Gerunds Infinitives and Participles Worksheet with Answers

1. Infinitive: Infinitive क्रिया का धातु रुप है, जिसपर वाक्य के Subject के Number और Person का कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता। सामान्यतया Infinitive के शुरु में participle ‘to’ लगा रहता है, जैसे – to go, to run, to laugh, etc. और वाक्य में इसका अपना कोई Subject नहीं होता।

इन वाक्यों पर विचार करें –

I want to go.
The boy wants to go.
The boys want to go.

इन वाक्यों में ‘to go’ एक Infinitive है। वाक्यों के Subjects (I, The boy और The boys ) का इस पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं हैं। Subjects Number और Person बदलने पर भी प्रयुक्त Infinitive के रुप में कोई परिर्वतन नहीं हुआ है। पुनः यहाँ एक बात और ध्यान देने योग्य है कि ऊपर के वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त Infinitive ‘to go’ का अपना कोई Subject नहीं है। I, The boy और The boys क्रमशः want, wants और want के Subjects हैं, to go के नहीं। ‘to go’ यहाँ एक Object के रुप में प्रयुक्त हुआ है।

Note: Infinitive का प्रयोग Object के आलावा Subject और Complement के रुप में भी होता है।

2. Bare Infinitive: Infinitive में participle ‘to’ लगा रहता है। परंतु कुछ Verbs ऐसे हैं जिनके बाद Infinitive without to का प्रयोग होता है| ऐसे Infinitives ‘without to’ को Bare Infinitives कहते हैं। इस वाक्यों को देखें –

I made him laugh.

He heard them cry.

We watched him play.

I let her go home.

यहाँ ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त laugh, cry, play और go ऐसे Infinitives हैं, जिनके पहले to प्रयुक्त नहीं है। अतः इन्हें के हिसाब से Bare Infinitives कहेगें।

3. आगे ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में Full infinitives (to walk, to play, to run, to dance, etc) और Bare Infinitives (weep, cry, dance, etc) के प्रयोग को देखें –

To walk is an exercise.

Children like to play.

It is yet to decide.

She is about to dance.

We eat to live.

It is easy to solve.

I have no house to live in.

She made him weep.

I heard him cry.

I can go.

We shall dance.

He does nothing but play.

Let him do this.

She bade me go.


1. जब Verb + ing का प्रयोग Noun की तरह होता है, तब उसे Gerund कहा जाता है। इन वाक्यों में मोटे अक्षरों में छपे शब्द Gerunds हैं –

Walking is a exercise.

I like reading stories.

He is fond of playing cricket.

Saying is easy but doing is difficult.

My hobby is dancing.

Note 1. Gerund एक Noun की तरह किसी वाक्य में Subject, Object या Complement के रुप में प्रयुक्त होता है, अर्थात् किसी वाक्य में Gerund वहाँ प्रयुक्त होता है, जहाँ एक Noun प्रयुक्त होना चाहिए। इसे समझने के लिए Noun और Gerund के तुलनात्मक प्रयोग पर विचार करें –

(a) Tea a bad for health.                 (Tea - Noun)
Smoking is bad for health. (Smoking-Gerund)
(b) I love toys. (toys-Noun)
I love dancing. (dancing-gerund)
(c) Friendship is a boon. (Friendship - Noun)
Seeing is believing. (Seeing/believing - Gerund)
(d) I am fond of sweets. (sweets - Noun)
I am fond of travelling. (travelling - Gerund)

Note 2. जब Verb + ing का प्रयोग Verb की तरह हो, तब उसे हम Gerund नहीं कहेगें। जैसे – इन वाक्यों में V + ing Gerund नहीं हैं –

I am dancing.

She is smoking.

Participle के मुख्यतः दो भेद हैं –

(a) Present Participle [Verb + ing], जैसे –
playing, eating, dancing, laughing, etc.
(b) Past Participle [Verb + d/ed या अन्य उपयुक्त रुप ], जैसे –
playing, eaten, gone, burnt, given, etc.

Uses of the Participle:

1. Present Participle की मदद Progressive Tense तथा Past Participle की मदद से Perfect Tense और Passive Voice बनाए जाते हैं। जैसे –

I am playing.

They were working.

He was beaten.

She has gone.

He had reached.

The chair was broken.

