Kind of Sentences in English Grammar, Exercises with Answers – all type fill in the blanks and examples for online practice.
Kind of Sentences Exercises with Answers
Declarative, Interrogative, Exclamatory and Imperative Sentences Exercise
Transitive and Intransitive Verb Exercise
Simple and Compound Sentences Exercise
Question words Exercise
Question Tag Exercise
Definition of Sentence
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. Sentences always have a subject and a verb.
subject | verb |
She | is working. |
He | is reading. |
The children | are playing. |
They | are singing. |
Four Kinds of Sentence
A declarative sentence makes a statement.
It is raining.
Tom likes football.
The school bell was ringing.
The children are playing with the dog.
Topeka is in Kansas.
Notes : A declarative sentence ends with a period.
An interrogative sentence asks a question.
Where are my keys?
Why is the sky blue?
Who is talking to the teacher?
Is this the way to the ice skating rink?
Notes : An interrogative sentence ends with a question mark (?) instead of a period.
An exclamatory sentence makes a very strong statement called an exclamation.
It shows a strong feeling such as surprise or anger.
What a kind thing to do!
How beautiful she is!
The silly boy!
Notes : An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation point (!) instead of a period.
An imperative sentence gives an order.
Ask Tom to come and see me.
Don’t tell me lies.
Please leave.
Go to your room!
Speak up!
Notes : An imperative sentence can end with an exclamation point (!) if the order is very firm.
Sentences with Objects
The subject of a sentence often does something to another person or thing. The person or thing that receives the action of the subject is called the object of the verb. Verbs that have objects are called transitive verbs.
Here are some sentences with transitive verbs.
subject | transitive verb | object |
Dad | is reading | a book. |
I | am cooking | dinner. |
You | have broken | my new toy. |
Mom | likes | her new car. |
She | has forgotten | her backpack. |
the dog | licked | my face. |
Our ball | hit | a window. |
They | visited | the museum. |
Anna | is sewing | a dress for her doll. |
Uncle Ben | sent | a package to his friend. |
Verbs with Two Objects
Some verbs have two objects. Look at the sentence below.
Sam gave Anna (indirect object) a present (direct object).
The thing that Sam gives is ‘a present’, so a present is the direct object of the verb. But there is another object: ‘Anna’. ‘Anna’ is the person that receives the present, so Anna is the indirect object of the verb. Many verbs have both direct and indirect objects. Here are some examples.
subject | verb | indirect object | direct object |
Dad | is reading | the children | a story. |
Grandma | is baking | me | a cake. |
A kind man | showed | us | the way. |
We | have brought | you | some new magazines to read. |
Mr. Berg | is teaching | the children | French. |
Jack | asked | the teacher | a question. |
I | am writing | my friend | a letter. |
she | sent | her cousin | an email. |
John | has found | us | a secret place to play. |
Uncle Andy | told | them | the good news. |
Verbs with No Object
Some verbs don’t have an object. A verb that does not have an object is called an intransitive verb. Here are some sentences with intransitive verbs.
Mr. Park usually walks to work. | Anna talks a lot in class. |
The sun is shining. | It is snowing. |
I don’t know. | We have already eaten. |
The man smiled. | Dad always drives carefully. |
Miss Lee always dresses very smartly. | Can your little brother read? |
Simple Sentences
A clause is a group of words that contains one subject and one verb. A sentence that consists of one clause is called a simple sentence. Here are some examples. The subjects are printed in bold and the verbs are printed in color.
The girls are playing baseball.
Sally found a good hiding place.
I am eating my breakfast.
Tom is wearing his new shoes today.
Will you help me?
The sky was very cloudy.
I can hear the birds.
Everyone was happy.
Is it raining again?
Compound Sentences
A compound sentence contains two clauses joined by a conjunction such as and, or, but or so. Look at these examples. The verbs in the clauses are printed in color. Notice that there are two verbs, one on each side of the conjunction.
Some people are always happy and some people are always sad.
She opened the bag and took out a book.
Do you want coffee or would you prefer lemonade?
Is that a bird or is it a plane?
John is good at English but he’s not very good at math.
Michael wants to see Star Wars but his friends have already seen it.
Tom dropped his sandwich so I gave him mine.
It started to rain so we went inside.
Conditional Sentences
To talk about things that are possible, you often use if in a sentence. A sentence with if is called a conditional sentence. Here is an example of a conditional sentence with the if-clause printed in color.
If it rains tomorrow, (simple present tense verb) we shall (shall/will + infinitive) not go to the beach.
In the if-clause, use a verb in the simple present tense. In the main clause, use shall or will and an infinitive. Here are some more examples.
