Class 8 NCERT English Honeydew book Lesson 4 solutions

Lesson 4 Bepin Choudhary’s Lapse of Memory and The Last Bargain NCERT English Honeydew book answers.

Comprehension Check (Page 61)

Question 1: Why did the man stare at Bepin Babu in disbelief?

Answer: Parimal Ghose claimed to have met Bepin Babu in Ranchi in 1958. He was puzzled and looked at Bepin Babu in disbelief when the latter did not recognize him. Ghose then realized that Bepin had experienced a memory lapse regarding his time in Ranchi.

Question 2: Where did Bepin Babu say he went in October ’58?

Answer: Bepin Babu mentioned that he had visited Kanpur in October 1958 and spent the Puja festivities with a friend.

Question 3: Mention any three (or more) things that Parimal Ghose knew about Bepin Babu.

Answer: Listed below are a few details Parimal Ghose knew about Bepin Babu:

He had no children, lost his wife ten years ago, and his only brother had passed away due to insanity.

Bepin Babu had a fall at Hudroo, injuring his right knee.

During his stay in Ranchi, Bepin Babu opted for a bungalow as he disliked hotel food, preferring meals prepared by a personal cook.

Comprehension Check (Page 64)

Question 1: Why did Bepin Babu worry about what Parimal Ghose had said?

Answer: Bepin Babu was astonished by how much Parimal Ghose knew about his personal life. Ghose was aware of Bepin’s leg injury, his bag of books, the death of his wife, and his brother’s mental condition. After hearing so many specific details, Bepin Babu became convinced that Parimal had no reason to lie about his trip to Ranchi. This made him question whether he had indeed suffered a temporary memory lapse regarding his visit to Ranchi.

Question 2: How did try to decide who was right-his memory or Parimal Ghose?

Answer: Bepin Babu became deeply worried after his encounter with Parimal Ghose, who firmly insisted he had known him since 1958 during his visit to Ranchi. Moreover, when Bepin checked his right knee for the injury, he realized he had no recollection of it. To unravel the mystery surrounding his supposed Ranchi visit, Bepin Babu decided to contact Dinesh Mukerji to see if he remembered the events of 1958. He believed this was the only way to resolve his doubts and confusion.

Question 3: why did Bepin Babu hesitate to visit Mr. Mukerji? Why did he finally decide to phone him?

Answer: Initially, Bepin Babu was reluctant to visit Mr. Mukerji, fearing Dinesh’s cutting sarcasm. He dismissed the details Parimal Ghose had revealed at the bookstore, considering them false. However, the fact that Parimal knew so many personal details continued to bother him. Eventually, he decided to seek clarification from Mr. Mukerji. To avoid facing potential embarrassment in person, Bepin Babu opted to contact him over the phone instead.

Question 4: What did Mr. Mukerji say? Did it comfort Bepin Babu, or add to his worries?

Answer: Mr. Mukerji promptly checked his diary and confirmed that both he and Bepin Babu had indeed visited Ranchi in October 1958. This confirmation left Bepin Babu in a dilemma, as he couldn’t understand why he had no recollection of the trip.

Comprehension Check (Page 69)

Question 1: Who was Chunilal? What did he want from Bepin Babu?

Answer: Chunilal was an old schoolmate of Bepin Babu who had recently fallen on hard times and had been visiting Bepin Babu frequently, seeking help in finding a job. Although Bepin Babu knew there was little he could do to assist him, Chunilal continued to show up at his house persistently, much like an unwelcome guest.

Question 2: Why was Dr. Chanda puzzled? What was unusual about Bepini Babu’s loss of memory?

Answer: Dr. Chanda was perplexed after hearing about Bepin Babu’s memory lapse. He explained that this particular condition was beyond his usual experience. Bepin Babu’s case was unusual, as he remembered everything from his past except for his visit to Ranchi. Therefore, Dr. Chanda recommended that Bepin Babu visit Ranchi to see if any familiar surroundings or incidents might help trigger his lost memories.

Question 2: Why did Bepin Babu as a serious hardworking man. What evidence can you find in the story to support this?

Answer: Bepin Babu was known as a serious and hardworking man. He worked diligently every day at his office, a large firm where he held a responsible position. Having been with the company for the past twenty-five years, he had earned a reputation as a tireless and dedicated employee.

Question 3: Bepin Babu lost consciousness at Hudroo Falls. What do you think was the reasons for this?

Answer: At Hudroo Falls, Bepin Babu lost consciousness upon realizing it was his last chance to regain memories of his previous visit to Ranchi in 1958. Despite his efforts, no recollection surfaced, and he soon collapsed beside a boulder, accidentally breaking his hip in the fall.

Question 4: How do you think Bepin Babu reacted when he found out that Chunilal had tricked him?

