Adverb Exercises for Class 6 with Answers

Adverb Exercises with Answers for CBSE Class 6: Kinds of Adverbs Lesson Solution from Elementary English Grammar Book by N.K. Aggarwala.

Kinds of Adverbs

The adverbs wisely, foolishly, fast, slowly, bravely and badly, show how or the manner in which an action is done. Such adverbs are called adverbs of manner. Adverbs of manner answer the question-“How?”

The adverbs outside, everywhere, here, there, out and forward show where an action is done. Such adverbs are called adverbs of place. Adverbs of place answer the question -“How?”

The adverb today, yesterday, tomorrow, daily, early, and immediately show when an action is done. Such adverbs are called of time. Adverbs of time answer the question – ‘When?’

The adverbs twice, always, often, seldom, and once show how often an action is done. Such adverbs are called adverbs of frequency. adverbs of frequency. Adverbs of frequency answer the question – ‘How often?’

These adverbs, which show how much or what extent a thing is done, are called Adverbs of degree. Adverbs of answers the question – ‘How much?’ In the above sentences, the adverbs quite, very, extremely, almost and nearly which are used with adjectives strong beautiful, hot, angry, and full, to add something to their meanings, are also called adverbs of degree.

In the above sentences, the adverbs when, where how, and why are used to ask questions. Adverbs which are used to ask question are called interrogative adverbs.

Adverb Exercises with Answers for Class 6

Exercise 6.1 Underline the adverbs in the following sentences, and say of what kind each is, and which word it modifies.
1. Slowly and sadly, we laid him down.
2. Manisha acted somewhere foolishly.
3. We looked for her everywhere.
4. The servant is paid monthly.
5. Speak gently to the poor.
6. The old farmer works hard.
7. She gets up early and goes to bed late.
8. The boy was walking fast.
9. Have you seen an Aeroplane go up.
10. The servant has gone upstairs.

1. Slowly and sadly, we laid him down.
Slowly (Adverb of manner, modifies “laid”)
Sadly (Adverb of manner, modifies “laid”)
2. . Manisha acted somewhere foolishly.
Somewhere (Adverb of place, modifies “acted”)
Foolishly (Adverb of manner, modifies “acted”)
3. We looked for her everywhere.
Everywhere (Adverb of place, modifies “looked”)
4. The servant is paid monthly.
Monthly (Adverb of frequency, modifies “is paid”)
5. Speak gently to the poor.
Gently (Adverb of manner, modifies “speak”)
6. The old farmer works hard.
Hard (Adverb of manner, modifies “works”)
7. She gets up early and goes to bed late.
Early (Adverb of time, modifies “gets up”)
Late (Adverb of time, modifies “goes”)
8. The boy was walking fast.
Fast (Adverb of manner, modifies “walking”)
9. Have you seen an Aeroplane go up?
Up (Adverb of place, modifies “go”)
10. The servant has gone upstairs.
Upstairs (Adverb of place, modifies “gone”)

Fill in the blanks with adverbs chosen from below.

Exercise 6.3 Match the following adverbs with their opposites.

1. Kindly(a) carelessly
2. Sadly(b) noisily
3. carefully(c) downward
4. Everywhere(d) joyfully
5. upward(e) cruelly
6. quietly(f) nowwhere


1. Kindly – (a) Cruelly
2. Sadly -(b) Joyfully
3.Carefully – (c) Carelessly
4. Everywhere -(d) Nowhere
5. Upward – (e) Downward
6. Quietly – (f) Noisily

Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs of degree.

Replace the phrases in italics 

Fill in the blanks with the correct adverbs.

Exercise 6.7 Find out three adverbs of each type- manner, time, place, and degree in the given ward search.


Adverbs of Manner:

  1. QUITE – Found in row 8, starting from column 2 to column 6.
  2. FOOLISHLY – Found in COLUMN 4 , ROW 2-12.
  3. SLOW (as part of “SLOWLY”) – Row 2-5, Column 8

Adverbs of Time:

  1. EARLY – Found in column 5, row 2-7.
  2. TODAY – Column 10, row 2-6.
  3. DAY– column 10, row 4-6.

Adverbs of Place:

  1. OUTSIDE – Found in row 1, starting from column 3 to column 10.
  2. HERE – Found in row 2, starting from column 4 to column 7.
  3. THERE – Found in row 2, starting from column 3 to column 7.

Adverbs of Degree:

  1. VERY – Found in row 12, starting from column 1 to column 4.
  2. ALMOST – Found in row 3, starting from column 7 to column 12.
  3. QUITE – Found in row 8, starting from column 2 to column 6.

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