
Transitory (Adj.)

Pronunciation: tran-zuh-tawr-ee

Word Meaning:
Transitory describes something that is temporary, brief, or passing, often implying that it will not last for a long time.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Happiness is often transitory, fleeting away as quickly as it comes.
  2. The transitory nature of youth reminds us to cherish every moment.


  1. Temporary, fleeting, momentary, ephemeral, passing
  2. Short-lived, transient, evanescent, impermanent, fugitive


  1. Permanent, enduring, lasting, eternal, perpetual
  2. Persistent, continuous, ongoing, constant, everlasting

Word Meaning in Hindi:
अस्थायी (Asthaayi), क्षणिक (Kshanik), सांविक (Saavnik)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. खुशी अक्सर अस्थायी होती है, जैसा जल्दी से आती है, वैसे ही फिर चली जाती है। (Happiness is often transitory, fleeting away as quickly as it comes.)
  2. युवा का अस्थायी स्वरूप हमें हर क्षण का मूल्य मानने के लिए प्रेरित करता है। (The transitory nature of youth reminds us to cherish every moment.)

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