Class 10 English words and expressions 2 solution unit 1

Here we have presented Class 10 English words and expressions 2 solution chapter 1.Increase your english knowledge with this book. Chapter name is ‘A letter to God’.

Let’s Begin

1. You have read about Lencho in ‘A Letter to God’, First Flight, textbook in English for class X. How has the story of Lencho moved you? What do you think about Lencho’s faith in God and his attitude towards the officials in the post office? Discuss his actions with your friends. Why does he do so?

2. The summary of the story of Lencho is given below. The sequence of the story is jumbled up.

Read the story again and rearrange the jumbled sentences to make a coherent story.

Write the correct order in numbers in the columnJumbled sentences
 But it rained heavily and hailstorm thrashed his corn field and all the corn was destroyed.
 He wrote To God’ on the envelope and posted it.
 Lencho predicated it will rain and it did. He and his wife were happy.
 Lencho felt desperate but believed that God would help him.
 Their corn field was longing for water.
 The postman and the postmaster laughed at Lencho’s letter but were surprised by the faith of the man.
 He wrote a letter to God asking for a hundred pesos to sow his field again and to survive util the next crop came up.  
 After some days, Lencho went to the post office to receive the money as the postmaster watched him.  
 He immediately went to the counter and asked for a pen and paper, wrote a few lines and posted the letter.
 Lencho, his wife and their children lived in a lonely house in a valley.
 When the postmaster opened the letter, it said “Oh! Thanks for sending the money. But I have received only seventy Pesos. Next time you please send the money directly to me. The people at the office are a bunch of crooks. They have taken the thirty pesos.
 HE opened the letter and was happy to find the money. He counted and found it was only seventy pesos.
 The postmaster collected about 70 pesos from his colleagues and sent it to Lencho.


1. Discussion on Lencho’s faith and attitude:

Lencho’s story in ‘A Letter to God’ reflects his unshakeable faith in God. His complete belief that God would help him, despite the loss of his crops due to the hailstorm, is admirable. However, Lencho’s attitude towards the post office officials reveals his naivety. He could not imagine that the officials, moved by his faith, collected money to help him. Instead, he assumed that the officials had stolen some of the money. This highlights his innocence and blind trust in God but also his lack of understanding of human kindness. Lencho’s unwavering belief in divine help is touching, but his suspicion towards the post office workers seems unfair, especially when they were the ones who tried to assist him.

Lencho’s actions show how deep his faith in God is, and his inability to recognize human effort mirrors the story’s theme of faith and irony. He doesn’t thank the post office workers, as he believes they stole part of the money, which adds to the ironic twist of the story. This raises questions about his awareness of human kindness and whether such pure faith can also make someone blind to the good actions of others.

  1. Correct order of the story
  2. Lencho, his wife and their children lived in a lonely house in a valley.
  3. Their corn field was longing for water.
  4. Lencho predicted it will rain, and it did. He and his wife were happy.
  5. But it rained heavily, and a hailstorm thrashed his cornfield, destroying all the corn.
  6. Lencho felt desperate but believed that God would help him.
  7. He wrote a letter to God asking for a hundred pesos to sow his field again and to survive until the next crop came up.
  8. He wrote “To God” on the envelope and posted it.
  9. The postman and the postmaster laughed at Lencho’s letter but were surprised by the faith of the man.
  10. The postmaster collected about 70 pesos from his colleagues and sent it to Lencho.
  11. After some days, Lencho went to the post office to receive the money as the postmaster watched him.
  12. He opened the letter and was happy to find the money. He counted and found it was only seventy pesos.
  13. He immediately went to the counter, asked for a pen and paper, wrote a few lines, and posted the letter.
  14. When the postmaster opened the letter, it said, “Oh! Thanks for sending the money. But I have received only seventy pesos. Next time, please send the money directly to me. The people at the office are a bunch of crooks. They have taken the thirty pesos.”

Reading Comprehension

Text I

Given below is a story of the tailor who has been known for his skills in cheating and stealing. Read in groups of four or in pairs. You may discuss the events and incidences of the story with your friends and write them in a sequential manner.

