
Wean (V)

Pronunciation: /wiːn/

Word Meaning: To gradually accustom (a young child or animal) to food other than its mother’s milk, or to cause (someone) to gradually give up a habit or dependence.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The mother decided it was time to wean her baby onto solid foods.
  2. He tried to wean himself off caffeine by drinking less coffee each day.
  3. Farmers wean the calves from their mothers at around six months of age.


  1. Accustom, familiarize, habituate, acclimate.
  2. Detoxify, break, break off, discontinue.


  1. Nurse, breastfeed, suckle.
  2. Indulge, continue, maintain.

Word Meaning in Hindi: दूध छुड़ाना (Doodh Chhudana), पालना (Paalna), अभिरुचि कम करना (Abhiruchi Kam Karna).

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. माँ ने अपने शिशु को ठोस भोजन के लिए दूध छुड़ाने का समय ठान लिया। (The mother decided it was time to wean her baby onto solid foods.)
  2. वह खुद को कैफीन से अधिक पिने से बचाने के लिए प्रतिदिन कम कॉफी पीने की कोशिश की। (He tried to wean himself off caffeine by drinking less coffee each day.)
  3. किसान अपने बछड़े को उसकी माँ से लगभग छह महीने की उम्र में पालने से अलग करते हैं। (Farmers wean the calves from their mothers at around six months of age.)

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