
Truckle (V)

Pronunciation: TRUHK-uhl

Word Meaning: Truckle, as a verb, means to act in a subservient or submissive manner, especially to comply with the wishes or demands of someone else, often out of fear or a desire for favor or advantage.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. He refused to truckle to the demands of his boss and stood up for what he believed in.
  2. The politician was criticized for truckling to the interests of wealthy donors rather than serving the needs of the people.

Synonyms: Submit, yield, capitulate, kowtow, grovel, comply

Antonyms: Resist, defy, oppose, challenge, rebel, assert

Word Meaning in Hindi: चापलूसी करना (Chaaplusi Karna), पालन-पोषण करना (Paalan-Poshan Karna)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसने अपने बॉस की माँगों का स्वागत करने से इनकार किया और उसे वहीं खड़ा किया जो उसके विश्वास में था। (He refused to truckle to the demands of his boss and stood up for what he believed in.)
  2. राजनेता को धनवान दाताओं के हितों को पालन करने के लिए लोगों की आवश्यकताओं को सेवा करने की बजाय चापलूसी का निशाना बनाया गया। (The politician was criticized for truckling to the interests of wealthy donors rather than serving the needs of the people.)

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