The Trader and the Tailor

There was a tailor who was known for beating others in the art of being light-fingered and thievery. A trader swore that even with a hundred attempts, the tailor would not be able to take a coil of thread from him without his knowledge.

The trader was told that many others, more intelligent than him, had been beaten by the tailor. They said he should not imagine himself so great, for his ego would only give him worse troubles in competition with the tailor. Still, the trader became more competitive and made a wager that the tailor would not be able to rob him of anything.

He wagered an Arab horse with those who taunted him. If the tailor failed to steal, then they would have to give him a horse instead. That night, the trader lay awake troubled by the situation and could not sleep a wink.

In the morning, he put a piece of satin cloth under his arm and went to the bazaar and entered the shop and saluted the cunning rogue warmly. The tailor sprang up from his seat and welcomed the trader, inquiring about his health with cordiality exceeding even that of the trader, planting in his heart great feelings of affection for him. When the trader heard these songs of sweetness from the tailor, he flung down the piece of silk saying, “Cut this into a coat for me and make it wide below my
navel so as not to hamper my legs and tight about it to show off
my figure.”

The tailor answered, “O! kindly man, I will do you a hundred services,” and accepted the order. He measured the satin and inspected the working surface and all the time chatted away to the trader in idle gossip, about other amirs and of bounties and gifts he had received from them, and about misers and their mean ways, and made the trader laugh with hysterics. During this beguiling talk, he was snipping away with his scissors rapidly, cutting as fast as his lips moved.

The trader was laughing, the tailor was cutting, the trader closed his eyes in joy, the tailor cut extra pieces, tucking them under his thighs, hidden away from all but God. From his delight at the tailor’s tales, the trader’s former boast went out of his mind. What satin? What boast? What wager? The trader was drunk on the jokes told by the tailor.

Then the tailor told such an incredible story that the trader fell over on his back with laughter. The tailor swiftly stitched a swatch of the satin to the hem of his underpants while the trader was paying no attention at all, greedily sucking with every guffaw at the jests the tailor told. The tailor continued to tell funnier and funnier tales and jokes until the trader was completely within his power.

With his eyes shut and his reason vanished, the bewildered and boastful trader was drunk with joy. And the tailor continued to cut, filching yet more of the beautiful cloth, with nothing to stop him now. And yet the trader begged for more.

You who becomes the slave of the jest, no story is more laughable than you yourself, think on this at the edge of your grave. How long will you listen to the lies of this world that leave your mind and spirit unhinged? The Universal Tailor will cut and stitch the hems of a hundred travellers,
silly as children.

Eventually the tailor became bored with the whole story and told the trader that he better leave before another tale was told, “For if I tell another one, the coat will be too tight for you, and you will stop laughing and weep tears of blood.”

Rumi (Abridged)

Did you enjoy the story of ‘The trader and the Tailor?

The story is summarised below. Read the story again with your friend and complete the paragraph using short sentences with the given hints.

Once there was a tailor who was known for ______________ (cheat and thievery). He could cheat anyone with his cunning way of deceiving people. A trader challenged that the tailor would not be able to cheat him. He ________ (go) the tailor with ________ (satin). The tailor ___________. (welcome). The trader ____________ (please) by the tailor’s praise. He told to make a coat for him. The tailor __________(praise) funny tales and the trader forgot _______ (bet). The tailor started snipping _____ and ________ (hide) Eyes of the trader _______ (tears and joy) and yet the trader kept on asking for _____ (stories). At last, the tailor told the trader that ________ (tight) and ___________ (weep -blood).


Yes, I enjoyed the story of “The Trader and the Tailor.” It has an engaging blend of humor and wisdom, showing how even the most confident people can be deceived by clever manipulation. The tailor’s cunning, coupled with the trader’s overconfidence, adds a layer of irony and teaches a lesson about ego, deceit, and the consequences of becoming too absorbed in distractions.

