Pronouns exercises for class 6 with answers

Pronouns exercises for CBSE class 6 with answers. Elementary English Grammar by NK Aggarwala Worksheet and fill in the blanks solutions.


Pronouns are words that used instead of nouns in speaking and writing.

Kinds of pronouns

There are 7 type of pronouns :

1. Personal pronouns I, we, you, she, it, they, me, us, you, his, her, it, them.
2. Reflexive and Emphasising Pronouns myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
3. Demonstrative Pronouns this, that, these, those, such.
4. Indefinite Pronouns Some, one, none, few, all, many, others.
5. Distributive Pronouns each, either, neither.
6. Interrogative Pronouns what, who, which, whose, whom.
7. Relative Pronouns who, whose, whom, that, which.

Pronouns exercises for class 6 with answers

Fill in the blanks exercise with the correct pronouns

Exercise3.2 Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the bracketed nouns.

1. You have to listen to (mother) .
2. (Mrs Geetanjali) told (the neighbours ) to be quieter .
3. (Sandy) bought (a latte) from that coffee shop .
4. My baseball team wants (Dharmesh) to be the captain.
5. Can you please clean the (dogs) .
6. (Grandpa) wants to see me.
7. (The audience) is excited to hear the musicians play.
8. (This movie) makes my whole family laugh .

1. You have to listen to her (mother).
2. She (Mrs. Geetanjali) told them (the neighbors) to be quieter.
3. Sandy bought a latte from that coffee shop.
4. My baseball team wants him (Dharmesh) to be the captain.
5. Can you please clean them (the dogs)?
6. He (Grandpa) wants to see me
7. They (The audience) is excited to hear the musicians play.
8. It (This movie) makes my whole family laugh.

1. Reflexive pronouns The pronouns and itself, behave like objects to the verbs, but they refer to the subjects of the verbs. Such pronouns are called reflexive pronouns.

2. Emphasising pronouns The pronouns myself, ourselves, yourselves, himself, herself, themselves and itself, are used with a noun or pronoun for the sake of emphasis. They are, therefore, called emphasising pronouns .

Exercise 3.3 Write the pronouns in the following sentences, and say which are reflexive pronouns and which are emphasising.

1. The boys hid themselves ___________ .
2. The prisoner injured himself _________.
3. Pray do not inconvenience yourself ________.
4. The queen herself came to see the magician _________.
5. They themselves admitted their guilt __________ .
6. You yourself are to blame for this ___________ .


1. The boys hid themselves in the barn. (reflexive)
2. The prisoner injured himself during the escape. (reflexive)
3. Pray do not inconvenience yourself on my account. (reflexive)
4. The queen herself came to see the magician in person. (emphasizing)
5. They themselves admitted their guilt to the judge. (emphasizing)
6. You yourself are to blame for this situation. (emphasizing)

Exercise 3.4 Fill in the blanks with the correct emphasising or reflexive Pronouns .

1. Sometimes, we deceive _____________.
2. She talked to __________ .
3. The king ___________ was there.
4. The wall _________ fell .
5. They __________ were present there.
6. The man hurt _____________ .
7. I __________ went to see her .
8. We enjoyed __________ .
9. They blamed ___________.
10. We ___________ heard her saying so.

1. Sometimes, we deceive ourselves. (reflexive)
2. She talked to herself. (reflexive)
3. The king himself was there. (emphasizing)
4. The wall itself fell. (emphasizing)
5. They themselves were present there. (emphasizing)
6. The man hurt himself. (reflexive)
7. I myself went to see her. (emphasizing)
8. We enjoyed ourselves. (reflexive)
9. They blamed themselves. (reflexive)
10. We ourselves heard her saying so. (emphasizing)

3. Demonstrative pronouns In the above sentences, this, these, that, those, and such are use to point out the object or objects for which they are used. This and These refer to things near at hand; that and those refer to things lying at a distance. They are, therefore, called demonstrative pronouns.

Exercise 3.5 Write the demonstrative pronouns and circle the demonstrative adjectives in the following sentences.

1. This pen is mine; that pen is your.
2. This is how you must do it.
3. These are mere excuses.
4. What is that noise?
5. That is a sound rule of health.
6. This house is to let.

1. This pen is mine; that pen is yours.
That (demonstrative adjective)
This (demonstrative adjective)
2. This is how you must do it.
This (demonstrative pronoun)
3. These are mere excuses.
These (demonstrative pronoun)
4. What is that noise?
That (demonstrative adjective)
5. That is a sound rule of health.
That (demonstrative pronoun)
6. This house is to let.
This (demonstrative adjective)

Exercise 3.6 Fill in the blanks with suitable demonstrative pronouns .
1. __________ is my book; ____________ is yours.
2. __________ are sweet grapes; __________ are sour.
3. The climate of Punjab is better then ______________ of Mumbai.
4. Both books are good, but _____________ is better then.
5. The streets of Mumbai are wider then __________ of Kolkata .
6. ________ are my pens, ___________ are yours.

