
Turgid (Adj.)

Pronunciation: TUR-jid

Word Meaning: Turgid describes language or style that is excessively ornate, inflated, or grandiloquent, often to the point of being pompous or pretentious.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The professor’s lectures were often criticized for their turgid prose.
  2. The writer’s turgid writing style made the book difficult to read.

Synonyms: Bombastic, grandiloquent, pompous, verbose, florid, inflated

Antonyms: Simple, plain, straightforward, concise, unadorned, modest

Word Meaning in Hindi: भावशून्य (Bhaavshuny), विविध्र (Vividhra)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. प्रोफेसर की व्याख्यानों की वाक्यशैली की तुलना में उन्हें अक्सर भावशून्य कहा जाता था। (The professor’s lectures were often criticized for their turgid prose.)
  2. लेखक की भावशून्य लेखन शैली ने किताब को पढ़ने में कठिनाई पहुंचाई। (The writer’s turgid writing style made the book difficult to read.)

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