Here is the summary of the story, completed with short sentences:

Once there was a tailor who was known for cheating and thievery. He could cheat anyone with his cunning way of deceiving people. A trader challenged that the tailor would not be able to cheat him. He went to the tailor with satin. The tailor welcomed him warmly. The trader was pleased by the tailor’s praise. He told him to make a coat for him. The tailor praised him and told funny tales, and the trader forgot about the bet. The tailor started snipping the satin and hiding the pieces. Eyes of the trader were filled with tears of joy, and yet the trader kept on asking for more stories. At last, the tailor told the trader that the coat would be too tight and he would weep tears of blood.

The story is an insightful one about human nature, overconfidence, and the power of manipulation through words.


1. You have come across Relative Clauses in the lesson. ‘A Letter to God.’ Read about the relative clauses again. Complete the sentences given below in the table by adding the most

Contains meaning of words
stitches clothes
tell lies
won the best actor award this year
hit a century
is faithful
Need to fill in the application
Is a crook
Help themselves
Won the nobel prize
Believe in hard work

(a) A tailor is a person who stitches clothes.

(b) A dictionary is a book ________________

(c) The book is about a scientist ______________

(d) What is the name of the player ____________

(e) I don’t like people ___________

(f) What is the name of the actor ______

(g) Students ____________ should meet the principal in her office.

(h) Friends of the trader thought the tailor ________ and can cheat anyone.

(i) Lencho _________ thought God would help him.

(j) Those _______ will succeed.

(k) God helps those _______


(a) A tailor is a person who stitches clothes.

(b) A dictionary is a book which contains the meaning of words.

(c) The book is about a scientist who won the Nobel Prize.

(d) What is the name of the player who hit a century?

(e) I don’t like people who tell lies.

(f) What is the name of the actor who won the best actor award this year?

(g) Students who need to fill in the application should meet the principal in her office.

(h) Friends of the trader thought the tailor was a crook and can cheat anyone.

(i) Lencho who was faithful thought God would help him.

(j) Those who believe in hard work will succeed.

(k) God helps those who help themselves.

Editing :

1. Suppose Lencho gets a hundred pesos in his envelope. He writes a letter to God expressing his gratitude. However, he has missed a word in each line. Help him with those words so that his letter is complete.

Dear God !

Thank for

(a) sending a hundred pesos help.

(b) I am very for this kind gesture.

(c) You were my only and your

(d) help has my faith in you.

(e) This money will help me until the crop

(f) and I promise to hard in the future.

Sincerely yours,



Here is the edited version of Lencho’s letter with the missing words added:

Dear God!

Thank you for

(a) sending a hundred pesos as help.

(b) I am very grateful for this kind gesture.

(c) You were my only hope and your

(d) help has restored my faith in you.

(e) This money will help me until the crop grows

(f) and I promise to work hard in the future.

Sincerely yours,


1. Here is an interesting story. The story has been told in two ways. Story A has all the odd sentences (1,3,5,…) and story B has the even sentences (2,4,6,…). Working in pairs, one of you take up Story A and the other take up Story B. The person with Story A will read out the first sentence and the partner (person with story B) will write in the space provided. Then the person with Story B will read sentence two and the partner will write in the space for sentence two. Likewise complete the whole story. Once the story is completed, both of you will read out to each other to check whether you have listened carefully .to your partner and written the complete story.

Story A the RaceStory B The Race
1. Every evening the animals of the Machlipatti used to sit under the banyan tree.1. 
2.  _______________________2. One day kho-kho, the rabbit was feeling bored.
3. He said, “Lets run a reace!” “Who will run a race with you?3. _________________________________
4. ____________________________4. No one can run faster than you,” said Bahlu, the bear, eating a mango.
5 Choo-Choo, the rat, shouted, “No, he’s not the fastest runner.5. _________________________________
6. ___________________________________6. I can run faster than him.”
7. Everyone laughed at him.7. _______________________________
8. __________________________________Then it was diced to have a race between kho-kho and Choo-Choo.
9. The  
10. ______________________________10.  Coocku,  the cock crowed to start the race.
11. Kho-Kho and Choo-Choo started running.11. ________________________________
12. _________________________________12. After running half the distance, Kho-Kho looked back but Choo-Choo was nowhere to be seen.
13. “He must be far behind.”13. ____________________________________
14. ____________________________________14. When he was near the finishing point, Choo- Choo jumped over Kho-Kho’s shoulder and touched the neem tree first.
15. He shouted, “I’ve won the race! I’ve won the race!”15. __________________________________
16. __________________________________16. Everyone cheered for Choo-Choo


