
Vacillate (V)

Pronunciation: VAS-uh-leyt

Word Meaning: Vacillate means to waver or hesitate in making a decision or choice, often due to indecision or uncertainty.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. He tends to vacillate between different options when faced with a difficult choice.
  2. The government’s vacillating policies only added to the confusion among the public.
  3. Despite his strong opinions, he often vacillated on important matters.


  1. Hesitate
  2. Fluctuate
  3. Dither
  4. Waver
  5. Teeter


  1. Decide
  2. Commit
  3. Resolve
  4. Firm
  5. Steady

Word Meaning in Hindi: अस्थिर रहना / हिचकिचाना

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. जब कोई कठिन चुनौती का सामना करता है, तो वह विभिन्न विकल्पों के बीच डट जाता है। (He tends to vacillate between different options when faced with a difficult choice.)
  2. सरकार की अस्थिर नीतियों ने केवल जनता में गड़बड़ी को बढ़ावा दिया। (The government’s vacillating policies only added to the confusion among the public.)
  3. अपनी मजबूत रायों के बावजूद, वह अक्सर महत्वपूर्ण मामलों पर हिचकिचाता रहता है। (Despite his strong opinions, he often vacillated on important matters.)

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