2. Present Participle तथा Past Participle का प्रयोग सामान्य Adjective का तरह भी होता है और इस स्थिति में ये अपने बाद आनेवाले Noun को Modify करते हैं, जैसे –

The child has a smiling face.

This is a boiled egg.

We have no drinking water.

He is a retired teacher.

उपर्युक्त वाक्यों में smiling, drinking, boiled और retired Participles हैं तथा ये Adjective की तरह प्रयुक्त हुए हैं। ये Adjective की तरह प्रयुक्त हुए हैं, इस तथ्य की पुष्टि के लिए हम इन वाक्यों को पुनः लिख रहे हैं जिनमें smiling, boiled, drinking और retired के स्थान पर क्रमशः beautiful, good, pure और noble Adjective प्रयुक्त हुए हैं।

The child has a beautiful face.

This is a good egg.

We have no pure water.

He is noble teacher.

Note: ऊपर दिए गए तथ्यों से स्पष्ट है कि Participle Verb का वह रुप है जो Progressive या Perfect Tense बनाने में मदद करता है तथा विभिन्न वाक्यों में Adjective के रुप में भी प्रयुक्त होता है।

Confusion दूर करें –

Gerund और Present Participle दोनों का एक ही रुप है – Verb + ing इसलिए कभी-कभी विद्यार्थीगण भ्रम में पड़ जाते हैं कि प्रयुक्त Verb + ing का प्रयोग Gerund के रुप में हुआ है या Present Participle के रुप में। ऐसी स्थिति में आप इनके प्रयोग के देखें। अगर Verb + ing का प्रयोग एक Noun के रुप में हुआ है तब इसे Gerund कहेंगे। अगर Verb + ing का प्रयोग Continuous Tenses बनाने में या एक Adjectives के रुप में हुआ है तब इसे Participles कहेगें। जैसे –

My hobby is dancing. (dancing = Noun = Gerund)

I am dancing. (dancing = Verb = Participle)

He is my dancing partner. (dancing = Adjective = Participle)

I don’t like drinking. (drinking = Adjective = Participle)

He is drinking. (drinking = Verb = Participle)

There is no drinking water. (drinking = Adjective = Participle)


Direction : Pick out the infinitives in the following sentences.


(a) I want to go. Ans. to go

(b) To sleep is necessary. Ans. to sleep

(c) I am too tired to turn. Ans. to run

(d) She made me laugh. Ans. laugh

(e) I shall help her. Ans. help

1. She wants to help me.

2. It is about to rain.

3. To walk is an exercise.

4. I had to work.

5. Are you to go now?

6. To steal is very bad.

7. He wishes to succeed.

8. I have no house to live in.

9. It is easy to solve.

10. Children like to play.

11. He same to help me.

12. She made me laugh.

13. I heard him cry.

14. I can do.

15. Give me a book to read.

16. To see is to believe.

17. They let her go.

18. I saw him sleep.

19. He does nothing but play.

20. Teach me to dance.


1. She wants to help me.

2. It is about to rain.

3. To walk is an exercise.

4. I had to work.

5. Are you to go now?

6. To steal is very bad.

7. He wishes to succeed.

8. I have no house to live in.

9. It is easy to solve.

10. Children like to play.

11. He came to help me.

12. She made me laugh. (No infinitive, “laugh” is the base form)

13. I heard him cry. (No infinitive, “cry” is the base form)

14. I can do. (No infinitive, “do” is the base form)

15. Give me a book to read.

16. To see is to believe.

17. They let her go. (No infinitive, “go” is the base form)

18. I saw him sleep. (No infinitive, “sleep” is the base form)

19. He does nothing but play. (No infinitive, “play” is the base form)

20. Teach me to dance.


Direction: Pick out the gerunds in the following sentences.


(a) I like playing cricket.

(b) Drinking is a bad thing.

(c) Stop crying.

(d) I am fond of hunting.

(e) My hobby is dancing.

(f) He enjoys flying kites.

(g) He went on laughing.