Story A:

  1. Every evening the animals of the Machlipatti used to sit under the banyan tree.
  2. (Person with Story B will write) One day kho-kho, the rabbit was feeling bored.
  3. He said, “Let’s run a race!” “Who will run a race with you?”
  4. (Person with Story B will write) No one can run faster than you,” said Bahlu, the bear, eating a mango.
  5. Choo-Choo, the rat, shouted, “No, he’s not the fastest runner.”
  6. (Person with Story B will write) I can run faster than him.”
  7. Everyone laughed at him.
  8. (Person with Story B will write) Then it was decided to have a race between Kho-Kho and Choo-Choo.
  9. The animals got excited about the race.
  10. (Person with Story B will write) Coocku, the cock crowed to start the race.
  11. Kho-Kho and Choo-Choo started running.
  12. (Person with Story B will write) After running half the distance, Kho-Kho looked back but Choo-Choo was nowhere to be seen.
  13. “He must be far behind.”
  14. (Person with Story B will write) When he was near the finishing point, Choo-Choo jumped over Kho-Kho’s shoulder and touched the neem tree first.
  15. He shouted, “I’ve won the race! I’ve won the race!”
  16. (Person with Story B will write) Everyone cheered for Choo-Choo.


1. Lencho, the main character in the story, is a farmer. HE supports his family through farming. The conflict in the story happens when a hailstorm strikes the field and destroyed his farm. All the hard work, for nothing! The entire land is wrecked by catastrophe. There is no one wo can help. Lencho’s complete faith in God is amazing during the calamity.

So, one type of conflict dominating in the story is man versus nature. Discuss with your partner the natural calamities that play havoc in the lives of people. Collect photography and make a visual presentation to share in the class.

2. Try writing a small poem on the topic man versus nature. Read the aloud the poem with the required stress and intonation, Given below is a poem written by Norman Littleford, which may help you think and compose.

Man Vs Nature

The heavens roared with thunder
as lighting filled the skies
was this god getting angry
or Nature’s big surprise.
Is Mother Nature telling us
the best way that she can
to stop the interference
and abuse she gets from man.
We marvel at her beauty
each time we look around
then their natural burial ground.
We forgot that Nature gives us
all that keeps us living
we take it all and still want more
but never think of giving.
We build across the countryside
progressing every day
but Mother Nature can’t progress
for man is in the way.

Noman Littleford


Part 1: Discussion on Natural Calamities

Natural calamities, such as floods, earthquakes, cyclones, and droughts, can cause immense destruction in people’s lives. Like Lencho’s situation in the story where his crops are destroyed by a hailstorm, many farmers and individuals worldwide face similar challenges. Natural disasters often lead to loss of livelihood, property damage, and even displacement of entire communities. Discuss with your partner how different calamities impact people’s lives, especially in rural areas where agriculture is the main source of income.

Collecting photographs of floods, wildfires, earthquakes, or droughts can help visualize the scale of damage these disasters cause. You can create a visual presentation highlighting how these events disrupt lives, livelihoods, and the environment. This presentation can be shared with the class to raise awareness about the real-life struggles faced by people during natural calamities.

Part 2: Writing a Poem on “Man vs Nature”

Here’s a small poem based on the topic “Man versus Nature,” which reflects on how human activities often interfere with nature’s balance:

Man and Nature’s Struggle
By (Your Name)

Beneath the sun’s soft, golden light,
The earth begins its daily fight.
With nature’s wind, the trees do bend,
But man builds walls that never end.

The rivers once flowed free and clear,
Now slowed by dams we engineer.
The forests tall, now cut to ground,
Nature’s cries are the only sound.

