
Vacillate (V) Pronunciation: VAS-uh-leyt Word Meaning: Vacillate means to waver or hesitate in making a decision or choice, often due […]

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Vainglorious (Adj.) Pronunciation: vayn-GLAWR-ee-uhs Word Meaning: Vainglorious describes someone who excessively boasts or takes pride in themselves and their achievements,

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Valid (Adj.) Pronunciation: VAL-id Word Meaning: Valid refers to something that is legally or logically sound, acceptable, or in accordance

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Valour (N) Pronunciation: VAL-er Word Meaning: Valour refers to great courage or bravery, especially in the face of danger or

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Vandal (N) Pronunciation: VAN-dl Word Meaning: A vandal is a person who deliberately destroys or damages property, public amenities, or

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Vanish (V) Pronunciation: VAN-ish Word Meaning: To vanish means to disappear suddenly or completely, often without leaving a trace. Uses

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Vanity (N) Pronunciation: VAN-i-tee Word Meaning: Vanity refers to excessive pride in one’s appearance, abilities, achievements, or possessions, often leading

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Vanquished (Adj.) Pronunciation: VAN-kwisht Word Meaning: Vanquished is the past participle form of the verb “vanquish,” which means to defeat

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Variance (N) Pronunciation: VAIR-ee-uhns Word Meaning: Variance refers to a difference or discrepancy between two or more things, often indicating

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Variegated (Adj.) Pronunciation: vair-ee-uh-gey-tid Word Meaning: Variegated describes something that has different colors, marks, or patches, often creating a colorful

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Veer (V) Pronunciation: veer Word Meaning: Veer means to change direction suddenly or to swerve off course from a previous

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Vegetate (V) Pronunciation: VEH-juh-tayt Word Meaning: To vegetate means to lead a life characterized by a lack of physical or

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Vehement (Adj.) Pronunciation: VEE-uh-muhnt Word Meaning: Vehement describes something that is intense, forceful, or passionate in expression, feeling, or conviction.

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Venal (Adj.) Pronunciation: VEE-nuhl Word Meaning: Venal describes something or someone that is susceptible to bribery or corruption, often for

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Vendetta (N) Pronunciation: ven-DET-uh Word Meaning: Vendetta refers to a prolonged and bitter feud or conflict, typically characterized by a

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Veneer (N) Pronunciation: vuh-NEER Word Meaning: Veneer refers to a thin decorative covering layer, often of fine wood or other

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Venerable (Adj.) Pronunciation: VEN-uh-ruh-buhl Word Meaning: Venerable is used to describe someone or something that commands respect and admiration because

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Venerate (V) Pronunciation: VEN-uh-reyt Word Meaning: Venerate means to regard with great respect, reverence, or admiration, especially in a religious

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Vengeance (N) Pronunciation: VEN-juhns Word Meaning: Vengeance refers to the act of retaliating or seeking revenge for a perceived wrongdoing,

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Venial (Adj.) Pronunciation: VEE-nee-uhl Word Meaning: Venial describes a fault or offense that is considered minor or forgivable, especially in

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Venom (N) Pronunciation: VEH-nuhm Word Meaning: Venom refers to a poisonous substance secreted by animals such as snakes, spiders, or

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Vent (V) Pronunciation: vent Word Meaning: Vent as a verb means to express one’s feelings or opinions freely or angrily,

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Ventilate (V) Pronunciation: VEN-tuh-leyt Word Meaning: Ventilate means to provide a means of fresh air circulation, often by opening windows

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Veracity (N) Pronunciation: vuh-RAS-i-tee Word Meaning: Veracity refers to the truthfulness or accuracy of something, especially in regards to statements,

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Verbatim (Adj.) Pronunciation: ver-BAY-tim Word Meaning: Verbatim means word for word, exactly as spoken or written, without any alteration or

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Verbose (Adj.) Pronunciation: ver-BOSE Word Meaning: Verbose refers to the excessive use of words, often with unnecessary detail or length,

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Verge (N) Pronunciation: vurj Word Meaning: Uses in Sentence: Synonyms: Antonyms: Word Meaning in Hindi: किनारा / सीमा Word uses

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Verily (Adv.) Pronunciation: VER-uh-lee Word Meaning: Verily is an archaic or poetic term used to emphasize the truth or certainty

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Versed (Adj.) Pronunciation: vurst Word Meaning: Versed means to be experienced or skilled in a particular field or activity, knowledgeable

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Veteran (N) Pronunciation: VET-uh-ran Word Meaning: A veteran is a person who has a lot of experience in a particular

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Vex (V) Pronunciation: veks Word Meaning: To vex means to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry to someone, typically in a

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Vice (N) Pronunciation: vais Word Meaning: Vice refers to immoral or wicked behavior, habits, or practices, especially those considered to

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Vicious (Adj.) Pronunciation: VI-shuhs Word Meaning: Vicious describes something that is cruel, brutal, or violent in nature. It can also

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Vicissitude (N) Pronunciation: vi-SIS-i-tood Word Meaning: Vicissitude refers to a change or variation occurring in the course of something, often

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Vie (V) Pronunciation: vahy Word Meaning: To vie means to compete eagerly with someone in order to achieve or do

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Vigilant (Adj.) Pronunciation: VIJ-uh-luhnt Word Meaning: Vigilant describes someone who is watchful, alert, and attentive, especially to potential danger or

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Vindicate (V) Pronunciation: VIN-di-keyt Word Meaning: Vindicate means to clear someone of blame or suspicion, to justify or prove someone’s

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Virtuoso (N) Pronunciation: vər-choo-OH-soh Word Meaning: A virtuoso is a person who has exceptional skill, talent, or expertise, particularly in

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Virulent (Adj.) Pronunciation: VEER-yuh-luhnt Word Meaning: Virulent describes something that is extremely poisonous, harmful, or infectious, often referring to diseases,

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Vital (Adj.) Pronunciation: vy-tl Word Meaning: Vital refers to something that is essential, crucial, or necessary for life, health, or

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Vivid (Adj.) Pronunciation: vivid Word Meaning: Vivid means clear, detailed, and intense, often describing something that is bright, colorful, or

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Vivisect (V) Pronunciation: vih-vuh-sekt Word Meaning: Vivisect means to perform surgery or conduct experiments on a living animal for scientific

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Vixen (N) Pronunciation: vik-suhn Word Meaning: Vixen refers to a female fox, especially one considered to be cunning or malicious.

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Vogue (N) Pronunciation: vohg Word Meaning: Vogue refers to the prevailing fashion or trend, especially in clothing, style, or behavior,

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Voluptuous (Adj.) Pronunciation: vuh-luhp-choo-uhs Word Meaning: Voluptuous describes someone or something that is characterized by luxury, sensual pleasure, or fullness

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Voracious (Adj.) Pronunciation: vuh-rey-shuhs Word Meaning: Voracious describes someone or something that has an insatiable appetite or a strong desire

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