Active and Passive Voice Exercises with Answers for class 8

Active and Passive Voice Exercises with Answers for class 8 and worksheet with solutions from the book Elementary English Grammar for CBSE and ICSE students.

Active to Passive Voice

Exercise 10.1 Turn the following Present Tense sentences from Active to Passive Voice :-

1. Simon teaches children the art of water colour painting.
2. We have donated a variety of books for the library.
3. The captain always encourages us to do our best.
4. Rehman wants to play in the One Day Matches against Sri Lanka.
5. What does the company charge as fee for this course?
6. Has someone seen my new bag?
7. Is she still working in this office?
8. You must help the poor.
9. Everyone laughed at the poor beggar.
10. The woman are praying in the temple.

1. Active: Simon teaches children the art of water colour painting.
Passive: Children are taught the art of water colour painting by Simon.
2. Active: We have donated a variety of books for the library.
Passive: A variety of books have been donated for the library by us.
3. Active: The captain always encourages us to do our best.
Passive: We are always encouraged by the captain to do our best.
4. Active: Rehman wants to play in the One Day Matches against Sri Lanka.
Passive: To play in the One Day Matches against Sri Lanka is wanted by Rehman.
5. Active: What does the company charge as fee for this course?
Passive: What is charged as a fee for this course by the company?
6. Active: Has someone seen my new bag?
Passive: Has my new bag been seen by someone?
7. Active: Is she still working in this office?
Passive: Is this office still being worked in by her?
8. Active: You must help the poor.
Passive: The poor must be helped by you.
9. Active: Everyone laughed at the poor beggar.
Passive: The poor beggar was laughed at by everyone.
10. Active: The women are praying in the temple.
Passive: The temple is being prayed in by the women.

Past Tense

Exercise 10.2 The following sentences are in the Past Tense. Active Voice, Turn them from Active to Passive Voice :-

1. My mother knitted this cardigan for me.
2.The villagers had lost all their possessions during the floods.
3. Did you forgot to post this letter yesterday.
4. The children were helping the teacher in decorating the class.
5. Did the police stop the strikers from doing damage to public property?
6. Why did you frighten the horses?
7. Someone stole my suitcase from the railway compartment.
8. He did not tell the members about the meeting on time.
9. She asked me to shut the door and lock it properly.
10. They believed that the experiment failed because of bad planning?

1. Active: My mother knitted this cardigan for me.
Passive: This cardigan was knitted for me by my mother.
2. Active: The villagers had lost all their possessions during the floods.
Passive: All their possessions had been lost by the villagers during the floods.
3. Active: Did you forget to post this letter yesterday?
Passive: Was this letter forgotten to be posted by you yesterday?
4. Active: The children were helping the teacher in decorating the class.
Passive: The teacher was being helped by the children in decorating the class.
5. Active: Did the police stop the strikers from doing damage to public property?
Passive: Was the damage to public property stopped by the police from being done by the strikers?
6. Active: Someone stole my suitcase from the railway compartment.
Passive: My suitcase was stolen from the railway compartment by someone.
7. Active: He did not tell the members about the meeting on time.
Passive: The members were not told about the meeting on time by him.
8. Active: She asked me to shut the door and lock it properly.
Passive: I was asked by her to shut the door and lock it properly.
10. Active: They believed that the experiment failed because of bad planning.
Passive: It was believed by them that the experiment failed because of bad planning.

Passive form

Correct passive form

Exercise 10.5 Rewrite the following passage in the Passive Voice in the Past Tense :-

The villagers witnessed a terrible train accident last night. The fire brigade fought the fire involving five bogies, while ambulance rescued the survivors. Ambulance took all the survivors to hospital. No one knows yet the cause of the accident. The government has ordered a full investigation. Newspapers and TV reporters have already interviewed many of the survivors. They say that there must be some eye witnesses. The police and the reporters are continuing the search.

A terrible train accident was witnessed by the villagers last night. The fire brigade fought the fire involving five bogies, while the survivors were rescued by the ambulance. All the survivors were taken to the hospital by the ambulance. The cause of the accident is not yet known by anyone. A full investigation has been ordered by the government. Many of the survivors have already been interviewed by newspapers and TV reporters. It is said by them that there must be some eye witnesses. The search is being continued by the police and the reporters.

Exercise 10.6 Rewrite the following passage in the passive form. (Future Tense) :-

The government is going to make an important in the announcement tomorrow. They will ban all cars from entering Delhi. They will enter according to their serial numbers. Cars ending in numbers 123 will not enter on Monday, 456 on Tuesday, 678 on Wednesday and so on. This will help people, as pollution is seriously affecting their health. The government is making plans for a new environment police force. After all they must do something before it is too late.

An important announcement is going to be made by the government tomorrow. All cars will be banned from entering Delhi. They will be allowed to enter according to their serial numbers. Cars ending in numbers 123 will not be allowed to enter on Monday, 456 on Tuesday, 678 on Wednesday, and so on. People will be helped by this, as their health is being seriously affected by pollution. Plans for a new environment police force are being made by the government. After all, something must be done by them before it is too late.

Exercise 10.7 Change the following sentences into the passive form according to the examples given :-

1. One must keep one’s promises.
2. The police may have caught the culprit by now.
3. You should do your duty come what may.
4. Without sincere hard work, you cannot achieve success.
5. You should have helped your brother when he needed it.
6. You ought to win this race, you have worked hard for it.
7. You might disturb the whole system by what you are doing.
8. We may revise the pay scales shortly.
9. We could hear the noise of the drums from a distance.
10. Why couldn’t you complete the building in the stipulated time.