The storms, the quakes, the fires so wild,
Nature strikes back, no longer mild.
Yet still, we take more than we give,
Forgetting it’s from her we live.

So pause, reflect, and understand,
We must live gently on this land.
For nature fights, and always will,
If we forget her gentle skill.

This poem highlights the ongoing conflict between man’s progress and nature’s resilience. Now, read it aloud with appropriate stress and intonation, making sure to emphasize words that reflect the tension and the beauty of nature.


1. The tailor here is a cheat, but Lencho in the story, ‘A Letter to God’, is naive and simple. He has immense faith in God. How do you distinguish between Lencho and the tailor? What makes them different? Working in pairs, list the actions and qualities of Lencho and the tailor and draw their character sketches.

Action: What does the person do?What quality it reveals?
Lencho lost all his crops.He is helpless. Prays to God.
How does he manage the situation? ________________________________________
Does he harm anyone by his action? _________________________________________
How do others think of him? _______________________________________________
What is your judgement of him? ___________________________________________
He received  70 pesos and he thought 30 pesos and been stolen.__________________________________  

Now, Write the character sketch of Lencho and the tailor.

2. Writing a portrait or description of a person

Read the following description about two persons, Raavi and Mohini.

A portrait or a picture of a handsome young man in full sleeves shirt.
Raavi is an engineer in a manufacturing firm.
He likes to make, fix, and repair things.
He loves to watch television and goes to the movies thrice a month.
He is congenial and supportive.
He does not like to play, but goes for a morning walk everyday.
A portrait or a picture of a middle-aged lady who is a singer. She studied music and become a playback singer.
She likes to be with people and participates in social functions.
She loves music and reading books.
She is firm and a lady with a purpose.
She does not get time to exercise.

Now, write a description of any one of the above based on the details given. You may follow the process approach to writing. First, you read the given information in the box and make a list of describable (adjectives) points used for each person, in your own words. Secondly, take the help of these points to develop an outline in sentence form. Thirdly, use the outline and prepare the first draft of the description of the person and then edit the draft. Prepare the final copy after making all changes. The table below gives you ideas on how the Process Approach is helpful for improving your writing.

Writing: The Process Approach
The ProcessWhat do you do?
BrainstormingNote down as many ideas as you can about a given topic. Then arrange the ideas in a sequence.
OutliningCreate an outline of your writing— which ideas will go first, how will they be supported by evidence, will there be a picture, etc.
DraftingWrite the first draft; here the focus is on the content and not the form
RevisingRevise the first draft, improve it. Add or delete ideas and improve the language.
ProofreadingProofread the draft with the help of the teacher; here the focus is on the form and not the content.
Final draft Write the final draft now.


1. Distinguishing between Lencho and the Tailor:

Actions and Qualities of Lencho and the Tailor:

Lost all his cropsHelpless and prays to God for helpThe tailor is not involved in farming, his actions are unrelated.
Prays to GodReveals his immense faith in GodThe tailor doesn’t show such faith, and is focused on his material gain.
Receives 70 pesos but thinks 30 were stolenShows suspicion towards others but blames it on human dishonesty, not God.The tailor would deceive for personal profit, without remorse.
How he manages the situationWrites a letter to God, relying on divine intervention.Cheats others to manage his own situation, focusing on self-benefit.
Harmful to others?No, his actions don’t harm anyone intentionally.Yes, he harms others by cheating for his own gain.
How others perceive himAs a simple, honest, and naïve man with unwavering faith in God.Others likely see him as dishonest and untrustworthy.
Judgment of his characterHe is innocent, straightforward, but lacks understanding of human intentions.The tailor is crafty and greedy, valuing money over honesty.

Character Sketch of Lencho: Lencho, the protagonist of the story ‘A Letter to God’, is a simple and naïve farmer. He has immense faith in God and believes that God will help him in any situation. When he loses his crops to a storm, he does not lose hope but writes a letter to God, asking for money to survive. His actions show his helplessness but also his strong belief in divine intervention. Lencho’s simplicity is evident when he receives 70 pesos and believes that the rest of the money (30 pesos) was stolen by the post office workers, yet he does not question God’s integrity. He is hardworking, honest, and religious, but his lack of worldly knowledge makes him suspect the wrong people. Despite his simplicity, Lencho’s unshakeable trust in a higher power sets him apart as a man of faith.