1. This is my book; that is yours.
2. These are sweet grapes; those are sour.
3. The climate of Punjab is better than that of Mumbai.
4. Both books are good, but this is better than that.
5. The streets of Mumbai are wider than those of Kolkata.
6. These are my pens; those are yours.

4. Indefinite pronouns the pronouns all, some, many, few, one, none, and others refer to person or things in a general way. They do not refer to any particular person or thing. Such pronouns are called indefinite pronouns.

5. Distributive pronouns The pronouns each, either and neither refer to a number of persons or things, one at a time. Such pronouns are called distributive pronouns. These pronouns are always singular and are always followed by a verb in the singular.

Exercise 3.8 Underline the distributive pronouns and circle the distributive adjective in the following sentences.
1. Each of the boys was given a prize.
2. Either of these books will do.
3.Niether of these statements is false.
4. Each boy was praised.
5. Neither of the boys was punished.
6. At either end, there was a tree.

1. Each of the boys was given a prize. – Each (distributive pronoun)
2. Either of these books will do. – Either (distributive pronoun)
3 Neither of these statements is false. – Neither (distributive pronoun)
4. Each boy was praised. – Each (distributive adjective)
5. Neither of the boys was punished. – Neither (distributive pronoun)
6. At either end, there was a tree. – Either (distributive adjective)

6. Interrogative pronouns the pronouns who, what, which, whom and whose are used asking questions. Pronouns used for asking questions are called interrogative pronouns.

Exercise 3.9 Fill in the blanks with suitable interrogative or adjective.
1. To __________ did you give the massage?
2. To _________ are you speaking.?
3. _____________ were you speaking to?
4. ___________ was she dancing with?
5. ___________ things is better, health or ?
6. ____________ of these dolls will you take?
7. ___________ of these girls stood out first?
8. ___________ road should I take?
9. ___________ do you refer, milk or tea?
10. ___________ are you waiting for?

1. To whom did you give the message?
2. To whom are you speaking?
3. Whom were you speaking to?
4. Whom was she dancing with?
5. Which things is better, health or wealth?
6. Which of these dolls will you take?
7. Which of these girls stood out first?
8. Which road should I take?

7. Relative Pronouns the pronouns who, whom, whose, which, and that, which join two sentences and refer back to nouns going before the, are called relative pronouns .

Exercise 3.10 Underline the relative pronouns and write circle to antecedents in the followings sentences.
1. God helps those who help themselves.
2. It is only donkey that bray.
3. Bring me the clothes which the dhobi has washed.
4. This is the man whose mother died.
5. Is this the cup that you broke.
6. We love those persons who are kind to us.
7. Ashoka was the wisest king that ever lived.
8.This is the juggler whom we saw yesterday.
9. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.
10. I hate the People who are cruel.

1. God helps those who help themselves.
Antecedent: those (circle)
Relative Pronoun: who (underline)
2. It is only donkeys that bray.
Antecedent: donkeys (circle)
Relative Pronoun: that (underline)
3. Bring me the clothes which the dhobi has washed.
Antecedent: clothes (circle)
Relative Pronoun: which (underline)
4.This is the man whose mother died.
Antecedent: man (circle)
Relative Pronoun: whose (underline)
5. Is this the cup that you broke?
Antecedent: cup (circle)
Relative Pronoun: that (underline)
6. We love those persons who are kind to us.
Antecedent: persons (circle)
Relative Pronoun: who (underline
7. Ashoka was the wisest king that ever lived.
Antecedent: king (circle)
Relative Pronoun: that (underline)
8. This is the juggler whom we saw yesterday.
Antecedent: juggler (circle)
Relative Pronoun: whom (underline)
9. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.
Antecedent: child (circle)
Relative Pronoun: whose (underline)
10. I hate the people who are cruel.
Antecedent: people (circle)
Relative Pronoun: who (underline)

Fill in the blanks exercise with Suitable relative pronouns

Exercise 3.12 Join each of the following pairs of sentences by mean of a relative pronouns.
1.He is a rogue. No one trusts him.
2. We got into a bus. It was full of passengers.
3. I saw a juggler. He was showing his tricks.
4. Here is the book. You lost it yesterday.
5. Here is the pen. you were looking for it. 0
6. We met a boy. He had lost his way.
7. My brother is in Mumbai. I loved my brother.
8. These are the boys. Their parents are here.
9. Tarun lost the pen. Tarun was warned.
10. That is the man. We saw him yesterday.


  1. He is a rogue whom no one trusts.
  2. We got into a bus which was full of passengers.
  3. I saw a juggler who was showing his tricks.
  4. Here is the book that you lost yesterday.
  5. Here is the pen which you were looking for.
  6. We met a boy who had lost his way.
  7. My brother, whom I loved, is in Mumbai.
  8. These are the boys whose parents are here.
  9. Tarun, who was warned, lost the pen.
  10. That is the man whom we saw yesterday.

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