1. Active: One must keep one’s promises.
Passive: Promises must be kept.
2. Active: The police may have caught the culprit by now.
Passive: The culprit may have been caught by the police by now.
3. Active: You should do your duty come what may.
Passive: Your duty should be done come what may.
4. Active: Without sincere hard work, you cannot achieve success.
Passive: Success cannot be achieved without sincere hard work.
5. Active: You should have helped your brother when he needed it.
Passive: Your brother should have been helped by you when he needed it.
6. Active: You ought to win this race, you have worked hard for it.
Passive: This race ought to be won by you, you have worked hard for it.
7. Active: You might disturb the whole system by what you are doing.
Passive: The whole system might be disturbed by what you are doing.
8. Active: We may revise the pay scales shortly.
Passive: The pay scales may be revised shortly.
9. Active: We could hear the noise of the drums from a distance.
Passive: The noise of the drums could be heard from a distance.
10. Active: Why couldn’t you complete the building in the stipulated time?
Passive: Why couldn’t the building be completed in the stipulated time by you?

Exercise 10.8 Change the following from Active into Passive :-

1. Shut the door.
2. Do not tell him anything about our new plan.
3. Spare no efforts in Completing this assignment.
4. Clear all the dues by the end of this week.
5. Don’t move.

1. Shut the door.
Let the door be shut.
2. Active: Do not tell him anything about our new plan.
Passive: Let nothing be told to him about our new plan.
3. Active: Spare no efforts in completing this assignment.
Passive: Let no efforts be spared in completing this assignment.
4. Active: Clear all the dues by the end of this week.
Passive: Let all the dues be cleared by the end of this week.
5. Active: Don’t move.
Passive: Let there be no movement.

Exercise 10.9 Use Let in the beginning of each of the sentences given in Exercise 8 above :-

Example : 1. Let us shut the door.

1. Shut the door.
Let the door be shut.
2. Do not tell him anything about our new plan.
Let him not be told anything about our new plan.
3. Spare no efforts in completing this assignment.
Let no efforts be spared in completing this assignment.
4. Clear all the dues by the end of this week.
Let all the dues be cleared by the end of this week.
5. Don’t move.
Let there be no movement.

Exercise 10.10 Change the following sentences into Passive form with the help of the words given in the box. one has been done for you :-

1. Keep; off the grass.
You are requested to keep off the grass.

2. Do not pluck flowers.
3. Do not trespass or you will be prosecuted.
4. All guests should be in their seats by five o’clock.
5. All members must follow the new rules.
6. Everyone expected Akhil Singh to win a medal at the Beijing Olympics.
7. They hope to find a cure for this disease soon.
8. Some still believe that Subhash Chandra Bose did not die in the air crash.

2. Active: Do not pluck flowers.
Passive: You are requested not to pluck flowers.
3. Active: Do not trespass or you will be prosecuted.
Passive: Trespassing is prohibited, or you will be prosecuted.
4. Active: All guests should be in their seats by five o’clock.
Passive: All guests are requested to be in their seats by five o’clock.
5. Active: All members must follow the new rules.
Passive: The new rules must be followed by all members.
6. Active: Everyone expected Akhil Singh to win a medal at the Beijing Olympics.
Passive: It was expected by everyone that Akhil Singh would win a medal at the Beijing Olympics.
7. Active: They hope to find a cure for this disease soon.
Passive: It is hoped that a cure for this disease will be found soon.
8. Active: Some still believe that Subhash Chandra Bose did not die in the air crash.
Passive: It is still believed by some that Subhash Chandra Bose did not die in the air crash.

Exercise 10.11 Change the verbs in the following sentences into either Active or Passive Form :

1. His performance in the shooting event was praised by everyone.
2. This Mall was built ten years ago.
3. By whom was this exercise written?
4. I was astounded by her stupid behavior at the club.
5. Let the post be advertised.
6. I should be allowed to attend the meeting by them.
7. You are not allowed to walk on the grass.
8. It is expected that the new changes in the salary structure will be announced shortly.
9. You are requested to be seated on time.
10. I found that my bag had been stolen from the bus before it reached Delhi.
11. The ticket will be given to you by my secretary tomorrow.
12. The parents will have been informed by post by them.

1. Passive: His performance in the shooting event was praised by everyone.
Active: Everyone praised his performance in the shooting event.
2. Passive: This Mall was built ten years ago.
Active: They built this Mall ten years ago.
3. Passive: By whom was this exercise written?
Active: Who wrote this exercise?
4. Passive: I was astounded by her stupid behavior at the club.
Active: Her stupid behavior at the club astounded me.
5. Passive: Let the post be advertised.
Active: Advertise the post.
6. Passive: I should be allowed to attend the meeting by them.
Active: They should allow me to attend the meeting.
7. Passive: You are not allowed to walk on the grass.
Active: They do not allow you to walk on the grass.
8. Passive: It is expected that the new changes in the salary structure will be announced shortly.
Active: They expect to announce the new changes in the salary structure shortly.
9. Passive: You are requested to be seated on time.
Active: They request you to be seated on time.
10. Passive: I found that my bag had been stolen from the bus before it reached Delhi.
Active: I found that someone had stolen my bag from the bus before it reached Delhi.
11. Passive: The ticket will be given to you by my secretary tomorrow.
Active: My secretary will give you the ticket tomorrow.
12. Passive: The parents will have been informed by post by them.
Active: They will have informed the parents by post.