
Truculent (Adj.)

Pronunciation: TRUHK-yuh-luhnt

Word Meaning: Truculent describes someone who is aggressive, belligerent, or prone to fighting or conflict. It can also refer to something that is fierce or savage in nature.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The truculent attitude of the customer made it difficult for the staff to handle the situation peacefully.
  2. The truculent behavior of the dog made it clear that it was not friendly.

Synonyms: Aggressive, hostile, combative, bellicose, pugnacious, confrontational

Antonyms: Peaceful, docile, friendly, cooperative, amiable, conciliatory

Word Meaning in Hindi: आक्रामक (Aakramak), झगड़ालू (Jhagralu)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. ग्राहक का आक्रामक रवैया कर्मचारियों को स्थिति को शांति से संभालना मुश्किल बना दिया। (The truculent attitude of the customer made it difficult for the staff to handle the situation peacefully.)
  2. कुत्ते का आक्रामक व्यवहार स्पष्ट करता था कि यह दोस्ताना नहीं था। (The truculent behavior of the dog made it clear that it was not friendly.)

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