1. Swimming is an exercise.

2. Smoking is a bad habit.

3. Children love playing.

4. I like reading stories.

5. I am tired of doing this job.

6. She will learn dancing.

7. I am fond of playing.

8. It stopped talking.

9. Reading makes a man perfect.

10. I think of going there.

11. He stopped talking.

12. Old men love walking.

13. I love eating mangoes.

14. I hate borrowing money.

15. Please go on writing.

16. Seeing is believing.

17. Thanks you for helping me.

18. Try to avoid quarrelling.

19. Eating much is bad.

20. It is no use waiting here.


1. Swimming is an exercise.

2. Smoking is a bad habit.

3. Children love playing.

4. I like reading stories.

5. I am tired of doing this job.

6. She will learn dancing.

7. I am fond of playing.

8. It stopped talking.

9. Reading makes a man perfect.

10. I think of going there.

11. He stopped talking.

12. Old men love walking.

13. I love eating mangoes.

14. I hate borrowing money.

15. Please go on writing.

16. Seeing is believing.

17. Thank you for helping me.

18. Try to avoid quarrelling.

19. Eating much is bad.

20. It is no use waiting here.


Direction: Pick out the participles in the following sentences.

Examples Ans.

(a) I am reading a book. reading

(b) He has lost in his pen. lost

(c) He was beaten. beaten

(d) Don’t jump off the running train. running

(e) The police found the stolen articles. stolen.

1. He was playing.

2. She is eating.

3. He has returned.

4. The work was done.

5. They were awarded.

6. This is a boiled egg.

7. This is the broken chair.

8. It is a burning issue.

9. He was satisfied.

10. He is an amusing man.

11. He played a loosing game.

12. He was a drunken person.

13. There were many burnt houses.

14. This is an interesting story.

15. He is a tired man.

16. Here is a broken window.

17. He had a loaded pistol.

18. He is a retired officer.

19. Don’t disturb the sleeping child.

20. It is an admitted fact.


1. He was playing.

2. She is eating.

3. He has returned.

4. The work was done.

5. They were awarded.

6. This is a boiled egg.

7. This is the broken chair.

8. It is a burning issue.

9. He was satisfied.

10. He is an amusing man.

11. He played a losing game.

12. He was a drunken person.

13. There were many burnt houses.

14. This is an interesting story.

15. He is a tired man.

16. Here is a broken window.

17. He had a loaded pistol.

18. He is a retired officer.

19. Don’t disturb the sleeping child.

20. It is an admitted fact.


Direction: Pick out the infinitive, gerunds and participles in the following examples-


(a) I want to go there.

(b) To smoke is a bad habit.

(c) Walking is an exercise.

(d) I like playing cricket.

(e) Look at the running dog.

(f) I saw a dying man.

(g) He was taught English.


to go – infinitive

to smoke – infinitive

walking- gerund

Playing – gerund

running – participle

dying – participle

1. I wanted to help you.

2. I heard her weep.

3. He made me laugh.

4. To tell lies is not good.

5. I enjoy flying kites.

6. I dislike drinking.

7. He went on talking.

8. Running water is clear.

9. These are solved examples.

10. Gardening is a hobby.

11. Sleeping is necessary to life.

12. It is easy to write a letter.

13. A barking dog seldom bites.

14. I found my lost pen.

15. He is a good looking man.

16. He was not satisfied.

17. I hope to succeed.

18. She is fond of dancing.

19. She was my dancing partner.

20. She was dancing.


1. to help – infinitive

2. weep – infinitive (bare infinitive after “heard”)

3. laugh – infinitive (bare infinitive after “made”)

4. to tell – infinitive

5. flying – gerund

6. drinking – gerund

7. talking – gerund

8. Running – participle

9. solved – participle

10. Gardening – gerund

11. Sleeping – gerund

12. to write – infinitive

13. barking – participle

14. lost – participle

15. looking – participle

16. No infinitive, gerund, or participle

17. to succeed – infinitive

18. dancing – gerund

19. dancing – participle

20. dancing – participle

Rice sells at Rs. 10 a kilo. – चावल दस रुपये की दर से कितना है।

Sita is at school. – सीता स्कूल में है।

Mohan is good at football. – मोहन फुटबाॅल में अच्छा है।

He stood before July. – वे लोग काम पर हैं।

7. Before: से पहले, के सामने

A comes before B. – A, B के पहले आता है।

I will come before Holi. – मैं होली से पहले आऊगाँ।

June Comes before July. – जून जुलाई के पहले आता है।

He stood before the judge. – वह जज के सामने खड़ा था।

8. Behind: के पीछे
He hid behind the tree. – वह पेड़ के पीछे छिप गया।

9. Below: के नीचे

Please don’t write below this line. कृपया इस पंक्ति के नीचे नही लिखें।
They were below twenty. – वे लोग बीस के नीचे थे।

