
Trepidation (N)

Pronunciation: trep-i-dey-shuhn

Word Meaning:
Trepidation refers to a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen, often causing hesitation or nervousness.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. She felt a sense of trepidation as she approached the stage to give her speech.
  2. The news of the impending storm filled the villagers with trepidation.


  1. Fear, anxiety, apprehension, nervousness, worry, unease
  2. Dread, fright, panic, alarm, consternation


  1. Confidence, calmness, assurance, courage, bravery, composure
  2. Reassurance, serenity, tranquility, peace, security

Word Meaning in Hindi:
भय, चिंता, डर, उत्सुकता (Bhay, Chinta, Dar, Utsukta)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसने अपने भाषण देने के लिए मंच के पास आते समय उसे भय का एहसास हुआ। (She felt a sense of trepidation as she approached the stage to give her speech.)
  2. आगामी तूफान की खबरों ने गांववालों में भय का अनुभव किया। (The news of the impending storm filled the villagers with trepidation.)

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