Character Sketch of the Tailor: The tailor is the complete opposite of Lencho. He is depicted as a cheat, someone who deceives others for his personal gain. His actions reveal a lack of integrity and honesty. The tailor prioritizes his own profit over fairness and morality. Unlike Lencho, who trusts in God and does not harm anyone, the tailor is crafty and manipulative, harming others by exploiting their trust. His behavior reflects greed and a focus on material wealth. People likely view him as untrustworthy and dishonest, characteristics that stand in sharp contrast to Lencho’s innocence and simplicity.

2. Description of Raavi:

Adjectives/Describable Points:

  • Handsome
  • Young
  • Engineer
  • Likes to make and fix things
  • Watches TV and goes to movies
  • Congenial and supportive
  • Goes for a morning walk but doesn’t like playing


  1. Raavi is a handsome young man who works as an engineer in a manufacturing firm.
  2. He has a passion for creating, fixing, and repairing things, showcasing his practical and inventive nature.
  3. Although he enjoys watching TV and movies, going to the cinema thrice a month, he does not like playing sports.
  4. Raavi is congenial and supportive, making him well-liked by his peers.
  5. He stays active by going for a morning walk every day, which helps him maintain his health.

Draft: Raavi is a handsome young engineer who works in a manufacturing firm. He enjoys using his skills to create, fix, and repair things, reflecting his practical and inventive personality. While he loves watching television and going to the movies at least three times a month, he is not very interested in playing sports. However, he makes sure to stay active by taking a morning walk every day. Raavi is known for being congenial and supportive, which makes him popular among his colleagues and friends. His friendly nature and enthusiasm for helping others add to his appealing personality.

Final Copy: Raavi is a handsome and energetic young man, working as an engineer in a manufacturing firm. He has a natural talent for making, fixing, and repairing things, which showcases his practical and creative skills. Despite not being fond of sports, Raavi keeps himself physically active by going for a morning walk every day. He enjoys his leisure time by watching television and frequently visiting the cinema. Known for his congenial and supportive personality, Raavi is well-respected and liked by those around him. His warmth and willingness to help others make him a standout individual in both his personal and professional life.


1. You may have come across some people in your neighbourhood who might have inspired you with their actions, Talk to them about-

their childhood, their education, job, their likes and dislikes.

their contribution to the enrichment of their village or town, job, country, etc.

their interesting features and characteristics.

Request for their pictures, Based on the collected information, write their portraits and present it to the class. You may read on ‘How to do project work?’ given below.

How to do project work in the English language classroom?

In addition to the textbook activities, project work could be used as an effective strategy to promote collaborative ways of language learning where we work together in groups to do an activity. We collect information, ideas; observe the language being used; use language in real life situations; exchange views and debate on ideas; write the ideas into a report; edit our writing and produce the report in a suitable form. This helps in constructing ideas and analysing critical judgments
of the peers to arrive at a decision or conclusion. It would be of much benefit to learners, if projects planned are of an interdisciplinary nature.

Designing and managing projects

There are many ways students can be initiated to carry out projects.

Read books, newspapers, listen to the radio, watch TV, consult websites and encyclopedia, talk to people, observe events and proceedings, interview people, record audio/ video, collect pictures and illustrations, interpret them, and report.

Write field notes to remember and organise the data collected.

Bring your own ideas to the class and have a class discussion.

Use language meaningfully and precisely. If the meaning of learning is ‘meaning making’, the purpose is achieved fully while doing projects.

Learners should do the projects in group independently.
They should not ask their parents to do these or buy readymade products available in the market.

They may seek information or some help from parents or elders.

Planning, writing the draft and editing

Having collected the required data, information and ideas, plan and organise the data and interpret them to write the draft. It could be posters, a script of a play (enact and direct a play), songs, essays, etc. Editing is an important part of writing the report. Students should be made aware of process approach involved in writing a good piece of work. Then present it to the whole class or to the school during the
assembly or on special occasions (in case of play, songs, etc.).


