
Variegated (Adj.)

Pronunciation: vair-ee-uh-gey-tid

Word Meaning: Variegated describes something that has different colors, marks, or patches, often creating a colorful or diversified pattern.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The variegated leaves of the plant added beauty to the garden.
  2. She wore a variegated scarf with hues of blue, green, and yellow.
  3. The variegated landscape of the region offered breathtaking views at every turn.


  1. Multicolored
  2. Diversified
  3. Mottled
  4. Speckled
  5. Patchy


  1. Monochrome
  2. Uniform
  3. Homogeneous
  4. Plain
  5. Single-colored

Word Meaning in Hindi: चित्रित / बहुरंगी

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. पौधे के विभिन्न रंगीन पत्तों ने बगीचे में सुंदरता जोड़ दी। (The variegated leaves of the plant added beauty to the garden.)
  2. उसने नीले, हरे और पीले के रंगों के साथ एक बहुरंगी स्कार्फ पहना। (She wore a variegated scarf with hues of blue, green, and yellow.)
  3. क्षेत्र के चित्रित परिदृश्यों के हर मोड़ पर आश्चर्यजनक दृश्य प्रस्तुत करता है। (The variegated landscape of the region offered breathtaking views at every turn.)

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