
Tantamount (Adj.)

Pronunciation: /ˈtæntəˌmaʊnt/

Word Meaning: Equivalent in value, significance, effect, or meaning; virtually the same as something else.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Accepting the proposal would be tantamount to admitting defeat.
  2. His actions were tantamount to betrayal.

Synonyms: Equivalent, equal, identical, synonymous, commensurate

Antonyms: Different, unequal, dissimilar, unlike

Word Meaning in Hindi: समान (Samān), समकक्ष (Samakakṣa), सरस्वत (Sarasvat)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार करना पराजय को स्वीकार करने के समान होगा। (Accepting the proposal would be tantamount to admitting defeat.)
  2. उसके कार्य धोका के समान थे। (His actions were tantamount to betrayal.)

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