
Wastrel (N)

Pronunciation: /ˈweɪstrəl/

Word Meaning:

  1. A person who wastes their time, money, or talents in a reckless or irresponsible manner.
  2. Someone who is idle, extravagant, or dissolute.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. He was considered a wastrel by his family due to his habit of squandering money on frivolous pursuits.
  2. The young man was once a promising student, but he turned into a wastrel after inheriting a large fortune.
  3. It’s difficult to trust a wastrel with important responsibilities.


  1. Prodigal, spendthrift, squanderer, idler, good-for-nothing.
  2. Dissolute, degenerate, libertine, ne’er-do-well.


  1. Thrifty, prudent, economical, diligent, responsible.
  2. Industrious, hardworking, diligent, productive.

Word Meaning in Hindi: फिजूलखर्च (Fijoolkharch), उड़ता हुआ पैसा (Udata Hua Paisa), लापरवाह (Laparwah).

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसके परिवार द्वारा उसे अपने विलक्षण पीछे के बारे में फिजूलखर्च करने की आदत के कारण एक फिजूलखर्च के रूप में विचार किया गया। (He was considered a wastrel by his family due to his habit of squandering money on frivolous pursuits.)
  2. वह जवान व्यक्ति एक उम्मीदवार छात्र था, लेकिन उसने एक बड़ी धनराशि को विरासत में लेने के बाद एक फिजूलखर्च में बदल गया। (The young man was once a promising student, but he turned into a wastrel after inheriting a large fortune.)
  3. एक फिजूलखर्च को महत्वपूर्ण जिम्मेदारियों के साथ भरोसा करना मुश्किल होता है। (It’s difficult to trust a wastrel with important responsibilities.)

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