10. Besides and Besides: Besides का अर्थ है – बगल में , समीप या बाहर और इससे स्थान का बोध होता है। Besides का अर्थ है – अतिरिक्त (in addition to ) , अलावा।

She was siting besides her mother. – वह अपनी माँ की बगल में बैठी हुई थी।
She had no one besides her mother. – माँ के अलावा उसका कोई नहीं था।

11. But: except, के छोड़कर, के अतिरिक्त
All but one were drowned. – एक को छोड़कर सभी डूब गए।

12. By: से /द्वारा, के पास तक/ में (साधन, समीपता, समय इत्यादि का बोध)

This book has been written by me. – वह पुस्तक मेरे द्वारा लिखी गई है।

May I pay by cheque? – क्या मैं चेक से भुगतान कर सकता हूँ।

He came by bus. – वह बस से आया।

Come and sit by me. – आओ और मेरे पास बैठो।

The house is by the big tree. – घर बड़े पेड़ के पास है।

Finish it by 4 o’clock. – चार बजे तक इसे पूरा करो।

It is 10 o’clock by my watch. – मेरी धड़ी में दस बजा है।

13. For: के लिए, की ओर, से (Period of time), में / के बदले

This is for you. – यह तुम्हारे लिए है।

He came here for money. – वह पैसे के लिए यहाँ आया।

Is this train for Delhi. – क्या वह गाड़ी दिल्ली के लिए है।

दो घंटो से वर्षा हो रही है।

मैनें पाँच रुपये में कलम खरीदी।

14. From: से (स्थान से अलग होने का भाव, समय का भाव, स्त्रोत का भाव, इत्यादि)

He has come from Patna. – वह पटना से आया है।
He was blind from birth. – वह जन्म से अन्धा था।
These lines are from the Bible. – ये पक्तियाँ बाइबल से ली गई हैं।
We make curd from milk. – हमलोग दूध से दही बनाते हैं।

15. In: में [बड़े स्थान, समय, स्थिरता (के भीतर), पोशाक, पेशा, इत्यादि का भाव दर्शाने में ]

He lives in India. वह भारत में रहता है।

I play in the morning. – मैं सुबह में खेलता हूँ

She is in the room. – वह कमरे में है।

She was in Sari. – वह साड़ी मे थी।

He is in the army. – वह सेना में है।

What is in your mind? – तुम्हारे दिमाग में क्या है?

16. Into: मेंं (बाहर से भीतर की ओर जाने का भाव, एक वस्तु से दुसरी वस्तु में बदलने का भाव, एक वस्तु से दूसरी वस्तु में बदलने का भाव, इत्यादि)

17. Of: का /की /के (संबंध /अधिकार, माप तौल, material, अंश कारण इत्यादि का बोध)

Ram was the son of Dasharatha. – राम दशरथ के पुत्र थे।

He bought a kilo of sugar. – उसने एक किलो चीनी खरीदी।

He came on Monday. – वह सोमवार को आया।

They went on 10th April. – वे 10 अप्रैल के गए।

19. Over: के ऊपर (सटा या छूआ हुआ नहीं). से ऊपर /अधिक

There was an umbrella over his head. – उसके सिर के ऊपर एक छाता था।
He is over sixty. – वे साठ से ऊपर के है।
There is a bridge over the river. – नवी के ऊपर एक पुल है।)

20. Since: से (point of time के पहले)

He has been absent since Monday. – वह सोमवार से अनुपस्थित है।

21. To: की ओर, बाकी (समय का भाव), इत्यादि

I am going to school. – मैं स्कूल जा रहा हूँ।

पाँच बजने में दस मिनट बाकी है।

22. Under: के नीचे, से कम

The cat was under the table. – बिल्ली टेबुल के नीचे थी।
She is under eighteen. वह 18 सो कम की है।

23. With: के साथ, से, द्वारा

He plays with his friend. – वह अपने दोस्त के साथ खेलता है।

I write with a pen. – मैं कलम से लिखता हूँ।

He cut the apple with a knife. – उसने सेब को चाकू से काटा।

I am always with you, – मैं हमेशा तुम्हारे साथ हूँ।

He was with a bag. – वह बैग के साथ था।

24. Within: के अंदर
He will come within an hour. – वह एक घंटे के अंदर आएगा।

25. Without: के बिना

The pen is without a nib. – कलम बिना निब की है।

We can’t live without food. – हमलोग भोजन के बिना नहीं रह सकते।


1. At & In: जहाँ At का संबंध small extent of space/time से है वहीं In का संबंध wider extent of space/time से है। जैसे –

He lives at salempur.

