
Tepid (Adj.)

Pronunciation: /ˈtɛpɪd/

Word Meaning: Tepid refers to something that is only slightly warm; lacking in enthusiasm, passion, or energy.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The tea had grown tepid by the time she remembered to drink it.
  2. The tepid response to the proposal indicated a lack of enthusiasm among the team members.


  1. Lukewarm, mild, unenthusiastic, indifferent, lackluster
  2. Half-hearted, apathetic, subdued, cool, indifferent


  1. Hot, warm, enthusiastic, fervent, passionate
  2. Eager, zealous, ardent, fervid, enthusiastic

Word Meaning in Hindi: उत्साहहीन (Utsaahheen), शीत (Sheet)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. चाय का पानी गरम होने के बाद ठंडा हो गया था जब उसने याद किया पीने का। (The tea had grown tepid by the time she remembered to drink it.)
  2. प्रस्ताव को लेकर मिली ठंडी प्रतिक्रिया ने टीम के सदस्यों में उत्साह की कमी का संकेत दिया। (The tepid response to the proposal indicated a lack of enthusiasm among the team members.)

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