Noun Gender Exercise for Class 6

Noun Gender Exercise for Class 6 with Answers, worksheet of Elementary English Grammar book for online practice.

Noun : Gender

A noun that denotes a male person or animal is said to be of the masculine gender.
A noun that denotes a female person or animal is said to be of the feminine gender.
A noun that denotes a thing without life is said to be in the neuter gender.
A noun that denotes either a male or female is said to be common gender.

Noun Gender Exercise for Class 6

Exercise 11.1 Match the nouns in column A with their opposite gender in column B.

1. niece(a) heir
2. authoress(b) gentleman
3. madam(c) prince
4. empress(d) wizard
5. heiress(e) sir
6. widow(f) monk
7. princess(g) author
8. witch(h) nephew
9. nun(I) widower
10. lady(j) emperor


1niece – (h) nephew
2authoress – (g) author
3 madam – (e) sir
4empress – (j) emperor
5 heiress – (a) heir
6widow – (i) widower
7princess – (c) prince
8 witch – (d) wizard
9 nun – (f) monk
10lady – (b) gentleman

Fill in the blanks, choosing the right word.

Exercise 11.3 Rewrite the following sentences, changing the masculine nouns to the feminine. First has been done for you.

1. The tiger sprang at the hunter.
The tigress sprang at the huntress.

2. That man is the father of six sons.
3. The hero is a poet, prophet, and a priest.
4. The princess punished the man who was a traitor.
5. His nephews and brothers came to see him.
6. The prince took pity on the poor man. He brought him to his palace.
7. The lion carried away the son of a washerman.
8. The king gave the wizard a reward.
9. The bridegroom was a young man dressed very fashionably.
10. The king gave the shepherd a prize because he had saved the life of his son.
11. The king went to the dining hall to eat his dinner.
12. The prince rode as fast as he could to reach the fort in time.
13. The monk lived in a monastery and he never talked to anyone for years.
14. The father loved his youngest son and left all his money to him.
15. Papa, a gentleman has come to meet you.

1. The tigress sprang at the huntress.
2. That woman is the mother of six daughters.
3. The heroine is a poetess, prophetess, and a priestess.
4. The princess punished the woman who was a traitor.
5. Her nieces and sisters came to see her.
6. The princess took pity on the poor woman. She brought her to her palace.
7. The lion carried away the daughter of a washerwoman.
8. The queen gave the witch a reward.
9. The bride was a young woman dressed very fashionably.
10. The queen gave the shepherdess a prize because she had saved the life of her daughter.
11. The queen went to the dining hall to eat her dinner.
12. The princess rode as fast as she could to reach the fort in time.
13. The nun lived in a convent and she never talked to anyone for years.
14. The mother loved her youngest daughter and left all her money to her.
15. Mama, a lady has come to meet you.

Exercise 11.4 Make sentences of your containing the masculines of the following nouns.

1. Queen _______________________________________________.
2. Waitress ______________________________________________.
3. Heroine _______________________________________________.
4. Mother ________________________________________________.
5. Witch _________________________________________________.
1. Queen
The king was known for his wisdom and fair rule.
2. Waitress
The waiter took our orders with a cheerful attitude.
3. Heroine
The hero of the story saved the village from the dragon.
4. Mother
The father worked hard to provide for his family.
5. Witch
The wizard cast a powerful spell to help the kingdom.

Exercise 11.5 Make sentences of your containing the feminies of the following nouns.

1. Bridegroom _______________________________ .
2. Author ____________________________.
3. Actor ____________________________.
4. Policeman ___________________________.
5. Monk ________________________________.
1. Bridegroom
The bride looked radiant in her wedding dress.
2. Author
The authoress signed copies of her latest book at the event.
3. Actor
The actress received an award for her outstanding performance.
4. Policeman
The policewoman bravely intervened to stop the robbery.
5. Monk
The nun dedicated her life to helping those in need.

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