
Tremulous (Adj.)

Pronunciation: TREM-yuh-luhs

Word Meaning:
Tremulous describes something that is trembling or shaking slightly, often due to fear, nervousness, or weakness.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Her voice was tremulous as she spoke about her traumatic experience.
  2. The old man’s hand was tremulous as he reached for the glass of water.


  1. Shaky, quivering, trembling, shaky, wobbly, unsteady
  2. Nervous, apprehensive, fearful, anxious, shaky, timorous


  1. Steady, stable, firm, unwavering, composed, calm
  2. Confident, assured, bold, resolute, fearless, steadfast

Word Meaning in Hindi:
कंपनशील (Kampanshil), कंपकंपी (Kampkampi)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसकी आवाज कंपनशील थी जब वह अपने आत्मघाती अनुभव के बारे में बात कर रही थी। (Her voice was tremulous as she spoke about her traumatic experience.)
  2. बूढ़े आदमी का हाथ तबाही में पानी के गिलास को पकड़ते समय कंपनशील था। (The old man’s hand was tremulous as he reached for the glass of water.)

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