
Unswerving (Adj.)

Pronunciation: /ʌnˈswərvɪŋ/

Word Meaning:

  1. Not changing or becoming weaker; steady or constant.
  2. Firmly committed or loyal; steadfast.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Despite facing many challenges, he remained unswerving in his dedication to the cause.
  2. Her unswerving loyalty to her friends earned her their trust and admiration.


  1. Steadfast, constant, unwavering, resolute, determined, staunch
  2. Devoted, loyal, faithful, dedicated, committed


  1. Variable, wavering, fickle, inconsistent
  2. Disloyal, unreliable, unfaithful, treacherous

Word Meaning in Hindi:

  1. अटल (Atal), निष्ठापूर्ण (Nishthapurna), अक्षर (Akshar)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. अपने मित्रों के प्रति उनकी अटल निष्ठा ने उन्हें उनका विश्वास और सराहना दिलाई। (His unswerving loyalty to his friends earned them their trust and admiration.)

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