He lives in Patna/Bihar/India.

I will start at seven o’clock in the morning.

2. In & Into: जहाँ In किसी चीज के भीतर स्थिरता या विश्राम को सूचित करता हैं, वहीं Into बाहर से भीतर आने की गति के सूचित करता है। जैसे —-

The frog is in the well. (विश्राम)
The dog fell into the well. (गति)

3. With & By: किसी कार्य को संपादित करने के लिए जहाँ कोई प्रयुक्त उपकरणों (tools) या भौतिक वस्तुओं (material instruments) के पहले With का प्रयोग किया जाता है, वहीं agent or doer (जो प्रायः मनुष्य या भावाचक संज्ञा रहता है) के पहले By का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे —

He was beaten with a stick.

He was beaten by his teacher.

The letter was written by him with a pen.

7. Since & From: Future Tense में Point of Time के पहले Since का प्रयोग नहीं होता है, इसके बदले From का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे —–

I shall have been doing this from January.

I shall be absent from Monday.

5. (a) जब Intransitive Verb के बाद कोई Noun/Pronoun आता है, तब Verb और Noun/Pronoun के बीच में एक Preposition अवश्य आता है। जैसे —

He is going to Patna.
I depend on him.

(b) जब Transitive Verb के बीच कोई Noun/Pronoun आता है, तब Verb और Noun/Pronoun के बीच में Preposition नहीं आता है। जैसे —-

She loves me.

I know him very well.

He reads a book.

The child is drinking milk.

The poet describe Nature.

We should obey our elders.


Prepositions का प्रयोग करने में सावधानी बरतने की आवश्यकता होती है, क्योंकि अंग्रेजी में अनेक ऐसे शब्द हैं, जिनके साथ किसी खास Preposition का प्रयोग होता है। कुछ शब्दों के साथ भिन्न अर्थाें में भिन्न- भिन्न Prepositions का प्रयोग किया जाता है। अतः किसी शब्द के साथ लगाने से पहले यह ध्यान दें कि अभीष्ट शब्द जिस अर्थ भाव के लिए प्रयुक्त हो रहा है उसके लिए कोई खास Preposition है कि नहीं। अगर है तो उस खास Preposition का प्रयोग करना वहाँ आवश्यक होगा। जैसे —

1. He lives in India. (वह भारत में रहता है।)

2. He lives a Hajipur. (वह हाजीपुर में रहता है।)

3. Man can live on milk diet. (दुग्ध-आहार पर मनुष्य जीवित रह सकता है।)

4. We should live by honest labour. हमलागों को परिश्रम की कमाई खानी चाहिए।)

अब हम कुछ शब्द और उनके साथ प्रयुक्त होनेवाले Appropriate Prepositions दे रहे हैं, जिन्हें ध्यान से पढ़े और समझें –

1. According to: You should do according to the rules.

2. Afraid of: I am not afraid of ghosts.

3. Agree with (a person): I agree with you.

4. Agree to (a proposal): I do not agree to your proposal.

5. Agree on (a point): We all agree to a proposal: we agree on a point.)

6. Angry with ( a person): The teacher was angry with me.

7. Angry at (something): The teacher was angry at my mistake.

(Note: We feel angry with a person at something. )

8. Apply to a person: She applied to the Principal.

9. Apply for something: She applied for three day’s leave.

(Note: We apply to a person for something.)

10. Ashamed of: I am ashamed of my failure.

11. Belong to: This book belongs to me.

12. Blind of (the eye): He is blind of one eye.

13. Blind to (one’s fault): He is blind to his son’s fault.

14. Care for: You must care for your health. (care as a verb)

15. Care of: You must take care of your health. (care as a noun)

16. Busy with: He is busy with his work.

17. Congratulate on: He congratulated me on my success.

18. Consist of: Our family consist of five members.

19. Close to: He is very close to me.

20. Deal in (something): He deals in rice.

21. Deal with ( a person): We should deal with our friends sincerely.

22. Die of: He died of cholera.

23. Faithful to: The dog is always faithful to his master.

24. Fond of: I am fond of sweets.

25. Full of: The pot is full of water.

26. Hope for: I hope for success.

27. Good at: Ravi is good at cricket.

28. Good to: He is good to me.

29. Interest in: I have deep interest in music.

30. Jealous of: He is jealous of me.

31. Junior to: Sita is junior to me.

32. Key to: Hard work is key to success.

33. Kind to: We should be kind to the animals.

34. Laugh at: Don’t laugh at the poor.

35. Listen to: He is listening to the radio.

36. Live on: The cow lives on grass.

37. Look after: My mother looks after me.

38. Look at: Look at the blackboard.

39. Married to: Sita was married to Ram.

40. obliged to/for: I shall be obliged to you for this.

