Pronouns : Number, Gender and Case Exercises for class 6 with answers

Pronouns : Number, Gender and Case Exercises for class 6 with answers for online practice. Worksheet solutions of Elementary English Grammar for preparation of upcoming exams.

Choose the correct pronoun from the brackets

Fill in the blanks with I or me.

Fill in the blanks with we or us.

Fill in the blanks with he or him.

Fill in the blanks with she or her. 

Fill in the blanks with they or them.

Exercise 13.7 Pronouns must agree with the nouns and verbs in sentences. Rewrite the following sentences using the correct pronouns and verbs. One has been done for you.

1. When my grandpa visits, she like to go the museum.
When my grandpa visits, he like to go the museum
2. They were buying the house for himself.
3. The kids are going to play. We will play their Favourite game.
4. When my grandma visits, he always stay in my bedroom.
5. If my parents call, tell him I am not here.
6. My dad says they always win his soccer games.
7. She wanted to buy himself a new dress.
8. Mr Joseph called, and she asked me if I could stop by the church.
9. My father wants to know if I can go with her.
10. Lata and Sarita said we have to go to school on Friday.

They were buying the house for themselves.
3. The kids are going to play. We will play their favorite game.
4. When my grandma visits, she always stays in my bedroom.
5. If my parents call, tell them I am not here.
6. My dad says they always win their soccer games.
7. She wanted to buy herself a new dress.
8. Mr. Joseph called, and he asked me if I could stop by the church.
9. My father wants to know if I can go with him.
10. Lata and Sarita said we have to go to school on Friday.

Exercise 13.8 Read the following sentences and write whether the pronouns is in nominative (N), objective (O) or possessive (P) case.

1. They work in the same elementary school.
2. Mom assigns extra work to her and me.
3. I brought my purse, but Illa forgot hers.
4. For us the choice was difficult.
5. The house on the right is ours.
6. The dog like Jerry and me.
7. Here is your car. Ours is over there, where we left it.
8. Did she call the police?
9. Should they eat before band practice?
10. John nd Mary don’t like your house. Do you like theirs?

1. They work in the same elementary school. — Nominative (N)
2. Mom assigns extra work to her and me. — Objective (O)
3. I brought my purse, but Illa forgot hers. — Possessive (P)
4. For us the choice was difficult. — Objective (O)
5. The house on the right is ours. — Possessive (P)
6. The dog likes Jerry and me. — Objective (O)
7. Here is your car. Ours is over there, where we left it. — Possessive (P) (both “your” and “ours”)
8. Did she call the police? — Nominative (N)
9. Should they eat before band practice? — Nominative (N)
10. John and Mary don’t like your house. Do you like theirs? — Possessive (P) (both “your” and “theirs”)

Fill in the blanks suitable personal pronouns.

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