Jumbled Sentences MCQs

Jumbled Sentences MCQs

1 / 10

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. I was almost drowned a dozen times; was nearly boiled alive and just missed being cremated.
B. Now, my well-being is simply the result of a careful and measured mode of living and perhaps the most astonishing thing is that three times in my youth I was rendered by illness a hopeless physical wreck and given up by physicians.
C. More than this, through ignorance, and light-heartedness, I got into all sorts of difficulties, dangers and scrapes from which I extricated myself as by enchantment.
D. But as I recall these incidents to my mind I feel convinced that my preservation was not altogether accidental.

2 / 10

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. The government's recent efforts have concentrated on strengthening these ties.
B. The textile industry in India is one of the country's oldest, stretching back several centuries.
C. The textile business is immensely diverse, with hand-spun and hand-woven textiles at one end of the spectrum and capital-intensive modern mills at the other.
D. Its tight ties to agriculture (for raw materials such as cotton) and the country's old history and traditions in terms of textiles se it apart from other sectors in the country.

3 / 10

Sentences of a paragraph are give below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to from a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

A. Following the demise of the Indus Valley civilisation, the Aryans migrated to India.
B. There is proof that the Aryans possessed a scientific outlook.
C. They held that the universe was regulated by a natural law known as Panchbhutas (five components).
D. Prithvi (heart), Ap (water), Tejas (heat), Vayu (air), and Akasa (sky) are these factor.

4 / 10

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. Inspector: “Were you sleeping when the robbers entered the bank?”
B. Guard: “The iron grill lock was broken and the bank looked ransacked but the robbers could not take away anything as I had returned quickly.”
C. Inspector: “What did you see when you came back?”
D. Guard: “No Sir. The bank had closed and I had just gone to relieve myself."

5 / 10

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. Shopkeeper: “Here, I have packed them all.”
B. Mala: “Please give me a packet of balloons, two packets of streamers, and some candles.”
C. Shopkeeper: “Since we are offering some discount on the balloons, you need to pay only thirty rupees.”
D. Mala: “How much do I need to pay?”

6 / 10

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. But a dove that happened to be sitting on a neighbouring tree saw the ant’s danger and, plucking off a leaf, let it drop into the water before him.
B. Just at that time, a fowler was spreading his net and was in the act of ensnaring the dove, when the ant, perceiving his object, bit his heel.
C. An ant went to a fountain to quench his thirst and, tumbling in, almost drowned.
D. The ant mounting upon it, was presently wafted safely ashore.

7 / 10

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the
right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. There are many secondary reasons as well along with increasing levels of carbon.
B. The term is used to describe the unnatural rise in earth’s average temperature.
C. Increased carbon dioxide is the primary driver of global warming.
D. Global warming is the single biggest threat to life on earth today.

8 / 10

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the
right order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. Then I took him by the hand and led him across the street.
B. I was going to the market when I saw a blind man trying to cross the street.
C. He expressed his gratitude with folded hands.
D. I walked across to the blind man.

9 / 10

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. The principles that emerged from those trials, known as the Nuremberg Code, are broadly applicable to many types of health-related research involving human participants, including clinical trials.
B. The growing breadth and complexity of contemporary health challenges have produced a range of difficult questions that cannot always be adequately addressed by relying exclusively on existing policies, guidelines or codes of conduct.
C. Recent formal efforts to articulate international standards of ethics applicable to health and health care can be traced to the Nuremberg trials of 1947, during which the horrors of Nazi medical experiments came to light.
D. Ethical questions related to health, health care and public health cover topics as diverse as moral issues around reproduction, state obligations in the provision of health care services and appropriate measures to control infectious disease.

10 / 10

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. Tigers are the largest members of the cat family. They are found in many parts of Asia.
B. They mostly live in dark forests and sleep during the day. They come out for hunting pigs and deer by night.
C. It is assumed that, probably, around 3,000 tigers live in the wild. This species looks spectacular and grand and they are very graceful in their movements.
D. It is almost impossible for us to see them against a jungle background, especially when they are standing still, because of their striped coats. Unlike, most cats, the tiger likes bathing very much.

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Jumbled Sentences MCQs for Competitive Exams

Jumbled sentences, also known as paragraph jumbles or sentence rearrangement, are a type of exercise where a paragraph or passage is broken up into individual sentences and presented in a random order. Your task is to rearrange the sentences to form a coherent and logical paragraph. This tests your reading comprehension, understanding of sentence structure and flow, and ability to follow a logical progression of ideas.

Examples for SSC Exams (MCQs):

1. (a) He finally reached the summit, exhausted but exhilarated. (b) The steep climb had tested his limits. (c) Setting out at dawn, he had embarked on the challenging trek. (d) The breathtaking view from the top rewarded his effort.

2. (a) The invention of the printing press revolutionized communication. (b) Prior to its invention, information was limited and costly to access. (c) It facilitated the spread of knowledge and ideas. (d) This technology played a pivotal role in shaping history.

3. (a) The importance of a healthy diet cannot be overstated. (b) Eating nutritious foods provides essential nutrients for the body. (c) It fuels our energy levels and enhances overall well-being. (d) Choosing a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining good health.

Why useful for SSC preparation:

  • Improves reading comprehension: By analyzing the meaning and connections between sentences, you strengthen your ability to grasp the overall message and logical flow of a text.
  • Develops critical thinking: Rearranging sentences requires you to critically evaluate each sentence, its relationship to others, and the most logical order for a cohesive paragraph.
  • Enhances logical reasoning: You need to identify the cause-and-effect relationships, transitions, and chronological order between sentences to arrange them logically.
  • Boosts analytical skills: Analyzing sentence structure, vocabulary, and context helps you choose the most appropriate placement within the paragraph.
  • SSC exam relevance: Jumbled sentences are frequently included in SSC exams, especially English sections, and mastering this skill can significantly improve your score.

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