
Unmitigated (Adj.)

Pronunciation: uhn-mit-i-gey-tid

Word Meaning: Unmitigated refers to something that is absolute, complete, or not lessened or moderated in any way, especially in terms of negative qualities.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The team’s failure was an unmitigated disaster for the company, resulting in massive financial losses.
  2. Her unmitigated arrogance made it difficult for others to work with her.
  3. The project’s unmitigated success exceeded everyone’s expectations.


  1. Absolute
  2. Total
  3. Utter
  4. Complete
  5. Sheer


  1. Mitigated
  2. Moderated
  3. Partial
  4. Limited
  5. Alleviated

Word Meaning in Hindi: अदृढ़ / पूर्ण

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. टीम की असफलता कंपनी के लिए एक पूर्ण आपदा थी, जिससे वित्तीय नुकसान हुए। (The team’s failure was an unmitigated disaster for the company, resulting in massive financial losses.)
  2. उसकी पूर्ण अहंकार ने अन्यों के साथ काम करने में कठिनाई डाल दी। (Her unmitigated arrogance made it difficult for others to work with her.)
  3. परियोजना की पूर्ण सफलता ने सभी की अपेक्षाओं को पार किया। (The project’s unmitigated success exceeded everyone’s expectations.)

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