
Tenuous (Adj.)

Pronunciation: /ˈtɛnjʊəs/

Word Meaning: Tenuous refers to something that is very weak, thin, or insubstantial; lacking solidity or strength.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The tenuous thread barely held the weight of the hanging picture.
  2. Their relationship was tenuous, built on fragile trust and fleeting moments of connection.


  1. Weak, thin, flimsy, fragile, delicate
  2. Uncertain, doubtful, dubious, shaky, precarious


  1. Strong, solid, sturdy, robust, substantial
  2. Certain, firm, stable, secure, definite

Word Meaning in Hindi: अस्थिर (Asthir), पतला (Patla), कमजोर (Kamjor)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. पतला धागा केवल फँसाया हुआ चित्र का भार लेता था। (The tenuous thread barely held the weight of the hanging picture.)
  2. उनके संबंध अस्थिर थे, कमजोर विश्वास और क्षणिक संवादों के ऊपर निर्मित। (Their relationship was tenuous, built on fragile trust and fleeting moments of connection.)

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