The if-clauses are in color and the main clauses are in bold print.
If there’s no rice in the cupboard, we’ll buy some more.
If we don’t work hard, we’ll never learn.
If we leave now, we’ll arrive on time.
You may also put the main clause before the if-clause.
We’ll play indoors if it rains.
You’ll get sick if you don’t eat good food.
Sam will do well in his piano recital if he practices regularly.
Positive and Negative Sentences
A positive sentence tells you about something that exists or something that is happening.
I like ice cream.
Michael is my brother.
The train leaves at five o’clock.
I’m feeling really tired.
She’s finished her homework.
Dad is in the kitchen.
There’s a cartoon on TV.
A negative sentence contains the word not or another negative word. Negative sentences tell you that something does not exist or is not happening. Here are some examples. The negative words are printed in bold.
I’m not very good at math.
Tom isn’t as tall as Alan.
We didn’t hear you shout at us.
Meera hasn’t read the Harry Potter books.
People can’t see very well in the dark.
There’s nothing interesting on TV tonight.
We’ve never been to China or Japan.
Nobody knows my secret.
There are no coins in my pocket.
There are two kinds of questions: yes or no questions and question-word questions. yes or no questions
yes or no questions
When you ask a yes or no question, you want the answer yes or the answer no. Use the verbs be, have and do along with helping verbs such as can, will and should when you ask these questions. Here are some examples of yes or no questions, with answers.
Is this your seat? | May I sit here? |
Yes | Yes |
Can you ride a bike? | Don’t you like pizza? |
No. | No |
Do you like swimming? | Are we late? |
Yes. | No. |
In questions, the helping verb comes before the subject. The other verb comes after the subject. The verb be also comes before the subject when it is an ordinary verb rather than a helping verb.
Here are some examples of statements and the questions you can make from them. Notice that the helping verbs are printed in bold and the subjects are in color.
statement | question |
Dad is ill today. | Is Dad ill today? |
She has finished her homework. | Has she finished her homework? |
The cat doesn’t like noise. | Doesn’t the cat like noise? |
Michael can ride a bike. | Can Michael ride a bike? |
Sally could borrow your pencil. | Could Sally borrow your pencil? |
You may leave now. | May I leave now? |
I think it will rain tomorrow. | Do you think it will rain tomorrow? |
I saw Tom at the football game. | Did you see Tom at the football game? |
Miss Lee sang a song. | Did Miss Lee sing a song? |
The computer needs to be repaired. | Does the computer need to be repaired? |
Question-word questions
Use the question words what, which, who (sometimes whom), whose, when, where and how to ask for information. The verbs be, have and do, and helping verbs such as can, will and should are also used in questions.
The helping verb comes before the subject, as it does in yes or no questions. Here are some examples. Again, the helping verb is printed in bold and the subject is printed in color.
What is your name?
What date is it today?
Which boy is your brother?
Which house do you live in?
Who is the boy next to Alan?
Who (or Whom) did he ask?
Whose book is this?
When can I come to visit you?
When does the spring vacation start?
Where is the pencil that I left on my desk?
Where do the birds go when they fly away in winter?
How can Grandma read without her glasses?
How does a plane stay in the sky?
Sometimes the wh-word itself is the subject of the sentence. In this case, don’t use do to form questions.
Who wants to come with me?
What caused the accident?
Which is the fastest car?
I’ve got my coat. Whose is this?
Question Tags
Sometimes people finish what they are saying with a short question. Why do they do this? Because they want to know if the person they are speaking to agrees with them. This short question is called a question tag. Look at the following sentence.
The weather is lovely today, isn’t it?
The main part of the sentence is positive, but the question tag is negative.
You expect the answer to a negative question tag to be yes. For example:
“The weather is lovely today, isn’t it?” “Yes, it is.”
Use a helping verb and the subject of the sentence to make the question tag. Notice that the subject has been replaced by a pronoun in the example sentences. The pronoun in the question tag refers to the subject printed in color.
Tom is older than you, isn’t he?
Sally has got a dog, hasn’t she?
Anna and I can go by train, can’t we?
Peter and David should leave now, shouldn’t they?
If the main part of the sentence has I am in it, use aren’t I in the question tag.
I’m your best friend, aren’t I?
I’m taller than Sumiko, aren’t I?
If the main part of the sentence is negative, the question tag is positive. You expect the answer to a positive question tag to be no.
These questions aren’t very difficult, are they?
You haven’t read this book, have you?
Peter isn’t as tall as I am, is he?
She isn’t eight yet, is she?
There aren’t many clouds in the sky, are there?
There isn’t much wind today, is there?
There weren’t any emails for me, were there?
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