
Wither (V)

Pronunciation: /ˈwɪðər/

Word Meaning:

  1. (Of a plant) to become dry and shriveled.
  2. (Of a person or thing) to decline or deteriorate gradually.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Without water, the flowers will wither and die.
  2. His hopes began to wither as the project faced repeated setbacks.
  3. The once-thriving town began to wither after the factory closed down.

Synonyms: wilt, shrivel, fade, droop, decline, deteriorate, weaken.

Antonyms: thrive, flourish, bloom, grow, prosper, strengthen.

Word Meaning in Hindi: सूख जाना (Sookh Jana), मुरझाना (Murjhana).

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. पानी के बिना, फूल सूख जाएंगे और मर जाएंगे। (Without water, the flowers will wither and die.)
  2. उसकी आशाएं परियोजना के बार-बार हुए विफलताओं के सामने मुरझाने लगीं। (His hopes began to wither as the project faced repeated setbacks.)
  3. पहले सशक्त शहर फैक्ट्री बंद होने के बाद मुरझाने लगा। (The once-thriving town began to wither after the factory closed down.)

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