
Unimpeachable (Adj.)

Pronunciation: uhn-im-pee-chuh-buhl

Word Meaning: Unimpeachable describes something or someone that is beyond doubt, suspicion, or reproach; unquestionable in integrity or credibility.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Her impeccable track record and unimpeachable reputation made her the ideal candidate for the position.
  2. The judge’s impartiality and unimpeachable integrity ensured a fair trial for all parties involved.
  3. Despite the intense scrutiny, his alibi remained unimpeachable, and he was acquitted of all charges.


  1. Reliable
  2. Trustworthy
  3. Irrefutable
  4. Indisputable
  5. Faultless


  1. Suspect
  2. Questionable
  3. Dubious
  4. Unreliable
  5. Flawed

Word Meaning in Hindi: निष्कलंक / अपराधरहित

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसका अपराधरहित चरित्र और अद्वितीय प्रतिष्ठा उसे पद के लिए आदर्श उम्मीदवार बनाते हैं। (Her impeccable track record and unimpeachable reputation make her the ideal candidate for the position.)
  2. न्यायाधीश का निष्कलंक न्यायपालन और निष्पक्षता सभी पक्षों के लिए एक न्यायिक परीक्षा सुनिश्चित करते हैं। (The judge’s impeccable administration of justice and impartiality ensure a fair trial for all parties involved.)
  3. तीव्र निगरानी के बावजूद, उसका अलाइबी अपराधरहित रहा, और उसे सभी आरोपों से बरी कर दिया गया। (Despite intense scrutiny, his alibi remained unimpeachable, and he was acquitted of all charges.)

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