
Transient (Adj.)

Pronunciation: tran-zee-uhnt

Word Meaning:
Transient describes something that is temporary, passing, or not lasting for a long time. It can also refer to a person who stays in a place for only a short time.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The transient beauty of the sunset fades quickly as night falls.
  2. Many homeless shelters provide beds for transient individuals seeking temporary shelter.


  1. Temporary, fleeting, short-lived, momentary, ephemeral
  2. Passing, brief, evanescent, impermanent, transitory


  1. Permanent, enduring, lasting, eternal, perpetual
  2. Resident, settled, permanent, stable

Word Meaning in Hindi:
अस्थायी (Asthaayi), क्षणिक (Kshanik), सांविक (Saavnik)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. सूर्यास्त की अस्थायी सुंदरता जल्दी से गुजरती है जैसे ही रात आती है। (The transient beauty of the sunset fades quickly as night falls.)
  2. कई बेघर शरणार्थियों को अस्थायी आवास की तलाश में होते हुए गुजारा करने के लिए बिस्तर प्रदान किए जाते हैं। (Many homeless shelters provide beds for transient individuals seeking temporary shelter.)

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