
Vanish (V)

Pronunciation: VAN-ish

Word Meaning: To vanish means to disappear suddenly or completely, often without leaving a trace.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The magician made the rabbit vanish from the hat with a wave of his wand.
  2. The footprints in the sand were soon washed away by the tide, causing them to vanish.
  3. When the lights went out, the intruder seemed to vanish into thin air.


  1. Disappear
  2. Evaporate
  3. Fade
  4. Dissipate
  5. Vanquish


  1. Appear
  2. Materialize
  3. Emerge
  4. Reappear
  5. Manifest

Word Meaning in Hindi: गायब हो जाना / लापता हो जाना

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. जादूगर ने अपनी छड़ी के झटके से टोपी से खरगोश को गायब कर दिया। (The magician made the rabbit vanish from the hat with a wave of his wand.)
  2. रेत में पड़े पैरों के निशान जल्द ही तूफान द्वारा धो दिए गए, जिससे वे गायब हो गए। (The footprints in the sand were soon washed away by the tide, causing them to vanish.)
  3. जब बिजलियाँ बंद हो गईं, तो चोर को ऐसा लगा कि वह हवा में गायब हो गया। (When the lights went out, the intruder seemed to vanish into thin air.)

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