
Trite (Adj.)

Pronunciation: trahyt

Word Meaning:
Trite refers to something that is overused, lacking originality, and consequently, has lost its effectiveness or impact due to excessive repetition.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The speaker’s remarks were trite and uninspired, offering nothing new to the discussion.
  2. The writer avoided using trite clichés in her novel, opting for fresh and original language instead.


  1. Clichéd, banal, stale, hackneyed, commonplace, worn-out
  2. Original, fresh, innovative, novel, unique, inventive


  1. Original, fresh, innovative, novel, unique, inventive
  2. Uncommon, extraordinary, exceptional, groundbreaking, unusual

Word Meaning in Hindi: पुराना (Purana), घिसा-पिटा (Ghisa-Pita), घटिया (Ghatiya)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. वक्ता के टिपणे पुराने और निर्मोहीत थे, चर्चा में कुछ नया नहीं दे रहे थे। (The speaker’s remarks were trite and uninspired, offering nothing new to the discussion.)
  2. लेखिका ने अपनी उपन्यास में पुराने स्ट्रीट को टिपणे से बचाया, बजाय इसके वह ताजगी और अनुप्राणित भाषा का चयन करती थी। (The writer avoided using trite clichés in her novel, opting for fresh and original language instead.)

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