. I have no red pens.

3. eat, laugh, go, read, इत्यादि Ordinary Verbs हैं। जब ये Present Indefinite Tense प्रयुक्त रहते हैं, तब इनके पहले do not/does not लगाकर वाक्यों के Negative Sentences में परिवर्तित किया जाता है। और, इस परिस्थिति में अगर Ordinary Verbs में पहले से -s या -es लगा रहता है, तो वह -s या -es लुप्त हो जाता है। अर्थात् Negative Sentences के Structures इस प्रकार हो जाते हैं –

I/We/You/They/Plural Noun +do not + V1.
He/She/It/Singular Noun +does not + V1 .


I read.

He reads.

The cow eats.

Ram plays.


I do not read.

He does not read.

The cow does not eat.

Ram does not play.

4. जब वाक्यों में Ordinary Verbs का Past Tense यानी went, ate, laughed इत्यादि प्रयुक्त रहता है, तब did not का प्रयोग कर वाक्यों को Negative Sentences में परिवर्तित किया जाता है। और, इस परिस्थिति में Ordinary Verbs का V2 form V1 Form में परिवर्तित हो जाता है।



Subject + V2 subject + did not + V1
I went. I did not go.
He laughed. He did not laugh.
They did. They did not do.
The teacher taught us. The teacher did not tech us.


Direction: Change the following into negative sentences.


(a) I can solve.

(b) I have gold.

(c) He has come.

(d) The boy weeps.

(e) They laughed.


I cannot solve.

I have no gold.

He has not come.

The boy does not weep.

They did not laugh.

1. I am a farmer.

2. You are honest.

3. They were absent.

4. She will come soon.

5. We shall win the match.

6. You can defeat him.

7. It should be gone.

8. You must go there.

9. He would come.

10. Ram is a poor farmer.

11. He is coming today.

12. She was dancing there.

13. He was beaten.

14. She must be a queen.

15. I shall be a doctor.

16. I have eaten.

17. He has been ill.

18. They had reached.

19. She has a car.

20. My son had an ink -pot.

21. The boy has six books.

22. The beggar had rice.

23. I have much gold.

24. They had tow horses.

25. She has cows.

26. He had fever.

27. They have water.

28. I have good horses.

29. I have a good horse.

30. I have three goods horses.

31. The boy has honesty.

32. We have freedom.

33. I have love for him.

34. She has golden watches.

35. They have good win.

36. She will have peace.

37. My father had a red cars.

38. My father had red car.

39. She had blue eyes.

40. She has black ink.


1. I am not a farmer.

2. You are not honest.

3. They were not absent.

4. She will not come soon.

5. We shall not win the match.

6. You cannot defeat him.

7. It should not be gone.

8. You must not go there.

9. He would not come.

10. Ram is not a poor farmer.

11. He is not coming today.

12. She was not dancing there.

13. He was not beaten.

14. She must not be a queen.

15. I shall not be a doctor.

16. I have not eaten.

17. He has not been ill.

18. They had not reached.

19. She does not have a car.

20. My son did not have an ink-pot.

21. The boy does not have six books.

22. The beggar did not have rice.

23. I do not have much gold.

24. They did not have two horses.

25. She does not have cows.

26. He did not have fever.

27. They do not have water.

28. I do not have good horses.

29. I do not have a good horse.

30. I do not have three good horses.

31. The boy does not have honesty.

32. We do not have freedom.

33. I do not have love for him.

34. She does not have golden watches.

35. They do not have good wine.

36. She will not have peace.

37. My father did not have red cars.

38. My father did not have a red car.

39. She did not have blue eyes.

40. She does not have black ink.


Direction: Change the following into negative sentences.

(a) I know him.

(b) She knows him.

(c) Ram went there.

(d) They laughed at me.


(a) I don not know him. .

(b) She does not know him.

(c) Ram did not go there.

(d) They did not laugh at me.

1. I love her.

2. We love India.

3. You know him.

4. She cars for you.

5. He reads at night.

6. Ram knows English.

7. They play football.

8. The boys go to school.

9. He came yesterday.

10. I did the work.

11. She loved me.

12. They ploughed the field..

13. He helped the beggar.

14. The teacher taught us.

15. My mother gave me sweets.

16. His brothers love him.

17. The players came in time.

18. She can sing a song.

19. I have toys.

20. The poor man had a cat.

21. They have been absent.

22. She had been playing.

23. They will be playing.

24. I shall have played.

25. He is trying to do.

26. I am to read.

27. He has to work.

28. It will be done.

29. She is being taught.

30. I was taught.


1. I do not love her.

2. We do not love India.

3. You do not know him.

4. She does not care for you.

5. He does not read at night.

6. Ram does not know English.

7. They do not play football.

8. The boys do not go to school.

9. He did not come yesterday.

10. I did not do the work.

11. She did not love me.

12. They did not plough the field.

13. He did not help the beggar..

14. The teacher did not teach us.

15. My mother did not give me sweets.

16. His brothers do not love him.

17. The players did not come in time.

18. She cannot sing a song.

19. I do not have toys.

20. The poor man did not have a cat.

21. They have not been absent.

22. She had not been playing.

23. They will not be playing.

24. I shall not have played.

25. He is not trying to do it.

26. I am not to read.

27. He does not have to work.

28. It will not be done.

29. She is not being taught.

30. I was not taught.