41. Prefer to: I prefer coffee to tea.

42. Pray to: We pray to God everyday.

43. Proud of: I am proud of my brother.

44. Rich in: Jharkhand is rich in minerals.

45. Run after: He runs after money.

46. Reply to: I have replied to these letters.

47. Satisfied with: I am satisfied with you.

48. Sorry for: I am sorry for my mistake.

49. Superior to: My pen is superior to your pen.

50. Sure of: I am sure of your success.

51. Taste for: I have no taste for music.

52. Thankful o/for: I am thankful to you for your help.

53. Tired of: I am tired of work.

54. True of: I am true to my word.

55. Wait for: I am waiting for Father.

Vocabulary: 1. according to – के अनुसार, 2. afraid of – भयभीत, ghost – भूत, 3. agree – सहमत, सहमत होना, 4. proposal – प्रस्ताव, 5. point – बिंदु, 8. apply – आवेदन करना, 10. ashamed – लज्जित, 11. belong – से संबंध, 13. blind – ध्यान, faults – खामियाँ, 14. care (v) – ध्यान रखना, 15. care (n) – ध्यान, 17. congratulate – बधाई देना, success – सफलता, 18. consist – (से, का) बना होना, 19. close – घनिष्ठ, 20. deal – व्यापार करना, 21. deal – बर्ताव करना, 23. faithful – वफादार, निष्ठावान, 24. fond – प्रिय, 29. interest – रुचि, 30. jealous – ईष्यालु, 32. key – 36. live – जीवित रहना, 37. look after – देखभाल करना, 38. look – देखना, 40. आभारी, 41. prefer – (अधिक) चाहना, तरजीह देना, 43. proud – गर्वित, 45. run after – के पीछे पड़ा रहना, 46. reply – जवाब देना, 47. satisfied – संतुष्ट, 48. sorry – दुखी, 49. superior – बेहतर, 50. sure – आश्वस्त, स्वाद, रुचि, झुकाव, 52. thankful- कृतज्ञ, एहसानमंद, 53. tired – थका हुआ, 54. true – सच्चा, निष्ठावान, निष्कपट, 55. wait – इंतजार करना।


[A] Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. He lives …….. Bihar. (in, at, on)

2. I live ……… Arrah. (in, at, on)

3. The fan is …….. my head. (in, at, on)

4. He is writing …….. a pen. (by, with, from)

5. There is a book ……. the table. (at, on, over)

6. She bought it ………. Rs. 10. (for, on, with)

7. The book was writtien ……. him. (with, from, by)

8. He jumped ….. the river. (in, into, on)

9. He came …….. train. (with, on, by)

10. What is the time ……….. your watch? (by, in, with

11. He is sitting ………. the room. (in, at, on)

12. He came here …… Monday. (since, on, at)

13. He came ……… 5 o’clock. (since, on, at)

14. I was born ……. 1980. (at, on, in)

15. He is ……… Ravi and Gopi. (among, between, in)

Ans. 1. in, 2. at, 3. over, 4. with, 5. on, 6. for, 7. by, 8. into, 9. by, 10. by 11. in, 12. on, 13. at, 14. in, 15. between.

[B] Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. He came …… 6 o’clock ….. the evening.

2. The child fell …… the well.

3. He has a hat ………. his head.

4. Sita is ……. school.

5. C comes ……… D.

6. I go to school ……… bus.

7. It has been raining ……… five hours.

8. She has been sleeping …….. morning.

9. We make curd ………… milk.

10. We play ……… the evening.

11. .The chair is made ……. wood.

