
Tangible (Adj.)

Pronunciation: /ˈtæn.dʒə.bəl/

Word Meaning:

  1. Perceptible by touch; capable of being touched or felt.
  2. Clear and definite; real or actual rather than imaginary.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The artist created a tangible sculpture that evoked strong emotions in the viewers.
  2. After years of hard work, she finally had tangible evidence of her success.


  1. Touchable, palpable, concrete, perceptible, real, material
  2. Apparent, evident, obvious, manifest, definite


  1. Intangible, abstract, unreal, immaterial, impalpable
  2. Indefinite, vague, unclear, ambiguous, uncertain

Word Meaning in Hindi: स्पर्शनीय (Sparśanīya), वास्तविक (Vāstavik), अच्छूत (Achhūt), महसूस किया जा सकने वाला (Mahasūsa kiyā jā sakane vālā)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. कलाकार ने एक स्पर्शनीय मूर्ति बनाई जो दर्शकों में मजबूत भावनाओं को उत्पन्न करती थी। (The artist created a tangible sculpture that evoked strong emotions in the viewers.)
  2. सालों की मेहनत के बाद, उसे अंततः अपनी सफलता का स्पर्शनीय सबूत मिला। (After years of hard work, she finally had tangible evidence of her success.)

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