Project: Portrait of an Inspirational Person in My Neighborhood

Step 1: Identifying the Person

In your neighborhood, there might be people who inspire you with their actions and contributions. For this project, you need to talk to one such person who stands out because of their dedication, unique qualities, or contribution to the community.

Step 2: Conducting the Interview

  • Childhood: Ask them about their upbringing, where they grew up, their early experiences, and their family background. Were there any events or challenges during their childhood that shaped their current values and behavior?
  • Education: Explore their educational journey. Did they face any difficulties or opportunities that influenced their career or personal growth?
  • Job: Talk about their job or occupation. How did they choose their career path? How do they feel about their work? How have they contributed to their profession, and how do they help others through their job?
  • Likes and Dislikes: Get to know their personal preferences. What hobbies or interests do they have? What motivates them or gives them joy? Are there any things they avoid or dislike?
  • Contribution to Society: Discuss their role in enriching the community, village, town, or country. Have they been involved in any projects, events, or social work? How have they made a difference in the lives of others?
  • Unique Characteristics: Observe their interesting traits. What makes them special? Do they possess certain skills, habits, or characteristics that set them apart?
  • Request for Pictures: Ask them if you can take or use their picture for the project.

Step 3: Organizing and Analyzing the Information

Write field notes during or after the conversation to remember important details. Then organize the data into categories like childhood, education, job, contributions, etc. Analyze what makes this person inspirational and unique.

Step 4: Writing the Portrait

After gathering all the information, draft the portrait in a meaningful and engaging way. The portrait could be divided into the following sections:

  1. Introduction: Briefly introduce the person, their role in the community, and why they are inspirational.
  2. Childhood and Education: Describe their early life, schooling, and any significant events that shaped them.
  3. Career and Contributions: Discuss their job and how they contribute to the development of the village, town, or country. Highlight any specific social or community projects they have worked on.
  4. Likes, Dislikes, and Personality Traits: Provide insights into their hobbies, interests, and unique characteristics. Mention any qualities that make them stand out, such as kindness, leadership, perseverance, etc.
  5. Conclusion: Summarize why this person is a role model and what makes them an important figure in the community.

Step 5: Editing

After completing the first draft, review it carefully. Make any necessary changes to improve the structure, clarity, and accuracy. Use appropriate language, grammar, and punctuation. Ensure that the portrait is coherent and engaging.

Step 6: Presentation

Prepare the final copy of the portrait, ensuring that all edits are done. You can also include the person’s picture, if available, to make the presentation more personal and engaging. Present this portrait to your class or during school assembly, and share the inspiring story with your peers.

Example: Portrait of Mrs. Sunita Verma, a Social Worker

Mrs. Sunita Verma is a remarkable woman who has made significant contributions to our local community through her tireless social work. Her passion for helping others and her selfless service have earned her immense respect among the villagers.

Childhood and Education:
Born in a small village, Mrs. Verma’s childhood was full of challenges. She lost her father at a young age and was raised by her mother, who instilled strong values of kindness and empathy. Despite financial struggles, she completed her education with the help of scholarships and later pursued a degree in social work.

Career and Contributions:
After completing her education, Mrs. Verma began working for an NGO that focuses on women’s empowerment and education in rural areas. She has organized literacy programs for underprivileged women, initiated vocational training, and helped establish self-help groups for women to become financially independent. Her efforts have transformed many lives, especially those of women who lacked basic education and employment opportunities.

Likes, Dislikes, and Personality Traits:
Mrs. Verma is a person of great integrity and compassion. She loves reading books on social justice and spends her free time organizing community workshops. Her dislike for inequality and injustice is what drives her to keep working hard. Known for her perseverance and calm demeanor, she handles even the toughest situations with grace.

Mrs. Verma’s dedication to improving the lives of others makes her a true inspiration. Her unwavering belief in the power of education and empowerment has touched many hearts, making her an essential figure in our village’s progress.


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