12. I don’t agree ………… you.

13. This book belongs ……….. me.

14. He is junior ……. me.

15. They are tired ………. work.

16. Please listen …………. me.

17. Why are you laughing ……… him?

18. My teacher is very kind …….. me.

19. He cut the apple …….. a knife.

20. He was born ……… 10th July ……. 1970.

Ans. 1. at, in, 2. into, 3. on, 4. at, 5. before, 6. by, 7. for, 8. since, 9. from, 10. in, 11. of, 12. with, 13. to, 14. to, 15. of, 16. to, 17. at, 18. to, 19. with, 20. on, in.


Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. I do not know …….. him. (about, for)

2. It is ……. ten o’clock. (of, about)

3. The sky is ….. the earth. (on, above)

4. November comes …….. October. (after, before)

5. July comes …….. August. (after, before)

6. The mangoes were divided …. my two sons. (among, between)

7. The mangoes were divided ……… my four sons. (among, between)

8. He will come ………… the morning. (in, at)

9. He come ……… 7 o’clock. (in, at)

10. She lives ……….. Nepal. (in, at)

11. Rice sells ………. Rs. 12/- a kilo. (at, by)

12. My son is good ……… cricket. (in, at)

13. The work was done …… him. (at, by)

14. He killed the bird ………. a stone. (with, by)

15. What is the time ………… your watch? (in, by)

16. He come …….. bus. (by, on)

17. This frock is ………… my sister. (about, for)

18. I have been running ……. an hour. (since, for)

19. She has been running ………… 8 o’clock. (since, for)

20. I bought the bicycle ………… Rs. 500. (at, for)


1. I do not know about him. (about, for)

2. It is about ten o’clock. (of, about)

3. The sky is above the earth. (on, above)

4. November comes after October. (after, before)

5. July comes before August. (after, before)

6. The mangoes were divided between my two sons. (among, between)

7. The mangoes were divided among my four sons. (among, between)

8. He will come in the morning. (in, at)

9. He came at 7 o’clock. (in, at)

10. She lives in Nepal. (in, at)

11. Rice sells at Rs. 12/- a kilo. (at, by)

12. My son is good at cricket. (in, at)

13. The work was done by him. (at, by)

14. He killed the bird with a stone. (with, by)

15. What is the time by your watch? (in, by)

16. He came by bus. (by, on)

17. This frock is for my sister. (about, for)

18. I have been running for an hour. (since, for)

19. She has been running since 8 o’clock. (since, for)

20. I bought the bicycle for Rs. 500. (at, for)


Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. He has come ………… Patna. (in, from)

2. What is he doing ……….. the room. (at, in)

3. My brother is ………… the Navy. (at, in)

4. She jumped ……….. the river. (in, into)

5. He was swimming ………. the river. (in, into)

6. She was siting ……….. her sister. (beside, besides)

7. What is …………. the box? (in, at)

8. The book is ……… the box. (in, at)

9. This box is made ………. steel. (from, of)

10. He hid ……… the tree. (on, behind)

11. Give me a kilo ………. rice. (of, at)

12. She died ………. cholera. (of, from)

13. He is a member ……. my team. (of, at)

14. I am not ………… her. (besides, against)

15. He will come ………. Monday. (at, on)

16. Stand up …………… the bench. (at, on)

17. All ………. one were killed. (in, but)

18. There was an umbrella ……… my head. (over, on)

19. It is five ……… eleven. (to, by)

20. The cat was ……… the table. (under, over)


1. He has come from Patna. (in, from)

2. What is he doing in the room? (at, in)

3. My brother is in the Navy. (at, in)

4. She jumped into the river. (in, into)

5. He was swimming in the river. (in, into)

6. She was sitting beside her sister. (beside, besides)

7. What is in the box? (in, at)

8. The book is in the box. (in, at)

9. This box is made of steel. (from, of)

10. He hid behind the tree. (on, behind)

11. Give me a kilo of rice. (of, at)

12. She died of cholera. (of, from)

13. He is a member of my team. (of, at)

14. I am not against her. (besides, against)

15. He will come on Monday. (at, on)

16. Stand up on the bench. (at, on)

17. All but one were killed. (in, but)

18. There was an umbrella over my head. (over, on)

19. It is five to eleven. (to, by)

20. The cat was under the table. (under, over)


Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. She is writing ………. a pen. (by, with)

