Sentences Exercises for Class 7 with Answers

Sentences Exercises for Class 7 with Answers, solved worksheet of Elementary English Grammar for CBSE and ICSE board students.

Identify the Sentence

Write (yes) on the group of words which are sentences and write (No) against those which are not.

Make sentences of the phrases

Exercise 1.2 Make sentences of the phrases in Exercise 1.
1. We arrived at the right time for the concert.”
2. “She offered me a piece of cheese from the platter.”
3. “What a stupid story you have told me; it doesn’t make any
4. The sun rises in the east every morning.”
5. I was tired of listening to the same music on repeat all day.”
6. “When the teacher enters the room, everyone should stand
7. “I did not like it when the movie ended abruptly.”
8. We will meet you at the station when your train arrives.”
9. Please come to the front of the class to present your project.”
10. “Can you come with me to the store for some help?”

Jumbled words into statements

Exercise 1.3 Turn the following jumbled words into statements (Assertive Sentences) :- One has been done for you.

1. Feeding is Richard hens the
Answer: Richard is feeding the hens.

2. them showed the policeman way the
3. mother us for a cake backed
4. built we have sandcastle a beach the near
5. threw Tom bridge over his ball the

2. The policeman showed them the way.
3. Our mother baked a cake for us.
4. We have built a sandcastle near the beach.
5. Tom threw his ball over the bridge.

Write questions for the sentences.

Exercise 1.4 Write questions for the sentences given below. One has been done for you :-

1. The children are swimming in the pond.
Answer: What are the children doing?

2. Kavita brought a beautiful painting from the exhibition.
3. No, I am not.
4. Miss Sharma is teaching her pupils History.
5. No, I haven’t.

2. What did Kavita bring from the exhibition?
3. Are you?
4. What is Miss Sharma teaching her pupils?
5. Have you?

Command, request or advice sentences

Turn the following jumbled group of words into command request or advice sentences

Exercise 1.5 Turn the following jumbled group of words into command request or advice sentences :- One has been done for you.

1. to me bring Mary quickly that book
Answer: Mary, bring that book to me quickly.

2. lean not do out the of window
3. on switch fan the please
4. serve must country we our
5. not be do the dogs afraid Mary of

2. Do not lean out of the window.
3. Please switch on the fan.
4. We must serve our country.
5. Mary, do not be afraid of the dogs.

Exclamatory Sentences

Turn the following sentences into Exclamatory Sentences.

Exercise 1.6 Turn the following sentences into Exclamatory Sentences :- one has been done for you.

1. She is wearing a lovely gown.
Answer: What a lovely gown she is wearing!

2. You are very kind.
3. Raman was making a lot of noise in his room.
4. I have been very foolish
5. She is very sick.

2. How kind you are!
3. What a lot of noise Raman was making in his room!
4. How foolish I have been!
5. How very sick she is!

Change the following statements into questions

Exercise 1.7 Change the following statements into questions:- One has been done for you.

1. He died for his country.
Answer: Did he die for his country?

2. He speaks good English.
3. They were making a noise.
4. Shantanu opened the lock with a pen Knife.
5. A piece of land with water all around, it is called an island.

2. Does he speak good English?
3. Were they making a noise?
4. Did Shantanu open the lock with a pen knife?
5. What is a piece of land with water all around it called?

Assertive, Imperative Interrogative or Exclamatory Sentences

State whether each of the following sentences is Assertive, Imperative Interrogative or Exclamatory

Exercise 1.8 State whether each of the following sentences is Assertive, Imperative Interrogative or Exclamatory. (Write A, I, In, or Ex.) :-

1. God save our Queen!
Answer: God save our Queen! – Ex (Exclamatory)

2. When are you leaving for Dubai?
3. The earth goes round the sun.
4. A thing of beauty is a joy forever!
5. Lend me your pen, please.
6. What an idiot you are!
7. Do not touch the exhibits.
8. Have you found your textbook, Aman?
9. Mind your own business.
10. The children go to bed by 10:30 p.m.

2. When are you leaving for Dubai? – In (Interrogative)
3. The earth goes round the sun. – A (Assertive)
4. A thing of beauty is a joy forever! – Ex (Exclamatory)
5. Lend me your pen, please. – I (Imperative)
6. What an idiot you are! – Ex (Exclamatory)
7. Do not touch the exhibits. – I (Imperative)
8. Have you found your textbook, Aman? – In (Interrogative)
9. Mind your own business. – I (Imperative)
10. The children go to bed by 10:30 p.m. – A (Assertive)

Make the following affirmative sentences Negative.

Exercise 1.9 Make the following affirmative sentences Negative :- one has been done for you.

1. Everybody knows that.
Answer: Nobody knows that.

2. Call all the girls here.
3. Someone called you.
4. Anybody can do that.
5. There is some milk in the jug.
6. She is able to lift the box.
7. Somebody wanted to see you.
8. She told me something about you.
9. Everyone knows who she is.
10. He lives somewhere near the post office.

2. Do not call any girls here.
3. No one called you.
4. Nobody can do that.
5. There is no milk in the jug.
6. She is not able to lift the box.
7. Nobody wanted to see you.
8. She did not tell me anything about you.
9. No one knows who she is.
10. He does not live anywhere near the post office.

Make the following negative sentences Affirmative

Exercise 1.10 Make the following negative sentences Affirmative :-

1. No one knows who he is.
2. There was nobody present at the time.
3. I do not know what she wants.
4. I will not have anything to do with her.
5. We had no sleep last night.
6. They have no holiday today.
7. They did not try very hard.
8. I know nothing about her.
9. He can play neither hockey nor football.
10. There is no milk in the jug.

1. Everyone is unsure of who he is.
2. Everyone was absent at the time.
3. I am unsure of what she wants.
4. I will have something to do with her.
6. They have a holiday today.
7. They made only a modest effort.
8. I am unfamiliar with her.
9. He can play neither hockey nor football.
10. The jug is empty.

Write the following Negative Sentences in another way

Exercise 1.11 Write the following Negative Sentences in another way :-

1. She has not done either her essay or her sums.
2. You can play neither hockey nor cricket.
3. We can wait here no longer.
4. He cannot give you more money.
5. You must never lie or cheat.
6. They were not making a noise.
7. They will not be staying with us.
8. She did not do her work well.
9. They had no holiday yesterday.

1. She has left both her essay and her sums undone.
2. You are unable to play hockey or cricket.
3. We must leave because we can no longer wait here.
4. He is unable to provide you with additional money.
5. Lying or cheating is something you should always avoid.
6. They were being quiet.
7. They will be staying elsewhere.
8. Her work was not done properly.
9. They worked through yesterday without a holiday.

Turn the following into Negative Questions

Exercise 1.12 Turn the following into Negative Questions :-
1. Will you do me a favour?
2. Can you wait a minute?
3. Are you in a hurry?
4. Is there more tea?
5. Was the house burnt down?
6. May we stay till the end?
7. Was it cold last night?
8. Have you done your homework?
9. Did you meet Ashok yesterday?
10. Is she well enough to attend the meeting?

1. “Won’t you do me a favour?”
2. “Can’t you wait a minute?”
3. “Aren’t you in a hurry?”
4. “Isn’t there more tea?”
5. “Wasn’t the house burnt down?”
6. “May we not stay till the end?”
7. “Wasn’t it cold last night?”
8. “Haven’t you done your homework?”
9. “Didn’t you meet Ashok yesterday?”
10. “Isn’t she well enough to attend the meeting?”

Add the correct tag question to the following sentences

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