Answer: When Bepin Babu discovered that Chunilal had tricked him, he was overwhelmed with remorse for not helping Chuni during his difficult times. He regretted turning him away and realized that, in his prosperity, he had truly fallen prey to forgetfulness—forgetting the true essence of friendship when it mattered most.

Working with language (Page 70-72)

Question 1: Fill in the blanks below using ‘had to/’have to/has to’

(i) I _______ cut my hair every month.

(ii) We _______ go for swimming lessons last year.

(iii) She ______ tell the principal the truth.

(iv) They _____ take the baby to the doctor.

(v) We ____ complain to the police about the noise.

(vi) Romit ________ finish his homework before he could come out to play.

(vii) I _____ repair my cycle yesterday.


(i) I have to cut my hair every month.

(ii) We had to go for swimming lessons last year.

(iii)She has to tell the principal the truth.

(iv) They had to take the baby to the doctor.

(v) We have to complain tot he police about the noise.

(vi) I had to repair my cycle yesterday.

Question 2:

Here are a few idioms that you will find in the story. Look for them in the dictionary.

First, arrange them in the order in which you would find them in a dictionary.

(Clue : An idiom is usually listed under the first noun, verb, adjective or adverb in it. Ignore articles or prepositions in the idiom.

To help we have put in bold the word under which you must look for the idiom in the dictionary.

(i) at/from close quarters (close, adjectives)

(ii) break into a smile (break: verb; look under ‘break into something’)

(iii) carry on (carry: verb)

(iv) have a clean record (you may find related meanings under these words)

Now refer to your dictionary and find out what they mean.


(i) at/from close quarters – This means stay nearby or close by.
(ii) break into a smile – This means to smile suddenly.
(iii) carry on – This means to continue with some task or work.
(iv) have a clean record – This means to have a clean conduct or track record.
(v) beat about the bush – This means to make rough guesses without proper knowledge

Question 3: Study the sentences in the column below.

I saw this movie yesterday.I have seen this movie already.
Bepin Babu worked here for a week last year.Bepin Babu has worked here since 2003.
Chunilal wrote a publisher last week.Chunilal has written to a publisher.
I visited Ranchi once, lone ago.I have visited Ranchi once before.

Compare the sentences in the two columns, especially the verb forms.

Answer the following questions about each air of sentences.

(i) Which column tells us that each pair of sentences.

(ii) Which column suggests that Chunila is now waiting for a reply from the publisher?

(iii) Which column suggests that the person still remembers the movie he saw?

(iv) Which column suggests that the experience of visiting Ranchi is still fresh in the speaker’s mind?


(i) column B
(ii) Column A
(iii) Column B
(iv) Column B
(v) Column B

Question 4:

Given below are jumbled sentences. Working in groups, rearrange the words in each sentence to form correct sentences.

You will find that each sentence contains an idiomatic expression that you have come across in the lesson. underline the idiom and write down its meaning. Then use your dictionary to check the meaning.

One sentence: vanished/The car/seemed to/into thin/have/air.

Ans: The car seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Idiom: vanished into thin air: disappeared or vanished in a mysterious way

(i) Stop/and tell me/beating about/what you want/the bush



(ii) don’t pay/if you/attention /you might/the wrong train/to the announcement/board



(iii) The villagers/tried/the crime/on the young woman/to pin



(iv) Bepin Babu/orders to/telling people/under/loved/doctor’s eat early/that he was



(v) the students/The teacher /his eyebrows/when/said that/all their lessons/raised/they had revised




(i) Stop beating about the bush and tell me what you want.
Idiom: beating about the bush – To avoid coming to the main point and talk vaguely
(ii) If you don’t pay attention to the announcement, you might board the wrong train.
Idiom: pay attention – To listen carefully
(iii) The villagers tried to pin the crime on the young woman.
Idiom: pin the crime – To place the blame or responsibility of a crime and implicate it on a wrong person
(iv) Bepin Babu loved telling people that he was under doctor’s orders to eat early.
Idiom: under doctor’s orders – To follow someone’s instructions
(v) The teacher raised his eyebrows when the students said that they had revised all their lessons.
Idiom: raised his eyebrows – To express surprise or doubt

Speaking and writing (Page 72)

Question 1: What do you think happened after Bepin Babu came to know the truth? Was he angry with this friend for playing such a trick on him? Or do you think he decided to help a friend in need?


When Bepin Babu discovered the truth about Chunilal’s trick, he felt deeply ashamed and remorseful, mixed with a sense of anger for not helping Chunilal when he had come seeking assistance. While Bepin Babu was upset with Chunilal for playing with his health, he was also relieved to know that he hadn’t suffered any memory loss after all. However, he soon realized that he had indeed fallen prey to a different kind of forgetfulness—forgetting the true value of friendship due to his wealth and status. This incident taught Bepin Babu an important lesson, and he resolved to always help a friend in need from that point forward.


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