2. She was taught ……… me. (by, to)

3. He will come …….. a month. (for, within)

4. She cut the apple ……….. a knife. (by, with)

5. Can you live ……….. air. (without, with)

6. The letter was written ……. him ……… a pen. (with, on, by)

7. You should do according …….. the rules. (by, to)

8. I am proud ……… my son. (with, of)

9. I am not satisfied ……. your work. (with, by)

10. I agree ……… you …….. that point. (on, with, to)

11. You should take care ………. your health. (at, of)

12. The merchant deals ………. rice. (in, with)

13. She has no taste ………… music. (of, for)

14. He has not replied ……….. my letter. (to, by)

15. I am fond ………. music. (of, to)

16. She was married ……… my cousin. (to, with)

17. Who are you waiting ………… ? (for, of)

18. .This book consists ……….. 100 Pages. (with, of)

19. I am not jealous ………. you. (for, of)

20. Early rising is key ……… my good health. (of, to)


1. She is writing with a pen. (by, with)

2. She was taught by me. (by, to)

3. He will come within a month. (for, within)

4. She cut the apple with a knife. (by, with)

5. Can you live without air? (without, with)

6. The letter was written by him with a pen. (with, on, by)

7. You should do according to the rules. (by, to)

8. I am proud of my son. (with, of)

9. I am not satisfied with your work. (with, by)

10. I agree with you on that point. (on, with, to)

11. You should take care of your health. (at, of)

12. The merchant deals in rice. (in, with)

13. She has no taste for music. (of, for)

14. He has not replied to my letter. (to, by)

15. I am fond of music. (of, to)

16. She was married to my cousin. (to, with)

17. Who are you waiting for? (for, of)

18. This book consists of 100 pages. (with, of)

19. I am not jealous of you. (for, of)

20. Early rising is key to my good health. (of, to)


Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. You should not laugh …… him.

2. I am senior ……. you.

3. I prefer milk ……….. tea.

4. She is good ………… English.

5. I congratulated him ……. his success.

6. You should be ashamed ……….. your conduct.

7. What are you afraid ………… ?

8. I pray ………. God everyday.

9. He is angry ……. me …….. my behaviour.

10. She is tired ………… work.

11. I am true …….. my word.

12. I am sorry …….. this.

13. Why is she close ……… you?

14. Please listen …….. me.

15. She is obliged ……. you for your help.

16. Are you sure ………. your success?

17. The rich man runs ……… money.

18. He has applied ……… the Principal …… leave.

19. This car belongs ………. my uncle.

20. I don’t care …….. her.


1. You should not laugh at him.

2. I am senior to you.

3. I prefer milk to tea.

4. She is good at English.

5. I congratulated him on his success.

6. You should be ashamed of your conduct.

7. What are you afraid of?

8. I pray to God every day.

9. He is angry with me about my behaviour.

10. She is tired of work.

11. I am true to my word.

12. I am sorry for this.

13. Why is she close to you?

14. Please listen to me.

15. She is obliged to you for your help.

16. Are you sure of your success?

17. The rich man runs after money.

18. He has applied to the Principal for leave.

19. This car belongs to my uncle.

20. I don’t care for her.


Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1. Mr Gupta is blind …….. one eye.

2. Can man live ……… grass?

.3. I am not interested ………. music.

4. You should give ………. smoking.

5. Look …….. the blackboard.

6. I bought this hat …….. ten rupess.

7. I will go ……… Patna …….. car.

8. Wait ……… me. Don’t go ……… me.

9. May I pay ………. cheque?

10. The fact is known ………… me.

11. It is now six minutes …………. ten.

12. The train is ……….. to start.

13. No one writes to me ………… you.

14. What can I do ……. you?

15. He spoke ……. me ………. the evening.

6. He was blind ……….. birth.

17. The train starts ……….. Patna and goes ……… Delhi.

18. I am thankful …….. you ……. Mother ……… a knife.

19. The vegetables were cut …………. Mother ……… a knife.

20. I am interested ….. chess but I am not good ……… it.


1. Mr. Gupta is blind in one eye.

2. Can man live on grass?

3. I am not interested in music.

4. You should give up smoking.

5. Look at the blackboard.

6. I bought this hat for ten rupees.

7. I will go to Patna by car.

8. Wait for me. Don’t go without me.

9. May I pay by cheque?

10. The fact is known to me.

11. It is now six minutes to ten.

12. The train is about to start.

13. No one writes to me but you.

14. What can I do for you?

15. He spoke to me in the evening.

16. He was blind from birth.

17. The train starts from Patna and goes to Delhi.

18. I am thankful to you for your help.

19. The vegetables were cut by Mother with a knife.

20. I am interested in chess but I am not good at it.